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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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I’m currently using CYWT and although I’ve made some progress, I feel like I’ve stalled. I’m finishing up Roman’s FPFL and would like to switch to your new program to finally get those abs popping. I’m planning to propose to my girlfriend soon but won’t do it until I’ve achieved this goal! Please help me get there fast!

I’m doing really well with my weight training program and I’m down to around 13-15% body fat most of the time. Trouble is, I can’t get below that. I want to take that next step and be able to compete or at least take “model-type” shots for use my own business. I’ve tried sevral options, but I’ve not been able to get to that “under 10%” level that I so want to reach. The cycling depletion/reward days sound so intriguing and logical. I want to know the details and see if this will work to get me “over the hump” where I really want to be.


For the last two weeks I have been following ‘The Diet Solution’, by Isabel De Los Rios and Isabel provided a link to your Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. I am very interested in your program as it not only a diet program but it combines Diet + Exercise = Weight Loss. I am a 59 year old woman who is reaching retirement and I want to lead a life that is healthy so I can enjoy the last years of my life. I have enjoyed reading your daily inspirational emails and look forward to following your program. If I am fortunate to to one of the lucky recipicents of your program I would be most grateful. Many thanks.

Did I submit correctly…if not, maybe it’s the fat blocking my way. Need help! the program you’re advertising sounds like the only remedy that truly WORKS. Send it my way quickly. Love to be the one to promote what you say it does. I really need to shed, cancel, and destroy this layer of gunk around my middle. Nothing else has worked at all…NOTHING. Not even that acai berry crap. Enjoyed all emails leading to this NEW May 4th Promo. I’m in.

Hey Joel,

I have researched, stayed up every night for the last 6 months on finding ways to get the perfect body. I have trained every night since I became obsessed (and its helped my sport and fitness a lot) and made sacrifices with my dieting. I have now come to stage where I thought I cannot get any better (even though I want to), i already have the best body in my grade, but I still think I can get so much better. And now I think I have finally found the answer.

And I know this will work because I have used all the advice and information in your updates and I really seeing improvement. I am really glad your giving out even more free copies, I am just afraid because the information you already gave away was so good, it is going to attract heaps of people.

Thank you for all the free information you have given, and who knows I could be a lucky one who gets even more free stuff!


Usually I never fill out the get this free stuff, but in this case, why not give it a shot? For 4yrs I had totally no motivation, everytime I started working out, something would happen to quickly take me off my routine. I’ve been working out for 2 months now and I lost 30lbs. Accidently, I believe I have been practicing your principles without realizing it. Example, I noticed that I always lost weight after I broke down and cheated. I just told myself that I wouldn’t let it defeat me and keep going. Right now, I am halfway at my weight loss goal, and I feel that I am beginning to plateau and I need a program to help me change it up. I have shredded abs underneath this sheet of fat on my belly (I can feel them) and I am ready to unveil them by the first day of summer! Help me out Joel! Im ready!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the Opportunity,


Hoping to win need to lose this fat I have around my belly

You reach that point in life that the body rebels to years of abuse and neglect. Your weight is up along with your blood pressure and cholesterol readings. Your physician is more than willing to give you the magic pills, but just like the TV commercials, they have a host of side effects. You sit back and reflect as to the “whys” of neglectful care of something most precious and you start to seek answers. Many magic cures abound and you fall prey to quick fixes. The only thing quick about them is how quickly the weight returns with it’s host of unhealthy friends.

Undaunted, you continue to search and one day you happen across a treasure chest of gold in the form of a real fix to your health problems. You struggle with doubt once again but something tells you to continue after it. You grab it and find out that it truly is sound and works to your benefit. The weight drops, the vitals enter the normal zone, and you have much more energy to pursue a more active life. You look better, feel stronger and best of all, the kid in you returns. Life is grand!

Thanks Joel for sharing with the rest of the world the gifts you possess.

Joel, I am 50 years young and have lotz of muscle, I just need to dump this excess baggage. I have trained Vince Delmote training for the last 3 years however because of a death in the family a few months ago I have let my training slip. I have always appreciated your no-nonsense approach of presenting your research and look forward to using this to kickstart my training and get it back on track. Thanks for the opportunity to win it for free, however from what I have seen I would be more than happy to pay for it. KEEP ON ROCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Joel,
THX for all the the FREE info you already have given!! I know a little about alot of fitness and nutrition, and have tried to live my life in the in balance on the edge of people thinking I was “over” on health & fitness. I took an early retire from my all consuming carear to take care of my parents. My dad died 12 days later. After lossing one of my best friends and trying to cope with my new life, I started working on my ISSA personal training cert. and starting a new phase in my 2nd half of life (51+ish). But the loss, change of carears, and change of life (51+ish women) have taken their toll on the body! I Need help, motivation and spell check!!!

