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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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3,168 comments - add yours

Good morning Joel,

My reason for doing your program is because I’m starting to get older (thought I don’t think of myself as old) and over the years the weight slowly by surely has been adding up. While I’ve tried some diets before and lost about 15 pounds at a time it would slowly come back and continue to increase. Now at 220 it is time to get very serious as the doctors will tell me that I’m close to obese, close to hypertension, and close to too much cholesterol.
As you might be able to tell I’m a motivated person and winning your program will put me on the fast track to my goal of loosing 50 pounds and adding some muscle. Since your program is about loosing weight and not muscle then it is just what I have been looking for.
Thanks for taking time to read this and best wishes for everyone. Mike

Hi Joel,

I am probably like most overweight people. I started my first diet when I was 16. I remember I ate cheese and sultanas for 2 days! I have been on and off diets ever since and yo-yo’d my way up to 85 kg. I turn 50 in July.
I have experienced the plateaus, the resulting bingeing, the guilt and the depression that you talk about.
Your program gives me hope.

Bridgette (Australia)

Hi Joel,
My name is Christine and I am desperate to win your program, I am 50 years old, I weigh 270lbs and I am 5 ft 1. I work as a nurse and this year I have been diagnosed with diabetes, mild/moderate kidney disease and high cholesterol. All these diseases are related to my life style and over eating. I really need your help as I am actually very scared of having diabetes as my brother died when he was 48 yrs old from this disease. I have tried every diet and weight loss program but I cannot stick to it because I always crave for sweet food and end up giving in to the cravings. I have read your e-mails with the principles of weight loss and finally I think your program will work for me because of the cheat day. I know I will give it my best shot.
Thanks Christine

Hi Joel,

Since Jan 2009 I have lost 120 lbs all on my own, after struggling with being overweight my whole life. I am turning 40 years old this year, and I am having a very hard time losing the last 20 lbs I want to lose to be in the very best shape of my life, and I want to be an inspiration to others that are over 40 and having a hard time losing weight. I want to be healthy and fit forever, and never go back to being 120 lbs overweight. Thanks for this opportunity.

Since I gave up smoking, 9 months ago, I haven’t been able to control my weight. I was in the Air Force for 20 years and never had a problem as access to the gym was readily available and the body was still in pretty good order. Now that I will be 50 in a few months and the body is becoming a bit broken down, I feel your system will give me the information I need to tailor my lifestyle to get back the body and fitness that has gone missing lately.

Joel, I’ve been following you and your friends like(Craig B, Vince D) for over a year now. So, I see 5 Sneaky ticks… sounded interesting and I downloaded it. I print it up so I can highlight and underline what I really like and what I need to remember. I think you really cracked the code on getting results.
You said, “Effective strategy + Effective methods + Hard work = Xtreme Results.” Makes sense to me. You’ve already done the work all I need to do is implement what you’ve already learned. That I will do. Thanks for your passion.

I’m a 71yrs old female with a sluggish thyroid. It’s taken me 15yrs to lose 20lbs!!! I’ve tried everything over the years and obviously I can’t wait another 15yrs to lose another 20lbs. I weigh 190 and need to be at least at 160 to give my knees a fighting chance to hold me up a little longer.
I exercise as much as I can; I lift weights and do intervals on an elliptical machine but can’t seem to get the fat to leave any faster.
I’m getting desperate after all these years of battling the bulge and would really appreciate your help so please consider me for your program.
Thank you.

Well Joel, the truth is my wife and I are going to celebrate our 10 year anniversary this year and we are both on Vince’s MYM program. We also purchased Vince and Flavia’s wedding day workout. We would like to celebrate our wedding anniversary by being at Vince and Flavia’s. I believe that the Xtreme fat loss diet will give us the cutting edge we need to win the best transformations and get an invitation to their wedding and change our lives forever. Please help. Thank you!

well when i knew of this system i was like oh my god, finally something that could work for me.
you know i’m like the fatty of my family, my sisters are very thin and skiny and i’m not so chubby but yeah in comparisom with them i’m the chubby one.
so know of this is very great for me, my mom is like always saying to me like don’t eat this don’t eat that you’re going to get more fat or something i really feel bad with myself cuz i really don’t do nothing of exercise i used to be very thin when i was youngest but with the time i started to get more and more chubby and i’m only 17 years old but i’m just so lazy.
as soon i discovered this i went like crazy and tough this is a great oportunity to me so i have to take it.
so now i’m doing exercise and i’m feeling pretty good and i’m doing all your tips i hope they all work cuz i’m only been in this for 5 days.
thanks for all.
great job you made

I am 62 years old 5’9″ and 298lbs. I tried Atkins,lemonade,low-cal,grapefruit and medafast diets. All worked and I gained all I lost back on each one. I’ve read and listen to all of your ideas and it all makes more since than any of the above diets. It has to be a lifestyle not a diet. I need to do this program.

i am 27 and have just had my second son, i lost 30 kilos 14 months ago by sheer will power and blood sweat and tears, however this time round i 1 dont have the time to slog it out in the gym and 2 haing read your tips and followed your videos, have learned that you only need to learn the right way to lose weight.
I need your help to better understand the weight problems that everybody faces.
If i had an opportunity to use your system, i could then help my other mummys who need the extra time and health benefits of knowing the right way. Thanx.

