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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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Hi Joel, just like Vince DelMonte, i was scrawny. and with the fact that i’m 5’4, needless to say i lacked self-confidence. fast fwd to my 20s wher i was a skinny fat guy due to unhealthy habits. in my early 30s i was simply fat. in those yrs there was even a girl at work who had a “cute” nickname for me…fatso. I am mow 37 and for the past 5yrs i’ve been working out and got some result. however, 1yr ago i stumbled upon ur website, Vince’s, Craig’s etc and started getting better and faster results. i’m even starting to see my abs. i feel like xtreme fat loss will help me reach my goal and who knows maybe this summer i will finally be proud of my body and take off my t-shirt in public or go for a swim shirtless for the 1st time in my life!
thx Brandon

Hi Joel….I have always had trouble with my weight i’ve tryed any and everthing i could but nothing has worked at 24 264 pounds iam tired of being overweight and i think your program with help me finally get in shape.

At age 41, I’ve set my goals on my first 6-pack…this is not a *mission impossible* and I’m no Tom Cruise [ although I can rock climb better than him ;) ].

I started my journey on 1/10/2010 @ 25.8% bodyfat with a 43″ belly & 38.5″ waist…lots of doughiness. Cleaned up the nutrition significantly (no sugar…only water…lots of lean protein…veggies…fruit…almonds…low to moderate carbs). I’ve been working out between 4 to 6 days per week and lots of two-a-days (lunch time and evenings). I’ve completed one instance of Roman’s 6-week final phase fat loss and currently in week 4 of Dr. K’s DEFL. After 110 days, I’ve lost 27 lbs (25 lbs of bodyfat & 2 lbs of LBM), 7″ off of my belly & 3.5″ off my waist, and my bodyfat is measuring 17.1%. I’m pleased with my progress…however, I’m only sporting a 2-pack and have a ways to go. So what’s my problem you ask…other than lacking some patience???

1. I’m killing myself in the gym…2-a-day workouts, HIIT 4-5 times per week on treadmill, cycle, and elliptical using Dr. K’s 20 min, 30/30 format…incline at 6.0, high speed 10.0mph & low speed 2.5mph on a treadmill for example. Lifting weights and seeing some good definition.

2. I’m eating as clean as I know how (I’ve cut out all wheat / flour / breads, pastas, milk, and many many more *normal people foods*…drinking a gallon of water per day…eating 5 to 6 meals per day 7 days per week, and taking no supplements other than a multi-vitamin, omega 3 fish oil, and whey protein.

3. Getting between 7 and 8 hours of sleep at night

4. I’ve incorporated most of the best advice received from the best fitness industry experts…Marion, Roman, Dr. K, Colby, Skinny Vinny, Geary, Nilsson, Venuto, Doberman, Adam & Ryan, Aponte….just to name of few ;)

As a result, I’ve been plateau’d at 17% bodyfat and 170 lbs @ 5’9″ for over a month now. Despite mixing up my program and changing HIIT intensity levels regularly and cardio machines used, nothing seems to be working. I’m thinking I’m working out too hard and too much and probably need to take a week off…but I’m feeling good and strong…no injuries. So, I’m not exactly sure what else I can do other than continue with the program and nutrition based on what I currently know.

I’ve certainly got the desire, the motivation, clean nutrition, and an aggresive fat loss workout regimen to ultimately accomplish my goal. However, I think I’m lacking the right timing and strategies for creating synergies between nutrition and workouts. I’m convinced that the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System is the missing link.

Mission 6-pack, here I come…25 days from May 4th puts the date at the end of May. So if you’ll hook me up, I’ll become your next testimonial.