Each person is on one’s own life journey – my journey has taken me here there and everywhere – caregiver for an individual with a brain injury, going through a stressful court case, two cataract surgeries last year, working on myself physically and mentally to improve my eyesight and resolving past injuries. On a daily basis, I strive to be an all round better person and this program is an opportunity to help me in this arena which in turn allows me to help others reach their potential.

Hi Joel, I’m 32 yr old mother of two boys who always keep me on my toes. I’ve always been bottom heavy, the typical pear shape, saddlebags and all. But I’m motivated and a very firm believer in diet and exercise. I’m always looking for a natural way to eat right and boost my metabolism and burn fat. I really believe the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet will work for me, because I am determined to make it work for me. I’m 5’1″ and 175lbs., which as you know is not good for me. I have my own equipment at home and am not afraid to use it. I prefer a schedule as opposed to just winging it and trying to figure out diet/exercise on my own. I would love to feel confident with my body and not afraid to go to the beach wearing a bikini. I would be incredibly grateful to receive a copy of your program, and will be willing to show before/after pics and give updates on my progress, i.e. tutorials. Thank you so much for all the extras you’ve sent my way via email. You’re amazing!!


Hi Joel, I beleive I deserve a copy of your program because I have been over weight my entire life. I have tried literally EVREY program out there and nothing seemed to work. Diabetis runs in my family and I am deathly afraid of inheriting this disease. If you consider me as one of the people to receive a free program, I promise I will share this information with my girlfriend and we will help each other to loose the weight, get the the body we have always wanted, and avoid being another statistic in “Fat America”. Thank you!

I have been doing long slow distance programs for years. Just eat 1200-1400 kcal/day and do some cardio and do some weights — have steadily gained weight. This is the first program I have seen that tries to synergize variable calorie intake days with specific exercise regimens. I, for one, am excited to try this because I think it might actually work. At my age (59 and counting), I really need something drastic to get the pounds off.

Hey Joel, I have a problem, when I was 37 years old I was one of the youngest recipients of a Quadrouple heart bypass. It has been 5 years since my bypass, and I have been following my doctors advice in regards to diet and exercise and guess what, it ain’t working, slowly but surely my waistline is expanding and I fear that when my weight goes back up to 240lbs ( I’m at 225, was at 190 6 months after my surgery) that the heart problems will start up again. Joel you would be saving my life!

I’ve been working hard to lose weight for the past 2 years, but I haven’t been able to change bad eating habits, so I’m looking at this program as a good motivation to really put on hard work AND real discipline in my food intake. I’ve been weighing around 89 – 95 Kgs for the past 2 years and I want to just break this, I’m getting married soon (october), and I want to look and feel my best for that moment, for my wife-to-be and for myself… So that’s it. I need a real weight losing plan, and not just random workouts I find on the internet or any other I hear from friends.

I’m certain your program is good Joel, and I want to put it to the test. Thanks for the oportunity!


I want to win a copy of your extreme fat loss program because I want to look AMAZING. I hate to use a sob-story, because that’s not the kind of person I am…but I do want to say that I am a 24yr old cancer survivor (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) & I’ve never let that hold me back from achieving my goals. I’ve run half marathons, full marathons, triathalons and last month I competed in my first bikini competition & even with an extreme carb cycle, I didn’t lean out like I thought I would. I don’t just want to look GOOD. I want to WOW people, and not just during a competition, but every day! I work out hard & I want my nutrition to finally work with me so that I can transform myself to the bombshell I know I can be. Please pick me!!

August 2009: Male, 26 yrs old, 6’1, 272 lbs, 40% body fat, and a 44” waist.

Today: Male, 27 yrs old, 6’1, 190 lbs, 18.6% body fat, and a 34” waist.

First off, thanks for all the free knowledge you have given all your readers about fat loss – it truly is revolutionary!
But I am still having a hard time believing that you can eat carbs and fat, and still lose FAT!
And I want to be wrong, because this idea of “cheating” is phenomenal and it is a realistic approach to everyday nutrition (can’t eat oatmeal all day, right?!).
I have been over-weight my whole life, from the days of being bullied in school to the lonely nights of being on “cruise control” throughout my adulthood. I needed to change!
As you can see from above, I lost over 80 pounds and decreased my body fat by over 20% through diet and exercise. Amazing, right?! Well, I do pat myself on the back for achieving this weight loss, but this is only one step in a long journey of a healthy and happy life.
I will not use the excuse of hitting a plateau, I just need a CHALLENGE! I worked my butt off to lose that weight, and I will continue to do so.
I am a dedicated individual who will do anything to better myself…and if that means eat pizza, then I will surely do that too, haha!
Joel, just give me a chance, and I will prove to the world your program works.
A healthy life leads to a happy life… I want to be happy…
Thank you in advance.

