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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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In May 2008, I decided to have an ECG, following an ancomfortable night with what I thought was ‘heartburn’ after a Chili Con Carne. No the Cardiologist did not like the look of my ECG and wanted me in a Heart Instite for tests. A ‘Tropin T’ enzyme test said I had a heart attack, not heartburn!

I weighed 115.6Kg back then and by Aug 2009, I was down to 109.4Kg – not good enough. I educated myself on what not to eat, as well as what I should be a eating. ‘Cheat Your Way Thin’ helped with sticking to the diet and getting successful results.

I also wanted to increase exercise, to get more ‘Cardio-Fit’ and used a Heart Rate Monitor, to make sure I did not overdo it.

I am now down to 96Kg and it is getting more difficult to lose another 10Kg – mostly the belly fat, that seems to be the last and most difficult to get rid of.

I hope his ‘Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System’ will help with this.

63 years old, 100 pounds overweight, and diabetic. Need to get in shape for a 5 day canoe trip in one month. Need to lose weight to help my health. Other diet and exercise programs I have tried haven’t worked.

Hey Joel, I’ll keep this pretty short and to the point. I’m young. I turn 16 in 9 days (May 9). I have been following you, Vince, John, and Arnel for somewhere around a year now and have come a long, long ways since my chubby childhood days. I am barely starting to see my abs show through but still have a good bit of lower belly fat (and just fat in general too). I have been at a standstill for months now with my progress and really feel the need to just burst through it. I’m also dead tired of seeing friends of mine eat whatever they want at lunch and not pay the price for it at all (at least not yet). They are all pretty thin and some are muscular too. I have been trying to eat healthy for a while and it seems like it is for nothing since it isn’t yielding results. I know this isn’t the case because of the long-term benefits though. Anyhow, this is a little longer than I thought it would be, so just wanted to say thanks for all the time you put into getting out as much free information as possible and thanks to Arnel, Vince, and John too.

I am about to turn 40 on May 18th and one of my goals has been to be in the best shape of my life by age 40. Though I am on my way, I won’t be at my best by my birthday, but I do believe it is possible by the end of summer. I don’t think I have a big problem putting on muscle, but I sure have a hell of a time losing bodyfat. I need to switch gears and try a more drastic approach. Another more important goal is to be a positive role model for my two sons, ages 2 & 4. They both “workout” with me on occasion, so I know I am off to a good start, but I want to show them that Daddy can get rid of that belly. I want to show them what hard work and dedication can lead to. Most of all, I want them to appreciate good health and to value themselves.

Hi Joel,
I have struggled with my weight for many years. I believe your program will work for me because of the science behind the program. I have heard about the importance of blood sugar and hormone levels and how they relate to weight loss. Thanks to your weight loss information, I now know I can achieve weight loss results without losing muscle, slowing my metabolism and depriving me of delicious “cheat” food considered off limits by many weight diet programs. I managed to lose fifty pounds five years ago by following an intense workout routine and controlling the type of foods in our home (just ask my family…I became the food police!). Subsequently, I developed severe pain as a result of osteoarthritis that led to a hip replacement two years ago. Since then I have been slowly gaining back the weight and losing the fit, strong body I worked so hard to achieve. Yes, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself! When I read about your program I knew I had finally found the answers to effective weight loss enabling me to achieve my weight loss goals. I am turning the big 50 this year and with your help, i know my body will reflect the strong, confident woman I am on the inside! 

Im ready to make some serious changes and your plan appears simple and easy to follow for long term results. I believe I could stick to and enjoy this program while transforming my body.. I look forward to starting this program.


Hi Joel!
I can’t wait for your program. The lead-ups emails and blogs have made me feel that this program is what I need to get my body back after having had 2 children.
I also love food, and the cheat days sound ideal to satisfy those cravings.
I have always struggled with my weight and have tried heaps of different diets that usually leave me hungry; one diet did start to get some results but after a couple of months (and very hungry) I stopped losing weight and I think I started losing muscle! I have about 10kgs (about 22 pounds) to ideally lose. I think your program may be the one to do this.
Who knows, could I end up with a bikini body that I’ve never dreamed possible?…

Good evening Joel
I just started MYM two weeks ago and it has whip me but still going strong. being raised old school (my Dad turn 65 when I was 18 now i’m 52) thus being said I was not going to tell anyone that I was doing a new strenght and weight program. Now that i,ve told some people and showed them what program that I am doing, I am committed to finished what I started; I have given my word which is binding. Already seeing results from my work outs. i know that this will help me achieve my goals and show others that anything is possible.

thank you for this chance in making a life altering experice.


i am a father of one i am also overweight being 36 i weigh 297 ponds and most of the other diets ive tried have failed but then i heard about your work and knew it would be perfect for me so please pick me so i can look the muscular way i was when i was twenty.