A cookie here and ice cream there
Put on the pounds
In places I hide
With the clothes I wear

Go take a walk or run a bit
I’ll do it tomorrow
I promise myself
But just for now I’d like to sit

Don’t eat the carbs, not good for you
I’m counting calories
But nothing works
And I’m feeling blue

A slender figure would be great
Hooray for cheat days
I’ll have cookies and ice cream
And still lose the weight

The Extreme Fat Loss Diet
Has info that’s new
So thank you Joel
I’m so anxious to try it

I’m a second year medical student, which means my life is CRAZY. When I’m not studying, shadowing on the wards or doing extra-curricular activities, I make time to work out 5-6 times per week. Also, like most weight-conscious people out there, I make a big effort to eat healthy. Fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy grains and lean meats are the main players in my daily diet. However, I have reached a plateau and have been struggling to lose weight over the last year. And of course, I miss sweet treats, especially chocolate, like crazy! So yes – I BINGE, and my mood is absolutely horrible afterward. Joel, I’m ready for a change! In less than a year, I will be actually working on the wards and on call, and will be very strapped for time to eat, sleep, let alone get to the gym! So if I could get my weight down, I feel like I could maintain my new weight during this chaotic yet exciting part of my life. Being in medicine, I know all about leptin, and I’m so excited to have the chance to make it work for me! As you’ve said, the psychological part of healthy weight is huge in overall health, and I feel that with your program, I can be truly happy with the way I look and ENJOY food again. And as a great bonus, a better mood and outlook will definitely help my performance on the wards!

Why do I need your program????


This means that:
1. We have something in common (I guess, with most other people on the planet as well, but hey) and
2. That I have lots of Oreo- originated fat to lose!

Plus, chose me and you will being doing a massive favor for a bunch of innocent people who have to share a beach with me. AND you’ll be helping save environmental resources by helping me downsize dress sizes and the fabric that makes em. So go green, Joel!! Chose me!

Actually, to be serious, I really do need some help… When, I was 16, and insecure and stupid, I went on a diet – a very unhealthy crash diet- eventually leading to gaining way more weight back and entering a 8 year yo-yo cycle. Now, here I am, feeling fed up with failed diets, with a semi-truck load of fat to lose and feeling rather attached to the muscle I have left. So pick me!!!

PS. I have confession. I’m actually not an avid oreo lover. Something about the icing. So okay, I was just trying to get the judges’ attention, but don’t I get points for effort??????

Hi Joel

I can’t comment on the updates you mentioned, because I haven’t read them. However, I will write a few words on why I would like a free copy of your program.

I am not what you’d call an ’emergency case’. I weigh about 200lbs and I’m about 5’9” in height. I have a mesomorphic build, and had plenty muscle before I even started doing weights about two months ago. There are really two main reasons I want your program.

1) To help burn off the last few pounds of stubborn belly fat. There is plenty muscle already developed underneath, which I would love to be able to show off in a ‘ripped’ lean look. I had this thing down a few years ago when I had a physical job in a warehouse, and good nutrition to boot. Then I had to do some rehab, as some dangerous old habits caught up with me and became a serious issue. In the treatment program exercise was not a big priority, but food was. The sudden end of my warehouse job combined with rich meals gave me the gut I have now. This is a source of embarrasment and awkwardness in my life, and I’d like help in getting rid of it. I don’t see anything wrong with wanting to look as good as I can, and the good feelings and positive self-image that comes with it.

2) To add to my ‘toolkit’. I am trying to develop an Integral lifestyle that includes everything from nutrition and exercise to meditation and spirituality (taking care of every dimension we exist on as human beings simultaneously – a full-spectrum lifestyle approach). I would like in a few years to promote this approach in drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs. Most of the ones in my locality don’t prioritise the physical part of our beings, and don’t recognise the importance of being strong, fit and healthy. I would like to first of all get myself in great shape, and second of all go about promoting awareness of this so that treatment programs will be more complete, and hopefully more successful. They do not have a great success rate as it is, and I believe this would be improved with a more integrated, complete approach that would include everything from the physical to the spiritual, and everything in between. I have found that being physically healthy is a natural weapon against relapsing into old destructive patterns. I am currently using material from Jon Benson, Shawn Philips, Michael Geary, Rob Poulos and others, and integrating them in an ongoing experiment at refining my health and fitness on a daily basis.

