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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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I have been battling with my weight since I was 8 years old. That was many , many years ago. I have been trying to lose 50 pounds for well over a year, and after losing 30pounds, for the past six or eight months have completely plateaued and nothing seems to break it. I am very discouraged and need a system that will help me keep my metabolism boosted so that I can succeed. Then I need your plan will ensure that I an maintain my goal.

Hi Joel,

Thought I’d give this a shot. I turned 39 almost a month ago. Since needing my thyroid ‘removed’ because it decided not to work properly, I have gained about 10 pounds a year for the past 10 years. I have now exceeded 300lbs. I have NEVER EVER been this heavy in my entire life. I am miserable, can’t breathe after walking a short distance, things swell, I’ve developed heart palpitations, my back hurts constantly and I feel as if I’m slowly dying. I am a Registered Nurse and most of my work day is sitting behind a desk or in meetings. I know that my appearance doesn’t make a good professional impression. I’ve never had children because of being too high of a risk as a result of my weight. I absolutely refuse to take medication or anything that resembles medication that would make me jittery and/or sick to lose a few pounds. I know it’s a matter of the right diet and right exercise. All I need is guidance. I’ve done Body for Life before my thyroid went bad and I never felt so good! So, I know what it takes for me to get it done. I know that this would work for me. I do appreciate all the free information that I have gotten and I think that this is a wonderful thing that you are doing by sharing what you know. I’m tired of being sick and tired. So, please choose me!


I have followed Joel’s instructions over the past week or so and it is working for me. A more stuctured program will be helpful. Thanks!

Joel, PLEASE help me. i really need this program. i have been over weight for longer than i can remember, and it is really getting irritating! my friends hve even tried to help me, but to their surprise i never lost pound. :(

from saqib hossain

Seriously JOEL…I want to win this program so I can totally rock it and lose 35 pounds. That’s my goal…35 pounds! I even signed up for the internet on my cell phone just to enter this contest because I wouldn’t be near a computer. I’m a high school teacher and I’m gone with students on a business trip so I signed up for internet service on my cell-phone just to have a shot at WINNING your program (which totally sounds AWESOME!) Here’s my story WHY I want so BADLY to win: 9-months, 35 extra pounds (after the 9 pound bundle of joy), 24 hours of labor (drugs didn’t work on this mamma!), stretch-marks that look like a road map to New York City and now a 2 year old beautiful blonde baby girl….I’m feeling like a party balloon that deflated, all rumpled up and just hangin’ out by the confetti looking all saggy after the party’s over. HELP ME JOEL! Your videos are SO funny — love the random guy in the background…Kuddo’s and God-speed. PICK ME PLEASE 

I havent always been fat… i once used to be fit ,healthy and sexy.( i eat pretty clean and like exercise) I had my kids and just couldnt lose (despite my best efforts) but on top of that i got really sick and even started losing my hair…. I have just been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and am now being medicated so now i need to lose this weight and i need a real plan that will work cos my thyroid makes losing weight hard… please help get my health back on track! I want to be the sexy mumma i was always destined to be.

Hi Joel! I am at the stage of my life that my health is starting to suffer from my overeating, lack of exercise, and just plain not taking care of myself as I should. I am “pre”-diabetic now and have all the other health problems associated with obesity: high blood pressure, depression, GERD, high cholesterol. I have done it all when it comes to diets only to gain back every pound and more…sound familiar? I need my health back. You have given me hope for the first time in a long time. Please help me get healthy again!

Dear Joel,

I am 52 and have been overweight most of my life. I was thin only once from age 20 to 26, then ballooned up to 265 lbs. I have tried Nutrisystem, Nutralife, Slimfast, etc. Nothing has worked for long. I’ve joined gyms, used videotape exercise programs. Again, nothing long lasting. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes run in my family. My roommate is in the same boat (not quite as heavy as I, but she is bi-polar and on disability). I am currently on unemployment and would be happy to purchase your system if I could afford to, but bills and a pending foreclosure on our house prevents this.

Now we are screenwriters and would be willing to discuss the possibility of using your system as the basis for a screenplay should you consider gifting me with your system, wherein we could provide humor and information on your system without divulging your secrets. Let’s do lunch.

I need this free program as it will help keep types 2 diabetes at bay. I have a high sugar count at the moment and trying hard so I do not have to go onto tablets. Also type 2 diabetes is in my family and I really do not need this. I have lost a total of 10kgs but I need to lose another 10kgs. ! I also have high blood pressure and cholesterol. I am a divorced lady who does not need another bill for medication!

