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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE TWENTY copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting and FAST fat loss over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Good luck!




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I have tried many programs that promise fat loss–Turbulance Training, Warp Speed Fat Loss, Afterburn II–with only moderate results of 5 to 10 pounds. I would lose fat very slowly because I stuggled pairing a suitable and sustainable diet with the workouts. Invariably, after being on the program for several weeks and plateauing, I would become discouraged and fall off of the wagon, so to speak. Then, shortly after ending the program, I would return to my previous weight of 195 pounds and around 20 to 23% bodyfat: yo-yo dieting. I hope that XFLD, by creating a synergy between diet and exercise, will be the solution to end my frustration and my yo-yo dieting. My short-term motivation is not to be embarrassed to take my shirt off, when I head to Las Vegas and lay out by the pool this Memorial Day weekend.

Joel, I’ve been on a strict diet and exercise program for the last 90 days. The exercise program I’ve been following is based strenuous weight and interval cardio, but the diet and workout regimen weren’t designed to work together like Xtreme Fat Loss.

The first month the weight and fat loss came pretty steady, but just like you describe, I’ve hit the inevitable plateau and seems no matter how hard I work, or how strict I manage my diet the scales will NOT BUDGE! I still need to lose that last 10-15 lbs and that pudge around the middle.

I haven’t allowed myself any cheat meals(much less days) since I started, and based on your research, that may be where my issue lies. I am also very excited to see how the diet and exercise program are designed to work together. I believe your prgram is just what the Dr. ordered to get me over that hump and help me realize my goals.

Already looking forward to getting started.
Thanks Joel!

Hey Joel,
I’d really appreciate it if you could give me one of your faster fat loss secrets book. I’ve struggled with bad genetics for…my whole life since genetics aren’t really something I can get rid of. However I am 16 now and have dropped many pounds, and am left with the stubborn little excess body fat that is probably still there from my childhood. I used to be about 5,4 and weighed 170-185 lbs, but I’ve dropped down to about 150 lbs at 5,8. I really need to know how to get rid of the fat I still have and the “cheat days” seemed like it could work and I’d like to know more. I also need some different dieting plans because I’m Asian and unfortunately that means a high carb dinner every night.
Please consider helping me out because I don’t know how to get rid of these last stubborn pounds, and it kills me too look in the mirror.
Thanks so much for the opportunity,

First I would like to thank you for giving this opportunity to your readers. I feel like this program would definitely change my life. I have tried many different diets and workout programs, but the weight lost is either not fat, or I gain muscle but do not lose the fat so I just look bigger! I am a ballroom dancer and really need a lean, toned look. However this look keeps eluding me! The other problem is I only need to lose 10-15 pounds of body fat, and those are the most stubborn pounds to lose! I need to keep my lean muscle for dancing, but drop the fat and feel that your Xtreme Fat Loss diet will finally provide the much needed and strived for solution.

Hi Joel,
Approximately 4 years ago I was in the best shape of my life, I was training for a body building competition (in figure class) and was on top of the world… then disaster struck, I damaged my left rotor cuff in the gym, and was out of the competion, forced by doctors to stop training for the comp & subsequently left the gym. At the same time I met my husband, and the weight ballooned. I would love to get back into the shape I was when we met, in time for our wedding on the 5th of June.
This program is the best fit for me as it promises that with hard work, determination & cheat days I will be able to achieve my goals. The structured workouts, diet plan, and inspriational stories from those who have been there before. I have already started putting in place some of your 5 secrets to fat loss that was the initial free download (thanks for that BTW!) and now I am looking for the next step.
Please Joel, I would love a free copy so I will be able to look fantastic for my wedding which is in 26 days time!!
Well I think that is the best 209 words I could have written. Thanks Joel for giving us the chance to win these copies xx

Hey Joel
As a 35 year old ex-athlete who must keep an ideal weight to cope with old injuries, I am looking for a lifestyle I can stick with. People talk about wanting to look good, but I think being healthy is more important; having a smoking hot body to go with it won’t hurt either :)

Thanks for all the info so far and I am looking forward to trying out your program.

