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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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The name says it all- Extreme Fat Loss! I don’t care what the scale says, weight is just a number. My goal is to change my body composition by getting rid of the excess fat- the faster the better.
If I can do this on your program while also maintaining or even gaining muscle then I say, ” LET’S GET EXTREME !! “

Well Joel, I think I said most of it in my previous post, other reasons are that Isabel De Los Rios pointed me towards you and your previous emails made me hungry for more… yes, we got the five things that will limit your fat loss the five things that will enhance your fat loss, the wonderful testimonies, the audio’s on how to loose 25lbs in 25 day but I knew I needed more information to get started. It made me ask questions like.. ok, so what exactly should I eat and how much.. how much is too much on cheat days… what are the exercises I need to do, what exactly should I do after a cheat day etc etc etc and I know that once I get all the information in your system, it will answer all those questions and more and I can start on my transformation to a better life… what can be better :)

i need this… my boyfriend is dumping me and its because im fat and ugly. i need our help so much… i need to prove that im not a total waste and that i’m not a total waste. please help me. i need to be good lucking again, u cant stand him being better looking then me. HELP ME MHOOP HIS ASS.. at at least something.

Dear Joel

First off I would just like to thank you for all the free information you have
given out before the program was even released. Your 5 sneaky tricks alone helped me lose 3 pounds!

I was overweight at 170 pounds and ate junk all the time. At one point in my life I was eating taco bell almost every day! You see, my family has a history of diabeties and I was waking up feeling sick and afraid, waiting for it to creep up on me and wreck my life (I was 14 then). But one fateful day, I woke up and said to myself, “im tired of waking up sick, im tired of eating horribly, and im tired of being tired, it was then when I decided to change, I was going to get an 8 pack.
And since that fateful day (it was in december of 09) I have changed my eating habits competly, starting lifting weights and followed several fat loss programs. And so I lost alot of weight and put on some muscle, but the programs never seemed to work like I wanted, it seemed that everything I tried my body would just laugh at me. Unill I found your program, everything about it seemed perfect, it seemed to scream at me “this is what you have been waiting for!”. All the programs I tried werent planned enough, didn’t have enough depth. But your program has it all, every thing so carefully planned, every nook and cranny filled with information. This is the program I need, this is what I have been waiting for.

And once again thank you Joel for helping me reach my goals.

God Bless

Isaac Parris
Eagle Scout

Hello Joel,

Right now I’m folowing a mass building program and am in a bulking phase, but man, I ‘ve gained a considerable amount of fat on my mid section and I hate it. I like my look when I look at myself in the mirror…….until I see my midsection. I know I have to continue eating like a horse because otherweise I won’t gain any muscle, but I’m gaining TOO MUCH FAT along with it. I’m sure that your program must have the right tips, advice and execises that will help me burn this stuborn fat as a I’m not skinny guy genetics nor chuby guy genetics gifted. I help you really understand me and wish you luck with everything you do.

Thank you for this oportunity.

Since Perú.

César Jiménez.

Over the last two years I have gained thirty pounds. I watch what I eat and don’t overeat yet I continue to gain weight. I have always had some sort of exercise regimen but I’ve kind of given up since nothing I do seems to keep the weight off. I’m in the menopausal years so I think it may be my harmones that are causing me to gain weight. I have always said that I do not want to be fat yet despite my efforts I’m just on the verge of fat and I can’t stand the way I look. It is affecting my self esteem to the point that I’ve become depressed about my weight. All my life, I’ve never weighed this much except when I was pregnant and I’m almost approaching that weight now. I’m desperate to lose weight but I don’t know what to do next. I could use a little help.

