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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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3,168 comments - add yours

I am 50 year plus and in the health profession. Due to stress, gained unnneceassry weight but in the last year I have lost some and become healthier. To gain momentum on bettering my health and thus better quality of life. Thus I can achieve my goals in life and not be a burden on society and contribute positively my skills and knowledge!
Thank You.

Hi there, i had to pull out of running the London marathon last weekend due to an injury I picked up six weeks ago. I’m feeling really low and out of shape at the mo and carrying quite a few extra lbs of fat which need to GO. I have been inspired by your daily audios and this programme really appeals to me because it’s so INTELLIGENT and manages to defy the body’s natural instincts to hold on to that fat! I am really motivated to get lean for the summer so that when my injury heals i can start running again (and get into a bikini with confidence). I love the sound of cheat day too as i’m a Libran and have rather an indulgent side to my character!! Thanks guys for the lessons about Leptin which are valuable ones and have taken it on board even if i don’t win! Stay awesome…

Hi Joel!

I’ll soon be 49 and I’m finding that losing weight is becoming harder and harder. (It wasn’t easy in my twenties, but now it’s almost impossible.) I like what I’ve read and heard you say about your system. Your system appeals to my intuition. I’m sure it’s not easy, but it sounds effective and I’d love to try it.


I am looking for a healthier lifestyle and this program will give me the tools needed to reach my goals.

I need this program to help me gain the edge on how to shed the last few coats of fat prior to a body scuplting comp that I want to compete in. This system is just what I need to have the advantage over the competition and have the ultimate sculpted and ripped body that will blow the judges away and make me a winner!!!!

Wow, just what I’ve been looking for. A scientific approach to losing weight and sustaining it. Sounded a bit to good to be true to start with, but having researched it myself the claims and explainations are truly well founded.
I have just turned 50 having been sporty all my life. I have been unwell for the past few years and with inactivity and medication have gained 40 pounds.
Now is the time to get back to full fitness and I woukd love to do it with your help Joel
Fingers crossed for the prize draw

Right now, I am 20 years old, just got started on the bodybuilding/fitness model track. This program would vastly improve my results, since I’ve never even gotten the “first cut” of definition yet. Grabbing this program would help me get that first cut (and open up the doors to competing) and also give me many more opportunities and a fast, effective method of getting contest ready in a short amount of time.

But it’s more than just me. I want to compete, but not a lot – really, right now I’m only looking at one contest, and just started a transformation quest using Vince Del Monte’s Maximize Your Muscle program. In the end, my ultimate goals are to inspire others through the progress I’ve made and have the knowledge to help others achieve their goals as well. I want to be a trainer and lifestyle coach for others and to actually have my clients make PROGRESS – unlike the countless people in my gym I see with personal trainers who do the same thing day after day and look the same year after year. I want to create a body that inspires others, and then use the knowledge I’ve gained to help them make the same phenomenal results, and this Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System would be the ultimate key to making it all come together.

G/Day Mate.
Hi Joel,
I’m not going to give you a big sob story about why I should get a free program.
My name is Ray and I’ve lost 20kg and have a little way to go,with that said I accept full responsiabily for my current weight .
Joel if I am one of the lucky ones to receive a free program,that would be viewed as a gift from God.
Joel you have a huge heart to be so generous God bless you and all the best for the future.

Hi Joel,
I am 47 years old. Been on the crazy diets all my life. I have a shelf of all kinds of diet’s. I loose only to gain it back. I am fustrated on what works best. I need your program in the worst way. Help me stop the fustration and get me back in shape. In shape for life. Your program gives me hope again.

At this moment there are 3,102 different people who have commented on wanting to get this program, but as of now, none of them want it as much as i do to get this program to comment a second time.

Take note of this Joel, this shows that i have hunger and an attitude to be different.

At this point i may just be a drop in an ocean, but even as a drop, i want to be a drop that makes a splash and captures your attention.

Why and wh i am doing this for i have explained in my previous post. But just know that i check my inbox regularly for updates to see if i have won the program.

Thank you Joel.

Please make my lean 10% body fat body come true!!!

I have already lost 5KGs just using your tips alone, with the complete program, who knows what i can achieve!

I’m a senior and have high chlorestol and pre diabetic and i want to take control and loose to get my life back on track.