Hey Joel,
I’m about to go off to college this year. Body building has in the last couple years become areal interest of mine, I’ve trained myself at home in evenings mostly with body weight stuff for the last couple years until my father decided to invest in a proper gym. Since I’ve started working out in the gym I’ve invested hundreds of hours in research on trying to find the best programs for me to build muscle and lose fat. its become a passion.

Despite my efforts I’ve not had as much success with the “lose fat” portion. Since i was a child I’ve always been a “fat boy” and have developed some major insecurities around it, as an island dweller in the Caribbean its hard to look at all my friends with six packs and not feel jealous that they all sport such well defined bodies.

As I’ve been paying attention to your last six updates I’ve come to realize a great number of mistakes I’ve been making, like not having a metabolic boost day every once in a while. Ive also never discovered the “hunter-gatherer” effect, that limits my body (which is naturally predisposed to gathering fat) from losing fat at a fast rate.

I am confident as an intelligent young man that with the exercise and diet regimen given in your program i will be able to achieve the results that i trullly want wihtout losing my hard earned muscle mass and gain a much needed confidence boost before i head off to university.

Simply put, I feel lost. At 27 I know the biggest part of improving your body is your diet. I have not improved physically in the last 2 years. After trying dozens of routines I fear I will never improve from my current state. However, I feel like the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System is the most complete and comprehensive material I’ll ever come across. It’s my map out of the maze that I fear I will forever remain lost in.

I love the research you have done and how you are able to explain why your program works. I’m a literal person and it looks like you give a lot of information so I won’t have to wonder what you mean and how to do things. I am 54 and in my 40’s i’ve gained over 40 lbs. I never liked the idea of a diet, but more of a lifestyle change – something i can continue my whole life. My daughter is getting married soon and have tried to lose some weight by cutting back on portions and trying to cut out the sugars and soda, but not losing much weight. With your program I feel I can achieve my goal.
Thank You for letting me know there is a program that can work.

Hi Joel,
I have read with interest your updates. I have been a dieter on and off most of my adult life. It is always around 6-10 kgs I want to lose. I am driven to have the best abs, with no fat!!! I have tried the scarsdale diet and other high protein, low carb diets. They seem to work for a time, then I plateau. I feel like I am starving myself for no benefit. I think your answer in having a “cheat ” day once a week to boost your metabolism is the answer for me. It hopefully will stop the plateaus I tend to experience and take me to the best abs i’ve ever seen!!!
Thank You

I have been my own personal trainer for more than 20 years. But the quest of updatiing myself with new techniques and programmes to make training more interesting. Though some were good at that point of time, some still hold true till this very day. I find for the past week, Xtreme Fat Loss Diet System! one of the most interesting prorammes. I have never heard about the synergy between diet and training. And what were mentioned in your reports make sense. I like to know more. Thanks.

Hi Joel,
I am 43 years old and have been a “dieter” all my life. I have never read anything up until now that made sense regarding fat loss. I put my faith in the so called “experts” through the years but have never been able to achieve the results I have longed for. The past few months I was eating less than a thousand calories every day and exercising and I think I actually gained weight! This was the last straw and it scared me. Ever since I have been on a quest to get to the bottom of cracking the fat loss code! You came along at exactly the right time. When I printed out your fat loss report last week and read it…I said this is it! This makes sense! I have told everyone at work what I will be doing and they are all anxious to see my results…and results I will get! I am tired of just looking ok….I’m 43…. ain’t it about time I look smoking hot!!! lol

Hey Joel,
I’m about to go off to college this year. Body building has in the last couple years become areal interest of mine, I’ve trained myself at home in evenings mostly with body weight stuff for the last couple years until my father decided to invest in a proper gym. Since I’ve started working out in the gym I’ve invested hundreds of hours in research on trying to find the best programs for me to build muscle and lose fat. its become a passion.

Despite my efforts I’ve not has much success with the “lose fat” portion. I’ve managed some success by playing sports but not as much as I’d like. Since I was a child I’ve always been a “fat boy” and have developed some major insecurities around it, as an island dweller in the Caribbean it’s hard to look at all my friends with six packs and not feel insecure. I’ve never had the pleasure of being ogled at and am constantly conscious of how my body looks in certain clothing, especially my school clothing.
It was only through reading your updates that I realized some of the major mistakes I was making. Like not having a metabolic “happy” day or having a synergy between my workout and diet by using lactic acid workouts. I’ve also made the mistake of allowing myself to lose some of my hard earned muscle mass. I’m confident that with your program I’ll get the results I want and a much needed confidence boost before I fly off to university.

