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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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Joel, I’ve been a diabetic for 52 years. Over the years, I’ve gotten progressively fatter as my doctor keeps increasing my insulin. I feel this fat loss program is exactly what I need. I’m not an exercise lover but this program sounds like something I can do.

In the last few years I have tried many diet and exercise programs and have managed to lose over 45 kilos of weight. My weight loss over time became slower and slower and it is now not moving at all. Since reading your information I can see that I have probably slowed my metabolism and lost muscle mass – which would explain why although the numbers on the scale have gone down, my stomache measurement hasn’t changed much and I now cant budge the rest of the fat to reach my final goals. I would love to be chosen for a free copy as being a single working mum of four kids I really really want to reach the end of my journey and be proud of me.
Finally I would like to say Thankyou for spreading such a fabulous system to the world.

Hi Joel,

I have enjoyed reading your emails. I have lost nearly 100lbs. since starting exercising and eathing healthy. I have not been following a program lately because I believe I can do this on my own, but when I read about your Xtreme Fat Loss Diet plan I really wanted to try it out. I need to lose abou 15-20 lbs to be at my ideal weight. Your ideas seem revolutionary and I believe that I will hit my target weight with your plan. Congratulations on your book’s launch.

I have tried for several years to lose fat. I am 57 years old and tried all the “tried and true” diets and routines without success. My stomach fat just won’t leave and it is very frustrating. I work very hard at removing the fat, which I’m sure is a health hazard to someone my age, however it is without success but I know with your fat loss program it will be different. From everything I’ve read from you, it sounds like it is the real deal! I would love to reach the level of success and satisfaction by removing hard to get rid of fat and I know with your program it will become a reality. I would be honored to be chosen to receive your program free and once I receive success, will be one of your strongest advocates to promote your program!! Thank you.

Hello Joel,
12 months ago, I had surgery on my spinal cord. In order to remove a cyst from one of my spinal nerves, they had to break several of the vertebrae and open my spinal cord. My physio has been as simple and as challenging as “working out”, so I had the best reason ever to put me first. Over the last 6 months, I started lifting with my recovery as a motivator for consistency. The results have been good, I’m now in better shape than I have been in my life. And my self esteem has been transformed – who knew you could do that at the age of 46. But I’m not done, there are still hurdles to cross and pounds to lose to get to the next goal of more substantial fat loss. I’m quite keen to try this program to continue the transformation and be a fit, active role model for myself, my kids and my friends.
Kind regards, Heidi

Hi~ i am Sonia. I am now 23. I am nearly 60KG with 160cm….I have struggled with my weight for a long time. i ate very little and did a lot of exerciese, i did become thinner fast. however,when i tried to eat a bit normal, my weight rocketed. i experienced this yoyo dieting for few years and my health becomes worse and worse. i look sleepy all the day even i slept alot. skin becomes worse too…etc. even more, i started to develop earting disorder…i am trying to balance my health with the idea to reduce weight…and seems the both contracdict to each other…
i have read alot of books, information and research about dieting…but it doesn’t seem to help…and i am quite hopeless with my weight now….
however, after i read the cheat day theory, i started to know my problem and what my body tries to tell me. this theory let me have the chance to satisfy the needs of my body and at the same time let me reduce the weight.
it really gives me a new hope!

Ok, its like this, weight loss – either excessively fast or not is excessively important to all people, everywhere! Its a lifestyle buzz that I am beginning to understand is THE committment. In my house we have six children, who by example, will learn that KEY understanding as we educate ourselves through the research others, like yourself, put out there for everyone, everywhere. So, we are committed, we are practising and look forward very much to the latest understandings you can bring to our lives. Thank you.

Joel, with just the information you shared for free, I’ve lost 2 pounds of fat this week! So, clearly, I need the rest of the program — with all of the pieces in place — to do something I haven’t been able to to for 3 year… get rid of that last 15 pounds that just seems stuck to me.

I’ve tried so many different ways to get past this point that didn’t work and, frankly, I was just about to give up and assume that, at almost 50, this is just the way my body was always going to be.

But with the results I got from your free info, I’m sure that with the whole course I can finally get back into shape like I was 15 years ago, before I had an accident and put on 30 pounds.

Can’t wait to see what’s next!