So, like I said, I’m already in fairly good shape, and not an emergency case of obesity or anything. I would, however, be able to make good use of your program in refining my tools, burning off those last few stubborn pounds of pudge, and keeping them off. Maybe I’ll be writing my own book down the line on how I did it and what worked for me :)

Thanks & Kind Regards

Why do I need your program????


This means that:
1. We have something in common (I guess, with most other people on the planet as well, but hey) and
2. That I have lots of Oreo- originated fat to lose!

Plus, chose me and you will being doing a massive favor for a bunch of innocent people who have to share a beach with me, while simultaneously helping save environmental resources by helping me downsize dress sizes. So go green, Joel!! Chose me!
Actually, to be serious, I really do need some help… When, I was 16, and insecure and stupid, I went on a diet – a very unhealthy crash diet- eventually leading to gaining way more weight back and entering a 8 year yo-yo cycle. Now, here I am, feeling disillusioned with the classic diets, with a semi-truck load of fat to lose and feeling rather attached to the muscle I have left.

PS. I have confession. I’m actually not an avid oreo lover. Something about the icing. So okay, okay, I was just trying to get the judges’ attention, but don’t I get points for effort??????

Hi Joel, thanks for this opportunity. Here is why i would love to win a free copy. I am a 45 yr. old male, 70 lbs. overweight & nothing really seems to work for me. I am willing to commit 100% to this program. It just makes sense. I need a diet where the synergy is there and every thing comes together all at the same time. Ive been on many diets where there is always some component missing. I feel that you have got the coplete package. I need to get healthy for my wife & 3 sons & for a better quality of life. I am a hard worker & can be very committed to your program because it makes sense & is one of the most doable programs ive seen. thanks

I’m a 24 year old girl who suffers from chronic weight fluctuation!
When I put my mind to it I can do quite well and the result is feeling fantastic! Unfortunately I lose momentum every time, because I need assistance in setting goals and planning my time, and my motivation eventually flies out the window! After a while I forget how it feels to be fit and healthy and my mind convinces me that the sludgy feeling and aches are normal!
Since discovering that my “Bioage” is 38 (!) – I decided I need a major turn around and have started eating healthily and working out again – but I’m wandering around aimlessly, and I need to get there and MAINTAIN!
I loved your ‘5 Sneaky Tricks…’ information and think that I could seriously benefit from a structured plan such as the XFLD. I work best when told how!
So… pick me, pick me!

P.S. enjoying my cheat day today, mmm pizza! :)

I am a 71 year old female with many health problems, mainly from bad eating habits. and no exercise. Your program has given me hope, the hope that I thought had lost. At my age, I am more surprised than anything, that I have found this program. I am pretty much home bound, and through the internet I have learned much that I can implement at home, and the motivation from the many sources that you offer. XFLD sounds very promising, and I would like to be one of the 20 lucky ones to win.

Hi! I’ve reached my near-perfect body shape with no gimmicks, just real food and good training over 15 months following the priceless education and tips from subscribing to you, Vince, Mike Geary & Tom Venuto’s newsletters.
But I said “near-perfect”, not PERFECT! I want to say that I have tried EVERYTHING, and I won’t have until I’ve tried your intriguing Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System. I am on such a high right now from the results I’ve achieved so far, but I want perfection! I would kill, yes kill Joel, for a copy of your program :o)

I have read all of your materials with fascination. However, I can’t wrap myhead around the diet with the work out, and the balance. I need someone telling me exactly what to eat, when. how and when to exercise, ect. I am 57, never worried about weigh until my 40’s. I gained 40, I lost 40 by not eating and kept it off 4 years by exercising. Then I was hit with arthritis and fibromialgia and couldn’t exercise because every part of my body hurt. This went on for over two years. Now I want it off again. I don’t understand balancing the right foods with the right exercise at the right time. I like meat, not fish, I like potatoes, corn, carrots, beets, fruits, eggs, cereals and I love chocolate. I have been working hard to lose, I have cut way back on how much I eat, eating 6 times a day, and eating mostly fruit. At first i dropped it quickly, and for the last two months it has been very slow. Please help me understand what and when to eat, how to count calories, how to know if certain exercises are working. Also, when I leave the gym, arms are weak, I’m tired, and I often feel nauseus. Please send me the new books and help me figure all of this out. I don’t unerstand what is happening in my body when I can’t see what’s going on inside. Thank you for listening. Please help!