Hi Joel,I’m an 18 year old female,about to turn 19 in a week…a birthday present maybe?lol. Anyways,I would really like to add to my knowledge of how to take care of the human body.Once my family sees my results , then hopefully they’ll join me on this journey instead of laughing at me!I’ve been trying to become firmer,stronger , and more energized without much success, and came to find that I’ve been eating wrong food, and not exercising enough.I have been feeling tired for a long time,which at my age is really not good.I’d always fall asleep after lunch in high school ,and feel sluggish , lazy,and unmotivated.After discovering that it was what I was eating,I tried to change my ways,and still am,but it’s hard when you live on an air force base,and the only healthy choices are the produce(somewhat).There’s alot of processed food,and a lack of really great products like quinoa, and grassfed meats ,and cheese. It would make it a whole lot easier on me if the environment was healthier-more organics,and no fast food close to every side of the base.I also can’t afford to buy this series at this time , and it would be awesome to be one of the twenty.A few months ago I bought Jillian’s Master Your Metabolism, and it changed my way of looking at food for good;then I got Isabel’s dietsolution which I am trying my best to stick to, and now I’m hoping to add this to my collection of health books.I think health is important:with good health life is easier to live, and you are more likely to become successful if you choose a healthy lifestyle because of the effects it has on you emotionally, and physically.Hope to hear from you soon Joel!:)

Hey Joel

I always new pizza was good for me!!!

I won’t go into a large sob story as to why I need this program. I’m overweight and ultimately completely responsible for it. I’ve let myself go and I only have myself to blame.
I’ve been working out and dieting for some time but I really feel my lack of knowledge about how my body works it what is letting me down.
Your program makes complete sense and I know it will work for me. Using Johns metaphor from video update 5, “I feel like I’m lost in the woods”. I don’t want freedom, I’m ready to follow your plan to the letter and make 1 + 1 = 3 for me.
Your pre launch information has wet my appetite for synergy. I’ve never been so ready to reclaim my body and get back into life.

Please Joel sort me out and I will do your program proud.

Peter J

Dear Joel,
I really appreciate your committment and contributions regarding the healthiest lifestyle diet plan! I’ve struggled with my weight all my life, anywhere from 5 – 30 pounds at a time. I knew in my heart I was locked-out from control over my body and that there had to be a correct combination to release the excess weight. I’ve picked up bits and pieces of information over the years, but I knew I had found the truth when I was introduced to the Cheat Your Way Thin Program. I expect your latest launch will jump any remaining hurdles between me and my lifestyle body goals. My greatest challenge is time: I have sooo many top priorities in every day. I actually find pre-prepared and frequent meals convenient. I just don’t shift as much as I need to; most of my meals are quite repetitive. I’m learning to change it up a bit and pace carbs into my weekly meal plans. I still have a way to go, but my main goal is a healthy lifestyle diet that won’t allow the pounds shed to pack right back on. I am working Dr. K’s DEFL, so I expect to start seeing the results I’m feeling. Regardless of this contest, I’m a WINNER!, because I conscientiously spend my time actively living in wellness. I’d love to receive my copy free, but will gladly pay for the privilege to learn even more empowering information regarding my healthy lifestyle diet. Thanks!!!

Dear Joel,
Hey I am a 41 old man who used to be able to do the basic things with my children. Due to getting cancer a year ago(fine now) I had gained over 40 pounds and I am now unable to do anything with them or I get winded. I may earn a decent amount of money I have 4 kids and all goes to saving for college. I have tried a few diets and although I have lost weight I cannot keep it off. I hope that xtreme fatloss diet can be the solution to all my grief and get me back playing with my children and cherishing the moments I still have with them.
Thanks so much for your consideration and help,

I fell down the stairs and broke my back in two places. Since that time I have gained 50 pounds. Not able to workout because of the injuries along with different medications I’m on has added to my weight gain. I need to loose the weight because I know this would help with the pain I suffer with on a daily bases. I’m 61 and it’s makes it more difficult because my metabolism has slowed down and makes loosing weight frustrating. I’m hoping your plan will be one that will work for me and help with the pain I deal with on a daily basis.

Hey Joel,

I feel this program would be right for me because I can be healthy and lean to best serve my friend/loved ones. I have had fluctuations in my weight all my life and have yet been able to get rid of stubborn fat on chest and belly. I am getting closer and maybe this program can get me there.

I would like to be a trainer/coach and I feel I need to look the part. I have never been able to see my six-pack and I feel this program would help me to that physical goal. The main thing though is overall health and I feel without that we can not live up to our highest potential which I am hoping this program will help me achieve. Thanks for consideration and look forward to learning more.

