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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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3,168 comments - add yours

I am now reaching 60 and i am overweight and have high cholesterol and type 2
diabetes and I feel this program will help me beat these condition and do it drug free

Hi Joel,

I am 39 year old female with sevre scoliosis of the spine and I have put on 15 pounds over the last two years because I have been working 12 to 14 hour days 6 days a week and haven’t been able to fit diet and exercise in my days. I have finally been able to cut back to 10 hours a day really need to get back into shape. Even thought most people would be happy if thats all they need to lose. That small amount really does a number on my back and the lack of excerise has killed me. I have 5 vertibra out and a slipped disk from not eating right and excercise for the last two years. I am kind of stuck on where to being its really hard to get back into eating right and excersising again and I have no engery to start. So I am hoping that if i can lose the extra pounds quickly then I can get back to the excersicing and back to a healthly life. Thanks so much!

Hi Joel,

At the time I’m writing this, the comments counter is at 2510. Your eyes are probaby glazed over from reading all of that including this one! But what the heck, I decided to write and let you know that this program is not something that I just want, it’s what I NEED to have at this point in my weight loss journey. After struggling for two years, I finally got out of the obese category and hopefully will be out of the fat phase and loose the last 45 pound to get to my ideal weight with the help of your program!


I have been receiving your newsletters and helpful downloads for about 2 months now. Reading your story with the “car” analogy really resonated with me. I know much more about nutrition than I do about body building. Frankly I’m 64 years old and know how to get to the weight I want and keep it there, but I have soo much to learn and feel so confused about the information out there. I really need to understand more so that I can sift through the garbage.
Also, I want to prove to myself that at my age, I can still get toned and strong and do it without a 24/7 committment. Your 5 principles for the fastest weight loss make so much sense. I really want to understand the whole story behind gaining and losing both fat and muscle, how to know if the exercises I am doing are going to work so I don’t waste time learning the hard way.(like driving all over the place in that car you talk about. So, I’m hoping and crossing my fingers that I will get lucky and be one of our 20 lucky winners.

Hey Joel, I’ve been overweight a good chunk of my life and about 2 years ago I gave birth to my son Josh. Post pregnancy I ballooned up to 260 lbs. Last spring I decided it was time to make a lifestyle change. So far I’ve lost roughly 60 lbs and I want to keep going. I’ve never been so focused on something in my entire life. I like to keep learning new ways to improve myself and I feel intrigued with your weight loss system. My end result is to be healthy and feel good about myself.

Thank you for doing what you do…


I’m a cancer survivor who wants to remain cancer free. Fat loss seems to be the key to health. Health is what I want. Fat loss secrets are what I need!

My name is Jennifer Ogilvie my biggest reason for looking into your program is curiosity. I want to lose 25 lbs and keep it off.I am curious about the difference between your program and the last one I tried. On that one I lost 30 lbs. I did gain 10 of it back due to a back injury. I do have one minor problem and that is exercise. I get tired of the same old same old exercise I lose interest and stop. I have a childcare business and chase children all day. I have a hard time wanting to exercise at the end of my day. One of my goals now is to lose 25 and look great in a swimsuit. Which is why I’m interested in your program. I want to be a 50 year old grandma of 9 who makes heads turn and other grandmas jealous. No sob here. That’s my goal. I am a positive Pearson and will succeed. Thank you for reading this and considering me. Jennifer

I’m going thru an abrupt change of life and can’t for the life of me lose any weight. I’ve tried it all – you name it. I’ve been at this for 4 months without being able to drop pounds or inches. Very frustrating to say the least. Just want my body back – please help!!!!!!!

To answer your question Joel it’s pretty simply ( I deserve the best and you have the best ) period… I have spent the last year absorbing and implementing all your professional advice and expertise. In over 20 years of exercising I have never gained such results like I have achieved so far. Reducing my body fat from over 20 % down to 11% thru proper nutrition and exercise practices. I’m a man on a mission not only to gain lean muscle mass but lower my body fat down to single digits, but recently this has not become all about me anymore but more about all the people around me who I’ve influenced by my new look. There’s no better feeling then when you can give to people who want the same thing you have. A healthy body inside and out. OH YA.
PS: Joel whether you feel I’ve earned a copy of your new program from the gains already achieved through your expertise you can bank on my having a copy in my house either way.
PSS: To your health keep up the great work
PSSS: Tell John he played a pretty cool Gargoyle

