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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.0 System!

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 7 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.0 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.0 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!


NOTE:  This contest is now closed.


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2,286 comments - add yours

HI Joel, I feel like I’ve done a really great job with the workout portion of John’s Final Phase Fat Loss Program, which I’ve loved, and so in many ways I feel like I am making gains in fat loss already and I’m primed for a great finish. But because of a heavy work schedule, I haven’t been able to focus on the diet as closely as I would like. With strength and muscle on the rise, I want to shift my focus to my nutrition and I feel like Xtreme Fat Loss 2.0 will be a great vehicle to help me achieve my goals. Thanks so much for all your postings and for sharing your knowledge!

Losing and maintaining 100+ lbs weight loss for 7 years has been a challenging but rewarding journey of discipline, dedication and alot of trial and error learning my body and what works and what does not. I’m down to my final phase of fat loss and know I have what it takes to succeed but need the “strategy” to shock my body and lose the remaining fat and help others learn how to be successful in their journey as well!

5 years ago I moved back to CT from Ohio. At the time I was around 225 lbs. and miserable. Since then I have dedicated myself to training and eating right. I am now about 160 lbs and feeling awesome. I’m always looking for something new to help me maintain my weight. I have also been trying to help my girlfriend with her health and fitness. I think that your program can be just the thing to get us to where we need to be.

I’ve been working out with kettle bells for over two months and eating clean and feel great! I have a demanding day job and rely on my workout in order to wash away the day and sleep soundly. I love the muscles I’ve been building in my body and would like to drop more body fat. I need to lose about ten pounds and it’s the last ten that my body is not giving up so easily even though I’m eating well and working out for 40 minutes 6 days a week. Please help me lose more body fat so the muscles I’ve worked so hard to build are stronger and more defined and I’m leaner and healthier and feeling and sleeping even better than I do now!

Hello, I live in Florida and love the water. I was on the high school swim team through out high school, and want to get to a healthy weight before i start college this fall. I currently weigh 215 pounds and am 5′ 5″. I think that I will achieve my goals with this program. I really want to continue swimming and the other sports that I play in college, but feel as if I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the reat of the team.
I also have one question for you: why did I keep gaining weight during the season while I was working out?

When I was in my 20’s, i could stay up all night, drink beer, eat whatever, and lay around doing nothing, and I was thin. Then I hit my 30’s. the first few years were ok but by the time i hit 36 I started getting the “love handles”.
Now I’m 43, and no matter what I do excercise wise I just can’t seem to get down to where i can see definition in my abs. I can feel them when I’m doing a plank, and they are tight as they can be, and I can feel the jiggly fat surrounding them, but to no avail, that stubborn ring on man fat just won’t say goodbye.
Joel, I’m hoping to be one of the lucky recipients of your program so that I can jumpstart my metabolism and get cut. Cheers Mate, and thank you for all you do.

Plain, simple, and to the point…. I have always been a believer in working smarter, not harder, and your program seems to be just that.

Plain, simple, and to the point… I have always been a believer in working smarter, not harder, and your program seems to be just that!

I’ve been in shape for years. Have found that aging changes how your workouts effect your body. At 52 the workouts that have always worked don’t work the same as they did. This program looks like it can make a difference and I’m willing to try something new.

Hi Joel, I am 56 years old, have trained with weights for over 30 years, started coz I was skinny, managed to get to 220lbs but never more, by normal standards I consider myself to have a good physique. Two years ago I tore a muscle in my back and at the same time developed a hernia, during the time waiting for surgery my weight dropped considerably however I noticed at my lowest weight (185lb) I was more defined. after surgery I began using light weights and gradually got back to 220lb albeit without much definition. I would like to lose bodyfat while holding onto my muscular weight I feel your xtreme fat loss could be just what I need. All the best Dave W UK

I have listen to and read everything that you have sent me.
I know your program is the healthiest program out there…I would like the opportunity to benefit from your terrific program.

I have listen to and read everything that you have sent me.
I know your program is the healthiest program out there…I would like the opportunity to benefit from your terrific program.

I’m an over 50 lady who had given up having flat abs and shapely legs….I mean, well, all women over fifty have a belly and fat legs, we just learn to accomodate it and work around it. Right. But somehow, I dont want to settle for whatevery one else deems accaptable. Why cant I set a new trend and be a fifty something hot mama with a flat tummy and lookable legs. I think your programme might just do it for me and it might just start that new trend.

hi i am 62 years and have been 30 lbs overweight forever. i need motivation
from a program that would help me to achieve these goals. sounds like your program would work for me. at my age strange things start to happen
health wise for men so i need a program that will keep me on track
nutrionially and exercise wise. lots of luck in all your endevors

This sounds like the perfect program for me. I have tried plenty of other programs, but none have sufficiently balanced nutritional requirements with specific workout routines. It would be my honor to be a lucky receipient of a complimentary copy of your most excellent program.