Hey Joel,
My name is Kathy and I used to be really really fat. In 10 months I have lost 30kgs. I have a very strict diet which involves no wheat, dairy, flour, tea, coffee, red meat and it’s all organic ( I know what is left right? lucky I like fish) I work out 3 hours a day 6 days a week. 1 hour bike ride and 1 hour run in the morn and then 1 hour with my personal trainer or another run in the avo. That’s alot right? You would think I had an awsome body right? NO!! I still have another 10kgs to go and for 3 months nothing has come off me and I am so, so frustrated I could cry! ( I think my trainer is about t cry too which makes me fell even worse) I am so close to my dream body but I have come to a stand still, I saw your xtreme weight loss pack and I think it would be perfect for what I need. I think I need to trick my body into fat loss and thats what you are all about right? the sneaky way! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! can I have one of your free packs! ( I know I sound desperate, but that’s because I am! dignity be damned, I’m begging on my knees here!) Please help out the slightly overweight very tired and fed up girl. Thanks for listening to my winge and have great day!


Hi Joel. Im turning 17 this year. And im huge. My family and friends keep on sayig that im fat. I feel insecure.I rarely go out with my friends. They are slim and im huge. I sometimes feels left out.I’ve tried out many sliiming pills and slimming session. It just didn’t work.I hope that with your plan, it could help me.I need to getoff 10kg off my weight.I really hope you can help me.So, please choose me.Thanks a lot.

Hi Joel and everyone,
Well up to this point in my life I havent been able to incorporate any real weight training in my effort to lose weight. Let me explain. I have serious problems with my knees, lower back, ankles etc. Sciatica also has been a major issue for me (which I’m sure has a lot to do with muscle imbalance). There have been times when I would literally have to hold onto walls to get around, any housework that I did had to be done siting down (vaccuming, mopping floors) and they were on my good days (which were few and far between). So I had to start off very basic building up the muscles particularly in my legs by going and using the local hydro pool and doing a lot of resistance work now I’m alot better than I was but still need to do more which is why I’m now ready for the nxt step. I want to join my local gym and start doing workouts there and I feel this would be the perfect program for me to get started doing that. Last time I got weighed I was 176 kg. I know I have lost weight but how much I dont know, all I do know is that in order to keep doing that I need to build more lean muscle I couldn’t think of a better way of doing it than with this program. I apologise for the Novel. Cheers Kerry from Oz.

Joel: As a teenager, I was a tap dancer, tall and thin and agile. As a military officer, I always passed my fitness assessments easily. However, now, as a retired person (almost 69), I look like I’m eight months pregnant! “How did that happen?”, I keep asking myself. Much of the info you’ve been providing through your blogs and emails are simply ‘tactics’ – essential but ineffective without an overall structured plan. What I need is a ‘strategic approach’ that incorporates all the valuable ‘tactics’ you command. It would seem that your new XFLD system is the overall strategy that’s been missing up to now. I have been sharing your information with others who are looking for the same solution. If I had my own (free) copy to show them, I would bet that they would be willing to join you in your crusade. Thanks for the empathy! The rest is up to us to do the work! For me, that ‘work’ is dedicated to losing 45 pounds.

Hi Joel. Im turning 17 this year. And im huge. My family and friends keep on sayig that im fat. I feel insecure.I rarely go out with my friends. They are slim and im huge. I sometimes feels left out.I’ve tried out many sliiming pills and slimming session. It just didn’t work.I hope that with your plan, it could help me.I need to get off 10kg off my weight.I really hope you can help me.So, please choose me.Thanks a lot. :D

I am a 48 year old female that is 30 pounds overweight. I stood at my mothers hospital bed for the last 6 months of her life and that is where most of the weight got added on. I want a program that combines fat loss through training and body chemistry. I’ve been very excited so far about your e-mail about the essentials of this program. I realized that not taking care of myself during my mom’s illness left me depleated mentally and physically. I now want to be an advocated for all middle aged women – to work this program and play it forward onto others like me (and there are alot). I am overweight with 3 children the youngest being autistic. I want to show women that first it can be done and second that you are no good to your loved one’s if you don’t take care of yourselves first. So in closing – I want to take your program and bring to the surface the individual that I know I am inside – but I also want to encourage others by being the example, to work the program for a healthier body and mind. Thank you for this opportunity. Patty

Hi Joel,

I would like to receive this program because I am dedicated to my fitness regimen. Vince Del Monte’s success from utilizing this program encouraged me towards it.

