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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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*~*~* Weight Watchers (I am currently on 4th go round) *~*~* Jenny Craig (quit after two weeks-couldn’t do the chemicals) *~*~* Atkins (gross) *~*~* Medi (a new franchise in the US-Doctor supervised 600 calorie-starve yourself-I wouldnt take the prescription appetite suppressant so I felt tired/sick the whole time…quit after this last Thanksgiving and gained back the 15 I lost in about 3 weeks) *~*~* Tom Venuto (really like what he has to say but he is too complicated and confusing) *~*~* Boot Camp/s (didn’t lose any weight during the two months of daily boot camp) *~*~* Lastly a nutritionist (went on all veggie, nuts, etc-lost for about 10 days…stayed on another 3 weeks but never lost another pound). *~*~* This has been my last two years of diet experimentation!! I am 5’3″ and currently 150…I am a wife, and a mom of three precious girls…I just started back to work so I need an easy easy EASY plan to follow. I gained the 40 pounds two years ago after caring for a parent with pancreatic cancer….I started eating cupcakes to feel better and never stopped!! I like what I have read from you…I am ready to try my next plan :)!! Warmest Regards.

Hi Joel,
I’m a 56 year old very happily married woman with a wonderful
life. I have a great career and fulfilling hobbies. However, I
am 50 lbs. overweight. I’ve tried all kinds of diets – lose 20 lbs.
then gain 25. It is at the point where I think I have ruined my
metabolism and am losing hope that there is a program that
will really work for me. I’m deeply motivated and willing to
work hard. I need clear direction and support. I’m willing to
give it a try. Thanks

Joel, Your program is exactly what I have been waiting for! I am a dancer and personal trainer and although in good shape, have struggled with my weight all my life. I have tried countless diets over the years, work out daily but have never managed to reach the body of my dreams. I am ready to become one of your success stories, the time is now! I know with your program I will finally do it! My goal is not only to use your program to reach my fitness goals but also help my clients do the same. Many of my clients are overweight or obese and desperately want to get in shape. I want to help them. Life is too short to be unhappy with your body! Thank you.

I am 44 years old and have been active all my life. In the past two and a half years I have started a new desk job and have put on more fat than I thought I ever could. I have decided that it is now time to get back the old me. I have been using the tips that you have posted and am already seeing results. I can’t wait to see what will happen once I am able to put the full program to work for me. Thanks Joel

I got EODD a month or so ago and dropped from 280 to 260 in just a few weeks. I am looking for some variety when I start throwing more exercise other than walking into the mix because I am not looking for a diet but a life changing solution like I have seen from the EODD. I have my 3rd child due in a couple weeks and I really need to get back to 200lbs where I can keep up and set the right example.


I must say that the hormonal aspect of fat loss has really intrigued me. As a biochemistry undergrad and a current medical student, a lot of this stuff really makes sense. I have been the last few days using the 25 lbs in 25 days system because I am literally on my last leg of the getting ready for summer journey. I am already fairly lean and feel good, however I think your program could really be it that gets me over my slight plateau for the last 5 to 10 lbs. I understand if there are people who are more in need of a free copy, but I would appreciate it all the same.


I am 44 years old and have been active all my life. In the past two and a half years I have started a new desk job and have put on more fat than I thought I ever could. I have decided that it is now time to get back the old me. I have been using the tips that you have posted and am already seeing results. I can’t wait to see what will happen once I am able to put the full program to work for me. I have not been able to be as active with the youth groups that I mentor, and I have not been able to say to them that I am physically fit as we strive to make them aware to be. So I am ready
Thanks Joel

I’m looking at 55 this year. I don’t feel 55, but the mirror tells a different story. And yes, I could use more pep. I’ve been reading and reading and trying this and trying that, and have come to the conclusion that your program is the one that fits me to a T. It’s a concise, no-nonsense corralling of cutting-edge exercise and nutrition all focused on one goal–MY GOAL–of extreme fat loss. I want to look lean and mean this summer, without the confusion of hard-to-follow plans. I’ve got the will–show me the way with your Extreme Fatloss Diet System.

Hi Joel,

I don’t know if the contest is still open but I thought I would give it a try.
I live in China and I know there is a time difference with US but I don’t know how much.
So, my name is Muriel, I am French but currently live in China with my husband and two sons. I am 39 years old and I have been fighting with my weight since I was 20. I went through anorexia, bulimia, tried several diets: Weight Watchers, low G.I., low calories, mono diet for a week, only proteins and so on. They all gave some OK results, but to maintain these results, you have to stick to these boring, frustrating, hard to implement in your everyday life (I am referring to the low G.I.) programmes for the rest of your life and this is mission impossible to me as I love cooking and eating good food too much :-)
You cannot say I am overweight, I am 5’4″ for 132 lbs, so from a medical view point, I am OK but I have that kind of skinny-fat look you described so well. When I saw the bodies of the two women in our Launch Members update #3, the one on the left-hand side was like… ME!!. I was just me when I look in the mirror, you know, thighs touching each other, a lack of tone on the arms, bottoms, waistline …!
I try to have a balanced diet (well…most of the time!), I fast a day per week, go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week for roughly an hour, ride my bike as often as I can BUT I can tell you I am REALLY , REALLY FAR from looking like the right-hand side body, though I would love to !!