We are in our early 50’s (married 26 yrs!) and have been busy raising the family but doing nothing about staying in shape. Kids are now gone and we have a little extra time to ourselves and we both are trying our darndest to lose weight and get in shape. We started a exercise/weight training program some months ago and have started toning nicely but no weight loss. I still have this rather large belly and dreaded man boobs but my legs are lookin good! Anyway, your program sounds like it should work for us.

Good Evening Joel,
This is the perfect time for me to get this product because this program isn’t so much for me as it is for my parents. Both my parents are border line obese and are trying to lose weight and get back in shape. My mother has tried several diets in the past the Atkins diet, low carb and recently is on the isagenix diet along with my dad. They both lost 5-10 lbs. but find it really hard to follow because of the heavy restrictions and ended up gaining it back and feel more tired and seem to have less energy in my opinon. My uncle would also join my parents on this journey since he lives with us, to help lower his blood pressure and to reach a healthy weight. I myself will also be using it as I am also overwieght and trying to lose some body fat and get leaner for the summer and my upcoming football season.
Thank you for your time,

This program seems to be a godsend. Since I quit playing competitive baseball, I let myself go a little, getting caught up in the college life. However, I recently rededicated myself to building a physique I can be proud of. I have gone on a fitness craze, almost to the point of overload. With so many programs and so many opinions., it is hard to know exactly what information is best. For the last 6 months, I have been working on increasing muscle, but with muscle gain came unwanted fat gains. So I started to cut weight, and a few days later I get an email telling me to read about “5 Sneaky Tricks” to help with my fat loss. I was immediately drawn to this and it all made sense. I knew right away this program could help me get a body I can be proud of, a body that helps my self confidence. I am tired of my cousin grabbing my love handles and laughing. I am tired of seeing my athlete friends grab the attention of the girls around us. I am tired of being embarrassed of my body. I am ready to dedicate myself to something, knowing I will get results. I am ready to cut the fat and be proud of myself. I found something I believe in and am ready to improve my life.

Hey Joel I am so excited about the Extreme Fat Loss Diet Program because I have been good about working out the last 10 years or so but eating the right food has always been a struggle. I have recently gotten back into working out with weights in my exercise program and lost 20 lbs with the diet solution program. Lately I have hit a plateau though. When I first started this program I could have a cheat day and still lose weight. I have always struggled with cheat days and continuing the weight loss. I seem to always have to lose the weight I gained from the junk as well as water weight. It becomes a vicious cycle. I really like your 5 ideas on maximizing the cheat day with the right exercise and food before and after. I am excited to try it out and lose the last of my fat on my trouble spots – hips, thighs and butt. I can not weight to get started. :-)

I am 51 this year and my weight keeps creeping up, although I’ve been exercising since I was 15. I do not want to feel deprived and I want to enjoy food, still! I’d love to do/try your program, it makes more sense than all the other programs, etc. that I’ve read or tried.

Furthermore, my husband who is 60 and has lost most of his thyroid has been battling weight issues for several years, since he has quit smoking. He used to be able to drop weight quickly and stay slim, but now it is very very difficult.

We both could use all the help we could get!

I’m not sure if my other post went through. Anyway, I am 45 years old and have been losing and gaining 20 to 40 lbs since I was 9 years old. I keep hitting lower and lower bottoms. My last bottom lead lead to complete depression which is when I finally got to my goal weight in 2008. Shortly after that I found the CYWT program and I immediately went to the maintenance part of it which helped me keep the weight off for a year which was the longest I have ever maintained a goal weight. After a wedding and the holidays, I began to lose ground. Since then, I have gained 20 lbs. back. I am so miserable and seem to have hit a plateau. I need the Extreme Fat Loss Program because I think it is the answer. I think with the strategic workouts on certain days and the cheat days, it will get me super fast fat loss in time for summer. Thank you for considering me.

i want to belive this is a prefect program for me, im chubby ive been like tihis since i was a teen i tried diets and exercises but i still have too much fat around me, i cant stick to a diet for more than a week, i work to hard daily and atfer that comming home for lettuce is just epressing. i manage to lose 3 sizes over the pass 3 eyears and keep it off with exercise but i cant get ride of the fat and always look chubby.
i need to improve my apereance cuz my self steam is on the floor, i look at myself and feel bad, and if it s true that there s a way to lose it fast, not on a year or years i need it just to for te first time sine i was a teeneager, i want to fee pretty.

