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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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3,168 comments - add yours

after trying other diets its time to get the info thats right, its time to change my life its time to see fat loss. I need this to help me lose the fat i have been trying to lose. I need direction i need the advice of the guys who know what to do . Pleaqse give me a chance to show all the people who have called me names to show them i can lose this . ill fight ill work out ill do it . just need the info to do it

I just got finished playing sand volleyball with some friends. Running and diving in the sand is my idea of a good time. I’ve played basketball, volleyball and done track in high school. I’ve always loved to exert myself in sports and test my endurance. I can run a mile and can lift more weight than any girl i know. Why do i still look like this when i can physically do all this stuff? its like i can see the muscles but they are covered up by pounds of fat. This fat is holding me back from life. I’m about to graduate high school in two months. Its the ending of one phase of my life and the beginning of a whole new one. I thought how great it would be to walk up on that stage in the best shape ever and enter into this new phase of my life with a whole new me. What if that fat that’s been holding me back for years could disappear. With EFLD I know this “what if” can become a reality. I need EFLD so i can reach this goal before graduation and begin this phase with nothing holding me back

I am 14-16% body fat. Which is ok. But that’s not ok fr me as I used to be 8 when I was younger.
I want to look immense and achieve 8-10% so I look and feel in prime shape!!
That’s the direct point. I train 5 xper week.
I eat well and cook my own foods etc etc I just want the two to fit together to compliment each other to get maximum results. It seems as though your program would provide me with this.
I will be keeping a photo blog each week of the results.
I think people like me who just want that extra help to achive that optimum physique would very much like to see how I dId it without the long term slog of intense boring dieting with short term results.

Selfishly I want to learn how I can eat well and know what type of sessions to complete that best compliments my diet.

Job done.
Look immense.
Feel immense.
Not as much pain!

I am 51 years young. I never had a weight problem until I was in my 30’s since then due to physical problems my weight has continued to climb. I want to be able to run with my grand kids, keep up with my teenage son and travel.I have returned to school and will be done in a year. I want to travel! My parents are dealing with a lot of health problems, a lot of them due to being overweight, This a problem I do not want in this new and better life I will have for myself. I want to be healthy which inludes getting this weight off. I can really use this matr=erial to helo in this journey.e

My wife has been overweight her whole life and tried every diet imaginable with little to no success. Most diets are also boring and forces you to cut out a lot of food which you are never allowed to eat again which makes it very hard to stay on it permanently. I would love the opportunity to try this diet and exercise program to see if my wife can’t lose the excess 200 lbs (90 kg) and get to her ideal weight so we can finally start with a family (which is currently impossible because of her current weight). We have tried everything else including going to see dietitians and nothing worked.

Please help us and you will definitely have a good example of Xtreme body transformation and two people who will advertise it wherever they can!

I am 59 years old and the last year, since I stopped working, I have developed a big fat roll on my tummy that I just cannot get rid of. I live on a farm and do not have access to a gym but do all my own housework and go for a daily walk other than that I am not big into exercise. I will however do what ever is required of me to get rid of the very unwelcome fat before I am too old to even want to get rid of it.

Hey Joel,

Can’t really think of anything special! haha.
Just wanna wish ya luck with reading all those comments! Pick the right one.

I’m glad I met you and you’re system, looking forward to 4th of may.

Rock on,

My school’s 25th reunion is this year. I am motivated!!

i am 15 years old and want to start looking good. my goal is to look and be healthy my entire life. i think i should start eating and working out now. xtreme fat loss would be perfect for me because i dont want to eat veggies my whole life and feel guilty everytime i eat something thats not healthy.

I am fat and have always been so since I was a baby. I have the worst kind of fat and it is all situated in the centre (my stomach) I look fine from everywhere else of my body. I train 4-5 times a day and do HIT cardio but have no luck in reducing the stomach size. I have tried all diets but none have work for me, it’s always too difficult to follow especially with the time I have thererfore I believe this xtreme fat loss will be of great help. I believe I can actually follow this Diet as most of the time I feel like I’m fasting as I am conscious about eating things when I’m out as there isn’t much of an healthy option. Therefore having a diet which actually involves fasting would be perfect for me.

At 46 I’ve had enough. I tried tons of exercise, healthy eating, eating on time, all sorts. In 6 months I’d lost nothing. I was very fit but 32kg overweight. i should have lost it.
Now I’m desperate. I’ve got my daughters wedding coming up and don’t want to look like a blob in the photos. I am not photogenic so I’ve at least got to be thin. My normal weight is 56kg, I’m at 85kg and had enough of trying allsorts.
If your program works (and I’ll do it religiously) I will be your best advert this side of the world. I’m currently in South Africa.
So please give me a try.
Thanks. Helen

Hello Joel, My daughter’s wedding coming up later this year I need to lose at lease 5kg. (don’t know what that is in pounds). So please, please, please consider me, and thank you for all your support I have alot of faith in you.

I know i am probably not going to win this, but I would really like to win this to help me stay motivated in my goals of losing pounds of fat and gaining pure muscle i am at 100 kg and want to go to 85 or 80 kg in order to reach my six pack, i am doing this for a healthy lifestyle change so i want to have the best nutrition for life and this wil help me keep it off and reach my goals.