So the bottom line of all this is (I don’t know if I am still in the 250 words limit?!) I think my metabolism is a total wreck and would need a really good reset.
I have always fought very hard to keep my weight stable (I lost the count of the always-the-same kilos I lost and gained over the years). This has always had a great impact on my everyday life, on my relationship to food , on my relationship with my friends – being invited or eating out is a real nightmare as I know on the next day, the scale will show it and I will need days to lose the extra weight – but most of all on my relationship with my husband because I am so not happy with the way I look (while he has naturally a very lean body and eat anything he wants , I am SOOOOOO JEALOUS !!), it is a strain on our marital life.
Well I think I am done here. What else can I say… perhaps… think about me when selecting your winners ;-) If you can help me achieve in only 25 days (this is nothing compared to a lifetime!!!!!) the look I have been wanting for years, I would be forever grateful. This would be such a change in my life!

PS: sorry if my English is not always very accurate :-)
PS 2: I did not know what to write in Website, so I left it blank

Having just realized (as I am about to turn 40) that my waist is bigger than my age, and I am not happy with how I look or feel; it is time for a significant change. And having my 4 year old step-son call me his “big” dad really brought it home that now is the time. Though the 80# (I can’t believe that is the number) seems to be insurmountable, I am sure it isn’t.

The intergrated diet and training regime appeals to me because it just makes sense. Having done things piecemeal in the past, this approach provides me the guidance and direction needed for both pieces to work together and not against each other.

Thanks for the opportunity to get reality back to preception.


I’m just too tired to say much. I’m hoping your program will change that!

Hey Joel,
I’m about to go off to college this year. Body building has in the last couple years became a real interest of mine, I’ve trained myself at home in evenings mostly with body weight stuff for the last couple years until my father decided to invest in a gym. Since I’ve started working out I’ve invested hundreds of hours in research on finding the best program for me to build muscle and lose fat. It’ becomes a passion.

Despite my efforts I’ve not had as much success with losing fat. I’ve managed some success by playing sports but not as much as I’d like. Since I was a child I’ve always been a “fat boy” and have developed major insecurities around it, as an island dweller in the Caribbean it’s hard to look at my friends with six packs and not feel insecure. I’ve never had the pleasure of being ogled at and am constantly conscious of how my body looks in certain clothing, especially my school clothing.
It was only through reading your updates that I realized some of the major mistakes I was making. Like not having a metabolic “happy” day or having a synergy between my workout and diet by using lactic acid workouts. I’ve also made the mistake of allowing myself to lose some of my hard earned muscle mass. I’m confident that with your program I’ll get the results I want and a much needed confidence boost before I fly off to university.

Hi Joel,
I really need this program because I have hit 50 and the big M. All of a sudden I have gained 10 lbs despite working out every day and watching what I eat. I really need some tools to take me to the next step and help me get back on track. I probably spend at 10 hours a week working out in addition to walking my dog multiple times a day. I need to see results for the time I am putting in, and I don’t know why I don’t. I’m hoping your program can help me to turn this trend around and get back on the right track. Also today is my birthday (april 30) What better gift could ther be – Thanks for listening!

Hi Joel

I am English and after this summer I will be moving to university, which I guess is like college in America? anyway, right now Im not in great shape, I try to eat well and I do a decent amount of exercise but I am still not very hapy with my body, over the summer I will have a lot of spare time and I would love dearly to get into a shape that means I am comfortable with who I am, I know I would put the work in, and I know it wont happen overnight, I also know that you will have to read a lot of these, so I am trying to keep this short, thanks for giving everyone the chance to change their life, even if I don’t win, I still think what you are doing is great.

-Thanks, Dave.

A year ago I was laid up with my foot up in the air with a Tri-Mal fracture of my ankle. I am full of metal and wasn’t sure when I would even walk again. Over the past year I have gained 20 lbs. I am 48 years old, and am finding it harder and harder to take any weight off. I am so pleased that I am now able to finally work out again (with many modifications) but my weight is not changing. I have recruited my entire family into a healthy lifestyle, and they are willful guinea pigs but it doesn’t seem to be working for me. I know a lot about nutrition, and have tried many programs, but would really like to put yours to the test with my whole family. I don’t have anyone I am trying to impress, but I would love to feel comfortable in my own body again. Thanks for considering!!!


