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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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Hi, I’m 35 years old and the proud mother of a three year old and a five year old. I’ve always struggled with my weight and have gone through all the new, old and strange diets available on the market. I lost and gained and went into the yo yo stage. About two months ago, my oldest was diagnosed diabetes type 1. My whole life changed. I need to be in shape and to eat better than ever because my son needs me to set an example for him. I’m motivated and want to change the way I look and feel. Also, I need to keep up with my kids. HELP!!!!

Joel, i have been trying to find the answer for forty years. I am 57 and have been fighting weight for most of my life. Most of what I have learned about dieting in that period of time has been a regurgitationof the same old tried and failed methods of dieting. I believe you may have found the true solution, by creating dietary confusion , coupled with exercise that keeps the body from working against you. I have lost over 100 plus only to slowly regain it. over my live time I have dieted off 40 plus pounds numerous times. No one has ever suggested the things you have suggested in your pre release info. Truly I am not looking for a diet, but real hard facts that help me .establish a lifestyle that allows me to maintain my health and fitness over the long haul. you have gotten me excited about making a permanent change with methods that can help me achieve my goal. Thanks alot, Darrell

I am 57 years old woman with a lot of fat to burn (about 30 pounds). In my young years I had some good diets that worked well. But with time, they become inefficient and now I am drowning in fat, that is not willing to go.
The worst think about it is that i dislike myself and as a consequence I have difficulty to like anyone.
I bouncing on trampoline every morning and walk an hour every day, i swim twice a week. I need a boost to become optimistic again.

I have tried many diets over the years and while they worked it was never a permanent solution. After a couple of really rough years emotionally I have piled on 20lbs of extra weight I had lost previously and it has really knocked my confidence. I am fed up with yo yo dieting and your program just seems to make alot of sense to me. I wish to change my life and losing the fat would give me the confidence to begin creating the life I dream of for myself. Your program would be the help and guidance I need to realise my goals. No more ‘weighting’ around for things to change, no more feeling tired and fed up not fitting into my clothes, choosing this program means choosing a new and brighter future for me. It would change my life and I thank you for creating a program that will have such an impact on the health (physical, mental and spiritual) of people around the world.

Tried to enter twice….
It kept telling me I was entering “too fast”. What’s up with that?

I’m sure this program will work. I’m impressed with the physiological explanation that was touched on during the 6 updates. It just makes sense.

Upon starting my journey, the doctor’s told me I had “low thyroid”, and that I would most likely be on medication from now on. I don’t buy it! I was 70-80 lbs. over weight, but still very strong. All of my blood work was borderline, and he diagnosed me as being “pre-diabetic”, which made all the alarms go off in my head!
Even though I’ve dropped some weight already, I’m still about 32+% body fat. My goal is to prove the doctor wrong. Meaning I DO NOT want to become a diabetic, and I want to prove that my thyroid will balance and reset. Provided I can get the rest of this weight off and back to a normal % body fat. I believe this type of rotation diet can easily be adopted to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
I’d love to give it a try.

I’m 59 years old, been working out/exercising since 40. I’ve subscribed to ALL the fitness gurus over the past few years. Have read all the programs and am thoroughly confused! ha. It’s time that I pick one program and stick with it to see the results I would like. At this point in life, I’m looking to get fit and lean so that I can be active in my “golden”years. I’d like to lose about 20-25 pounds and continue with good fitness program. Hoping your program can help us “oldsters”.

I will make this brief. I have slow growing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, diagnosed too late for effective treatment. Therefore I will terminate sometime in the next 2-3 years – if I do not take matters into my own hands. Although not fully accepted by the Medical profession as a”cure”, I have been advised to lose weight and MOST importantly exercise aggressively. The intent is to oxygenate the blood stream – and keep it in this state. Studies have shown that oxygen kills cancer. The programs I have tried to date have not fully worked. Although I have lost weight, gained some muscle and my blood count is improved, it is obvious I cannot take it to the next, and most important, level. There is too much mis-information out there and I do not have time to waste. I am hoping your program will make the difference and help me achieve my goal.

