Recent Posts
Posted by Joel Marion on June 11, 2012
At random, Dan and I are going to GIVE AWAY 16-weeks of personal TWO-on-1 coaching to someone who leaves a comment below on this blog post. All you need to do is read below and reply with your 16-week goal to be eligible.
This is WAY over $2000 value and you’re going to get your own personal nutrition coach AND your own trainer and life coach…100% FREE if you win.

Read below and respond in the comment section.
Just this morning me and my good friend Josh were discussing the different types of nutrition strategies we’ve been using along with our current goals, which got me a bit curious about what it is that YOU’RE currently doing.
Are you looking to gain muscle, lose fat, both?
What are your specific goals for the next 16 weeks? How many pounds do you want to lose (or gain) in that time?
I like 16-week goals because it’s the perfect time frame to really make DRASTIC changes to your body and the way you look—aim high, and let me know your 16 week goal in the comments section below.
Then, print off this post (along with your response), and I want you to use it as a source of accountability. Here at Body Transformation Insider, we’re not just about setting goals, we’re ALL about achieving them. Or as my buddy Dan Long says, “We don’t hit goals, we SHATTER goals!”
Many of you are going to achieve some awesome things in the next 16 weeks—start today by posting your goal below.
(and if you can’t even *post* your goal, you might as well forget about achieving it…now is the time to step up and make it happen—together, as a community)
Talk to you in the comments section!
P.S. Get your 16-week goal in writing! Believe me, responding below is going to be HUGE for your accountability (and ultimately, your success).
Posted by Joel Marion on April 26, 2012

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
Posted by Joel Marion on November 3, 2011

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
Joel & Craig
NOTE: This contest is now closed.
Posted by Joel Marion on October 5, 2011
The other day I shared with you the one nutrient NEVER to combine with carbohydrates, and today I’m back with part II of this mini series to inform you of the one nutrient you should ALWAYS consume anytime you plan to enjoy some carb action.
But first, a quick recap of the previous article:
In the last article it was suggested that you never consume large amounts of fat and carbs together. Now, there are numerous reasons why the combo isn’t desirable, but the main issue is the insulin secreted from the carb intake and the “storage” environment it creates in the blood. Insulin (storage hormone) + fatty acids = more fat storage.
The presense of insulin also cause several fatty acid transporters to relocate to the cell membrane to make for easier fat storage.
Sure, fat can store itself without insulin, but adding insulin makes the fat storage proces easier. Needless to say, if you’re looking to lose fat, making it easier for your body to store fat is probably the last thing you want.
Moving on to the one nutrient you should ALWAYS eat with carbs: Protein, and again for several reasons.
Consuming a large portion of carbs generally results in loads of blood sugar being dumped in to the blood stream and a large insulin response. When you consume protein with carbs, however, digestion is slowed, blood sugar release is more stable, and the hormone glucagon is secreted to antagonize and control insulin.
Basically, carbs + protein is a much better, controlled situation than eating carbs alone.
Take home message: Never eat carbs alone.
Want to learn 3 other specific fat-burning tips that you can start using today? Check out the below link:
Enjoy the above tips!
Posted by Joel Marion on September 29, 2011
Have you ever heard that you should avoid carbohydrates if you’re trying to lose fat?
Well, that’s a bunch of crap. :)
Sure, there’s a time and a place to go low-carb, but there’s nothing “bad” about carbs so long as their the unprocessed, fibrous variety.
That said, there is one little rule that you should always employ when consuming your favorite carb, and that’s this: never combine fat with carbs. In other words, limit your fat intake whenever you’re eating carbs.
Why? When you consume fat, fatty acids are released into the blood stream. When you consume carbohdrates, the storage hormone insulin is released in to the blood stream. Fatty acids + insulin = fat storage.
On top of that, insulin also causes certain fatty acid “transporters” to activate within the body’s fat cells, making fat storage even easier. Essentially, the “deadly combination” that it’s always best to avoid is having high levels of fatty acids and high levels of the storage hormone insulin (caused by carbohydrate consumption) in the blood stream simultaneously. How can you avoid this? Avoid eating fat with carbs, and vice versa.
Here’s a good rule of thumb:
If you are eating fat, limit your carbohydrate intake to less than 10 grams in that meal.
If you are eating carbs, limit your fat intake to less than 10 grams in that meal.
Simply by avoiding carbs and fat in the same meal (without even having to change the amount of food and/or calories you’re eating), you’ll create a more optimized fat-burning hormonal environment in your body and you’ll begin seeing faster results.
