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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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Hi Joel, I’m a 36 woman. I don’t have any problem in losing weight..but I do have a problem in increasing my weight. Even though I’m in ‘the underweight’ category, I have a belly abs. So sometimes it makes me frustrated because seems like if I get some lbs, I get fat in my abs at the same time :(

So I do hope that you can share your trick for people like me, who wants to get some weight without getting’fat’ but muscles.
Thank you :)

Hey Joel, I’ve been using CYWT in combination with Roman’s FPFL for a few months and seen some great results. Not quite at my goal weight yet, but getting there. Your new program seems to be the best of both CYWT & FPFL. The reasoning for the new Xtreme makes a lot of sense and I’m keen to synergize my diet & exercise program further, to drop the final pounds I have and get to be the fittest & healthiest I ever have been. I’m also eager to see how effective the program can be, and eager to recommend to (so many) others I know who are stuck in a weight loss plateau.

Hi Joel, I’m turning 50 at the end of the year & 155cm tall and 70kgs. I have recently changed professions, going back to uni to achieve a degree, with 2 teenage kids. I have struggled for most of my life with those few unwanted kilos, pushed weights following Vince’s regime, but unfortunately the scales didn’t change much at all, and neither did my look. Yes I could feel muscle but it didn’t make me looked ripped! I want to impress myself & be in the best shaped of my life at my 50th, with a whole new me for the new half century! I’m a nurse in an orthopaedic hopital, so see lots of sports injuries & degenerative repair, but I would like to attempt to keep my body working in the best condition possible for me. I would greatly appreciate being rewarded with one of your free copies, and can assure you recommendations +++ with positive results! (Us nurses need all the help we can get :) ). Thanks

I need to find something to help to move weight off my body for health reasons. I was referred to your site via FBF site. your thought processes are very different then any I have listened to to date but you know it makes since. I have read about the effects of metabolism has so this program is fascinating. I have lost 115 pounds in the last year and I have another 50 to 75 to go. But I don’t want to lose the muscle that I have. To make this goal before the end of summer would be the greatest. This would bring me down to the weight I graduated high school. I look forward to hear more and learn to get the great results that I read about.

Dear Mr. Joel Marion,

I am Omar DaviD. I will get right to the root, source, life-blood of the Metaphorical PIMPLE . I received your free online tutelage, wisdom, years of living the Joel Marion way, I guess . Read, ‘browsed-thoroughly back and forth’. I am currently 26 years of age . With just the 6 part article introduction of your acquired, learned, fitness/scientific information I received via email . That was enough really for my ” Itch To Be Scratched, moderately scratched as of now of course. The Complete XTreme Fat Loss Diet System would be the ProVerbial/Quentissential ( sorta/kinda like finding, and then Consuming/Digesting the Dead-Sea-Scrolls, but in this case, in my current Life-Stage/Phase/etc = The Complete X-Treme-Fat-Loss-Diet System will be ” vessel, guide,sorta/kinda a written word Father like figure.

Hi Joel, I promised myself that I’d be fit and fabulous when I turned 50. The deadline is August. I’ve tried a number of nutrition programs over the past four months to reduce my fat content from 31% down to 22%. I’ve tried The Diet Solution, and I’m a member of Fast Track to Fat Loss, which is good, but I’m making slow progress even combining this with Dr K’s Double Edged Fat Loss program and sticking 100% to the nutrition program.

I’ve reduced down to 25%, but it seems nearly impossible to make further losses. I really need a program that will take me to my goal without reducing my caloric intake too much and keep my metabolism revved up. Plus I need a nutrition program that will continue to keep me healthy and in great shape.

I’d love the opportunity to apply the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system to my xtremely frustrating problem and reach my goals and go beyond to have the best body and health I can possibly have by the time I turn 50.

Thanks for the opportunity. I’d love to be one of the lucky 20!!


Dear Joel,

I would so love to win a copy of your EFLP. I am in my 40’s. After the birth of my third child, I realized I had gained 50 pounds! Holy Cow How Did That Happen?!! I lost the first 35 all by myself in the first 18 months, but then my weight loss/fat loss stalled. I have frantically tried every program I could get my hands on. I even followed one program for two years! Minimal results. I exercise six days per week! I ski, bike, wake board, snow ski, horse back ride. I am ACTIVE! But I have the metabolism of a REPTILE!!

My youngest is now 10 years old!! I have got to do something that works this time! I feel your program is IT! Finally, someone who “gets it”!!