Hey Joel,

My reasons are simple, and that is I need the right info on how to create the right diet with the right foods. Don’t mean to boe you, but I’m a very busy guy who works all day teaching Phys Ed at a private school in Taiwan, and then I teach English every evening, then come home and help the wife with the our boys, one 5 year old and twins of 2 and a half, plus helping around the house, etc., etc., etc. Even though I get to exercise at work, my diet is suffering, and we’re living in MSG heaven here. I need this to help my family and I eat right, and stay healthy! I need the simplicity of not having to think of how to get our diet right!

Why would I need the Extreme Fat Loss Diet? Well. for the reasons i will share.
You see. I am a young adult. 18 years to be exact. i had a good form of physical fitness when i was a kid. Did gymnastics for years until i nearly broke my back and stopped. problem is, i had to undergo a serious diet program during those years and when i stopped gymnastics, i went ABSOLUTELY MENTAL with food. i loved food but the problem is (if thats what caused it) I gained quite a lot of weight esp being a girl in the most embarassing parts. hips, thighs, tummy. i was put down quite a lot for being too thin. after my eating mania, i was criticised even more for the weight i out on, ‘Oh my God! what on earth happened to you? you used to be so skinny! and so pretty as well. Now..well…’, ‘Oh wow. you are quite big now (hands extended wide indicating me to represent The Hulk) what happened?’ yeah. extreme confident boosters i know. i ended up hating my body so much that i cried every night. nearly got into eating disorders. have subjected into starvation at one point. drove my body haywire with strenuous exercises. and just felt unworthy of anyone’s attention. im not as big anymore after tryin out so many things but i just can never go back to my usual weight that suited me ideally when i was a gymnast. i just end up gaining what i lost. i kept putting my trust on methods that constantly failed. i almost gave up hope. until i found this program and that fickle of light of hope in me is still gleaming. If you think I’m worthy to win this effective program, I would be the happiest person alive. Seriously. Thanks so much for bringing out that hope that nearly died in me. At least now i can hope for the time being. Take care. Good Luck. and God Bless! :)

I am 44 years old. I have recently gotten back into waterskiing very agressivly, I am near a competitive level. I feel if I can lose these last 17 pounds I can be in competition this July. I have been working out and eating the right foods since October, I have lost nearly 30 pounds and gained lots of muscle. Back in August I joined this ski club with its own privte ski lake, we get lots of great skiing in. I watched many guys ski much better than I was, then I wondered if they could ski like that if they were carrying another 40 pounds with them. This sounds like what I need to be in shape for a great ski season.

I never had much trouble losing my weight until my 4th pregnancy at 33 yrs old. Since then it has been the battle of my life to get back to my size 6. People tell me at a size 12, “Oh, you look GREAT ‘for having 4 kids!'” But I don’t WANT to look great “for having 4 kids”!!! I just want to look GREAT, and for me that is not a size 12! I have lost 35 lbs with Weight Watchers a few years ago while starving myself and being miserable for months and monthS; since then the weight has all completely crept back on. I tried Adkins and South Beach, which worked great at first, but soon your body craves those fruits and vegetables, and a 1-time cheat brought on 2 lbs in ONE DAY. That’s enough to make ANYONE give up. I’ve tried straight cardio 6 days a week at the gym, which worked pretty well, but now that my life has changed, becoming a single mother, I simply do not have the time for 90 minutes in the gym 6 days a week to keep the weight off! I am a pretty woman, DESPERATELY FRUSTRATED with this weight loss game, and would like to have something that FINALLY WORKS and could give me the quality of life and end to my frustration! I feel like Joel’s program could give me that! For this reason, I’m IMPLORING you to consider me for a free copy of your program! From all the research I’ve done through the years of trying to lose my weight (of 9 years!) I think THIS IS THE TICKET! A combination of eating right and exercise! For the first time in years, I’m excited to try a method (this one!) because it seems like it is the one for me, that will actually WORK! Joel’s credentials and pictures spoke volumes to me, vastly unlike sitting in a meeting with a bunch of fat people who never seem to get any skinnier!
Thank you, Joel for considering me!