Hey Joel,
I’m very excited to start your new program. I am a medical professional, and I have really enjoyed your updates and advice. I work as a Registered Nurse in a very busy Post Anesthesia Care Unit. High stress, long hours, and call shifts have really helped make my body fat and unhappy :( I know a lot of girls how say, “I wish I weighed now the same as I did in High School”. I do not really want the numbers on the scale as much as I am willing to work hard to be fit, and have the tone and shape back again. I want to be able to enjoy life outside of work and begin living it again !!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all You Do :)

I am 46 and overweight…when I was in my 20’s I was underweight. I exercised everyday and ate very little. Now I think my body is mad at me and it is going to keep every single ounce of fat it can…just in case. I just want someone to tell me exactly what to do … without too much studying. I don’t care why it works I just want it to work.

I’ve been following your programs all the way from Western Australia. Your Extreme program seems to fit in best with using variation with food intake and cheating (like normal life) which is easy to apply and with what I have tried to date works with upping your metabolism and burning fat.

Following many historical years of resistance training, I’m now in my early 40s and I’ve slipped to a weight about 260lbs (6′2” in height). I have a fair amount of muscle but I’m around 25% body fat. I’d like to be 200lbs and around 10% body fat so you might say I have a lot work to do. I’ve been out of the gym for the last 5 years and mainly doing slow steady state cardio with walking and swimming (no good for fat burning).

My recent experience of starting to follow your approach with intense activity and calorific variation really fits into my lifestyle. The Extreme program sounds like it provides a sound structure around food intake and matching that strategically with appropriate metabolic and muscle stimulating activities.

There is no use having a good structure of muscle if it is covered by many lbs of burdening lard. A science based structure suits the goals I want to achieve whilst not requiring a three month trip to a health retreat! It makes sense to start with the Extreme program for a discreet period of time for quick and significant fat loss (whilst maintaining muscle mass).

So I’m looking to replace the regular pasta evening with some strategic cheating to take advantage of that high leptin fat burning state. Of course I’m looking to get in shape and not take 6 months to make some significant gains!

i have been following everything that you have been saying and i think its a shame that others dont follow in the same process that you are in helping people to loose weight and not rip them off and being yourself had a weight problem i think that makes you human to understand how it makes you feel , at the moment i do have a weight issue and its due to depression and also going through menapause and the fact that i do like to be able to have normal so called food to eat i would like to use this as well on my husband without him knowing and help him to as he needs to loose weight as he gets a bad back from extra weight even if i dont win i am still loking forward to seeing your new weight reduction scheme and i think what your doing for everyone is just fantastic. debbie there should be more decent people like you.

Finally I think I’ve found the KEY to getting back to my normal weight, and without pills or potions. It is most exciting to see what you have done to accomplish this in a careful and real way. Thanks for the help. PS, my sweet husband is type II diabetic, and I believe this will be most effective for him.

Hi Joel
I think this program will work for me, is that I’m just over 40, when the growth hormones etc, start to decline, therefore putting on weight, and this program will motivate me to get fit, eat well and enjoy life more fully!. I’ll call this program the “Reclaim Your Life” diet system!

Hi Joel,
This is Suneet from India.Well and i got to congratulate you for the tips and your work.I was pretty fat and ugly looking guy an year back.Have been trying your tips in my diet and exercises and it works.specifically hormone and lactic acid training.I am really thankful to you as i have lost any hope of cutting down any weight after working out like an ass day in and out.I would love to get the system for free and help out other people who are just doing everything but cutting out the weight . that can be a gift of America to India


Hi Joel,

I am 48 year old and I have struggled to get below single digits. My goal is to get below single digits and beyond. You guys (Joel, Vince, Jon) are my inspiration.
I work out very hard and I am pretty good with my food intake but I’m never able to get below single digits. Please help me achieve this goal. I am a very hard worker and I will get below single digits with your help. Its not easy to eat right all the time, I have 3 kids and 4 foster kids. I respect what you do to help others.



Hi Joel,I stumbled on this program by accident a few nights ago.I periodically get e-mails from hugo rivera.The e-mail he sent me a few days ago said that I should check this link with 5 tricks to fat loss that he in the past had used himself,I really trust what hugo says so I went.The funny thing is this year my goal was to get ripped for the beach and try to meet my future girlfriend so I had written down a few get lean programs that I was going to do and gave myself a time limit of 4months,that was in january.Now here it is may 1 and I’m the same person still 15% bodyfat.I just never came around to it I guess 2 much confusion just like your friend said it’s like being lost in the woods,you see these programs only say so much and you have to make up yur own routine,like vince said on your phone call I don’t want someone to tell me to just do anything that I feel is right I need directions day 2 day.So you just saved me four months of dieting and tons of money that I did’nt have that was also %50 of the reason I never started.So please send me a copy:)So i can get on with my life

Well in a nut-shell I’m 40 and I just don’t like the way I look when I take my shirt off. I’d just like to look as strong as I am.