A recent graduate from massage and acupuncture, I was never so excited as to have some time for myself to go to the gym regularly and get in my workouts. So workout I did, just about everyday. Sometimes twice daily, cardio i am, weights in pm or vice versa. And yes I saw results. Sure I did. And I really loved the way I looked and felt. Only problem is, my dieting and training was so intense I believe I may have overtrained a little bit. I began suffering from overtraining symptoms such as extreme fatigue and loss of enjoyment with activities. Sddenly, I dreaded going to the gym. That wasn’t like me – ever. I always believed there was a better and smarter way to enjoy my highest level of fitness without sacrificing so much all the time. Your plan just makes sense Joel and I cannot wait to put it into action and see amazing results without having it be such a constant struggle…..

At age 51, nothing else is working. I need help.

Hi Joel,
I’m not looking for at “diet”. I am looking for a new lease on life. I have started the Fat Burning Furnace and love it! Your work out and eating plan look very interesting and the fact that your neice lost 25 pounds of fat in less than a month is outstanding! I am looking for something to jump start my fat loss and help be be the best I can be by my 47 birthday in December. My sized have always ranged from an 8 up to an 18. I want to be a solid 8 again! I thing your mindset is what I need! Thank you!

I am turning 50 in just over 1 month and my husband and I are escaping to a tropical destination to “celebrate”. I have been trying very hard for the last 4 months to rid myself of stubborn fat, by doing Vince & Joel’s weight programs but still have those stubborn “love Handles” (even though they are getting there) and tummy fat. I envision myself everynight, in my dreams, of when we go away and my husband sees my great new body in my bikini. I try very hard to eat healthy but perhaps I am missing something or doing something wrong and would love to try Extreme Fat Loss to shed those last few pounds.

Hey Joel, I’M a 31 year old single father of 3. For the last 8 years I’ve told Myself I was going to get in killer shape. Then I would either A.) start working out (a little) B.) start “dieting” or C.) start jogging. Nothing lasted, nothing brought results. This last Jan. I decided to really coMMit and train, eat healthy, and do soMe cardio. I’ve Made really good results to date. Even received soMe coMMents at work but have been pretty Much been wing’n it. I’M really exited about XtreMe fat loss. Everything I’ve heard so far just seeMs to Make sense. I believe it will take Me to the next level of fitness and aM super stoked. Thank you for this prograM.

P.S My M key is broken and only works when I use shift. that is why they are always capitalized. Thanks again.


I’m on Atkins, lost 20 pounds but pretty much stopped losing now. I’m 48 years old, teach university courses in accounting and finance, weigh 227 pounds, 5’8″ and I play ball hockey year-round with my 21-year-old son in a city league, play soccer in the summer, and I want to get in better shape to protect my knees and keep playing as long as I can. The 25-year-olds aren’t going to get away from me just because I could be their father.

I have two grandsons, as of a week ago, and it would be really cool to play with them, too. I have a buddy who says he expects me to still be playing when they’re at that stage. 16 years from now, who knows?

Love the idea of cheat days, really miss my pasta, don’t have time to e-bike in the sauna like Chris Chelios, my wife (27 years married) and I would love to drop a few without all the horror stories, such as losing muscle mass, connective tissue issues, and such.