I have been struggling with weight my whole life. I finally got in good shape, I was in control, and then life intervened and the daily stress brought me to where I am now. I need structure in my life, and this program will give me the chance to be the person I know I can be. I have to get back in shape before it’s too late.

Please!!! I need this program. I am a 53 year old woman. I need to lose that last 10 pounds. My body fat percentage is 30%. I would like to get it down to 22 to 25 %. I Just got 2nd place in a Biggest Loser contest at work, so I know I have the will power to lose weight and exercise. I have been using the Fat Burning Furnace plan for a few weeks now and Joel recommended this plan. Thanks. Peggy

Hi Joel and Team! I am submitting my second post here to go beyond the norm and extreme, to show you that I do need and determined to use your program and overcome fat loss. I want to lose fat desparately and get into the single digits body fat ratio. I want to look something greater than the norm, go to the extreme, to make eyes turn, to build a testimony of my extreme fat loss, be a legacy like you Joel; to make a difference and change in the world. I want my freinds, family, colleagues, church members, youth group, my fitness stretch break participants, gym buddies and people take notice and desire to have the body I have and be able to lead them there too. I need your system Joel to take me to the exteme fat loss, to be above the norm to stand out. When you stand out people take notice. They want to have what you have and will want to find out how you got there, so you become their mentor and coach. Joel I want your Xtreme Fat Loss System Diet, so that I can become that role model, mentor and coach of xtreme fat loss. Thank-you Joel and Team for inspiring to be a winner. God bless.

have tried everything else. I need this for health reasons, but I also want it for the best reason of all – I just want to enjoy life and have some fun and be healthy. And I need to lose wieght to do that.

Joel and team, I am a 53 year old with fibromyalgia my instincts are that if your program is true it would be a winner for me! Building muscle and being at your optimal weight is the best way to manage this disease. Sorry to say I am not there. I am 5’4 and 200 lbs. I am also going in for knee replacement on May 10th so I would love to find a program that is not centered around cardio exercise. I dream of being my optimal size, muscular (I think that is attractive in women as well as men), and energized. I am looking for a program to give me my life back. I want to wake up with vitality.

I have tried many diets and have lost 50 lbs. twice but alas the weight is back on. It creeps slowly but returns. I need a plan that provides me with enough information to change my life pattern. I have grown spiritually and emotionally as I have gotten older but this is the area in my life I have not been able to move forward in and need help! I am looking for knowledge and hope you are willing to provide me with the guidance I need.

I was always active when in my 20s and used to be in great shape – but job commitments and a family stopped there rugby and squash and running and gym sessions. Time has passed and despite the fact that I dont see myself as a big man – the fact that I am regularly welcomed with the words “Hey big fella” shows that that is how others see me. I know what needs to be done but time prevents me from organising it – I need a programme thats done for me and all I have to do is follow it – and then I can get back to being the slim guy that I still am in my head.

I remember what it was like during my first divorce. I was 30. I wasn’t eating, and I dropped 20 pounds in nothing flat.

Fast forward 17 years later, and despite my best efforts, I can’t seem to get the fat to budge. I do bodyweight exercises because it’s so hard to find time to workout since I spend so much time taking care of my grandkids.

I am a US Army veteran, so I know plenty about being fighting fit, and so I know how to get fighting fit, but it just seems that despite my best efforts, nothing is working.

Although I want to look 30 when I’m 50 (50 is supposed to be the new 30), I don’t want to wait another 3 years!

Love your emails. Some of the few I actually take the time to read. Most other stuff is so much hype. Yours have lots of great information. Thanks so much for your help.