Well I am turning 40 in four months, I am a constant yo yo dieter struggling through that starvation and regain back and forth, I have rheumatoid arthritis and when I am down in weight I feel much better not only emotionally but on my joints as well. I would love to be in the best shape I can be when I turn 40. I am not afraid of hard work, have done boot camps, constantly trying different videos but get bored doing the same thing, and this sounds like this is the answer. My girlfriends and I talked about being fit, fabulous and forty. It sounds like this program is the answer. I would love to receive this program.

I’ve been looking for an extreme diet just like this. I’ve lost 60lbs in the last two years and am now in the best shape of my life. Now that I’ve gone this far, I’d be stupid to stop now. It’s time to kick it into overdrive and go all the way! I need to loose 10 more pounds to be shredded. I’m not willing to give up my gains I’ve made over the last couple years to some lame diet, that’s why I think this would be exactly the program to take me to my goal.

I am 33 years old, 6′ tall and fresh off of dumping 30 lbs. down to 215 lbs. At this point I am looking
to take my body to the next level of leanness, Ideally 10-13% body fat.

After signing up for the XFLD list, I learned the limiting factors at play while grinding out each workout & choking down every broccoli stalk. Such as too much/not enough
of a caloric deficit, muscle loss and poor coordination of diet and exercise contribute to frustrating results.

Alternatively, by frequently resetting my metabolism periodically while dieting using
high-calorie cheat days (helping leptin regulation), preceded by lactic acid training,
I am working smarter for great results.

Afterwards, the audio interview threw yet another
extreme trick into the mix – fasting. I have been doing a lot of reading about the health
benefits (especially as it pertains to fat loss) of doing intermittent fasting, so this only fuels my fire that
much more about the synergistic strategies that XFLD has in store!

To bring it together, Joel – I’ve been busting my ass to get to a 30 pound drop in weight and looking for something
that can more effectively help me reach my goal of obtaining 10-13% body fat. I believe this program can
prove the concept of fat loss being an all out STRATEGIC war that can be won by the dedicated and informed.
Having the exact blueprint needed to execute this assault is EXACTLY what I can use at this point in my physical transformation.

Boy, where to begin. I want a new life. I am 45 pounds overweight. I don’t feel good about myself anymore. I have depression and self esteem issues partly over my weight. I want more energy. I want my passion and my self confidence back. I hate feeling like this. I want to run again like I did in the academy, 5 to 7 miles. I want to be me again

As endomorph I’ve been yo-yoing during my teenage years and now as well in my twenties. The difference in the quality of lifestyle of a lean person is simply amazing. I honestly love doing sports and love to eat and I don’t want to change that. The extreme fat loss program would provide a life long balancing tool to trim down excess fat efficiently whenever I feel like enjoying food (like vacation and the end of the year). It is furthermore the best program I’ve seen so far (and I just saw the preview right now) since it is designed in a very smart way so that it makes use of the scientific knowledge available today to use it the most efficient way for fat loss. I know what it is to gain and then having to lose weight (often 20-30 pounds yo-yo in 1 year), it’s a pain in the a**. Even tough I achieve my goals every time and more efficient than 95% of the people on the same boat (and the same gym) the Extreme fat loss program just blows my mind and I much rather would cut down all 2 months in one week efficient diet than having to suffer 4-6 months.

18 months, workout Mon – Fri, 30 – 45 minutes cardio/circuit training, no fast food or coke. NO WEIGHT LOSS!

Obviously, no synergy between diet and exercise 1 + 1 = 0

I like your “cheat day”. A horse trainer once said, if you ain’t cheatin’ you ain’t trying.

48 and overweight.



At 51, I have struggled with weight issues since I was 8. In the last 12 weeks, I have invested in several programs for weight loss and muscle gain including your Cheat Your Way Thin, John R’s Final Phase Fat Loss and Dr. K’s Double Edged Fat Loss programs. The information in these programs has been incredible and I am down 28 pounds and feeling great. Based on your emails over the last few days, I feel like your new program has what I need to continue my successful weight loss journey, bring all of this information together for me in a logical way and give me that boost to finish what I have started. Looking forward to the Program release. Keep up the good work.