Hey Joel,
Work hard or work smart ?…………………. I work hard at working smart and that is why I believe your program is perfect for me.
I’m a 42 yr old male and in pretty good shape but I want to be in better shape………….this program WILL help me to achieve my goals.
All the best to everybody else who is trying to do the same……….
Cheers for all your tips and great advice Joel.
Much appreciated.

Hi, I’m 43 and 35 lbs overweight. i’ve recently found out that I’m type 2 diabetic.
I have used some of your tips, workout plans, etc and I’ve lostabout 15 lbs. I seem to be stuck here. I truly believe that your program can get me to that elusive goal. Financially, its a tough time which is why I’m trying to win it. I do know a large number of people–so if nothing else I know that I would become a
tangible success story via your program.

This program would be great for me because at the age of 41 I am back working out and in the process of getting back into the best shape of my life. However, I need to get that little extra push to reach my goals that will come with “Fat” loss (not “weight” loss). This appears to be the trick! Additionally, I am the type of person that, when something works, I will tell everyone and anyone that I know how great “it” is. Looking forward to it!

I am now in my 40’s and have managed to lose most of my excess weight. I have not been able to lose the excess fat no matter what i do. I truely believe that your program will help me get rid of the final excess that i have to lose. No other program combines both fitness regime and nutrition in the way you have. I feel that if i do it will give me a new lease of life.

I want this extreme program to see what my body can transform into and become. I have been working hard at changing my physique and body fat levels for about 7 years now….and I have had success, it has just not been enough for me :) Hey what can I say I’m very demanding of myself. I have gone through many different programs and like I said I saw results, they just weren’t enough. I also like to push myself to really see what I am capable of, I went through the P90X program for about a year and loved it! It kicked my butt, but results started to taper and I became well bored and a bit frusterated. I have the dedication and drive to complete this Extreme program!
Plus as an added bonus I want to prove to my dad that the little layer of fat over our stomachs can come off WITHOUT lipo :) Thank you so much for keeping me away from that alternative! You rock Joel!!

I want to try this program as everything you said in previous 6 updates seemed making sense in this world full of false promises.

I am a 60 year old obese female and desparately need your Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.0 System to help me lose fat and weight. Your program would help me avoid some of the chronic, debilitating illnesses that plague my family and have contributed to their death. I am relatively active and eat a healthy low-fat, low-salt, low-cholesterol, whole-grain diet with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, but I have not been able to lose fat in target areas or get my weight down to what is healthy for me. Your program would be ideal for me and I believe I could successfully achieve my fat and weight loss goals. Losing this fat and weight would allow me to have optimal health and have more energy to help others.

Hi Joel,
Well, the weather is beautiful here today but I can’t enjoy it as much as I would like. Do you know why? Because I’m out of shape! That’s why! Instead of playing ball, I’m shaped like one! I might be able to go for a walk but I yearn to run or even bicycle. Right now, I’m afraid I would explode the bicycle tires! Furthermore, I could only walk to the end of my street instead of miles!
I read, listened and thought about the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.0 System. I ENVIED all of the people giving their testimonies! They look fabulous! I would LOVE to get in the shape that they’re in. I really need your help…

I read the answers above I and see a lot of people that deserves acces to this great system. Still I want to put my entry because it’s been 4 years I have been overweight, I have tried tons of things, but no luck. I am turning 30 this year, I have a 8 month daugther . I actually achieved to lose 20 pounds before getting pregnant but finding myself regaining them and a little bit more after it. I just had a miscarriege and when pregnant I was threatened of preclamsia. I want and I need a new life, a healthier one, one that I can proudly show the expample to my daugther.

Hey Joel.

Why is this a perfect program at this point to my life?

Well there are so many reasons, like the fact that I’m working out really hard and I watch what I eat but I just CAN’T get good results! I’m somewhat overweight, as are my friends, and our goal is to get fit for GMU (basic swedish military training). I think that if I get some good results from this program then hopefully my friends will start to work as hard as me and we’ll be able to do GMU together.

I’m also starting to loose some hope, my family and relatives are all overweight which is leading me to belive that I’m just suppose to be overweight. I belive that getting your program will be a boost to my confidence, and that the end results might encourage my family to take action as well.

If you give me access to this information then I might just break my relatives’ illusion of that they’re ment to be overweight.

I really hope you choose to share the program with me, I’d be glad to do some before and after pictures to help you!

Take care, and sorry if I double posted!

(197 words)

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