Hi Joel, after being overweight for most of my life, I decided to make a change in 2005. In my desperate search to find a new lifestyle, and not the latest fad, I was blessed to get a hold of great nutrition information from Dr. Ted Broer and phenomenal exercise and bodybuilding expertise from Hugo Rivera (who I actually met and is a super guy). At the time, I was a 29 y/o stay at home mom, and for the next 9 months I ate, breathed, sweat, slept, health and nutrition. In that time I was able to drop 50 very healthy pounds of fat with minimal muscle loss. And even though I was still 15-20 lbs off my ultimate goal, I was in the best shape of my life. 4 years, a divorce, and 40lbs later I found myself unhappier than I was even at my heaviest weight. Probably because I knew how much better I lived and felt before. Recently, I came to the realization, that no matter what life threw my way- divorce, single motherhood, gallbladder disease, asthma, 60+ hour work weeks- the only thing ultimately stopping me from reaching my goals was me. So, I started waking up at 4am and working out 5-6 days a week, incorporating those things I remember helped me so much the last time, and in 30 days, I lost 12 lbs. I am excited that my first steps have been successful, however, now that I am 5 years older, and a WHOLE lot busier than the last time I endeavored this life change, I know the standard methods of fat loss and weight training are just not gonna cut it. I am hungry for the next level of eating, training, and seeing results FAST. I believe your program is the manual I’ve been waiting for. The tool that I so want to apply to not only change my life, but inspire so many around me that are already asking about my weight loss and trying to incorporate healthier habits into their everyday lives. I’m in this for the long haul. Call me the prodigal- my lesson is learned, I’m coming home for good :) Thank you for your knowledge, expertise, and the opportunity to better our lives.

I really need this program and think it might be the answer I have been searching for. I am over 40, 16 kilos over weight and have tried EVERYTHING out there. Some things work for a while but nothing is a “lifestyle” that fits in with my busy schedule. From what I have read I think yours could be the solution and stop my yo-yo weight. Thanks.

I NEED this program…I used to workout regularly and since I have stopped I have gained 30 pounds…I went from truly caring about what I ate and exercising to not really caring what I did to my body and now I am so very unhappy with the way I look that I can barely look at myself in the mirror without crying…this program looks like the discipline that I need to get my body back and fast!!!!!

I am so feast or famine with nutrition…eat great and clean mon thru thurs but then blow it on the weekend. Very depressing to keep doing it over and over

Hey Joel,

I’ve been doing Judo for 10 years, and am a national competitor. Martial arts, as you know, are based off of weight categories, and usually you try and be on the top end of your category (usually I fight under 63 kilos). All last year I cut weight to make my category. Constantly cutting those 2 or 3 kilos left me exhausted, with no energy or stamina, and no permanent results. This year I decided to try fighting the category up. I find that there is less competition, and the fighting style is VERY different, as the people are bigger, and I am the smallest one by about 5 kilos. I would definitely prefer to fight the lower division, but I need a solution that will enable me to keep a constant weight without sacrificing energy levels, or ruining my metabolism. I read your email about ‘5 sneaky fat loss tips’ and think that your e-book is the best solution I have come across thus far, and would love to put it to the test!

Thanks for your time, and the opportunity to achieve my goals in a healthy and attainable manner :)


Hi Joel,

Simply put, I am a 235 pound 35 year old wife and mother of two and if I don’t lose the extra weight I am going to suffer and possible die from some of the same diseases that my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother suffered from. Actually my mom is still suffering and the others have passed away. I will be 36 in September and would like to drop close to 50 pounds and a few dress sizes at minimum by then. I need a simple plan to lose fat that will fit my lifestyle. I think your plan is indeed that plan for me. I need your help.


Hi Joel,
I feel that I deserve to recieve this program because I have been struggling with my weight for about 6 years. I have just recently lost a lot of the fat that had weighed down my body, but would love to take my weight loss and muscle building goals to the max. I am willing to push myself to the limit in order to achieve this aspiration. This is extremely important to me because I am hoping to pursue a career in law enforcement and will need to be in the best shape of my life to compete with the other candidates.

