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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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Over the past 10 months, I have been going through a period of very intense personal change, both physically and spiritually. This has included learning how to consciously negative energies from my body. The release of these energies has allowed me to modify how I look at myself, behave and how I eat. I have also been able to determine how different activities promote the release of negative energy from the body, which in turn allow the body to release toxins and unnecessary resources like an overabundance of fat. I would like to try your program and blog about the results I get from it and how it might possibly aid in the releasing of negative energies from the body. From what I can tell from reading about it, I think that this program would be very good for releasing more negative energy than any other program I know about.

Hi Joel,
Seems like I’ve had to transform myself one way or another over the last 55 years. My weight was one that I could never win over in any transformation that I’ve tried. I’m on my own now, divorced with a daughter who has started her own life and has moved out on her own. I am ready. I’ve told myself a hundred times in the past that I was ready and I look at myself. This is not ready. This over way over weight. With your help and your system, I am ready to throw those elastic pants away and get back to the real person I know I can be. Thank you for ready my note.

hey joel, been after school now and not knowing what to consume since there are always pro and cons to every food. Even by exercising a lot, i cant seem to achieve the right body since i do not have the right diet. So, would really appreciate it to know the dying secrets to achieve a great body. I’ve also been using Vince and Dr, K programmes and they helped a lot. I am at a state of lost since i’ve tried many times a lot of things. Please help me.

I’m young and ready to be the finest, hottest, best I can be! I am in relatively good shape, but I will not settle for average. At this point, I know that only a program like yours with the science and research behind it, as far away from a fad as it could be, is going to be able to get me where it is I am striving to be!! I’m not only in this just for looks, but for the health and vigor and energy of supreme fitness. Only in my early twenties, I have tried just about everything, and just from using your “fat loss secrets exposed” I’ve already noticed results. I know this is the real deal, and I want in in in!!!!

I have been struggling with weight loss for many years. Being a yo yo dieter and exercising from time to time. I am currently about 30lb overweight and am desperate to find the right combination to lose weight and keep it off. My family suffers from heart disease and I want to extend my life as I have a little 5 year old girl. I have tried all manner of fixes and spend vast amounts of money buying so-called “quick fixes”. I am so tired of all these scams and want something that will really work. I enjoy the e-mails form your site and try and incorporate them into my diet. But I am a busy lady who works as a Legal Advisor in a corporate environment and it is difficult to devote time to myself for exercise and planning meals, while being a career person and a mom. I have so many clothes that I would love to fit in…my wonderful mom also passed away suddenly on the 21 March and I have been comfort eating as this is a huge loss in our lives – my daughter wants her granny back, but I have to say that she is with the angels. She looked wonderful for her age, was always conscious abot looking her best and I want to make her proud! your plan has received such great response and will help on my road to a better life!

G,day Joe

Your updates have been informative and have changed my way of thinking with toning up and getting fitter as well as information on correct dietary requirements so much so, I have informed my fellow work colleagues about your website in regards to getting the correct training information, in return they have also given me positive feedback. However, them being in their 20s, and me in my 40’s, my metabolism is a bit slower than theirs, therefore my progress seems to be lacking behind.
In saying this, I have toned up a little, and in the mornings I look great, I seemed to have gone down a pants size, and my shirts are getting a bit tighter. however, by the evening, even after eating correctly, I seem to look like my old self with a stomach pout and I can’t seem to get past the next stage where I permanently look toned throughout the day!
Your program would assist me in breakinf past this stking poitn, as well as spreading your training techniques to a bigger audience, and being a testimony to my personal journey with your program.

I am from Germany and on Tuesday it’s my birthday.
My birthday is the date when I want to change my life.
I want to leave the rest behind me and start the new year with a new meal plan and a new training.

I would love to have this incredible plan to support my plans and to loose fat for being better in shape for the sommer.
I will have a big concert in summer, too (I am playing the “Tenorhorn” in German) so I want to be self confident enough to do a nice concert.

Btw. I think it’s real nice that you want to help people, losse their fat.

I need this program, as I am getting ready for my first bodybuilding show. I have tried many systems to try and loose that last few pounds of fat around my midsection including cyclical dieting, fasted morning cardio, interval cardio and too many others to mention. After seeing the results you got with both Vince and John; getting them from very lean to ripped in a very short period of time, I know this system is exactly what I need to get into the best condition of my life and show people that you can do this naturally without drugs or expensive supplements.