I am a 51 year old mother of 3. I am overweight (82 kg 160cm tall) and booked in for gynaecological surgery next week, with an expected recovery period of six weeks. I had arthroscopy five weeks ago for frayed knee cartilages and am almost recovered from that. I have been hugely restricted in the exercise I can do since last October, and I’m really looking forward to being able to exercise “normally”again. I feel your program would be ideal to follow, and would give me healthy lifelong habits with great results. My friends and I have trouble understanding why, prior to my knee injury, I was overweight at all, due to my healthy diet and regime of an hour a day on the treadmill. Now I am beginning to understand that “cheating” regularly could be good for me, and that cardio will not necessarily help me get the results I want.

After years of struggling with self image and the following consequences, this past summer I had gotten into the best shape of my life thus far. Feeling amazing, I thought my issues were over, thought I was finally on the edge of achieving the perfect body, then..
School caught up, winter set in, my pool was closed, and I gained about fifteen pounds back, throwing me back into my slump of horrid self image and behaviors of emotional masochism. The past few months I’ve come out of it, however, losing five to eight pounds already, but I feel at loss.
I’m soft, not toned. I fear bulking up too much, so I watch what I eat, but am I eating enough? Am I eating the right things? So confused. I’d love to have some guidance. Your program sounds phenomenal to me, and I’d love to give it a go. The scientific back-up specifically intrigues me. I cannot wait to end this struggle..
Thank you for reading =) Good luck to all.

I’ve tried several different diets and workout regimes from Vince Delmonte, Craig Ballantyne, etc. Although I liked them for short periods of time, they weren’t the full package that I LOVE and would want to stick to in the long run. I’m curious and excited to try your program and to see how you’re able to generate extreme fat loss in short periods of time and whether it’ll work for me. Cheers and thanks for this new program. I plan on getting it and giving it a shot.

I stumbled upon Joel’s emails after reading Rob Poulos’s Fat Burning Furnace email and dowloading his book and newsletters. I am a 57 year old woman, who, as I am told by many, look 10 years younger. I have always been interested in healthy eating and living. I was always slender and healthy seemingly without effort, until I turned 50, got a desk job and married an Italian who loves his pasta, wine, cheese, salami, sausage and late night eating, in the same year. 3 Strikes against my wasteline! Within 2 years I gained 25 pounds and 3 to 4 dress sizes to my chegrin! I have tried the South Beach diet with small results and Isagenix cleansing program and lost 20 pounds, but gained it all back in one trip to the UK and eating what was served. I have now began weight lifting and have seen some toning, but not much weight or fat loss yet. I am excited to try Joel’s approach so that I can feel like me again.

Hi Joel, I lost 54 pounds but have stopped losing for the last 6 months. I still need to lose at least that many more. I know that exercise is the difference, but this is the area that I just don’t have a clue about. If I had the time I could probably figure it out but I don’t have the time! I am a homeschooling mom of 3 kids, 9, 11 and 12. With your program, I know I could follow it because it is all written out clearly for me. The amount of time I have available can go directly to working the plan instead of trying to figure out what I should dol The missing piece of my puzzle is a plan that works.

Joel, I would be lying if I wanted to just do this program for myself. The truth is my family needs this program too. My husband needs to work a plan as he has weight to lose and needs to get into shape. Two of my kids are showing a tendency to be overweight. Having this program would change the future of my entire family for at least two generations and hopefully more. Thank you for your consideration.

I have been diagnosed with a rare, genetic, metabolic disorder in which the mitochondria of the cells are defective. The docs told me that, since I had been lifting weights for 30+ years and marathon running, this disorder showed up in my mid 40s instead of my 20s. But, they told me to stop exercising for fear of losing muscle tissue (?). Of course, as time went by it was obvious that I needed to exercise to keep my muscle mass (more muscle, more mitochondria) and become very lean as diabetes also goes along with this. So, I am back to modified strength training and, though I lost my ability to run (use it or lost it principle), I can do other cardio work. My life depends on getting the fat off and keeping the muscle and even adding more, if possible. Your program could be what allows me to watch my grandchildren grow up.

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