My husband has forbidden me to spend another dime on any weight loss program. (He has never had a problem losing that extra 5% body fat, so he doesn’t understand what my problem is. ) Frankly, I dont either. I am hoping you have the answer.

Please consider me for one of your free programs. I will commit 100% to get the results I am dying for!

Desperately Craving Fat Loss,


Hi Joel,
I have been following your lead up to the release and I can’t “weight”…. :-)

Basically I am fat(technically obese) and I am just about to give up trying to get in shape, nothing works. If you can give me a program that works I will be the best salesman in Canada for you!

Looking forward to my free copy,

I would like to be considered for this program, because I have been over weight most of my life. From being a chubby teenager to an obese adult, I have tried numerous diets and failed. Over my lifetime I have lost a thousand+ pounds and gained a thousand and one back. I need something more structured than just follow the diet food hum-drum, and exercise. I need someone to guide and instruct me on the things I am doing wrong. I feel this program will help me finally give me a life change. I want to be healthier so I can watch my 2 grandkids have kids of their own. Thank you Joel for taking the time to read my comments.

Hi, Joel I am an overweight 16 year old who is trying to lose weight. I really would like to get your program because I have been trying to lose weight for awhile and it has not worked. I would really like to get in shape for this summer and stay in shape for the rest of my life. I would also like to be an example to others showing that even though you are overweight you can still change your physique and lifestyle. Thanky you.

Giles Pierre Jr

I have fatty areas that just do not what to go away.
I need help!

Hi Joel,
firstly I’d like to thank you for the incredible knowledge you have shared with your recent emails and updates.
I’m 29 years old and although not severely overweight I am each year getting heavier and the older I get the harder it is to get results . I eat well and exercise but the scales never budge. I would really LOVE this program to reach my goals finally and love what I see in the mirror!

I need to have this program because I need to get a healthier and more appropriate looking body back. I have had 10 children and have never lost weight. I have kept about 7 lbs for each one. Doesn’t sound like much till you do the math. I can maintain ok but to loose is difficult. I am also not exercising like I should and after doing some research think that muscle strengthening and a correct diet will help alot. I am so unhappy with how I look now I think I am ready to be committed to doing what I need to do. I would like my clothes to fit better and be able to keep up with all the young people around me.

hey joel :
im 23 years old !! but i need these program cuz everybody has a different type of body and these bodies respond differently to certain types of food ,so i need this to know exactly how to burn the stubborn fat around the middle(abs) and with accordance to my body compositions, my blood…etc !! also i dont want to use any kind of chemical supplements to burn them up!!,
i guess these six pack are not easy to pop out !!
would be really happy if i won!!

thanks a lot

Hi Joel, my life has been a roller coaster of “dieting”. I am now in my late forties and thanks to you Joel (and Isabel), for the 1st time in my life I am actually eating healthy. I am so thankful for your kindness in sharing with us all the knowledge that you have acquired through your years of research. I have implemented Isabel’s Diet Solution Plan into my new-found healthy eating (which has been fantastic) and am ready and motivated to move forward and onward with your Extreme Weight Loss Diet System. Hello healthy, lean body!

Hey! I`m 43 years old and want to loose 22lbs but struggel with motivation.
Have bought several books and want to learn how to do it rigth. This Xstreme fat loss diet seems acording to what i read to be something that combine eating and exersise.

Thank you so much for a lot of very good advice.

Best Regard

hey Joel, im 20 years old and im about 250 lbs. i also work 14 hour days and i still find time to work out but i just wish i could find something that i know is gonna work i dont want to waste my time doing things that is gonna have little or no effect on my body. i recently bought Vince Delmontes “Maximize Your Muscle and it has worked wonders for me i just know that if he put his trust in your product im 1000% sure its gonna work.



Joel,Im 44 and need to lose 80 to 100 pounds.I need some serious help,and would be willing to try your free program. John

I have tried so many things to lose weight since having children. I can’t seem to get anywhere, and I know it’s partially because I don’t want to give up my foods. Lately, my feet are swelling, so for my own health I need to take on a diet that a) really works and b) I can really follow with limited time and a penchant for wanting to eat “real food” rather than just rabbit food constantly – and yes, I’ve tried that and found I don’t lose much weight anyway. I guess my metabolism just adjusts to it.
Your program certainly seems like it will perform on both levels and I need something to do so for both my mental and physical health. It’s depressing and a little scary to look in a mirror and see how out of shape I am. I hope you’ll pick me because I just need a break all around, and if I can improve my self image, I feel like I’d improve my business and family life in the process.


