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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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I am an opera singer,(a skinny one)and I have made it to my goal to reach the age of 120 in great shape (mentally and physically).For the moment I am doing very well,but I am not even on the half of the way to 120(I am under age 50).So that is why I am interested and motivated to learn continuously about healthy ways of life.

I have been here before. I am 46 years old and I am 10kg down on my weight since the beginning of the year, which was a scarry 150kg’s and things are looking good. But this is normally were the weight loss starts to slow down. Mentally I feel great, I have done the first 10kg, but then nothing happens for a while, and my mind start saying.. “you have done 10kg’s go one indulge a bit”. So I indulge once, and get right back to my clean living, and nothing happens. So I indulge some more and then slowly but surley I am back to my old ways and the 10kg’s starts going right back, and then some.

I need to break through that 1st 10kg barrier to the next 10kg’s, and get my metabolic rate right up, so that the chances of me ever going back is just about impossible. This Xtreme Fatt loss program is just the thing for that.

I have a two year program to get down to about 95kg’s but I need to get through this post 10kg barrier. Xtreme Fatt loss seams like just the radical approach I need.

I am very excited to try this program…now just to wait and see if I win !

I have been overweight since i was 9 and i always didn’t like that . When i had swimming lessons , i didn’t dare to wear trunks as i was afraid of being called a fatty and when i wore overall , people called me a gay . But , i didn’t mind what they say as i believe in myself . I know that i can change , i can become a better person . I’ve tried most of the diet that has been proven “effective” but i barely see any results . I think that the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System will be the one that’s effective for me .

I already tried a lot of exercises to reduse body fat but nothing works. I will give this program a try and who knows i might be the next one to appear in your site testifying about your program :D

I am wondering if my 17 year old son who has psoriatic arthritis could do this program. He battles with his weight and has to be on a very strict diet it seems to reduce symptoms. He has a weight bench to use and some weights. He would need to learn the proper way to use them. I don’t know if this exercise regimen is for a person with joint problems, but if it is possible, I would rather have a free book to try it, than invest more money. It is costing me a lot in natural products to him taking drugs.

First off let me give you a bit of background history. As a teenager, and through to my late twenties I was always thin, bordering on skinny. I wouldn’t wear T Shirts because my arms were too thin!!
By the time of my 40th birthday, I was putting on weight quite well – in fact far too well!
I would diet for a while, lose a few pounds, but they all crept back on, with a few more as well.
Anyway, up to the more recent years (2005), I found myself at 283 pounds – wow, what a fat git I had become!
We had a family holiday to Australia planned to visit relatives, and I decided that something had to be done. I stuck to a fairly rigid diet and lost 31 pounds, bringing my weight down to 18 stone, averaging at 1.1/2 pounds per week. I felt pretty good, had a great holiday, came off the diet, and yes, put it all back on again!
Coming forward now to 2008, another visit to Oz was in the planning stages, and here I am again at 283 pounds! Diet again, but I just was not losing the weight at more than 1/2 pound a week. Cardio must be the answer, so I started cycling around 100 miles per week, and sure enough got down to 18 stone again.
January 2010, I am 50, and 299 pounds , have lost some, but really NEED something that works, please.

sorry, I didn’t see the leaving out the finances part when I sent the last email.

joel, i need this program.. what more can i say.. i want to be successful and i believe i will be, plz include me in your top 20 ppl… i can’t wait to receive this!!.. i would have published my first comment a long while ago so i could get in first, but ive been so busy workin my butt off at the gym.. lol.. nar i was at work all today.. but i will be at the gym tommorow!.. i really wanna show all my client, family, friends and the general public that i have the mind to create one fantastic healthy, fit looking body that i have always dreamed of.. being very obese in my childhood/teenage years.. i have already made a difference by losing 30% of my overall body weight.. plz give me the tips and advice to make it 40% or even more!. so i can see those abs i have never ever seen before!.. i can’t wait till i get this program!!

I am 51 years old , 6′ 2″ and 275lb. I have high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes in the family. I want to live the rest of my life healthy and with energy as opposed to a gradual decline which has already started. I have been very active in sport and fitness up until about 40 years old. Then gym became irritating with the queues , state of equipment, business time constraints etc – I became lazy but more frustrated as I knew I needed a healthier lifestyle and found it easier to make excuses. NO MORE – a simple logical plan to get me back on track is critical – please help!

