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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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I am a 49 year old male (about to turn 50 in 2 months) and have about 20 more pounds to lose. I am doing cardio, woking out 6 days a week. Hitting each body part twice a week and eating very, very clean. I still have a little gut area and love handles. I could use the extra help in order to win my bet that I could switch from a 285 lbs powerlifter to a 220 lbs bodybuilder in one year without losing my muscle mass (or at least most of it).

Hi Joel,
The health of my family has always been a priority. It wasn’t until about a year ago that I began working in earnest and building my muscle. John Roman’s Final Phase Fat Loss program, which I purchased with your Ninja tactics, was just enough to tease me to want more. And so, I was psyched to hear about your complete nutrition plan. Being a single working mom to three boys forces me to program so much of our lives, in order to get things done. Intuitively, and because of so much reading and research, I know about “best” foods, proper diet, cheat days, combining the right nutrition with the right training to get the most benefit. But I really need a well-articulated program to tell me, day to day, what I should be doing (with choices, of course), to maximize the health benefits.

This is a big year for me — turning 50!!, and I’m determined to do it in style, and with grace, strength, and health. I’m fit, but I know I could be so much more. I’m not so much concerned with Xtreme Fat Loss as I am with turning my body into a perfectly functioning machine. My kids are still young, and I am their number one role model. I plan to be around for them for at least another 50 years. Your program, especially with Roman’s input, is making me salivate. This is what I have been searching for, the perfect combination.

Thanks for your consideration, and best of luck to you.

I’m a 47 years old male who comes from long lines of obese, diabetic, adverse heart conditions and short life spanning gene pools on both sides of my family. I would like to do what so many of my family members have failed to do for generations, and that is to live to see some of my grandchildren grow up. I would very much like to utilize a healthy fat burning program that really works and perhaps set a new trend for my children and grandchildren to follow that will extend into the generations to come.

K. Wasn’t going to go for it…here I am!! Intrigued and generally interested. Body builder early in my 20’s….I guess 25 years ago, am able to trust beginnings of……
Anxious to hear about beginnings all over again. Enjoyed following emails, loved the ‘tone’.
Now in my mid 40’s and stuck at a “comfortable weight”….still, though…want to bump up metabolism and ready to follow your program!
Thanks for making it pretty clear and easy!

Hi Joel,
I would LOVE to have this Free copy of Xtreme Fat Loss! I turned 40 last year and things began to go down hill. My knees hurt, my feet hurt, I was tired all the time, and I was always hungry. I started going to a gym and saw some results but not exactly what I wanted. I feel that there is a perfect plan to fat loss, and feeling great…Extreme Fat Loss!! If I were to lose the extra weight there might be a rekindling of the love life as well. My husband lost weight because he had type 2 diabetes and refused insulin. He doens’t believe that women have it any harder than men to lose weight. Women do have it much harder!! Please help me Joel!! Thanks, Tara

Hi I’m Amber…36 and would love to win this program..why? To prove me wrong..I’ve tried and I really mean tried everything out there..seriuosly. So I’m a little scepital…I think I’m dommed to be a chunkball…so prove me wrong please!13 years ago I was prescribed Adipex (basically from a doctor that dolled out speed). Today I have Thyriod disease and take synthriod everyday..(personally I think it was from the Adipex that messed up my thyriod) For the last two months I have tried the good old fashion way to lose weight..exercise and healthy eating! The more I know the I don’t grow (horizontally)!

I am a 38 year old mother of 2 young boys and and about 75 pounds overweight from when I felt good playing all the sports in High School and college. I have tried many “diets” and nothing has worked, the principles that I have read in the FBF system make sense and as the Mom of 2 very active young kids I don’t have a ton of time to run to the gym and keep track of them. My husband was diagnosed about 2002 with a brain tumor and he can’t exert lots of energy (cardio) without pain. We both are needing to get into shape for ourselves and our kids.

Well Joel the reason i would like this program.O.k to start with iam 52 this year, i do not earn very much money and what i do earn goes towards my family the house and mostly living expenses which does not leave much at all (not an excuse just reality) there would be no way in HELL i could ever afford your progam,so iam appealling to your sense of generousity as you said you are not in it for the money.Basicly i had a lower back injury in 1996 put on to much weight do the fact i could not move very well for a very long time,then 2 yrs ago found out that i was suffering from whiplash dou to a car accident 27yrs ago and have been going to a gym since than as to keep my back muscles strong (sacraficing certain things to afford this).At present have lost quiet a lot of my weight but just cant seem to get the last 5kgs of my stomach .
I must thank you also for the opportunity to win this great prize,even if i dont.
Thanks again and i will leave it in your good hands.
Kind Regards

I think I might have entered once already but because of firewall problems I never got a confirmation so please excuse if this is the second version of this…
I found CYWT last year when I was trying to break through a fatloss plateau and had results but got off track trying to gain lean weight. I took some liberties thinking I could “work them out” but of course you can’t. So I started back on CYWT with DEFL last month and have had success but am at a plateau again. I just cant drop those last love handle/lower back pounds. I’ve experiemented with fasting before but never on a real plan. I’m convinced this is the right direction to go in order to lose those last pounds, a goal I’ve been aiming at for 5 years!