Want to learn to some other “food” tricks to help you burn up to 10% of your body fat in the next 10 days? My good friend Isabel shows you here:
==> Burn 10% of your unwanted body fat in the next 10 days
Keep rockin’,
Posted by Joel Marion on September 15, 2011
I write this blog to you from the passenger seat of my car, as my wonderful wife drives and my little booger sleeps in the back seat.
We’ll be on the road for the next 4 hours, and then “out of town” for the next 2 weeks…bringing us to the topic of today’s post: eating on the road.
And I’ll be completely honest here—eating healthy while traveling can be a real challenge at times.
Just think back to the last time you had a business trip or were required to be away from home for a few days-what did your diet look like?
If you’re like most, the term “healthy” isn’t anywhere in sight.
Fortunately, though, eating healthy while on the road doesn’t have to be an impossible task, and with a little foresight, it can actually become quite painless.
Click here to continue reading
Posted by Joel Marion on September 14, 2011
I have some sad news today.
Well, it’s not really news, because you probably already know this: Less than 5% of people who go on a diet actually succeed at losing weight (and keeping it off).
*Moment of silence.*What a sad, yet very true statistic.
Fortunately, it’s not really all that complicated when you know “what’s up” (as the kids say). You see, out of all the reasons people fail to see results from dieting, I’ve enumerate what I feel are the 3 BIGGEST culprits below…and if you STOP doing these 3 things, you’ll be well on your way to losing a ton of weight…for good.
The 3 Worst Things to NEVER Do While Dieting
1. Heavily restrict your calorie intake. Sure, it may make logical sense that if you only eat a cup of salad a day, you’ll be losing fat like gangbusters. Unfortunately, it don’t quite work like dat. The truth is, your body hates heavy calorie restriction and crash diets…they almost instantly send your body in to “starvation mode”, decreasing metabolism and causing your body to hold on to your fat stores as a starvation protection mechanism.
Moderate, not severe, calorie restriction is the way to go for consistent, week-to-week fat loss…but even that can become problematic. Bringing us to our next worst thing to NEVER do while dieting:
2. Restrict calories for more than 1 week. No matter how moderate your calorie restriction, it won’t take the body long to figure out that you’re eating fewer calories than it’s used to getting on a daily basis. The result? Slowed fat loss and the dreaded fat loss plateau. Not only do fat loss plateaus suck from a results standpoint, but they’re incredibly disheartening psychologically and cause many people to give up on diets from the lack of progress. I mean, who wants to sacrifice for no reward? Not me.
Research has shown that it takes just under a week for important fat burning hormones to drop off due to calorie restriction, so it’s best that calorie restriction be limited to 1 week at a time. So what do you do to “reset” your metabolism after a week of dieting? Well, that brings us to our next worst thing to NEVER do while dieting:
3. Deprive yourself of your favorite foods. Do you like ice cream? Yeah, me too. How about pizza? Love it. Shame that these delectable favorites aren’t on the “approved” foods list of very many “diets”, and that brings up several problems:
A) You’re GOING to cheat. Yes, even you with the supersonic will power. And when you do, you’re going to feel guilty and defeated…but you don’t have to, and you shouldn’t feel that way (more on that later).
B) Depriving yourself of your favorite foods for weeks at a time will actually detract from your results due to the reasons shared in #2.
Bottom line, your favorite foods should be strategically implemented in to your fat loss program at least once a week. And that brings me to a little announcement:
How to Solve ALL 3 of the Above Problems
Forgive me if you already know this, as more than 100,000 people are already users of my Cheat Your Way Thin program worldwide, but my Cheat Your Way Thin system was specifically developed to overcome these 3 major diet pitfalls…and that’s essentially why it has such a high success rate.
1. You’re NEVER heavily restricting calories
2. You’re NEVER restricting calories (even moderately) for more than 1 week at a time
3. You’re NEVER depriving yourself of your favorite foods for more than a few days at a time
1. You avoid fat loss pleateaus and instead enjoy consistent week to week fat loss
2. You don’t feel guilty when you cheat; instead you enjoy every minute because you know you’re setting yourself up to lose weight faster the following week.
3. You protect your metabolism as you lose weight so your lost weight stays lost (no rebound weight gain)
Yes, you’ll get to eat pizza and ice cream…and plenty of it. You’ll never be hungry, and you won’t have to shun your cravings for weeks and months at a time. And oh yeah, you get fast, consistent results.