I’ve used John R’s FPFL program with good results and seen how my body has changed shape due to the different workouts given. However, I’ve only achieved good results rather than great results because I’ve not quite nailed the nutritional realm of my life. Whilst I eat healthy enough, I know I can do much better and need the guidance that the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System will give me. I have a goal to attain and will get there with discipline, education, knowledge, willpower, motivation and enthusiasm!

Extreme Fat Loss Diet…. an innovative solution to perpetuating body fat loss.

It truly provides an ‘a-ha’ moment for those who understand its concept.

Integrating the role of hormones with the dynamics of metabolism, this program elevates

the dynamics of weight control to a completely new level.

The concept of interrupting the starvation mode by strategically timing a period of abundant food and caloric intake in order to restore leptin is pure genius! However, the plan does not stop there. Moving beyond, it utilizes the synergistic approach of coordinating exercise parameters designed to capitalize upon the calorie deficit environment that has been created during the starvation mode and sustaining its fat-burning mode via the ‘cheat day’.
Addressing specifics of type, frequency, duration and intensity of one’s exercise enhances its ability to perpetuate increased calorie burn at a time when the body is experiencing its largest calorie deficit. It is a reflection of optimization of fat loss at its best.

Additionally, the strategy, properly implemented, can minimize…and perhaps even eliminate…. the frustrating plateau which occurs so frequently in the traditional diet strategies of current and past decades.

This strategy, Extreme Fat Loss, has been designed and tweaked…..then, re-designed and re-tweaked again to its current level of relevance and genius. It comprises the components of a truly great program… beneficial to those who are astute enough to perceive its worth and who are driven enough to pursue its technique.

Dealing with personal physical challenges at this time, it would be a very pro-active challenge to adopt this plan, expanding my focus to the achievement of weight goals through this technique.

I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul.

I need this as I have been plateaued at 80-82 kgs for over 18 months. Help!

Good Morning – I was a sickly child in a time when the sick were coddled and discouraged from activity. I was always a little overweight. As a teenager, I managed to reduce my weight by not eating, but of course I was skinny-fat. In my late 20s, I started riding my bike and going to the gym. For the next several years, I experimented with different workouts. In my thirties, I started running. I was almost 40 when I was in the best shape of my life – trim and strong and thinner at almost 15 pounds heavier than my lightest weight! I had my last child at 43 and the pregnancy left me with a bad back. I struggled against the pain to get back into shape, but developed arthritis of the hips. I am now 63 with 2 artificial hips, arthritis of the sacrum, and 90 pounds overweight. I have children and grandchildren who need my attention. I work 5 hours a day with Special Education middle schoolers. In my job, I walk, stand, squat – I’m on my feet constantly. I’m so tired at the end of the day, that I fall asleep in my car in the parking lot. I need to lose weight and get my strength back.

Hi Joel. Thanks for all the great tips and advice. I particularly liked the priciples of fatloss outline. I am 41 years old, in decent shape, but have a tough time keeping the stomach fat off. Diets, “fat-burning supplements, different exercise plans, etc all seem to fail. I really need a non-nonsense A-Z program that will cover every aspect of fat-loss. To keep me inspired, to have fun doing it, to document everything, and to KEEP IT OFF! I can afford to buy your program, but nothing beats Free! Thanks again, Joel!

Hello, I’m a 48 year old mother and working student. In the past I used to ‘body build’ and I loved it and looked great.
The Last few years I trained one hour a week. Pilates, for a strong belly & back. Along with frequent biking to work and dog-walking, I thought it was enough to stay in good shape. But still I was gaining weight! I’m 48 years old and I’m a student again. To be a pscyho-hypnotherapist. And I love it! But….. the so-called ‘frustration-food’ that me and my study-mates used to eat when preparing for our exams in the years that we used to hit the disco, finds its way to my fat-cells far too fast and far too easy. No wonder: lack of proteins, only carbs and fats.
I’m ready for and extremely enthousiastic about the fat loss program. I’m in, anyway!!