I’m alway looking at ways to improve my skills, technique, understanding and knowledge of fitness and body sculpting. I’ve been complemented on how I’ve managed to tone and burn fat thus far (female: 5’7″ starting at 165 pounds – size 16, now down to a lean and muscular 120 pounds – size 2). I’d love to blast that last bit of fat covering up those abs of mine and the ideas you have shared in your blog appear to be one of the most logical, effective and efficent ways to do this. If I get a copy of your program I’d give it my all with 110% to get that picture perfect body and I’d show it off when I do my fashion modelling or runway. If anyone asks how I perfected my body I’d be thrilled to say it was by using your program.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win this program! I love how you focus on a combination of nutrition and exercise. I’ve been trying to stay away from white carbs, but you’ve taught me to be more discerning and not limit myself to just lowering my caloric intake, resulting in a slower metabolism. You’ve taught me to trick my body by having a cheat day, priming my body for a massive fat burn the following day with a small calorie intake and an optimized exercise routine. Wow – what a fabulous approach and leaves me wanting to learn more!

Well Joel, the truth is that my wife and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary this year. My wife and I would like to celebrate our anniversary at Vince and Flavia’s wedding so we purchased Vince and Flavia’s wedding day workout and with every thing I have learned so far about the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet I believe this will give us the cutting edge we need to win the transformation contest and get the invite to their wedding. Thank you

Hi Joel and thank you for all the information that you pass on to us. I have learnt heaps from you. I just wish that competitions like this were run abit differently as some people are not articulate enough to put into words the way that they feel and what they need. So thank you for the opportunity to win your pack but I guess I’ll just buy it when you release it.

Joel, let me first tell you that growing up. I was the fat kid. I’m now entering my Junior Year of college. Thats being the fat kid for a long time. And tomorrow, I finish my priming phase and will have my 2nd cheat day and my second ever weigh in. My pants feel lighter and the man boobs are going away. This program will help that younger video game nerd achieve his dream of not being picked last for teams and running will not be tiring. Thank you for what you have done so far. If I dont win, thats ok because I wont be giving up.

I’m not sure if mine came through earlier, because I did something and got a funny reply.

Hello Joel
I have just entered my 50’s. I was tuned to women’s weight shifts and watched mine closely. I was always fit until about 38 years old then I started to gain a bit each year that would not go away. I am fairly active and have belonged to fitness gyms off and on for many years. For years I participated in martial arts –both Karate and Tai Kwon Do. I hike, walk, ride quads, used to chase children, and I regularly participate in an active winter sport. I have always been strong so I have muscles. If I am pretending it isn’t too bad (fooling myself), I would say I am 10-15 pounds overweight because I tend to gain very evenly (which is nice). I have found that if I am really truthful with myself I have gained a good 40 pounds in the past 15 years and I really am evenly “thick”. I have found that I have to work extra hard to even see 1 pound drop in 2 weeks. I started a job 3 months ago (so I can’t eat ships too often anymore) and I have been working real hard at trying to lose weight properly. I do not do yoyo diets. Due to family problems it has been real tough to find the extra energy to do anything. Since the beginning of February I have lost 10 very stubborn pounds. I really need the extra boost from all angles to get me back in shape. I do not like the way my clothes fit, feel and look on me. I am NOT happy with my reflection even though my husband likes me the way I am (which sabotages my efforts). Please help me to make my body respond to weight loss attempts.
Thank you very sincerely

I need your plan because apparently I type too damn fast.

Hey Joel,
I’m 56 and have been overweight nearly all my adult life – sometimes just a few pounds, sometimes more, but never as much as now. I just can’t seem to rev up my metabolism – probably a combination of aging, low thyroid, never physically fit, an erratic work schedule that leads to poor eating habits, and inertia caused by despair. I’m looking matronly, and not liking it one bit! And an old boyfriend is coming back to town in a couple of weeks, gotta make an impression, ya know. :) Pat

Heyy joel! i dont really have the sympathy story like everyone else, however! i used to train in mma with the dntf (dinky ninjas fight team) and left after a torn tendon in my right leg, after it healed up (pretty nicely too thank god!) ive never had the motivation to go back as when i do i get severely owned! im totally out of shape these days.
all i need is a great program to follow that il know will work and hopefully get fit enough to return back to training and get the body back my beautiful girl fell in love with in the first place! i dont want to be losing her, shes my life :)
ive been reading up on your program every time ive been emailed about it and it just seems right! Im hoping you will give me the opportunity to become one of your “success stories”

Regards, and keep up the awesome work! John.