And better yet, I’ve decided to slash the price by 50% for the rest of today with a half off special offer page:
==> Get Cheat Your Way Thin at 1/2 OFF
Remember, NEVER do the above 3 things if you wish to enjoy consistent fat loss results. Instead, follow a program that automatically avoids these 3 diet pitfalls like my Cheat Your Way Thin program. And hey, enjoy 50% off while you’re at it for the rest of the day:
==> Get Cheat Your Way Thin at 1/2 OFF
Keep rockin’,
Posted by Joel Marion on August 20, 2011
Today was awesome as it mostly consisted of relaxing and eating, which necessitated a few trips to the grocery store in between.
And while at the store, I couldn’t help but notice how just about every “snack food” (you know, pretzels, cookies, crackers, chips, popcorn, etc) now comes in a “100-calorie” snack pack.
And yes, I understand the premise — a well-intentioned attempt at portion and calorie control by limiting serving sizes to a measly 100 calories a pop.
Unfortunately, 100-calorie snack packs suck, and for a couple reasons:
1. A 100 calorie snack isn’t big enough to cause satiety and a sense of satisfaction. In other words, you’re still going to be hungry after you eat it, which leads me to my next point.
2. 99% of these 100-calorie snack packs are made up of foods that possess no nutritional value and do nothing but awaken cravings for more unhealthy, processed foods. In other words, they’re complete crap.
So, not only are you still hungry – you’re hungry and you want more junk.
That’s a recipe for completely blowing your diet if I ever saw one, and we have those pesky little snack packs to blame.
That said, there’s nothing wrong with snacking…in fact, I encourage it. Between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner you SHOULD be snacking…but it needs to be with the right foods.
One of my favorite between-meal snacks is Prograde’s Organic Cravers.
#1 – They are hands down the best tasting nutrition bar on the planet made with real, organic dark chocolate. Don’t believe me? Just try them and you’ll immediately be a believer.
#2 – They contain an ample amount of healthy fats which helps to curb appetite and control cravings.
#3 – They’re convenient and ultra portable – just unwrap and enjoy.
#4 – Did I mention they are the BEST tasting nutrition bar on the planet? Yes, they taste like something you shouldn’t be eating, but they’re 100% healthy, organic, and nutritious.
So, in celebration of the Craver I’m about to eat, I asked my good friend Jayson Hunter over at Prograde to let you try the best tasting nutrition bar in the world at a discount…and for the next couple days you can!
Just use the coupon code cravers15 at checkout and you’ll score 15% off.
The BEST tasting nutrition bar on the planet <——- Prograde Cravers
Jayson will leave the coupon code active for the next day or two, so if you want to see for yourself how good these things taste while adding a cheap, convenient and healthy snack to your daily diet, go grab your Cravers at a discount here:
The BEST tasting nutrition bar on the planet <——- use code cravers15 at checkout
Enjoy the convenience, enjoy the savings, and enjoy the delicious-ness to come!
Keep rockin’,
These really are the BEST tasting bars you’ll ever eat:
==> Get 15% off with code cravers15
Posted by Joel Marion on July 28, 2011
In the last update, I presented some serious “wow-factor” research PROVING that both interval training and metabolic resistance training are far superior to aerobic exercise for fat loss. And today, as promised, I’m back with a sample interval training routine that is sure to have you burning body fat like nobody’s business.
A quick recap:
Interval training can be defined as the repeated alternating between higher intensity period of really “hard” work, and lower intensity periods of active recovery (i.e. walking).
Its benefits over traditional cardio include:
- Greater total calories burned (due to the “afterburn” effect)
- Greater fat loss (up to NINE times greater)
- Greater improvements in both aerobic and anaerobic fitness
On to the routine:
Click here to continue reading
Posted by Joel Marion on July 26, 2011
In the last update I talked to you about the massive shortcomings of “slow-go” aerobic exercise for fat loss and began to briefly touch on the benefits of something much more effective – short duration, high intensity exercise.
Simply put, if you are looking for the fastest fat loss results, high intensity exercise is a MUST.
Short duration, high intensity exercise comes in two major forms: metabolic resistance training and interval training. Today, I want to take a DEEP look into the benefits of each.
First up, metabolic resistance training:
As mentioned in my previous post, metabolic resistance training is simply “cardio with weights”, and when speaking of the most effective form of exercise for the fastest possible fat loss, this is it.
Click here to continue reading