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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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I am really excited about the xtreme fat loss diet system. It is so good to find something that just makes sense!!! I diet and workout and know that fat / weight loss and excercise go hand in hand, one hard to achieve without the other. But so far, I havnt been able to get the conbination just right. I tend to go through spurts of crazy training and dieting and then as you say… I plateau… and it does become demoralising. I have had the strength to keep returning to my goals, but it is never without a setback in my weight and fitness. This programme sounds perfect for me, balanced nutrician scientifically based combined with targeted exercise. I couldnt think of anything better. This is a challenge I am totally up for. Its time for a positive change in my bodyshape, health and lifestyle. I wouldnt say that I am very overweight, but my bodyshape needs lots of work. So long fat – Tone and shape up – which what I understand the xtreme Fat Loss Diet is all about. Bring it on!!!!!

Honestly, i know that the situation i`m in is my own fault. It`s not THAT bad… but it could be better.
I´m 24 years old at the moment and have been gaining weight since i was 16, probably. Back then it was popular for young girls “to be on a diet”….
I didn`t need it. I had absotutetly no health-problems nor was i overweight.
But I could`nt resist the temtation to do the same things my friends did, to know, what they talked about all the time, to be part of the game…
As a result I have a body, i´m not happy with.
It`s like the two pictures of a female you send in one of your E-mails. The left one looked “ok” while the right one was “smokin hot” as you put it ;)
And now, guess how i look?… “Ok” is not enough for me, like the world is not enough for James Bond ;)

I am sick and tired of being fat.

Am Working for 10 to 12 hours a day in a office environment. I rarely get a chance to move away from my place as am too engaged with my work. So my body lost its shape and i kept gaining weight.

So I decided to reduce my body, I started walking one hour a day after completing my work. I also tried to do exercise. But found no improvement. Despite reducing my food intake half the level, i found no improvments. Now with this program i really see the difference. I feel myself light and see the changes.

Am sure this will be helpful to any one who tries.

Good Luck!!!

I can eat pizza???That’s motivation enough…it’s difficult to not eat what i love and i live to eat good food….I’m a 25year old mom of three….they’re my motivation to be fit and healthy….and its important that i show my kids the importance of looking after themselves.I am physically active,watch what i eat and still cannot seem to lose the extra fat.Why is my body holding on to the fat…..maybe it’s because i haven’t eaten pizza in long time….

Hi Joel
I have been using many of your transformation workouts and am eager to shed 5 stubborn kilos so that I can look more defined. I weigh 62kgs and have hit a plateau I think due to my diet or lack there of. I am skeptical about your pizza theory and still lose weight notion. I would like to try your new Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System to see if it works….works on me and help me shed those final stubborn kilos. A skeptic…yes…..prove me wrong. If I am chosen and it works, I will shout from the roof tops as to your successful diet system…and recommend to everyone.

Hi I am 48 years old and was sent home from hospital on Thursday after a hemicap knee operation on Monday 26th. I am obese and due to three years of knee problems not been able to exercise properly. I need to lose 5 stone. The hemicap is a way of stopping me needing 2 knee operation in the remainder of my life but after the pain with just this method I don’t want a full blown knee op. In fact i don’t want any more operations on my knees if i can help it so this program will help me keep focused and reach that goal of a fitter healthier human being.
This will help my wife as well as she needs to lose 2 stone so she does not end up with any joint problems either.

I am an unwilling landlady. Thousands upon thousands of fat cells have taken up residence in my body spread over large areas in irregular clumps. I have sent out many eviction notices over the years in the form of strict calorie controlled diets and strenuous gym sessions emphasising the need for these unwanted tenants to get lost. I have had some successful evictions but more often than not the little squatters find their way back uninvited.
I have taken your advice regarding less cardio and more weight training to heart and have employed the services of a wonderful personal trainer to assist me in doing the exercises correctly without injuring myself. I can see and feel the positive effects already so now I desperately need to add a balanced fat reducing diet into the mix in order to blast those pesky fat cells into oblivion never to return to the body that will become my temple!
I do hope that living in South Africa will not exclude me from entering. Many thanks.

