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What Are YOUR Goals?

Posted by Joel Marion

At random, Dan and I are going to GIVE AWAY 16-weeks of personal TWO-on-1 coaching to someone who leaves a comment below on this blog post.  All you need to do is read below and reply with your 16-week goal to be eligible.

This is WAY over $2000 value and you’re going to get your own personal nutrition coach AND your own trainer and life coach…100% FREE if you win.

Read below and respond in the comment section.

Just this morning me and my good friend Josh were discussing the different types of nutrition strategies we’ve been using along with our current goals, which got me a bit curious about what it is that YOU’RE currently doing.

Are you looking to gain muscle, lose fat, both?

What are your specific goals for the next 16 weeks? How many pounds do you want to lose (or gain) in that time?

I like 16-week goals because it’s the perfect time frame to really make DRASTIC changes to your body and the way you look—aim high, and let me know your 16 week goal in the comments section below.

Then, print off this post (along with your response), and I want you to use it as a source of accountability. Here at Body Transformation Insider, we’re not just about setting goals, we’re ALL about achieving them.  Or as my buddy Dan Long says, “We don’t hit goals, we SHATTER goals!”

Many of you are going to achieve some awesome things in the next 16 weeks—start today by posting your goal below.

(and if you can’t even *post* your goal, you might as well forget about achieving it…now is the time to step up and make it happen—together, as a community)

Talk to you in the comments section!


P.S. Get your 16-week goal in writing! Believe me, responding below is going to be HUGE for your accountability (and ultimately, your success).


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2 years ago I competed in a “figure” competition for the first time in my life and placed 6th. I felt so good and loved it. Since then I have had some medical issues, gone on some strong medication and gained 25 pounds. I’d really like to get my energy and self confidence back. I’m 43, 5’6″, 150 lbs. I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 15, actually an eating disorder that has created some very serious health issues. The gym has always been a positive in my life, but when there is no energy to work out it makes it hard to get through a workout on top of working full time. I’d really like to find myself again!.

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In 16 weeks, I will be turning 53. I am in reasonable shape and in good health, but do not possess my dream body. I have been bouncing around for years trying different programs looking to obtain that “fitness model” look. I have recently dropped 23lbs in the past 2 months but my workouts in the gym have suffered, so muscle mass has also declined. I can’t seem to find that perfect balance for me doing this on my own. My goals in 16 weeks…..”I will be in single digit fat and I will be sporting an 8 pack and I will have greatly definied muscles for my beach vacation.”

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I am a physician and my aim is to maintain a healhy body. I am 56 years old, 176cm tall and I weigh 78kg. I excercise routinely twice a week for one hour and try to eat a balanced diet. Everytime I try to lose the final layer of belly fat that has developed during the years- I succeed – but on the expense of looking too skinny and losing muscle mass.
If you would select me as one of your participants in your coaching program, my goal, and my challenge to your program would be to maintain more or less the same weight but to lose my belly fat and gain more muscle mass, (not expecting to look like a bodybuilder) as well as to acheive an improved cardio -respiratory endurance and to be able to run 10 km and stay up on my 2 feet. Do you think you could help me acheive that?

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Hi there, I’m just about to turn 60, I weigh 234lbs, at only 5’8” I have a lot to loose. I would like to drop about 20 in the next 16 weeks.
I have some joint issues which hampers some of my exercises and I tend to use it as an excuse not to work out. I also enjoy eating far too much.

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My goal for the next 16 weeks is to get on a regular fitness program, now that I’ve managed to get the nutrition under control. I would like to form a new habit, that will include portion control and good meal plans and also exercise on a regular basis. Right now it is too easy for me to find excuses not to go out for a walk or to train.
Overall my goal is also to lose weight but good healthy habits are more important to me in the long run.

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Good day coaches,

I am 42 year old, and I my goal is to keep the weight I have now, BUT I need to exchange the fat that stored around my billy with muscles which I have lost from my shoulders, chest, legs and arms.

I will be so happy to do this in the next 16 weeks.

Thanks and hope to hear back form you


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I am 56 years old, fairly fit …. I workout with weights 5 times a week and run 3 times for 30 minutes. However I have hypothyroidism and take Thyroxine and I don’t know if I have a slow metabolism because of this. I am 5’8 and weigh 170 and want to weigh 150lb but despite eating really healthily lots of fruit and veg I never seem to lose any weight. I would love to have professional advice to assist me.

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I have recently had some surgeries, and am limited in what I can do. I have done nothing but sit around, eat, and sleep because of my meds. My goal is to be able to get a better eating habit and do some type of exercises that I can hande to help me to achieve a 20 (at least, preferably 35-40) lb weight loss. I am going to see if I can tolerate walking up and down the street to begin with.