Let me just start off by saying “CHEAT DAY” are you kidding me???
I gained extreme weight after the birth of my daughter. I watched myself balloon to a whooping 325 in just over 1 year! Finally my doctor found the culprit my thyroid had completely shut down. I have spent thousands of dollars and thousands of hours trying to turn it around. Since then I have managed to drop 100 pounds, but have been sitting at this weight for about 6 years!! It just won’t budge! I go down about 10-15 pounds and the next thing you know I’m right back up there. What the heck!! I’m ready to end this battle and reading your e-mails this week have really made me think what if…….
My daughter graduates the end of May and man would I love to go to that 25 pounds lighter!!

Hey Joel,

This would be for both husband and wife. I have been working out for the past year and changed to healthier diet and I am down to the dreaded last 10lbs that I can’t seem to lose. My wife has been working out longer than I and has basically concluded that ‘she just can’t lose those last 10lbs’ so I would be trying to win for her because I think this can do it for her!
Thanks so much.

Hi Joel,
I feel that I deserve to receive this program because I have been struggling with my weight for about 6 years. I have just recently lost a lot of the fat that had weighed down my body, but would love to take my weight loss and muscle building goals to the max. I am willing to push myself to the limit in order to achieve this aspiration. This is extremely important to me because I am hoping to pursue a career in law enforcement and will need to be in the best shape of my life to compete with the other candidates.

Hey Joel, thanks for giving us the opportunity to grab a free copy of Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system . I’m a 49 year old female who just became certified as a personal trainer. Goal complete. Now, in order to progress to the next phase , I’ve got to get MY body in the best shape ever. That’s where the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system comes into play. By age 50 , I would like to be actively helping others to get in shape just as I am. I have just broken 40% body fat and expect to continue to lower my percentage. I am actively seeking a program that can assist in getting the fat off for myself and others. I appreciate the opportunity and thank you in advance.

I have arthritus in my ankle. The only way I can keep off drugs for the pain is to lose weight. I have tried everything. I ecently (one year ago) quit smoking. Now the weight will NOT COME OFF!!! I have tried everything including starvation diets and not one of them works. I need HELP!!!

Thank you for your time.

I have been inspired as to what “can be” after reading and viewing the posts over the last few days. I was always active growingup playing as many sports as possible to feel good and stay in shape. After having my children and not taking “time” I lost sight of myself and gained weight. A few years ago I was able to lose most of it, but I don’t feel fit. And seeing Flavia I can see what is possible with this program. At fifty I would love to be in the best shape possible. More than that I would love to be able to share this program as a tool to my children so that they can outsmart this die-obesity world we are living in. I would love to utilize this program with my husband and inspire our teenagers to try it too. We can all “be the change we want to see” with the help of your program!!

Why do I want a free copy of Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System? I am a 61 year old grandmother that has let herself get out of shape. My grandchildren do not realize i am “old”. I am just “Nanny” that plays baseball, basketball, soccer, and tag with them. I want them to have the same memories of doing things with me that I have of my grandfather, who was playing baseball with his grandchildren when he was in his seventies. I feel that anyone using this program will succeed because it has been developed by someone that wants to make us all healthy. Can I succeed without this program? Probably, but I feel this program will help me be the best I can be, fo myself and for my grandchildren

Thank you Joel and “may the Force be with you”

A Jedinanny

As a former Model, Dancer, and Actress it is frustrating to see my shape changing and pounds slowly creeping up as I age. I eat an incredibly healthy diet, think of myself as an active person but can not seem to move the unwanted pounds. Altho I am healthy and still look good I know that 10 to 20 pounds is the difference from looking good to looking perfect, yet no one has the solution for middle age middle! Thanks for your consideration.

Like everyone else posting, I need to lose the fat and strengthen the muscle. Although I have bought several fitness programs that I’ve never used (including one of yours), I can easily justify not using them because the only person I’m ripping off is myself. However, if I receive a program from you for free, then I have a moral obligation to use it and to report the results to you. The combined nutrition/exercise approach plus the accountability of reporting is the motivation I need to get past the group fitness classes (so easy … somebody else thinks for me) and to use a really challenging, effective program to drop weight (20 lbs) on my trek towards improved fitness. Thanks for taking time to read all of these.

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