I’m a 48 year old mum and workin’ student(again), I train one hour a week Pilates and that’s not enough to stay in shape! I gained weight slowly but surely and I miss something! Muscles! I used to train as a body builder combining it with yoga in the past (20 years ago!) and looked really good! When I read about this program a really feel motivated to begin! And to be honest: I started off watching my food, knowing how fat is rocketted into my fatcells by carbs.
I love to integrate body, brain, creative cookin’ and just feeling healthy and lookin good. I’m in! Bye! Louise.

I am female 48 and have two children. I am recently single and have been going to the gym for about 5 years. Sadly, I have lost momentumn and I really need to get myself back on the wagon. I lost a ridiculous amount of weight two years ago when i had a breakdown , but as expected it all went straight back where nature dumped it. I eat very little and this seems to be the biggest problem in that my brain says… eat less when in fact I know though all the articles… I need more, but I am not sure what exactly I should be eating. I want to look FAB for FIFTY and not some old FRUMP…

I NEED a push in the right direction from someone who has proven that it’s NEVER too late to look GREAT

How are you going to pick? Everyone has good reasons and mine are much the same as theirs. I’m feeling my age, and know my yo-yo dieting is not healthy. EFL meshes infor that I know but can’t collate on my own. My life style is slowly crippling me.

Hi Joel,
I am looking for a complete program with balance. I’ve worked out before and been a competitive runner and triathlete and had some mid-pack results. My problem has been that I have had a lack of balance in integrating a full program for my whole mind/body – exercise, stretching, recovery, nutrition, relaxation and mental health. I have progressed in one area, say strength or speed, but lost out in flexibility or nutrition, or been prone to ongoing injuries through poor recovery management. I am 50 years old and just been diagnosed with depression. I have added 14% weight in only a few months. Exercise alone is not helping me. I know that I need a complete health and nutrition plan to help me out of this challenging period.

I am female 48 and have two children. I am recently single and have been going to the gym for about 5 years. Sadly, I have lost momentumn and I really need to get myself back on the wagon. I lost a ridiculous amount of weight two years ago when i had a breakdown , but as expected it all went straight back where nature dumped it. I eat very little and this seems to be the biggest problem in that my brain says… eat less when in fact I know though all the articles… I need more, but I am not sure what exactly I should be eating. I want to look FAB for FIFTY and not some old FRUMP…I NEED a push in the right direction from someone who has proven that it’s NEVER too late to look GREAT  (Quote)

Also.. went to a bodybuilding contest recently and If given the confidence that comes with weight /fat loss…. I might actually go for it in two years :))

I have just been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes and I’ve been told I need to lose weight. I’m 20 stone with 40% body fat. I have tried dieting and exercise before with out being able to keep the weight off.
I believe your system and my medical need may be the answer to get me to the right level of fitness and be able to maintain the weight loss in the future.

Hi Joel and Team! I really desperately, extemely do need your program Xtreme Fat Loss System Diet. I want to lose the fat from my belly and love, because my colleagues at work and church freinds tease me about it, ” hey John a bit of a belly” and would pat it – it get’s embarrasing after a while. They tell me I need to the gym and do crunches and the sort. I do go to the gym 3 times a week, but with minimum results. I know 10% is working out and 90% is diet. I have changed my diet, eat healthier, but no results still. I desperately need your help, guidance and coaching to help me win this battle with fat loss. I have the confidence in your system, that will make me a winner. I need this system also, so that when I get the results I can be a leader and an example for others; and help them along to become winners to. I am a Fitness Stretch Break Leader at work, so all eyes are on me when I lead, so it would be important that I would have the body to be a role model if fitness. Joel I need your system to get me the physique that would be attractive to women, because belly fat is a turn off to most women. My lady colleagues tell me I am I great guy, but I need to lose the fat. Joel your system will make me the winner over fat loss and get me into the single digits, which will then reveal my abs that are there hidden under fat; attain the desirable physique to win the women of my dreams. Can’t wait to get started with your program. Thanks Joel and Team for the opportunity to make us winners over fat loss. God bless.

I have been developing my existence spiritually,emotionally and mentally for the past 20 yrs and have come to a stage in my life where im now working on my physical, It is important to me that im living a holistic life. I have been my own researcher and find it difficult at times as there is a lot of conflicting ideas out there, who do i believe ?. so i have always trusted my feelings and they have led me to your writings. For those reasons im attracted to your concepts and would like to know and understand more so i can intergrate them into my life and share the knowlege with others.

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