Jinger Jarrett

I have been trying to lose weight since 4 years ago, but ever since, i ve been gaining weight without any sign that its gonna come to a stop somewhere! I have tried working out, dieting, reading onlne information for losing weight and Fat! but to no avail.. I am sure that Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System, is going to help people like me who have been stuggling for years to lose weight. I HOPE HOPE HOPE that I will win this!!! thanks!

Dear Joel
I really need this program. I need it because I have high cholestorol. I am over weight and I feel bad. I need this becuase I have to youg boys, and a wife and I need to change my life to see them grow and to grow old with my wife. I think your program is perfect for me. If I keep going down the road I’m on I’m going to die. I have lots of family members in the past who have died from heart attacks and I don’t want to do the same. Thank you for this oportunity.

Hi Joel,
I am tired. I’m tired of carrying some extra Cheryl around and would like to dump it. I have three wonderful children and would like them all to be proud of their mom. I want them to have a mom who is physically able and not too exhausted to run and play with them. Now that my third child is nine months and we are not having any more, it is the perfect time to implement your no-nonsense plan. I studied PE in university and your ideas fit in with what I learned there about eight years ago. I just didn’t think about it affecting me the way I do now. I’m 30, and with each pregnancy I gained a little which equalled me not being happy with myself. My husband loves me the way I am but I want to give him back the woman he married eight years ago. The tank I wear to bed at night says ‘Love Your Body’ on the back and every time I put it on I say to myself ‘But I dont.’ Please help me change this part of myself that will so dramatically and positively affect all the other aspects of my life! Thanks for reading!

Hi Joe,

Me and my wife got two kids in the last 16 months and this has resulted in me getting out of shape! I need to get rid of 20 pounds of fat in a very short period of time, to be ready for this summer that´s coming up here in Sweden. I want my wife and kids to be proud of me when we go to the beach. Now my little daughter is waking up… Have to go! Bye!

I have to admit it’s a stretch to say I NEED it…but I can honestly say the following. I am in very good shape, I started off with P90X 3 years ago, and have been reading and practicing as many different varieties and types of exercise as I can find. At that time I also purchased Truth About Six Pack Abs, and I will admit to getting my husband your book Cheat to Lose just so I could read it. I also read as much as I can on bodybuilding blogs. So where am I going with all this? Well, I have my goals clearly listed and highlighted (recommended by Tom Venuto) and plastered on my fridge. I have abolished “I can’t” from my vocabulary. However, my primary goal is to get clearly visible abs, and by current estimation I am about 5 lbs of very stubborn fat away from this goal. I have organized my job, diet, exercise and our family routines as efficiently as possible, but am struggling with stripping away this last little bit of fat. That being said, its sounds like Xtreme Fat Loss will assist with the EFFICIENCY of diet and exercise, and I have to say, that is exactly what I NEED! Thanks for all the great information you guys provide. It is very motivational, and helps with getting through wavering moments!

Hi Joel and Team. My third post. I really want to take this to the extreme and above the norm. To be a winner in everything you have to go to the extreme. Joel and Team I need Xtreme Fat Loss System Diet to take me to that extreme level. Your system will make me a winner and victor over fat loss and in areas of life in general; because as millionaire mind life coach T. Harv Ekker quotes ” how you do anything in life is how you do everything in life. So applying your extreme fat loss system, in winning the battle over fat, will put meto that level of extreme, which I will be doing in all other areas of my life. With the results achieved through your system I will gain the confidence, to take other areas of my life to the exteme and get extreme results. Like going the extreme in my relationships, going for the girl of my dreams, because I have the now desirable, attractive physique I have attained through your system. Thanks Joel and Team for inspiring me to set myself to the extreme level in life and be a winner in all I do.

I’ve been busting my ass with diet and exercise for the past 3 years because despite a strict (some would say severe) diet and exercise regimen My cholesterol and blood pressure numbers (333 and 160 over 95 respectivly just don’t change without rediculously expensive medications.I need to reduce my bodyfat even further (I’m about 15%). I turn 40 this May and I am determined to get abs again. I challenge YOU! prove to the world yor system works on people like me! I’ll be your biggest fan and promoter!

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