Cooee Joel!
Your program is perfect for me right now as a partner to my Diet Solution Program which is really working for me. This is my next great step and if Isabel recommends it, I’m all for it too.
Thanks so far,

i need something that works, i am muscular and solid, but i’m 50 years old and would like to lose body fat, i don’t care how much i weigh,, but i want a system that i can use and it works, i need to be able to download it, since i live overseas now. i am in good shape but find it still hard to lose body fat, and i still can lift what ever weight that i want to, but can’t lose the body fat. so i need the challenge and system to make it work, none other one has , so this would be a challenge to your system, will it work?

The reason I believe this programme might be the perfect one for me, is because I am motivated to gift myself hubby a new body on his birthday in two months…..and at this point in time…my motivation is on FIRE!! …So I am ready to do what it takes to achieve this goal…and I believe and trust that something as radical and different as Joel’s programme will spur me on!!…In any case, thanks a bunch Joel for your generous offer and goodwill in trying to help as many people as you can!!

Warm Regards,

I’m 25 years old and in 20 days I will be turning 26. This time next year I want to lose 150 lbs. I’ve been overweight my whole life. After high school though things really took a turn for the worse. I gained over one hundred pounds in less than three years. I tipped the scales at a whooping 322 pounds at 5’8. Yeah, not the best look. In the last few months I’ve dedicated myself to exercise and eating an organic fresh diet. so far I’ve dropped 28 pounds. Which would be great except I’m starting to plateau. I’m used to working out 5 to 6 days out of the week and seeing great results. But the last few weeks I work out, I eat right all week long only to lose a pound and put it right back on, on my rest day. I’m starting to get frustrated and this week I only worked out three times because I was so depressed. I mean I changed my life so drastically I thought the weight would just fly off. I just need HELP.

My name is Nikki. I am a twenty-three year old stay at home mom. My husband and I have been married for three and a half years. We have two children, a three year old son and a nine month old daughter.

It has been a hard and hectic three years, full of stress. We have moved nine times. Our families don’t get along. Our marriage is struggling and so is our social life. My high school reunion is this summer. I hardly have any time to get back in shape before then. I really want to go, but I hate feeling like people are going to judge me the way they judge a book by its cover.

I never use to care about sizes and shapes. I never watched the scale, and I never had to until now. I’m not sure why. I heard that your metabolism changes with age and after having kids. I am confused by all the different diets and exercise programs. There are so many to choose from and they condradict one another. When I read the description of your new system, it made sense. This concept of basing your routine on your diet each day and boosting metabolism with a cheat day was genius. It makes it alot easier and much more enjoyable to stick with your goal, as well. This system is realistic.

I just want my self esteem back. I want to feel comfortable outside of my house. I want to be around people without feeling self concious. I want to have confidence to show who I am inside. I want to feel pretty and feminine. I want to keep up with my husband, who is a gynast. I want to keep up with my kids when I am chasing after them. Most importantly, I want to be healthy and live a long happy life.

Hi Joel, I’m very impressed with your way of encouragement to make me achieve my goals in having a good looking, healthy, lean and efficient body. Through out my life and I’m now 53 yr old/male, I’ve wanted to have such a body but never knew how! I’ve read many books about the subject but when I fnally stumbled on “the truth about abs” and eventually learned about you and your system I realized that I have found a completely different working approach not like the others when it comes to body shape/fat loss and health. I’m very excited about what you have put together for me/us and look forward to follow your program and also look forward to the results that I am confident that I will be getting. Your knowledge is overwhelming and shows that you spent a long time in researching and learning about the subject of Fat Loss / Body Shaping/ Health, I raise my hat to you for that. Thank you for all your efforts and please keep me/us informed with all your new findings.

I have been involved with weight training for 28 years and have never been able to find a diet which provides the clean nourishment for muscle building while stripping fat to expose toned muscles. As I have got older the battle with fat has become increasingly difficult to win, so winning a copy of The Ultimate Fat Loss Diet win enable me to get my fat percentage to a level where I can see the muscle I am spending time and effort maintaining. Your approach to diet and fitness is very interesting to me and I would love the opportunity to try it out.

The last 8kg have been the hardest to loose. I am expecting your programe to give me the secrets to shedding these Kgs, which I am finding extremely hard to loose.