Hi! I received your five tricks to loosing weight effectively and I highly appreciate the information. I find it very interesting and well grounded. I also know that extra weight is both physical and mental challenge. Whilst I am working on the mental side I feel the shortage of the information on body side. I have never been training so I do not have a clue about the different kind of exercises you suggest for different days of diet. I would love to learn that. At this point in life I am not able to afford to purchase your program, but I cannot afford to not have it…

I don’t have all the other great reasons that other people leaving comments seem to have – i am not diabetic, I dont have heart problems etc. i guess the truth is that, as a mom of two, i simply need this program in my life right now. when i fell in love a few years ago, for the first time in my life, it was like i could do anything, be anything. i lost all my excess wt, exercised daily, ate healthy, completely toned up, and constantly got mistaken for someone 10 years younger (one person insisted i was under 18 and wouldn’t sell me stuff at their store w/out ID). But then he betrayed me and destroyed so much of me and my life, and the depression devoured me. Within two months all the wt came back, and now i hate looking at myself, hate being me. i desperately need something that will give me back my self esteem. I want to feel beautiful again. And I want to be healthy and strong for my kids. I guess I want to feel good and clean again, to know that he hasn’t taken everything, that even with the anguish I carry around with me every second of the day, I can still rise above all that and become stronger, an achiever. i know i have the determination to stick with it, i just need a system that really does what it says on the tin.

I’ll be honest with you Joel, I want to get back at all those people who said that my ass is as big as a planetarium and your program is all I need to complete my transformation!

I have abused my body to the extreme for years with every quick fix diet and diet pill on the market,(and in excess doses) until I hit menopause slap bang in the middle of it. Nothing worked anymore not even pure ephedrine. Not only did I mess up my hormones but my pancreas, liver, gallbladder and kidneys were busy shutting down. As I am an extremist and don’t believe in doctors and antibiotics, I had to wake up and find healthy, alternative ways to fix my body.I started excersizing and eat healthyier but is not sure if I do it correctly and if it works for me.Therefore I would love to win a copy of your extreme fat loss diet system. I am frustrated and feel horrible with all the fat and weight I picked up.It is the first time I realize how my body works for the good of me if I take care of it.

Hi Joel, thanks for this opportunity. I’ve held off entering because, well I’ve been busting my gut trying to make a difference with my exercise program … and I guess I’m feeling a bit jaded by my lack of ‘progress’ — I don’t want to feel like I’m a kid in a lolly shop trying all the ‘new’ goodies. I’m not interested in gimmicks. I want a healthy and sustainable solution, one I can share with my husband (family and friends) and work in with my children’s needs. I don’t want to give up: I’m determined, I’m disciplined, and I’m flat out coping with my large family. I really want to believe your program will be that missing link — and a real option that will work for me. I’d love to give it a try. Regards, Lucy.

I never believed I could change my body. After years of watching my mother diet without any significant progress I figured I would be the same: a perpetual dieter never getting anywhere. I though it was “in my genes” to be overweight. Several years ago I developed fibromyalgia and I thought that would be my life from now on… fat, fatigued and unhappy. Then I saw examples like yours that people really can change themselves. At 57 I committed myself to change. I lost 60 lbs. then hit a plateau. For one year I did the same things I’d done the previous year but had no significant loss. I still need to lose 50 lbs. I decided I needed to build more muscle. Though I’ve been going to a gym for four years I wanted to learn the right way to build fat-burning muscle. I also need to learn the best way to nourish my body to make it a fat-burning machine. Thanks.

I am 67 and obese. For past year have been on and off High protein, low carb diet I lost 20Kg but am now nearly back to where I started BUT I have lost muscle and am much weaker. If I do not get a system that loses fat and keeps or builds muscle, then I reckon my life expectancy is not great

This is the perfect program for me because at the beginning of 2010 I decided it was time to get back into shape. I started a reasonably strict somewhat self developed exercise program and began watching my diet I am down 20 pounds and have gained muscle mass… but now I have reached a plateau. I have read everything I could find related to diet and exercise to get rid of my last 25 pounds. Most of which appeared either “pie in the sky” or pure “BS” – your program on the other hand seems to make sense – I particluarly like the fact your “Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System” will tell me exactly what to eat and when, what exercise to do and when to do them.
I wish you great success with the kick off of your new program!

Hi Joel, I am not looking to win anything but just wanted to say hi.There must be millions out there who like me can only do the most basic of exercises due to injuries or long standing conditions. I lost 18lbs in 4 weeks just by walking and following your nutritional advice. The cheat days are the absolute key.Please tell everyone. Every weight loss programme prior to this failed miserably.Your a star.

I am desperate. Have tried diet after diet after diet. My weight goes up and down. After my beautiful son I picked up 57KG. Thats more than half a person. After reading your material it has changed my perspective on those so called diets. A breath of fresh air is what I need. An hopefully a good transformation.