Hy Joel & Team

Like I’ve stated yesterday I NEED YOUR PROGRAM. I have been going through quite a heap of programs (BFFM, HIIT, Bingeing, Fasting etc.) but it seems they are very slow or simply not working at all. Being an endomorph I strongly believe that your program holds great promise. I am a very disciplined and structured workout routine person but simply never could have trained my body fat percentage down to one digit. Like you guys put it “An Xtreme Workout for Xtreme results” and that’s exactly my cup of tea. I am so desperate to get one of your programs that I am prepared to submit before and after pics plus honest feedback of your program. I guarantee that by receiving on program that it will not be laid to waste. My routine lies at working out 5-6 times per week and also receive great compliments for my solid physique at the gym. If the program works I would love to recommend it to my fellow gym members here in South Africa. The XFLD is something I’ve been waiting, for a long time to come and it simply sounds revolutionary.

Honestly I just can’t wait to cut straight to the chase with the XFLD System.
Thanks for bringing out such needed information for all of us who attend these fat loss battles.
100% in equals 100% out when it comes to structured workouts, thanks to Joel and his team we just make one leap forward.
Regards Johann

Well,well call me silly,I going to be a DAD in just over two months(a baby boy if you must know).Is wanting your boy to know at a young age what a MAN’S body suppose to look like instead of society’s demonstration l of a MAN’S body(no further comment).Well Joel it’s your chance to prove society wrong by showing my boy.Bring on your baby to show my baby.

Looking forward to try out the new diet with my wife. I used Cheat Your Way Thin and TT before I got married. Since then I have gained 30lbs and need a jumpstart to get back into shape.

Hi Joel,
I’m a Canadian 57 year old male who’s trying to make the best use of my second chance at living a healthy life. Despite being involved with some type of athletic endeavor since I was 13 years old including hockey, baseball, football, squash and more, I always seemed to gravitate to an interest in weight training and cardiovascular activity.
I wanted to apply that to my interest in triatlons from 1990-2000. Loved it, however my breathing became problematic and after investigative probing culminated in me being diagnosed as having an aeortic aneurism. Open heart surgery a few years ago saved my life. I have a rekindled interest in getting maybe into impeccable shape,maybe the best shape of my life at 57 through your guidance in your program. Not only for my benefit but for setting a lifelong example for my 3 beautiful granddaughters. I believe you have the program that can take me there!
Congratulations on all YOUR successes!

joel, i need this program.. what more can i say.. i want to be successful and i believe i will be, plz include me in your top 20 ppl… i can’t wait to receive this!!.. i would have published my first comment a long while ago so i could get in first, but ive been so busy workin my butt off at the gym.. lol.. nar i was at work all today.. but i will be at the gym tommorow!.. i really wanna show all my client, family, friends and the general public that i have the mind to create one fantastic healthy, fit looking body that i have always dreamed of.. being very obese in my childhood/teenage years.. i have already made a difference by losing 30% of my overall body weight.. plz give me the tips and advice to make it 40% or even more!. so i can see those abs i have never ever seen before!.. i can’t wait till i get this program!!  (Quote)

joel, i need this program.. what more can i say.. i want to be successful and i believe i will be, plz include me in your top 20 ppl… i can’t wait to receive this!!.. i would have published my first comment a long while ago so i could get in first, but ive been so busy workin my butt off at the gym.. lol.. nar i was at work all today.. but i will be at the gym tommorow!.. i really wanna show all my client, family, friends and the general public that i have the mind to create one fantastic healthy, fit looking body that i have always dreamed of.. being very obese in my childhood/teenage years.. i have already made a difference by losing 30% of my overall body weight.. plz give me the tips and advice to make it 40% or even more!. so i can see those abs i have never ever seen before!.. i can’t wait till i get this program!!  (Quote)

Hi Joel,
I’m a Canadian 57 year old male who’s trying to make the best use of my second chance at living a healthy life. Despite being involved with some type of athletic endeavor since I was 13 years old including hockey, baseball, football, squash and more, I always seemed to gravitate to an interest in weight training and cardiovascular activity.
I wanted to apply that to my interest in triatlons from 1990-2000. Loved it, however my breathing became problematic and after investigative probing culminated in me being diagnosed as having an aeortic aneurism. Open heart surgery a few years ago saved my life. I have a rekindled interest in getting maybe into impeccable shape,maybe the best shape of my life at 57 through your guidance in your program. Not only for my benefit but for setting a lifelong example for my 3 beautiful granddaughters. I believe you have the program that can take me there!
Congratulations on all YOUR successes!