Regardless of what I’ve done, I’ve never really been able to get rid of the “tire” around my middle. Your diet sounds well researched and makes intuitive sense and seems well grounded in your years of research. However, there are a lot of diets out there that “make sense” and are supposedly based upon years of research and experience. There are even several that have “high” or “double” days where cheating is allowed but for differing rationales. What is unique about your program, is that in addition to the diet you will provide the exercises that go hand in hand with the diet strategy. It is a total system. I know that dieting alone isn’t going to get rid of my “tire” … been there, done that; doesn’t work. And we all know that excercise is, or should be, an important part of any “dieting program”. But no program that I’m aware of, gives you specific exercises designed to work hand-in-hand with what is going on metabolically with your body as a result of the diet. Sounds like a great one- two punch . I need this now because summer is comming. Will the XtremeFatLossDiet system finally allow me (and others!) to see my abs??

Joel, I am pushing 60, used to be skinny and now my doctor tells me am 20KG overweight, and type 2 diabetic. I just bought a new place to live that will allow me the room to buy some workout equipment so I can do this at home the right way, and not be at the mercy of everyone else in a crowded gym. In the next couple of months I will move and get set up and going. So far your whole program looks like the best most integrated program I have seen, so I am looking forward to starting. Can’t wait to look slimmer, feel better, hopefully get off my meds, and start feeling great again all the time.

Hello Joel,
I really need the guidance on how to exercize efficiently with limited time. I need this not just for fat loss but also to prevent gaining any more weight. You can’t imagine how frustrating it is to have been in good shape for most of my life and then suddenly after turning 50 everything’s changed. My metabolism is not the same and thanks to Diet Solution I’ve changed my diet. I don’t eat bread or wheat anymore. I eat vegetables for breakfast everyday. But its not enough. I’m only managing not to constantly gain more weight. I haven’t been able to shed any of the weight I had already gained. I will follow your program and do whatever it takes to lose the weight, get muscle definition, lower my cholestrol and hopefully keep my blood sugar in check too. Please choose me, as I represent many women over 50 who are trying to eat right and exercize an hour a day just not to gain anymore weight. Thank you.

Hi Joel, I need this info, losing weight is not easy! I am into fitness and healthy eating, but other factors play such a big part in the over all sceme of things.
Getting older, having kids, enduring stress in your life, dealing with depression and anxiety, loss of self esteem and confidence, all have an impact on your health!
Our bodies are a complex chemical and mechanical organism, and we need some science and facts that can be used to tailor to our own individual circumstances and bodies. I think you may have some of those answers! And with knowledge comes power, power over those things that hinder us.
We can all achieve our goals if armed with the right info., so thank you for providing more than just “exercise more and eat less!”

I have not always been fat, but after 2 kids, I’m not what I used to be. I have lost 15 pounds with weight watchers, but now have hit that disgusting plateau, and can not get off. I am also a binge dieter, so the fast part really appeals to me, because I CANNOT get my brain to go farther than one month. Sounds like yer info would be great and perhaps everything I need, to lose my last 15 pounds and maintain that weight.

Hey Joel,
Last year at this time I was a walking time bomb. I gained 43 pounds, my blood pressure was sky high, my cholesterol was around 500, blood sugar was way out of control and the stress of a lot of differnt things were building up for an volcanic eruption. Then I started searching for differnt solutions and came across your web site.
Under doctors supervision and following your routines I am starting to get things back under control but I have a long way to go. This exteme fat loss diet would be a life saver to me and then I could help others with the same situations.

Hi Joel,

I am 39 and have gained and lost the same 35 pounds FOUR times ! I am so sick of it. I am at that point where I am ready to just resolve to be miserable. What is making me write this is that I KNOW I feel better when I am fit and healthy. I am reaching out for help instead of staying hidden in seclusion. I have been watching your video clips and you seem like an honest and genuine person and obviously have captured my attention. I would love your support and to be motivated again to expose my true greatness in a healthy and fit body !

Joel, i’m a fat bastard and just need to lose weight smart and quickly just like statement.

hey joel :)
First of all i wanna thank u a lot for all the free stuff u’ve been sendin lately… as a high school kid i was pretty obese.. (220 lbs 5’6″) ..see that :( i know.. that’s a lot :(.. I got into college and i couldn’t take it any more.. All d pain and embarrassment from my friends,the girl i loved and even my own family :(..Then I decided to hit the gym and since that day i haven’t stopped.. :) Now i am at a 178 lbs and 5’9″ ..:) n at around 14% body fat ..(not bad eh ;) ).. But i cant seem to be able to lose those last 10 – 15 lbs of body fat :(:(..I’ve still gotta lose those love handles and some fat from my thighs :(:( Ur program looks like the real deal and I’d seriously love to be able to get my hands on a copy .. I’ve always dreamed of being ripped (n hot ;) ) n i will try my best till i achieve my dream..
Thanks a lot for this awesome opportunity..God bless..Take care :)

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