Hi Joel at 44 years of age i have had to change a lot of things in my life my way of thinking and my weight yo-yo up and down as i tried many things to lose the weight being over weight puts me at risk of heart disease and so many others i think your system would help me because your showing best stuff to help me stuff you and you team researched and used on yourselves so you guys what work and what does not i have two kids one just turned eight and other three and joel i want live with energy happy and free knowing i’ll be there for my kids when they need me, you guys researched the best exercises the correct foods and i know your system would help me to be a healthy happy me

Hey Guys,
For the last 3 years of my life i have been shunned by my body into depression.
Every time i take a walk to the gym or take a swim i feel awkward as though another 100 eyes form different angles are looking at me and making fun of me.
Last to last month when i gave a try to Mr. Joel Marion’s program I was astounded beyond belief!! i mantained my regular gymming regimen and my swimming regime but all i changed was the way i eat , and what i eat.
NOW after 3 years of trying almost anything and everything ( u Name It!) I have begun to see results soo fast i had to pinch myself literally when i stood in front of my mirror after a month of hardwork.
Although i am from India An all and people say that genetics are stopping me i just dont believe them(thanx to u ).



Just love learning about health and nutrition. Small balanced meals which include protein EVERY time, water and daily exercise, including strength training regularly each week is showing amazing results. At last I feel empowered!!!
Your Extreme Fat Loss Diet sounds like the extra step in my exciting journey!!

Well, when you said twenty, I didn’t feel anymore that maybe I could steal program from someone who needs it more… but then I got this: I’m 44, and my war with body fat marked my life. Actually, I was just in a program of a famous nutritional guru, which emphasizes moderate daily approach to nutrition and bodybuilding program, and it didn’t deliver. I must confess I’m pretty extreme guy: training hard in martial arts, outdoor activities, bodyweight and weight training using different modalities (complexes, circuits, EDT etc.), paleolithic style diet with some fasting and some free days thrown in… then I figured out, the way you described your program resonates the most with me, and it could be my solution. Without feeling that I’m stealing it from others ;)

I have been trying to loose weight for the last 5 years. I have avoided diets and tried to change my eating habits and workout at the gym more. The problem is there is no definite program and lots of conflicting advice about fat loss. My current employment has made it difficult for me to get to the gym on a regular basis. I have been following several work out programs and I have put on muscle mass, unfortuantly I still have a good amount of fat around my stomach which hides my abs and makes me look fat. It is for this reason I think the fat loss program is good for me as it fits in around my lifestyle and is easy to follow. Many thanks Joel

Dear Joel,

My name is Maggie Paraskevas and I am 33 years old. I have 3 children and have been struggling with excess weight over the past 8 years (ever since I started having children). With each of my pregnancies I gained 30 kilos and have never been able to go back to my wedding day figure! My family and friends have always told me that I have amazing will power in all other aspects of my life but not with weight loss! My main problem has always been that I like food and any diet that I have previously been on outfaces me before I even start. I have done extensive research on many diets available and no matter what I always seem to fail as there is never an end in sight. After each pregnancy I would purchase a new “gimmick” that I thought would be the perfect solution for me and I start off exteremely optimistic only to become thouroughly discouraged a few weeks later. What appeals to me most about your diet is the structure of the 5 days especially the “cheat day”! It would give me something to work towards and stop me from being discouraged. I believe (and have believed for 8 years – has it been that long??!!) that I can get back my original figure. But after reading your updates my end goal changed and I don’t want to just go back to what I was – I want to be a bombshell!!! Reading your updates and especially listening to the audio made me feel that you truly understand what many of us must be feeling. It would also be great if I could (finally!!) weigh less than my husband who has some kind of killer metabolism and actually lies about his weight – to the greater!!!


Body, Mind and Spirit are so important to be in balance and for happiness in life. For me to achieve a goal such as having a six pack, gaining 10+ lbs of muscle and having more energy would really allow me to fully use my MIND towards the continued research into the metaphysics, spirituality, alternative medicine and healing towards helping not only myself, and loved ones but humanity towards raising our collective vibration toward ascension. This is the path I know I am here in this incarnation to fulfill.

Using my MIND through my pursuit of knowledge from your gracious cutting edge research would finally allow me to change my BODY to awaken my SPIRIT to the possibilities of my potential I am meant to fulfill in this life time. I greatly appreciate your lifes work Joel and commend you as you are affecting myself and others positively as this is what we are here to do in our lifetimes. I so am excited to learn every about your Xtreme Fat Loss Diet so I can immediately take action, achieve the changes which have been so difficult for me to achieve. I really look forward to celebrating my new found Body, Mind and Spirit as well as inspiring others to do the same.

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