Hi Joel,
Since the birth of my twins 3 years ago, my fat and flabby stomach has been a constant trouble area for me. I have tried so many diet and exercise regimes that have had limited or no real success on any part of my body. I am not an over weight person, I guess you would call me a “skinny fat”. The tips that you have already supplied have really got me intruiged! Could this really work for me? I would love the chance to find out.
Cheers Nik

I have fought to loose weight all my adult life. I need to free myself of a battle fatigued body. I need to be told what to do, to have it laid out in plain english. Learn how to keep my metabolism happy and alive with cheat days that I will look forward too, followed by fast days. Maybe gain 1/2 a pound to loose 2pound. I want to learn to work smarter not harder. To be told what pacific food I need on a low carb day, to be able to go to a source for nutrition and a goal each day. I need Self Belief, Motivation,how to get calorie defecit, deplete energy stores, what exercises to do. I believe your program could give me the knowledge to achieve my dreams of becoming a fit and health persson again.

I don’t know how I can compete with 3,ooo other responses except to say that I am working terribly hard with the Diet Solution Program (which has helped me to shed 10 lbs!) and working out each and everyday but am not seeing the kind of results I should be. As a mother of a three year old, a wife and a full time teacher, getting up at 4 in the morning to workout and pack toxin-free lunches, then drive the 50 miles from our home to work is somehting that I’ve committed to but working out for two hours everyday is unrealistic for me; there are not enough hours in the day. I need something to boost me to the next level. I’ve been reading all of the information you’ve sent and, I believe you Joel…this HAS to work. I just need to know what you want me to do. Tell me what to do and I will do it. When it works I will spread the word to anyone who will listen becasue they KNOW how hard I work, they know what I say can be trusted. I have the faith, the drive and the committment-I just need the information.

In health,

I was very skinney as a child, and when I graduated high school, I was a perfect size 7. Now, 30 years and 6 kids later I am in such sad shape that I haven’t even gone to one of my class reunions out of embarrassment of how I look now. I don’t like going out of the house. My knees and ankles are stressed and I have problems with exercise from all the heavy excess I carry. I need all the help and encouragement I can get so I can get back to living. I want to be able to play with my grandchildren when my kids begin having them. I want to be able to play with my 6 yo. HELP!!!!!

Joel. I’m fat there’s no two ways bout it. I remember being called names like rolls of jelly when i was only in second grade. Even my mom and step dad would say that when they look at me. I look worthless. I could never do chores or run around like other kids because of my weight. Right now I weigh 198 lbs and my beautiful wife says that’s ok but it’s all fat. No muscle. Please help me I want my parents to see me handsome so I can feel like a somebody
Ps if I am anonimously chosen I would appreciate it if you could send it to my email. I would like it to be a secret

I lost around 45 kgs and 13 inches of waistline in a span of 9 months without any support of any Gym or Trainer. But real hard work has started now as i want to loose those last few pounds from lower abs which i am finding pretty rough time to get rid of. Why only Xtreme fat Loss Program only, i will cite you three reasons. Firstly, i would like to put your program in my action to feel the satisfaction, glory, self esteem and sense of fulfillment after acheiving my health goals of shredded and pure lean mass body and set the example for my friends and family members to follow the trail & lead a healthy lifestyle. Secondly, I am aware after losing so much weight that hard work without guidance is wild fire without direction, so if i need specific and effective results to lose those last few pounds of stubborn fat which can only be acheived through strategic, time – tested and innovative program like Xtreme Fat Loss Plan. And finally, but again importantly, I think being healthy makes a human complete. Health is one of the imortant form of Wealth. I won’t be leading a complete and dignified life if i am not setting highest standards in all spheres of life, which ofcourse includes my HEALTH !!!

I am 75 years old and all through my middle years I struggled to rectify my weight gain and lack of fitness caused by my inattention to my own needs while I looked after an invalid son. My son went off to seek independance and i found time for myself and took up sport but over the past 10 years I have become a carer to my wife and sacrificed my fitness. Now I am at The Last Chance Saloon and need proffesional help to fast track me to my ultimate achievable fitness level to give me the maximum chance of a long and healthy latter end of life

I have been overweight since I was in my early Teens.I want to lose weight without having to use diet pills because they are dangerous and I would like to be healthy enough to be able to have kids someday.

Joel, I am 60 this year. Over the last 5 years, I have put on about 40 extra pounds due to eating too much, exercising too little and a stressful career. We Americans eat great quantities of food frequently, based on convenience due to our fasted paced lifestyle. Unfortunately, our bodies weren’t designed to operate optimally like this. I am at a tipping point. I am fortunate that I still have good health. But, I also have two new grandchildren. I look forward to seeing them grow into healthy adults by modeling good healthy eating and exercise habits. Your program sounds like an inspiring way to lose weight and maintain it. Thank you.

Hey Joel, I am 41 and when my wife and I seperated I decided to do something, so I picked up your “Cheat To Lose” book and have had great results. I would love to take it to the next level now and I feel this is the kick in the pants I need. I am one who needs specifics and to be led by the hand, but when I am I have no problem doing just about anything. Thanks for everything Joel

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