Okay, I’m a blob… don’t like to admit it but I am… I have been in the undesirable state of “blobness” almost my entire life… I’ve finally hit the wall… I love science, I trust science… I am thrilled that you revel in it as well. I have recently discovered Dr.K and in the 6 short weeks I’ve been following his program I have actually experienced something truly amazing! I was hoping that I could find a scientifically proven nutritional plan that would beautifully complement the physical side. I read you r e-mail the day after I decided that and thought, May 4th! What incredible timing! Thank you so much… I am counting down the days!

Hi Joel,

This year has been quite the roller coaster for me. I graduated from university, landed my dream teaching job and everything seemed to fall into place. Except for one MAJOR area in my life; my weight. The added stress of my new job has also landed me the addition of unwanted pounds. I’m currently 23, but I feel more like I’m going on 50 and it makes me cringe to even look at myself in the mirror. I thought I was a lost cause until a friend sent me a link to your website, and it BLEW my mind. You make everything seem so simple and easy to understand. I’ve been following your links daily, and with each e-mail I’ve been getiting more and more excited about this program. I feel like it was designed with me in mind!

Thank you for making my weight loss “dreams” into weight loss “goals”!


I am a former college athelete that has been trying to get back into shape for the last 5 years! It seems that at least 2-3 times per year I tell myself, “OK this is ridiculous….this time I am going to shed the weight”. This usually comes when I hit 225-230 lbs (I am 6’00”). So I hit the gym, diet, and pray that this will be the time that it works. The weight always comes off so easily until I get to about 210-215 at which point I hit a brick wall.
After reading your materials I am convinced that this is the ONE AND ONLY system out there that will get me back to the 185 lb machine I used to be ;) I am so excited that someone has finally formulated an effective STRATEGY that will make sure that all of my efforts are not wasted! If I receive this program my goal will be to lose 30-40 lbs by July…and you can hold me to that! Thanks for the information thus far and for the chance to win this amazing program!

Hi Joel, I’m a 62yr old man soon to be 63. I am slowly losing the battle with my weight. I have tried other programs and had moderate success, however nothing sustainable. I need to lose around 50 pounds thinking this will relieve some of the pain I experience daily. I do have nerve damage from injuries in my back, severe corpral tunel in both wrist an arms and pain in both knees one has been surgicaly repaired and the other I need cortizone shots to relieve the pain. I was hoping the xtreme loss diet program would be the answer to some of these issues, by losing the weight I would get relief from the pain. I am not looking to get ripped like a 20 year old. I hope this program could help me lose the weight to sustain and live my life again.

Joel, thanks for your time.


I want to be one of the success stories of the Extreme Fat Loss Diet Program. I’ve always been passionate about fitness. At 40 I finally decided to go back to school and get a personal training certificate. That effort led to me pursuing a 2 yr degree in fitness and wellness.

From what I’ve learned I have been able to add muscle and cut some fat. But I’m 20 pounds from my fat loss goals and after trying for over a year and a half, I haven’t been able to reach that goal. It’s as if I’ve hit a plateau. I’m missing a piece of the puzzle and I know that Extreme Fat Loss is that missing piece.

I’m so excited about the opportunity to give the program a try and ecstatic about the new me that will come from it.

Thanks Joel!

ALL MY LIFE… I have struggled with weight issues since I was a child. Doctors have gven up on me and said there is nothing they can do.. it is genetic. I am at 325 pounds, suffer from the onset of a number of medical conditions associated with mobid obesity. I have three young boys (7, 10 and 13) and they deserve to have a father who can spend quality time with them. I love them and wish I could give them more of me. But I feel imprisoned in this body, some 120 pounds above where i ought to be… close to 40% body fat. The research behind your program makes sense… without yo I do nt know where to turn.
my children and I thank you for reaching out to those who need your services. God bless , randy

I am 60 years old and this program excites me. I have a minimum of 25 lbs. to lose. The two things about your program that appeal to me are 1) I am impatient and losing a pound a week never seems to give me the payoff that I require to keep going- 25 lbs. in 25 days could hold my attention. And 2) I like exercise and am in reasonable shape. I easily do an average of 7 hours a week – a combination of swimming, biking, weights, walking, treadmill or elliptical machine. I think whatever exercise you throw at me I could handle.Thanks for all the upgrades, they have been helpful. Joan

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