I’m 29 years of age and am planning a wedding in Las Vegas for Labor Day weekend. I am by no means overweight and am sitting around 20% body fat. However, I did weigh in about 20 pounds heavier just a year ago. I took the step and got rid of those twenty pounds the old fashioned way of eating very, very clean and exercising my rear end off. I have hit that plateau and cannot seem to drop any more weight no matter how hard I exercise or how clean I eat. Although, I lose weight when I do eat junk every third or fourth day when the frustration sets in because the hard work is not paying off. I still do not feel comfortable in my own skin and would love to be more ripped and confident on my wedding day. I believe following your program will help me become more confident and get that six pack abs I’ve always dreamed of.

Thanks for reading and listening,


Hey Joel;

I’ve been training for more than 10 years and I would like to be ripped. I try different weight loss programs and I have not get the results I want. I have the filling that this program will take me where I want to be. In June, I am going to a cruise and I would like to impress my wife so she cannot tell me, look I would like to see you with an abs like the one that guy have.

Thank You


In a few months i will be 60 years old. I have noticed that my contemporaries and I are all experiencing bigger waists and less muscle tone. I have read that when one turns fifty, the muscle power decreases. I believe with the right program, this adverse effect to good health can be reversed with your program. I once weighed 430 lbs. I have gotten myself down to 285 lbs. I believe your program may be my best bet to get to my goal weight (215 ibs half of what I once weighed). Not only will your program benefit me, but my positive results will inspire others in their “golden years” to still have that lean, shaped body.

Hey Joel, I’m 14 and i think that this is the perfect program for me because I am overweight and have not enough time to exercise.I can’t do much activities like playing soccer or anything with my friends because I got tired very fast.I’ve tried many diet programs but none of them ever worked for me.I lose like 10 pounds but after that I gained another 12 pounds more after I stopped the brutal dieting. So i think that following your program and is the easiest thing to do to because I don’t have to stop myself from eating the food that I love.I hope by following your program I can lose the fat that I’m carrying for years and regain my health back.I hope that the program work for me and I can play with my friends again without feeling tired very soon.Thanks!

Hi Joel, I recently retired & turned 59 and have been trying to lose some bodyfat as well as build some lean muscle mass. However, I seem to be at a plateau and no matter what I do (increase cardio & decrease calories) , I am making no further progress. I have previously heard about the hormone leptin and your program addresses that hormone and how to control it, so I would really like to try out your suggestions. My goal has been to get down to close to 10% body fat before I turn the “big 60” so I am truely in desperate need of your scientific program!

Thanks so very much for your consideration.


First I’d like to say Hello and personally thank you for all of the great info I have been recieving as a newsletter member! Thanks Joel! I am 33yrs old and 5-10″ and started out at 174lbs when I was skinny fat, about a year ago. I decided to get into the best shape of my life so I trained every day and in 8 weeks I went from about 12-15%bf to 6-7%bf! The only problem was I didn’t realize that I was also losing muscle! I lost a total of 25lbs in 8 weeks. for the first time ever in my life I had lines in my stomach but was a very scrawny (but tight) 149lbs. My before and after pics not only inspired me to start building lean muscle but also inspired my 18yr old cousin and my 56yr old uncle to reshape their bodies as well. They are both about 6 ft and over 300lbs. I must admit It felt very good to inspire others. Any way I used sean nalewanjis program and In the past 8 months I ate 6-8 meals a day with lots of slow carbs lean meats and good fats(40%carbs,40%protein,20%fat) In 8 months I gained 51lbs, i went from 149 to my 1st goal weight of 200lbs! This inspired my skinny older brother to start lifting and eating! Now I am in my first cutting phase and I am very serious about trying not to lose any of my hard earned muscle gains! I will estimate that I have put on 20-30lbs of fat out of the 51lbs gained. Its been 3 weeks and I am down 7lbs, and still lifting heavy. I want to get through this cutting phase as fast as possible so I can lean out and start eating to grow again and build new muscle. I know with out a doubt that Your expertise and fat loss plan will make this cutting phase as short as possible so I can advance, grow and keep inspiring the people in my family that are also trying to meet new goals! so far my uncle has lost 70 lbs and my cousin has lost around 50lbs, I set the first bar for them and helped them jump start their own transformations! And as you know some people need more moral support and encouragement than others, I love that I am the one that gets to provide that support because they are my family! Thanks again for the great news letter Joel! sincerely- Dan-

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