Hello. I have tried many diet. I am overweight. I think I have to increase my level of physical training. That is why I really need this program to loss my weight. Thanks you.

Joel and Jon,
I have hormone problems the prevent me from loosing weight, no matter how clean I eat or exercise. I was told that loosing even 5lbs would be a great boon to regulating my hormones. So far no matter what diet I’m on or exerciese I do there has been no change in my body composition. I am seeking a program that will help me get control of not only my hormones but also my weight. I have never been what I consider fit and toned. I am willing to put in the hard work, I just need someone to show me the way. Please be that leader for me. Thank you for your consideration.

In July 09 while returning from a vacation, I pulled a muscle underneath my abs. I didn’t know they existed. Imagine a 30 year old man having to use a walker. My doctor told me I had a pinched femoral nerve because my muscle couldn’t relax itself. I had to take NSAIDs that was so strong, it made me drowsy. I remember being told not to drive because of this side effect. Too bad it’s major part of my job. 6 months without working is pretty bad. My doctor urge me to lose weight but that’s easier said then done. I need all the help I can get.

I guess I can say I am at the end of my rope so to speak. I have tried EVERYTHING, and I am a huge skeptic of every diet program out there. I have been unsuccessful at every diet program I have tried, and I have tried just about every one of them. It’s not about being “sexy” to me. It is about enjoying life to the fullest and reaching my optimum health. I want to be able to run with my young daughter down the street and not have to stop because I am overly winded. I want to be able to walk with confidence, and my head held high. I have been overweight since early childhood, and I don’t know what it feels like not to be overweight. Last year I lost 45lbs and I have managed to maintain it, but I can’t seem to break past this thresh hold. I have been reading all your releases that you have sent and I beleive your program might be exactly what I need to break this cycle.

Hi Joel,

I would love a copy of your program as I am turning 35 on may5 and since getting married last year I have slowly been gaining weight mainly due to giving other things in life priority over my fitness regime.
Both my wife and I would love to use the inspiration we would get from your program to get back to our pre-wedding shape.

here’s hoping,
Will from New Zealand :-)

I would like the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System because it is a system of a way of life and each piece of the system works together to make it easier to follow the system and make the Xtreme Fat loss system a way of life. I am trying to find something that will work quickly, but safely, something that will work from the beginner to the expert. I am overweight but no major health issues. I would like to lose the fat so that the image I see in the mirror matches the image in my husband’s mind and what I picture myself. Lately I have gotten discouraged in my weight loss – or lack thereof. I feel that this will be the boost that I need.

Hello Again Joel,
How cool that you are giving away 20 of these fantastic programs.

Been battling my weight for 48 years. I’ve had some short term success on a multitude of diets only to find the weight coming back on – faster and more than before.

I’ve been looking for a program that I can live with – let me emphasize LIVE with. I don’t want just a diet – I want a lifestyle program. I’ve been incorporating the suggestions you have been kind enough to send and finding them to be most beneficial – finding myself wanting to learn more.

As much as I want to make a complete lifestyle change and will – I am facing the necessity to loose as much fat as possible before surgery on May 21. It is important to decrease the fat but I also don’t want to go into the OR unhealthy – I believe you and X-treme Fat Loss with meet both needs.

I must say I don’t envy you having to sort through almost 3,000 posts – I’ve never been in a position to have to ask for something for nothing – but I will. If you could see the need I have for this program and bless me with one of the 20 – I will pay it forward ten-fold as soon as I can – even sponsoring others who may not be in a position to get one for themselves.

Thank you for the fantastic work you are doing,
Rev Geri

I have tried many ways to lose weight and none of them seem to work to keep it off. I think your system may work for me.


Before I knew about you, I had tried all methods of losing weight which included eating the right food, controlling hunger and exercising to extreme exhaustion which included walking miles and running miles in between. Controlling diets meant I used to hungry often. I definitely saw success initially but after a couple of days, the scales refused to show progress. I was flabbergasted. I quit losing weight ! A couple of months ago, I read your analysis and was impressed. I could correlate as to why I had failed in the first place. Thanks to your scientific analysis provided in a really crisp manner. This differentiates your approach to the problem compared to many others. I am a regular reader of your tips and ever since I have read your extreme fat loss tips, I have gained confidence that I can lose weight !
My confidence stems the solid backing on the years of research done by you in helping out overweight people.