Hi Joel,

I’ve always believed in one thing – my gut feeling. After reading your no bull-shit emails, something inside me just CLICKED, and i KNOW FORE SURE that, this will the one thing that will truly shorten my journey to craving the body that I’ve always wanted. I want this.

Victor (Singapore)

Having recently started to make the attempt to loose plenty of fat and tone up my almost 71 year old body, this would be a good solution for me . My memory is not as good as it used to be so having this information to hand
would save time. The time saved can be used to enhance my goal.

Everywhere we look these days we are bombarded with information on weight loss. Shake replacement diets, supplements claiming rapid weight loss and reality shows such as the Biggest Loser encouraging extreme calorie restriction combined with intense exercise programs.
As a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a wife I would like to become a role model and an inspiration for those who are closest in my life. I have been riding the roller-coaster of weight loss and weight gain for many years, and now is the time for this ride to end. My story does not include a touching narrative of sickness or obesity and nor does it contain the story of an imperfect childhood. In truth my life is great.I love my life.
To learn the tools to maintain a consistent healthy lifestyle is truly the most important reason for writing this. In my opinion the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet is a credible, proven system for weight reduction.
I am experiencing the extreme difficulties in overcoming the plateau phase and believe your program is the key to achieving my transformation and my goal of being an inspiration everyone around me.

I have never had a weight problem. I have always been fit and healthy. I am in the food industry and teach cooking, so I know what I should eat and live a very healthy lifestyle. Then menopause hit and even though my lifestyle didn’t change, same food, same exercise (every day) my body just changed weight and shape. Literally nothing I do works to shift this weight. It’s depressing me no end because I cannot understand with all the monitoring and effort I put in, why it won’t reduce. I’m at my wits end.

hi i have been on the atkins diet and lost 13lbs in 3monthes would like to loose more can you help and tell me what else i should do i swim twice a week use a bullworker for my stomach every day walk every day drink lots of water.iam really interesated in your site.

My partner of 11 years recently left the home and left me with 3 young children to raise. I am asking for a little help to turn my life around and make me into a happier healthier person mentally and physically. I am currently around 230lbs with back and neck problems exacerbated by the weight. I have yo-yo dieted for years. I am very motivated to turn things around but with limited time per day available to train etc.
Thanks for taking time to look at me.

Hi Joel!

My name is Leif Brandh. I live in Sweden and I am a herbalifedistributor (see my Swedish website http://www.powerbody.se).. I am very interested in subjects of nutrition as I have been hard training all my life however having had difficulties with understanding my own body´s replies to nutrition affairs. After a traffic accident in January 1996 I gained 120 pounds of weightincrease within one year ending up with the amazing bodyweight of 370 pounds. Through a stomach operation in 1997 I could reduce my weight to 292 pounds and by using herbalife nutritions I could reduce it further to 240 pounds but that is the end of it. Ten days ago I was again 292 pounds and I knew I had to find a way to constantly get rid of my overweight. My goal is to again weigh 170 pounds which was my bodyweigh when I was a topranked Swedish athlete competing in decathlon. I am happy I have found your site and I have applied your information in your “Sneaky Report” to my diets (mostly herbalifeshakes) and to my training since April 22. In one week I have lost lost 22 pounds already down to 270 pounds – most of the loss is water of course – and I have now “only” 100 pounds to go to reach my goal – i.e 170 pounds. Of course I have great need of this stunning weightloss and bodyshaping program that you offer. I have been looking för a program like this for years and I feel confident that I can reach my goal implementing it in my life. I feel hope again. Sincerely Leif Brandh Sweden..

I am 47 old man, leave in Romania. First time in my life i admit need help from lose fat, because i have 320 pounds and my told is 5,11 inch(142 kg 179cm).Now i feel mental prepare to start fight with my fat and i need advice and direction to do that.I have two childrens 3 and 13 years olds and i desperate see them how grow up.Please scuse my english.

I don’t think I’m really that overweight,but as an entertainer,I like to keep in shape. I eat mostly organic wholefood,but I find your tips very useful re food combinations and hormone regulation. I need to lose about 8 kilos and I’m on the way and thanks for all the advice so far,but I’m sure there are people who need it more than me and won’t be disappointed if you help them first.

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