I need to win this package to help me lose weight quickly. I am going to be riding in a 500 mile bicycle fundraiser this summer, and I have way too much weight to carry on a bicycle for 500 miles. I am an asthma sufferer, and I have blood pressure problems that will undoubtedly diminish after some weight loss. The bicycle ride is to raise funds and awareness for Habitat for Humanity, and I fear I will not be able to fulfill my commitment to that great cause without some weight loss. I’ve tried many things, but so far nothing has worked. I need to lose a minimum of 20 pounds before the middle of July. So I am praying that I might win this package that I am convinced will help me and I can be successful with this plan.

Thank you, and may God bless you in this healthy product.

Kathleen Splitt

hello joel,

thanks for being generous

weight management has always been an issue, for me. i have never been lean, it’s like an unattainable goal for me and it’s frustrating. it feels unfair to be disciplined in what i eat, yet not loosing fat, while people around me seem to be lean effortlessly. i found out not long ago that this difficulty with losing weight may be due to a hormone problem. my doc said for me to keep my weight down or the hormones will go out of control. i’m trying, but don’t know how to do it most effectively. i’ve been reading a lot about exercise and diet on the internet and that’s how i found your website.
with diet, i try to keep it low carb, but i’ve noticed that when i eat a more ‘normal’ meal (more carbs) or two when out with friends, or even for a week at camp, my pants feel looser a couple of days after. and then the fat comes back. that’s why your video updates are like teasers for me and i would like to explore the real thing, how to use this carb cycling better to become lean

thanks heaps

Hi Joel.
I’m 35, and already tired and bored, I´ve been dieting since 11 years old. Having proven everything, from hypocaloric diets, to vegetarian, macrobiotic, elimination and raw diet, up to fasting during several weeks, not matter how well I stick to the program, I always return to the point to begin with.
It is just very frustrating to follow through a program that promises to be The Solution, and soon to see how the results, if any, vanish in the short term.
I’ve read your theories which have a completely different approach from what I’ve been practicing until now. As you can see I’m not afraid to go for the “Xtreme”, so I believe you can help me to achieve success.
I’m really hopping to win; it will be nice to finally being able to see and keep in good shape for a change.
Thank you very mucyh for the opportunity!

hey joel
simplyly amazing you have taking everthing we have been told about dieting and turned it on its head great work and when you think about it shows like the biggest loser tells us this why do contests lose 10kgs one week and 2kgs the next with the same workout and diet and i beleive your concept is the answer i have never had abs and never thought i ever would and can believe now that i was doing situps at 26% body fat crazy right and since reading your first email i have halfed that and now i have hope all i need now is the knowledge of your program to get me to my fitness goals grat job keep up the good work. cheers mat

Because you give me HOPE! Hope that I can finally get rid of the extra 20 lbs of baby weight I’ve been unable to shed for the last year and half…and then hopefully10 more. Hope that even while still nursing once a day, I can still lose weight. No other diet or exercise program I’ve tried post-baby has made the scale, or my waistline, go down at all. Hope that I’ll be confident enough to go to the pool with my little guy this summer instead of hiding indoors. Hope that by getting down to a healthy weight, I’ll be able to reduce my cholesterol (nearly 300 untreated) & not have to go back on medication once I’m done nursing. And finally, hope that I’ll be so motivated by the results that I’ll be able to keep the weight off & tell everyone I know that you rock!

Hi Joel, I have tried most diet and exercise programs imaginable with no success. I have started the Diet Solution Plan making small changes daily. I have increased my exercise routines and still, no avail, the scale moves two down and one up, three down and two up. I can’t seem to win. I have difficulty with my middle section especially since having two kids. Enough excuses I just want results and I am ready for the next level to blast the fat away! I am getting ready for a twenty-year high school reunion and I want to look my very best, like I did back then. Please help!