With the vast information available in the internet, I have seen countless of free reports, starter packs relating to fitness and diet waiting for anyone to grab. But to grab is one thing and to act on it is another! They say as long as you want it bad enough, it will happen. No pain no gain too, but with Xtreme Fat loss diet, getting into shape is no longer all about pain. It is strategic smart eating coupled with the no science fitness training that will transform anyone into his or her best shape without compromising on our tastebuds. C’mon face it, we are all foodies and I can’t give up my naughty meals once a week. With this system, I’m only more assured that it is totally OK to “cheat” and in fact, it is crucial! I have been a yo-yo dieter and with your manual, I am sure I will be a happy girl right away!~ Thank you Joel for doing all the hard work for us!! Appreciated it through and through.

I am 23 years old , and want to feel self confident about my body before entering the professional world. I’ve always wanted to have the freedom to wear what I want, and live these carefree years to the fullest without self-image issues. I know this program will help get in shape, and I want to try one without any gimmicks or frauds involved.

Hi Joel,

I am 44 and am having a difficult time losing weight. I have been losing the same 10 pounds for the past 5 years. I have been very strict on my diet for the past 6 week and started out great with 5 pounds in the first week. The next week was 2 pounds and in the last few weeks I have lost an equivalent of 1/2 of a pound. I am extremely frustrated and am almost at the point of giving up again. I have been working out 4-5 days a week doing 1/2 hour of weights and 1/2 hour of treadmill. I am not sure what is happening to me that nothing is changing but something must be wrong with what I am doing. I could really use some help. I did get my collesterol down to normal though so that is one good reason to muster on. Please help me to get on the right track.

Geri in Canada

Joel, I want this program! I’m studying to become a personal trainer, I’ve been following weight watchers since September ’09, and I work out about 4-5 days a week. I also work full-time and have three beautiful daughters aged 14, 10, and 3. I am sooooo frustrated with my results in the last few months and after listening to your information, I believe that this is a program that will work not only for me, but for all of the people that I am currently training with. If this program works for me, I will be your #1 volunteer advertiser! I NEED to lose this last 15 pounds. I’ll be 40 in a couple of years and I’m getting married on a beach in 2012. HELP ME!!
But most importantly, I want this program because it has gotten me excited and committed to losing fat.

I am 178 Cm tall and have lost weight 12 kg in 1 year, from 92 Kg to 80 KG. I have been stuck at this level for the past 6 months and I am starting to despair. I have tried all types of diets to break this plateau, but none of them was successful. The very attractive part of your system is that “tricking” your body, as you suggest, should cease the pain that I am experiencing with the other techniques. Moreover, its advantages include simplicity, logic, novelty, easiness, and durability. I believe it could work and finally get me over my body’s resistance.

I need this program, simply because the obvious, I need to burn fat and maintain muscle. Not only because I want to look and feel great, but because I need to prove to my peers that I am more than just the over-weight guy that everyone feels sorry for. For the past couple months I have been trying to deit and excise, and for the first few weeks I was making moderate weight losses but ever sence then it seems like the fat is impossible to get rid of.

I am tierd of the guys on the baseball team calling me “canks” and saying how I’ll never lose the fat. But how sweet would it be to be the guy in the lockeroom that everyone is secretly envious of. I NEED this program to prove to everybody and my stubborn body that I can lose fat.

Hi Joel,

I am 36 and the mother of 5 kids including twins, which did a number on my body let me tell you!! I am 5’5″ and at the beginning of this year I weighed 165 lbs. I got fed up with how I looked and felt and started researching healthy weight loss. I completely changed my diet and started eating much better and have been exercising pretty much every day. I have been able to get down to 147, which from 165 isn’t bad, but I want to get down to 125-130. For the last several weeks I have not been able to get down past 147. I was so excited to read 5 sneaky tips and listen to the audio with you, Vince and John, because now I understand why I have been stuck. I listened to the audio 3 times!! I am so excited for your program!! I have a goal of getting down to 125-130 by the end of May! I want to look sexy and hot! I am now single and on the PROWL!

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