Please keep up the good work !

In a way, you are helping people stay healthy, lead better lives and indirectly helping the government in reducing the expenses on healthcare !

I need this program because I want to see results, and I want to see them as fast as possible “and as effective as possible”. From what you’ve mentioned in your previous emails this sounds like the perfect program for me! The exclusive “audio interrogation” with Joel Marion and special guests John Romaniello and Vince Del Monte really inspired me to use the xtreme diet and really make a change in my life. It would also be a good tool to help my family loose weight and live a active and healthy lifestyle. I don’t want to struggle any more I’m looking for a real diet program, and I believe xtreme is just that!

I’m a 60 year old grandmother, and a registered nurse. I have struggled with weight ever since I had my tonsils out at age 5. I need structure and motivation.
I know what I should do, but I have trouble getting it done due to long hours at work, and living in the country, making it difficult to get to a gym. The gravel roads where I live aren’t very walker-friendly. I’ve recently started having arch pain, and don’t feel like exercising after a strenuous 12 hour shift. I’d love to be able to follow a program that would work for me, without taking all my time away from my family . I want to be a good example to my patients, and to my kids and grandkids. Jan

Dear Joel,
I am 57 years old and have struggled with being overweight my entire life. I was on the LA Weight Loss program about 4 years ago & lost quite a bit of weight, but since going off the program I have put the weight back on. I’ve tried just about every diet out there. I exercise some, but not motivated enough to do it on a regular basis. My upper arms are so flabby that I don’t wear sleeveless tops even though I would really like to. I’m hopeful that your Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System would help me eliminate the fat flabby arms and the excess weight around my middle & thighs. I would just love to be more toned and lose about 15 pounds so I can have my self-confidence back as well as my libido. I don’t look sexy due to all the excess fat therefore, I have no desire to have sex. I think your program would give that desire back to me if I were given the opportunity to receive the free copy. I have ordered the Protein Freeze whey protein drink mix in hopes that I can eliminate my need to eat the wrong sweets. I love ice cream and the Protein Freeze would allow me a substitute for the real thing. Please consider me as a recipient to your free weight loss system.

Being 69 years old and fighting my weight all my life, I am eager to try something new. I know my biggest problem is I’m a stress eater. I have put on 70 pounds in the last 5 years. I lost my husband 5 years ago and in 2006 I found out my oldest daughters heart is giving out. So I have cared for her since then and my weight is suffering. I know all the right answers or thought I did, but I’m not successful. I thank you for reading this and there is probably people out there who are more needy than I. The Good Lord will watch over me and guide me.

I am a 33 year old mom with 2 kids. I have been trying to lose at least 20 pounds for the last 2 years and tried alot the programes out there including P90X, P90X plus, insanity, and even got a mini trampoline but no success. it seems that the scales don’t want to move. I think I am not eating enough and it feels so uplifting to know I can have a cheat day and learn other hints and strategies. I am ready to try your ideas and your programe and lose this stubborn fat once and for all.

I have a dream. In my dream I once again am slim, youthful and confident.
In reality I am overweight and self-critical, lacking confidence and searching
for a program which will give me the results I want/need/desire in a time frame that shows results. The reason I blieve this program will give me everything I need is that it wont have be drunk by morning tea time as on the egg and wine diet, it wont have me develop an allergic reation to tomatoes as on the cardio diet and it wont have me deprived of calcium as on the skim milk/banana diet. I beieve this diet will be well balanced enough to provide essential nutrients, solid enough to prevent hunger and the workouts giving
speedy results in toning shaping. Possibly the best part is the cheat days
when you can indulge(within reason) this takes the pressure of and allows
time to be a normal person on a healthy regime eating and execise plan rather than a diet. I cant wait to begin. regards, Diane

I’m writing from south of Brazil and I need to lose from 5 to 10 lbs and I believe I can do it if I follow up your tips, as you said, going straight from point A to point B in a roadmap.

I started working out on Feb/22 twice a week. A month later I was working out 3 times a week and this week I just started w/o everyday. I’m really into it. Running around 20′ at the treadmill and then w/o for 1.5 hours.

I’m really having a good time, one of the best of my life. Over there I only focus on my breathing and exercises.

Joel, you have the tools, the knowledge and I have the motivation and discipline.

Hope I get it.

Thanks a lot.

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