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I’m 60 years old and carrying about 50-60 extra pounds I want to loose. I have herniated and bulging discs (lumbar) from a fall and aging, a torn shoulder (which can’t be repaired) and neuropathy in my feet so bad balance. I am also a breast cancer survivor and was on an estrogen blocker for 5 years (stopped taking meds March 2013). I am not allowed to do anything to balance the hormones because of the cancer. Because of the this drug I now have osteoporosis, yeah it did it’s job. I have not been able to work since the fall (2009) as I can’t stand or sit for very long. I don’t take pain meds, have reactions to just about all of them, so rely on acupuncture to get through the day. In 16 weeks I want to loose at least 15 – 20 lbs of this accumulated fat. I think my back may feel better and I’ll be able to do the simple things again.

I want to get back to being healthy and to a life I once had.


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My goal is to lose 25 more pounds, increase my cardio capacity enough to participate in the Tough Mudder competition and achieve 8% body fat. I have improved over the past year but need an accountability system set in place to stay on track. 4 years ago I had a career ending hand injury wherein I lost a finger and maimed two others. I have overcome a lot of things and this will be the next phase to complete recovery!!!!

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I am 62 years old and in great shape-
I workout 5 times a week doing metabolic resistance
training and workout finishers and have no health
issues. My nutrition is good but not great-
I need more accountability to lose the last
10 pounds- I’m 5’0″ and weigh 118- would love
to have a really sculpted body for all my hard work-
apparently not hard enough! Want to show other
boomers that it’s never too late to get into great shape.

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I am just turning 48 (what?!?) and I would love to improve my healh and exercise routine. As a working mom it is hard to find time for my own needs and interests. Over 16 weeks I would like to lose 15 lbs and build my strength and muscle tone. Sixteen weeks is a reasonable amount of time to establish a healthy routine and really internalize good habits and routines.

Having mentors like you would provide a great learning opportunity and motivation to achieve my goals.

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Hey Coaches!

What a great idea to have thousands of people post their personal goals for health and nutrition! If nothing else – hopefully a whole BUNCH of people are making it happen because they now have their goals out there…

I’m 38 years old, 5′ 10″, 205 lbs. I’m a business owner, busy dad and husband (3 little ones), and musician. Since a heart surgery 2.5 years ago and a crazy life as an entrepreneur and musician, I’ve gained about 20 lbs. My goal in the next 16 weeks is to lose 20 lbs and get back to my pre-surgery weight. I want to increase my overall health and stamina to serve my professional endeavors more and to increase my life expectancy for my wife and children.


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Hello, I have always been fit, dancer, skier, sailor, etc. Raised three children with a wonderful husband. Children also fit. I am now 72 years old and just had a complete knee replacement. Been to PT now for three months and have reached a plateau – PT folks want me to work more on my own. So I have purchased a membership at our local indoor pool to workout, have a gym membership where I also workout with my PT exercises, walk as much as I can according to the specific directions from PT and also have a series of exercises to do at home. This is the most difficult schedule I have ever had. Pain is tiring also.

I weigh 133 pounds but should be 115 pounds. As much as it seems to appear that I am exercising a lot, the pounds will not disappear. Have been 110 pounds almost my entire life.

This surgery has thrown me for a loop. Having a problem straitening my knee fully in a stand up position and also only have 122 degrees moving my leg backwards. I have never been on any medications and want desperately to continue with good health to the end of my days. Everyone who knows me always comments on my energy level, although is seems lately to be a struggle.

Anyway, this is where I am presently and I will and must improve as I go forward. Total improvement is my goal.

Thanks for reading.


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Good Morning.Coaches.
I have been living in the world of what’s possible for me in relationship to my body for the last couple years. I have used your information to really gain a foundational understanding on how one can cause transformation in their mind/body/spirit relationship.
I am 48 years old, blessed with excellent genetics, 6ft tall weighing currently 240 lbs. my body fat ratio is high, perhaps 30%. I am completely prepared and committed to take on my physical transformation and believe I can be an amazing example to others.
This is the next frontier, hope you guyz can help in my transformation

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I am a 44 year old woman who has maintained a curvy figure but it is very difficult to eradicate the cellulite. Aging has made a significant difference in my body shape and I still exercise regularly. I would like to tone up and drop approximately 10 pounds. This is a goal I have had for years and have not been able to achieve with diet and exercise. Professional guidance would be a dream come true. I’m a teacher and have the summer off so this would be perfect!!!

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I am 62 years old and in great shape- I do metabolic resistance training and
workout finishers 4-5 times a week. I have no health issues. My nutrition is good but not great- and that is where I need some motivation and accountability.
I want to show other boomers that getting older does not mean getting fatter-
and that anything is possible. I’m ready for whatever I need to do.