Hey Joel,
I’m about to go off to college this year. Body building has in the last couple years became a real interest of mine, I’ve trained myself at home in evenings mostly with body weight stuff for the last couple years until my father decided to invest in a gym. Since I’ve started working out I’ve invested hundreds of hours in research on finding the best program for me to build muscle and lose fat. It’s become a passion.

Despite my efforts I’ve not had as much success with losing fat. I’ve managed some success by playing sports but not as much as I’d like. Since I was a child I’ve always been a “fat boy” and have developed major insecurities around it, as an island dweller in the Caribbean it’s hard to look at my friends with six packs and not feel insecure. I’ve never had the pleasure of being ogled at and am constantly conscious of how my body looks in certain clothing, especially my school clothing.
It was only through reading your updates that I realized some of the major mistakes I was making. Like not having a metabolic “happy” day or having a synergy between my workout and diet by using lactic acid workouts. I’ve also made the mistake of allowing myself to lose some of my hard earned muscle mass. I’m confident that with your program I’ll get the results I want and a much needed confidence boost before I fly off to university.

I am a 44 year old mom of a wonderful 6 yr old son. I have always been in good shape (even throughout my pregnancy), but after I had my son I lost “myself” somewhere. Working full time w/a husband that works long hours I found that I didn’t have the time or energy to focus on MY needs. I started putting on weight and the more I gained the more depressed I became, quickly losing my self confidence and self esteem which has hurt my relationship w/my husband. Not because of him but because I was not happy w/myself. I have finally started to get myself back on track, staying away form processed foods, trying to buy organic, and limiting my portion sizes. I have lost some weight from implementing these things and am ready to take the next step. Why I “need” this now is because boating season starts back up in 28 days and I don’t want to spend another summer as the overweight mom. I would love to be bathing suit ready. I am finally in the mindset to do what it takes (and I’m better when I’m told exactly what to do). I want to be a good example of a fit and healthy lifestyle for my son, and get back to the woman my husband married. But most of all I want to do it for ME! I want to find myself again…I know she’s in there.

Hi Joel, Your free video has inspired me to learn more about the specific foods that help fight the fat and to avoid the fat triggering foods and then to be able to apply the principles and keys that you teach!


let me be completely honest with you Joel, I don’t need your program! really, I think that I would survive if I don’t get it. but I really, really want it! I would really, really, REALLY! like to check out your program! it’s a old story on how to use Leptin to increase your metabolic rate, but you are serous taking this “cheat” diet to a completely new level of awesomeness!!! the way your empty out the carbs in the body before a cheat day to avoid fat stored in the body, and then creating this huge calorie deficit on the depletion day( genius man).

if this program is just as brilliant in the “real world” as it is in theory, then it’s EXACLY what I’m looking for! in the moment I’m in a bulking phase, and is having really greats results so fare. But, it’s starting to get close to summer and I have to start cutting very soon, if I want that lean look(and of cause I want to be lean Duh.).

so if you give me a copy of your program, you will get: a 18 years old super motivated guy who is 110% dedicated to the 25 days XFLDS!!!

right now I’m at 9% body fat, and I’m more than ready to take my body to the next level of leanness!!!

thanks for reading


From Denmark, Europe :-)

Hi Joel
What a great opportunity. Joel, once I turned 40 I decided that health and fitness had to become a priority in my life. With that choice, in the last couple of years I have lost over 25kg and my fitness has increased. However I am now at a stalemate I’ve hit a plateau – Joel I think that’s where your new XFLD would make the difference. Yes I need to overcome the 5 limiting factors – my diet and exercise are no longer adding up to a 3! So, to win a copy of your XFLD would help me to learn and add a new synergy to my diet and exercise.
Thanks for the opportunity and for your informative posts.

Hi Joel,
There are two very important reasons why I need this information. First, I’m going to be 50 years old this year, I’ve been working out like a madman since last September, and I’m slowly leaning up. I’ve already put on a lot of muscle. I want to compete in a bodybuilding competition. The last time I did so I was 23 years old, so I’m really excited to compete as a “master”.
I want to be really ripped and I want to get there naturally. So, give an older guy a break.
Secondly, I would like to sell your Xtreme Fat Loss plan as an affiliate on my website. Therefore, providing me with a free copy will allow me to become thoroughly familiar with the product and then give it a super review.
Thanks for the opportunity in advance.

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