Joel your program sounds fantastic! I’m not too optimistic when it comes to diets. It’s my goal to get back to the weight I was in my 20’s and 30’s.
I am 60, I have been on many diets and most of them don’t work. I walk daily and I also do some weight training. I’m on a 1500 calorie diet for the past three months and have been following it faithfully. I’ve probably lost 7 pounds. I didn’t put on the weight until my 40’s up until then I was in good shape – went to the gym every day. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and for years walked around holding my stomach – I couldn’t walk very far. Soon after, I had a hysterectomy – was told I was already pre cancerous. I am sick of wearing girdles and jackets just to cover myself. I have very low self esteem and I’m very shy. Please help! Thanks Dianne

Hi Joel,
I have been starting and stopping programs simply because i crave junk foods and dont know what to do. I would like to be able to stick to a program. Ive followed turbulence training and read your articles and burn the fat and other great authors. I sabotage myself by eating junk food and i want to learn how to eat junk food and get lean by utilizing leptin in my favor. Since i hear john romaniello and other fitness experts suggest that your the best and most knowledgable when it comes to cheating , i know xtreme fat loss diet will be one of a kind. Maybe with the aid of this i can finally get that lean 6 pack fitness model look by cheating in my favor rather than just binge eating or emotional eating. I know you have the tools to help me

I need this product because it can literally decide my future. I attend a small liberal arts college in California, where I am hoping to join the baseball team so that I can play in the major leagues. My baseball skills are great, but I know for a fact that my body fat is not letting me play my best. My body fat is over 20%, and my try-outs are in about 1 and a half months, which is just enough time to hopefully burn off 25 pounds of fat, as you promised. I truly believe that if I can get leaner I will be able to make the team, and possibly get drafted in the future, but first I need to lose my body fat through your program.

I am 50 years of age and I have been extremely overweight for the last couple of years. Somehow I have lost my way and have been really struggling and fighting to get my life and health back on track so, I need help and guidance to achieve my goal. I need to be healthy and strong to be a role model to my children and to the other young people in my surroundings. Anyway, I would like you for taking your time to read this.



Over the last year my moms weight has really skyrocketed which is just eating me up alive. She used to be in good shape and was always staying activel. However, since the weight gain she has become a different person. She no longer enjoys the activities such as walking the dog, riding her bike, and going to the lake. I have tried to get her to lose the weight and change her eating habits but have lacked the instructional tools to do so. I have personally used your CYWT program and had great results. I believe in your knowledge and programs and truly think this is exactly what my mother needs. Her birthday is May 5th and I cant imagine a better birthday present than XTreme Fat Loss. All I want is my healthy and beautiful mom back!!

Thanks so much Joel

Hi Joel, I have been reading up on your program for some time now. I am very interested in finding an ‘edge’ to my workouts. I have been strength training for 4 months now and have lost 15 pounds. I have quite a few more to lose. I need your help to get there faster and more efficiently. I am willing to work hard and can make a serious commitment. I did the Body for Life challenge back in 2001 when you won. Of course, I didn’t have the same success. I am ready to give this my all and would love a free copy of your program. Having a free copy will increase the support of my husband.

Thanks for the offer and wish me luck!


hi, i’m 32, have good friends, good job, etc, but i want a good body and a long healthy life to enjoy them. i have alot of weight to lose (100+ lbs), and am determined to do it. i am realizing life can be gone in an instant and dont want to waste anymore time in a body i dont love. i dont have a lot of failures to tell you about in the diet department because i havent had alot of attempts, mostly because i hate dissapointment, yet with your program, or what ive learned about it so far, i dont believe failure will be a risk.
stay happy

Since I was 8 years old, I have been fat, and I am now 62. I have tried many, many times to lose weight. A few times I lost a substantial amount of weight, but gained it all back . I didn’t seem to have any control over my mouth, and binged the fat back. Now I am at least 125 pounds overweight and my doctor wants me to have bariatric surgery, which, actually, I did have about 25 years ago. About 2 years after my stomach stapling, the staples all came loose and my weight came back on. Now, I am fat, can barely walk due to pain in my legs and hips and pelvis. I can’t exercise, due to pain. I am tired all the time, also have fibromyalgia and severe arthritis. Weight loss may not eliminate my arthritis, but it would put much less pressure on my joints. I don’t know how many words this has been. But I hope to win the book.


I’m 28 years old, I’m a single mother of a five year old. I’ve raised him on my own from day one. I’m determined and now have the will power to acheive the results I want. I want to go on the 25 day program due to the fact I trust your challange. I believe that within 25 days I will get the results I want. I have 15 lbs that I can’t lose… but with your program or life changing results, I’m willing to give it my all… for 25 days to get lean! I believe this program would do it for me. To finally lose the last 15 lbs..

Julie Z

After reading (and watching the videos) about the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System I realized why the other diets I tried – ones that have helped me in the past – are not working now, and why yours will.

I am a 60-year-old female. I’ve tried very hard to lose weight. I exercise, follow instructions to the letter (measure and weigh everything), and stick with them for weeks and weeks, hoping that somehow it will change something, and I will lose. I just go up and down the same 2 pounds.

The problem might be that I eat well anyway, and I exercise anyway. So all these popular diets – Zone, Adkins, Carbohydrate Addict’s, Diet Solution – did little more than make minor tweaks in my eating. And they made very little difference in my weight.

Your diet, on the other hand, is entirely different. I believe it will do something entirely different. (And, frankly, I love the idea of the cheat days, and being able to eat the way I’ve never been able to eat before!)

I do have some health issues that are not helping, and due to heart disease and cancer in my immediate family, my biggest concern is belly fat. Because of the information you have already shared, I believe this issue really could be corrected.

This sounds like a fun adventure, a life changer and possibly a life saver!!

Feeling hopeful,

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