Hi joel, i’m 19 and i’ve been struggling to get a six pack. Nearly one year ago i
was very fat, 246 lbs over 30% body fat, but i went 190 lbs 18% body fat with
a traditional low fat diet. Now i’m trying to drop that last 10-15 pounds to get ripped. I’ve always looked at my body as a lard ball, that’s why having a six pack is my dream ( it could be a boost to my lacking self confidence) and i think that XFLD is the way to realize it.

hey Joel,
first i just want to thank you for giving 20 people this apportunity,just to give you a quick brief of who i am ,i am 36 years old now ,and back in the nineties i studied business administration and i worked as a banker for three and a half years before getting married , i quit my job because we had to move to another country , i have three chirldren so i spent the last nine years or so taking care of them , now that i can work again , i took the PFIT course (Professional Fitness Instructor Training), i studied real hard with this course with all the anantomy, nutrition, physiology,and i passed the tests , i have the certificate of a certified personal trainer , i read a lot of books related to the subject and this is the profession i want to be in , i have so much passion towards it , i really enjoy it .
looks wise no one can tell i had three c-sections, so i am looking after my body , the most important thing is that i now know that nutrition has the highest percentage of the equation of having a great physique.
the tips that you are giving are great , they are very helpful to me , and of course that will be great info for my clients ,i have been trying to experiment on my body first so that i will have full and live proof that what i am saying will help my clients .i would really love to get a free copy Joel it will be so beneficial to me , adding on to the books that iread ,and it will definitely help me get closer to the six pack abs i am dreaming of , i mean looking good is something but being ripped is another , please help me get to my goal , i really would appreciate that ,either way i really enjoy and benefit from every single newsletter you send me , thanks for all of the great info you give us all the time

best regards

I,m 41 and have been striving for that perfect physique all my life. I’m not fat and am quite fit as I exercise regularly and eat well. I often get very disheartened at the amount of work I do with little result. I struggle to get the layer of fat off which is covering my abs and leg muscles and don’t feel that effort = results. Xtreme fat loss could just be the tweek I am looking for to get me in the best shape of my life. Believe me after over 20 years of trying I am willing to give 100 percent to a programme which might just be the solution I am looking for

Quite simply – I need help!

I haven’t been able to shed the fat I’ve gained over the years using regular diets and this sounds interesting.

Hi Joel,
I am in that stage of my life where I am laying down fat which I am finding hard to shift. My goal is to lose 10 lbs of fat and not muscle. I do eat a healthy diet and I am combining it with resistance and interval training but I do not seem to be able to achive my goal. Your fat loss program, combining a well researched diet with exercise would be the winning combination which I need to enable me to realise my dream of that perfect body and maintain it for life.

Nun bin ich knapp 50 Jahre alt, und bekomme das Fett um die Hüfte
einfach nicht weg.
Ich denke mit einer genauen Anleitung wäre es mir
möglich noch einmal zurück zu der Form meiner Jugend zu kommen.

So i try to translate.
After near 50Years i am not able to loose my belly fat
around my midst, so i think with a big help of your detailed
program i will able to come back to form from my past

Hi, I am a 46 yeat old woman. What bothers me most is the bellyfat i can not get rid of. My bloodpressure is far too high. So i am really motivated to try a new program which works. I have been doing a lot of training and diets. I am quite sure when i loose more bodyfat the bloodpressure will go down.

already lost about 10lbs usng your 5 sneaky tips webpage just about give up trying to lose bodyfat these tips seem to be suiting me would like to get down to 10percent bodyfat currently 190 lbs 5feet 10 need more information on training techniques.

First of all, I LOVE my cheat days so you can rest assure I won’t abuse them by overconsuming oatmeal :). Really, I came across CYWT about 1½ ago and it’s changed my life on so many levels. Not only do I finally have a balance in my nutrition I’ve been looking for for years, it opened my eyes to all you online fitness guys. You, John, Vince, Craig and everyone else and I’ve been following you close since.

I’m currently in Johns coaching program and it’s been the trip of my life, not only seeing awesome results, but gaining a very good friend and mentor as well. I’m well on my way to finally have the body of my life, but we’ve had some struggles to get rid of that last annoying bellybutton/lovehandle fat area. I know this program and John’s special treatment will do the trick. Why is this so important to me? In 2009 I graduated as a physiotherapist and have just started working as a personal trainer. My body is one of my most important marketing tools, I know people will judge my competence as a trainer based on my looks – I both want and need to be the inspiration that makes people take action towards achieveing their own goals and dreams. Help me do that!

My reasons have not changed in the past 24 hours.. Still the same:-) And I still believe everyone will benefit from it with fat loss in mind.

Good luck to everyone posting here.

I’m at that age 47 – where I need that help and motivation!!!! I live in the UK, and whilst there are probably experts here, have only ever seen good things posed by you and Vince. I also live in a very remote area, so don’t have access to ant facilities, so need as much help and advice as I can get!!!! I did lose 28lbs last year, and have basically managed to keep it off, but need more help and stimulation to continue!!!!!!!!!!!

What can I say… I have tried everything and I will try the Xtreme fat loss diet system too. I must say it sounds too good to be true! That is also why I really want to try this. Joel you are a man who knows what he is talking about I really enjoy reading your articles,truth about abs and cheat your way thin….As I said I will try this regardless,but it would be great to get a copy for free!!!! ;-)

Keep up the good work!

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