Hi joel, Being at my early 40’s, I was diagnosed with hypertension & high cholesterol since I was 30. I tend to gain weight easily and my family has a history of cardio and respiratory problems. I’ve been trying to go to the gym and reduce my food intake but inspite of this, I feel I’m not making enough progress in improving my health, appearance and weight. i’ve got a beautiful wife & 2 loving children to take care off and it is in their best interest that i be in tip-top shape. i’m sure your xtreme fat loss diet system will greatly improve my life and benefit my family in turn.

I struggled with various eating disorders in my past. I feel like I am past them, completely recovered from ED thinking. At this time, however, I think I have damaged my metabolism because I cannot get my body to respond to diets and added cardio. I would love to try this program out to rev up my metabolism and let this ED “leftover body” go for GOOD.

Hi Joel…I’m a 40-something gal from Australia, who has been trying to shift 7kg for what seems like 7 years! I’ve never been afraid of hard work in trying to do this, but the results have been, as in your example 1+1 =0 and I’m getting tired and de-motivated and wondering if it will ever happen.

I know I need to work SMART to achieve the results (and some fun would be good too), but have never found the system that will allow me to do this… and that’s why I need XFLD – I need a SmartFix!

Hi Joel, i’ve been trying different combinations of exercise and diet/lifestyle for the last couple of years and whilst I get short term results, I always seem to return to my standard 94kg. The Extreme program has what I believe is the right combination which is not only attuned with weight loss but also a system that is keyed to the deeper psychology of our daily lives. I am passionate about food and exercise and the incorporation of the cheat days not only follows the science of metabolism it provides a real reward for the short period of intense effort. In short this program has the right balance for the start of a real life style change.


At 72 years of age, I have tried just about every diet out there. I had success when I was younger and very active. Since stopping competitive sports, I have gained weight and I find exercise to be very difficult due to arthritis in my hips, knees, hands and elbows as well as shoulders. I am hoping to find this system has the answer for me.

Hi Joel,

I have been active most of my life and as a result have been able to maintain a fair level of fitness for most of that time. However, life has a tendency to throw you a few curves occasionally that can put your life on it’s ear. A little over a year ago when I turned 55, I decided to take back control and have been able to lose about 18 kgs of fat using your CYWT program together with Craig Ballantyne’s TT program, John’s FPFL, and Doc K’s DEFL programs. There are hints of abs beginning to show and my waistline is smaller than it was when I got married over 30 years ago, but I’ve leveled off even though I regularly bust my buns. It’s been difficult to get my body-fat percentage below 20%. Hopefully, XFLDS will take me over the edge. I’m committed to a more healthy lifestyle, and with your help, I can reach my goals.

I was born with a severe case of spondylolysis, I have been told by doctors, my whole life that I would be crippled by age 32, I am now 42 and have been trying everything I can to keep fit an stay in shape, to avoid becoming another statistic, and to prove to everyone that I can live a normal life and do the things I have always been told that I cannot do. I am hoping that with this program, it will give me the training and fitness I will need to keep living a normal active life, well into my elderly life, therefore proving that with the will to keep going I will never be the cripple that I have constantly been told that I will eventually become.

In high school i was always super skinny, but could never get rid of those last ten pounds, otherwise known as the skinny fatboy. Endless running, useless, and it was always the same. For a while i was skipping meals left right and center, and not eating much at all. A little while later, my immune system crashed, and got sick, i dropped close to twenty pounds in two weeks as i was bedridden and unable to eat much. After that, i was never the same, i got back in decent shape, but the weight i put on after my recovery i’ve never been able to touch, even now years later. It’s hard, working your butt off and seeing nothing, when your buddies eat fast food daily and are shredded. I’ve tried bulking up to lose weight, while eating fairly well, with little result in the way of weight loss. I’ve tried ketosis, fat burners, everything just doesnt work.

I am almost 50 and have struggled with my weight for the last 19 years. I’m 5’1″ and according to the charts I’ve seen they call me obese. I have an under active thyroid which sucks, I’m on medication but still think my life has changed for ever. I have tried many diets. All the information you have shared with me makes perfect sense to me. We need a well rounded exercise routine as a proper diet. I have fallen in a lot of those diet traps. Some of them ask you to eat more than I normally eat. My husband is also over weight along with your help and the help of this awesome program we may both succeed in the fight for better health and a great looking body. This time both my husband and I can encourage each other and succeed in loosing fat and gaining muscle. We believe that the ‘Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System will help us reach our goals.

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