Hello Joel! Your diet and training concepts have literally blown me away–using your body’s natural response to eating, fasting, and training in a synergistic way for extreme fat loss is revolutionary to me. I’ve used concepts from magazine articles, web info, diet books, etc ever since I was in high school (class of 95!). Yet I’ve never been able to achieve the “look” I’ve always wanted–that beautiful, muscular, physique of a fitness model. The closest I got was when I ran in college on my own training/diet plan. While I did manage to get to my lowest weight (5’5″ 112lb with 17.5% bodyfat), my shape was the same (and since I’m not naturally muscular, that was a real let down). I lost my motivation and on top of that began binge eating. After months of “starvation mode” my body was desperate for a good meal! That has always, ALWAYS thrown me off. I do have self-discipline, but then the cravings kick in and beat me up–whether it’s after a week or two months. Now I’m 33, and have an 8 month old son and a 2 1/2 year old daughter. I don’t have a lot of spare time, but I am so motivated (especially by my daughter) to want and NEED be truly fit and healthy and rid of guilt. And here is where your plan has been so revolutionary for me–the idea that I’ve literally been fighting my body–punishing myself–rather than working with its natural responses! In fact I overindulged a few days ago. I opened my email and there was another update from you in my inbox. I listened to your interview about using cheat days to reset leptin levels, then using strategic workouts and diets the day before and after to actually create even greater results. Wait–so I don’t have to feel BAD about those days? I can actually plan them and LOOK FORWARD to them, knowing that it’s getting me closer to my goal?!? AMAZING. That is so key–losing the guilt. It was truly a light-bulb moment. Our bodies are programmed to seek out food when we are in starvation mode–even if it’s just “starvation on a smaller scale”. I’ve already started implementing what I’ve gathered from your emails and interviews. I’ve got to get my hands on the rest of the story! I’m also passionate about helping other people get in shape–I’ve created plans for my mom, sister, friends, and even have lead a community class. I’m so passionate about helping others achieve their fitness goals, but I’ve never been able to give them anything that they (or I) can follow long term. Extreme Fat Loss makes me so excited to help not just help me, but people around me. Now that’s motivating!

Sorry to be so over the word limit–I think it’s that male/female word quotient thing (or maybe just a writing cheat day). . . Thank you for considering me, Joel.


This is the perfect program for me because I want to be in the best shape of my life for my 40th birthday
and be a better example for my 2 young teens. I worked hard to get in excellent shape in 2006 only to experience a major setback due to a hysterectomy in 2008. I’m ready to do the work and your program is the first I’ve found to have specific workouts with different meal plan days.

HI Joel, I am an 54 year old active woman that has struggled with weight all my life. I figuired I’ve gained and lost over 200 pounds during my lifetime. Your program makes sense, so far, and I want to learn more. I am a Certified Life Coach that has helped people for over ten years acheive the results they want. I want to include weight loss and health to my practice and I think your program will help not only me but also the lives that I touch. I’ve tried so many other programs that are never long term and the older I get the more difficult it is.

Hi, Joel
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of Xtreme Fatloss. For the first 28 years of my life I was a jock and stayed very fit. I’m only 5’7″ but I had a 46″ chest and a 28″ waist. After I got married and we had kids, I began to spend way too much time working to try and give my family everything they needed and more. By the time I realized that my priorities were messed up, I was at 210 pounds and 32% body fat. Bummer! In the last 12 months I have managed to get down to 180, but I am stuck there and the body fat is still high (28%). With my wife in graduate school and my daughter being an undergrad, I could really use the free course. It looks like a great course. Keep up the good work!

I have read all the emails that you have sent me, and have tried to incorporate what I have learned so far, but there are obviously still gaps. I am a visual/ auditory learner. I like having a book or manual to refer to, and I need to be told the next step to take. I like specifics. Tell me that if I take steps A, B & C, I will have outstanding results, and I will take those steps. I don’t do so well with vague instructions.
I have alot of food allergies and therefore dietary restrictions. I believe your program will give me great results in spite of those challenges. As a former paramedic, I did not gain a ton of weight during pregnancy. It was the 40’s and hectic motherhood that turned my focus away from myself. I would like to get back in shape before I become my mother (who has had 2 knee and 2 shoulder replacements).
Thank you for your hard work, and your consideration.

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