I understand from your previous posts that this program requires a long term committment as well as dedication towards maintaining it. I believe that this program falls within my goals and can help me to reach my fitness objectives.

Hi Joel,
Your messages have been very inspriing. As a 60 fat short year old with osteporisos and arthritic knees I find such messages very encouraging. I have read numerous articles that state exercise and nutirion is very important for both ailments. I have endeavorded to do both. However, it is an ongoing struggle with both my weight and my ailments and I do realize that excess weight is an important factor with regard to self esteem and motivation. However. beng obese can be very depressing. The fad and other ‘promising’ diets over the years have been very discouraging as they have resulted in the ‘yo’-yo syndrome’. However, your program sounds very promising and uplifting from the testamonial from others that have achieved such awesome results.. I think that your program would be of a great benefit to me physically and emotionally.

I’m a 52 year old female. I gave birth to twins 13 days shy of my 41st birthday (which has contributed in part to my weight and fat problems). I’ve tried MANY diets and MANY different exercise routines. Yes I’ve seen SOME results but I never can get back to where I was before I had my kids even after a year’s time on the same eating/exercise plan. I’d like to be able to do the “fun” stuff with my kids while they still want me to but the extra weight and fat I’m carrying around makes it difficult. I’m also starting to have issues with my blood pressure which I believe is due to the extra weight/fat. Diabetes runs in my family, and so far I’ve been lucky, but I don’t know how long my luck with last. I really need a plan that can help me lose the weight and fat quickly so I can stick with it and become the healthy, attractive and fun mom and woman that I want to be. I know she’s in there somewhere :-) Not to mention I have a 35-year class reunion coming up in 2 1/2 months (YIKES!) and I’d REALLY like to be lookin’ good and feelin’ good about myself when I arrive. PLEASE HELP! :-)

Hi Joel

I would love to win the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System simply to find out if it will work for me, since I have been overweight since childhood. No medical problems but its not helping my professional or personal life.

Thank you

Hey, Joel,
My favorite saying: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got”. Five years ago I virtually stopped eating, attempting to get thin and I did. Three years ago I started to put on unexplainable fat. My diet was good, I exercised regularly. I thought, “I’m not exercising hard enough”. I picked training regimes from Women’s Health Magazines and worked REALLY hard, with very LITLE result. I worked harder and longer and still very little result. The only result was injury and the exercise ended. The weight kept creeping on. My injuries are healing but the rest of me is stuck. I’m 173cms and 86kgs. After sending out for help in the universe I came upon the book “Unlock Your Hormones”. With bloods my testosterone level read 0.9; no Progesterone to speak of and buckets of Oestrogen. I couldn’t have made lean muscle to burn fat if I had exercised all day. Eight months on, with treatment, I’m waiting for my next results. I have started to lose some fat, slowly. That has been great but I know there has to be something else – more than just the effect of those three hormones that is holding my body back from even greater things. When I read your emails this week, I knew I needed access to this information. I have trusted the process so far and now I want to go to the EXTREME with your help.
Thats my story!

I’ll get right to the point, Joel. Up until this year, I’ve been off the mark at where I should be in my life. I am now at a point in my life where I’m working very hard to become independent in every aspect. I have my mind set on building a body I can believe in, and being someone that can motivate other people and be a living example to their goals and to help them reach their god given potential in life. This program would make all that a reality. By experiencing this program, I will feel blessed, knowing that I will be making a positive impact on other people who wouldn’t otherwise experience that joy and happiness. I know that you put that kind of God given passion into all your work in this field as a personal trainer.


My weight has gone from 123 to 150 in the last two years without any change in eating habits. My abdomen is extremely distended and the pain levels in my feet and other parts of my body are sky-high so I do not feel like exercising. I need something to jump-start my weight loss. I have spent so much money on doctors during the last several decades that I am running out of money to spend on weight-loss methods. I would appreciate your help.

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