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My goal is to be at a healthy bmi. I would also like to safely train to add lean mass. I am a nurse and I am dependent on a strong back and Coe. Lately I feel some soreness to my back after a hard 12 hour shift. I am sure it is loss of strength and my core not being as strong as it should be. At 52 I must stay strong and healthy to keep doing the job I love which is working at a hospital at the bedside. My exercise program got stale and my diet could use some fine tuning.

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My goal is to get my waist back to 34 and lose 20lbs so I can feel better look better and be able to do the things I want without having to use iceyhot on my back all the time.

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I am a physician and just had my 4th child at age 42. I am an overachiever for sure, in every area except fitness. I have never been able to reach my ultimate health and fitness goals. I came close a few years ago when I tried working with a trainer but then pregnancy happened. I need a plan to get in shape, and finally reach “the best shape of my life.” I want to be able to play soccer with my kids until I am 60 (or more) and I want to live a long life to see all the grandchildren! I want to be the example that my kids can refer to when they say that something is impossible or too hard to accomplish. Losing 50 to 60 pounds and entering a fitness competition would be great, but in the process I want to learn how to live a healthy and active life.

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I am 41 years old. My goal is to look extremely ripped and fit in the next 16 weeks. I’m a real challenge for any trainer or coach or fitness profesional.
I will tell you why:
One year before my wheight was 113.8 kg (I’m from EU) and since January 2012 I started to do 4 workouts every weeek (with 2 or 3 weeks holydays) whit a Romanian trainer that is very good.
In in first of May 2012 my weight was 96 kg. during the summer I had some gaps in my training sessions and because of holdays and vacation I put back till 102. After that whith ambition from September to frist of November I arrived at 92 kg, In a verry good shape and starting to look very good (was what all my friends and my wife told me). The plan was to achieve 90 kg and after that to build muscle till 95kg. I didn’t listen to my trainer and I tried to loss the last two killo in 2 weeks. I eat near 1200 kcal/day – 1500kcal /day and trained 2 or 3 times per day. I became very tired and one day after training I had a low blod sugar episode that triggered a panic attac.
In that context I started to have some financial problems.
In brief
After that period I started to have a shoulder pain that become bigger and bigger till december combined with sensation of depletion after every workout and a lot of panic atacks. I did all blood testes and all was fine even hormonal I was fine less a little bit TSH to big 4.39 that mean a hypotyroidism, but it disapeared when I started to eat normally.
After that I saw a phycoterapist that treat me about panic attacks.
Now I have back 101 kg and only 5 days since I was able to finish my cardio without a panic attack.
If you think that I meat your expectation I will be honored to have you like trainers. I have a powerful will and I am very disciplined.

Best Regards

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My name is Brian and I’m currently 5’6 and I’m 21 years old and standing at 170lbs. I’m currently 18% of fat despite my appearance and my goals in 16 weeks is not only to lose more fat% but implement techniques that would guarantee reaching my goal of 1 digit percentage of fat. Yet all at the same time consisting of having a very moderately high lean body muscle mass without losing strength. Not too ago i injured my left rotator cuff and haven’t been unable to be a gym rat, one of the best destressing factors I’ve learned, and would wish to learn wha workouts will create an effective matabolic effect only using lower body. Not only this but I believe that such a 16 week course would better aide me in understanding the essential reading materials and emails I receive from you on a moderately daily basis. Why? Why do I fabricate such words? First and foremost once the 16 week of coaching comes to an unfortunate end I want to be able to walk away knowing that I could aide family and friends in their goals. Knowing that I could aide the masses in this state to achieve their goal; it is not trivia knowing that the USA has the highest rate of obesity. I’ve always liked being healthy and that is one of my goals learn from the top fat lost and health gurus so I too, one day after I reiceive bachelors in health and sports science could aide those who help themselves. This goes without saying, “Follow the master. Learn from the master. Become the master.”

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I’m about to turn 65 and want to lose the last 20 pounds which have been stubbornly hanging around for months.

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In answer to your questions Joal and Dan,
– I would like to gain MUSCLE and loose body FAT
– I would like to go from 129lb to 115lb
I have already lost approximately 34lb and would just like the help to go that extra mile and be one Lean & Strong woman with a healthy BMI and Body Fat %.
I just need the right coaching from you two gentleman being in my corner.
I’m 5′ 2″, pear shapeed and will work my guts out to achieve my final goal. 115lb here I come with your help over the next 16 weeks.
I have MS and I do what ever I can to stay fit and healthy, I ride horses compeditively and I don’t let my smal problem deter me in my endevours to become strong.
Kind regards :-)

I look forward to working with you

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I’m 52 years old. In the last 3 years I’ve lost 137 lbs through diet and exercise. I still have 40 to go. I’ve stalled my weight loss for lots of reasons – fear of success? I’m ready to finish the job and achieve the body and health I’m meant to have. I deserve it. In 16 weeks I want to shred 30 lbs and fly to the finish line. Let’s go!

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