I am 55 years old and have been exercising and dieting for what seems like my entire life. I still can’t seem to get back to my ideal weight. My metabolism has slowed down so much, I only have to look at food and I seem to put on weight. I really need something that will give a new, longer lasting approach to weight control. I hope this program will elp me address these problems.
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the 10 THIRTY free copies of the entire 1,000 Calorie Challenge system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 1,000 Calorie Challenge System over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
We will keep the contest open until 12 PM EST tomorrow, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
Joel & Arnel
NOTE: This contest is now closed.
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Sorry if this duplicates. It timed out.
I’m real excited for this. I thought it was great watching Joel talk and Arnel in the background going non stop as always. Made me laugh because he is always moving! You are releasing this program at the perfect time for me. I have been trying to get my body fat down. I’ve done fairly well on my own at losing the fat and gaining muscle I’ve caught the bug and now I have come to realize that I am addicted to sweat! I need this program to learn how to customize my workouts for max results and keep my metabolism amped so I can get rid of the spare tire I have around the middle still. I can see myself fit and trim. I’m ready to see how much R4 and S2 will work for me. I’m ready to work! Thanks
I have been struggling to lose weight for the past 10 years since I’ve entered menopause and frankly I’m desperate. I’m willing to pay the price to get back to me, I wanna be a “sexty” senior citizen! So choose me to receive a free copy of your program and I will be your living testament to its effectiveness.
God bless!
Lately, I’ve had to let go of a great many things that I love. My father died and left me to fulfil some things he didn’t have time to see through. In trying to honor my promise to him, I somehow let go of my own direction. When I managed to get back into my own profession, it was a part time job, only to do it well you have to work more than full time – you end up with long hours for little pay, with little time and no energy to relax and take care of your family and yourself. I love the job itself, but it just wasn’t feasible any longer – last Monday I quit. All these years, in order to cope, I’ve eaten too much and exercised too little. I’m bloated and exhausted. I’d really like to win your free program, so that I could finally let go of this frumpy, middle aged woman who took my place when I was busy elsewhere. I want to win myself back! I want to give my daughter the example of a mother who can cope in a more positive way again. I want to reward my husband and my mother for their support and encouragement during these hard years. We only get one body in this life, and I’ve got to dig mine out now. Then I’ll find a way of doing the work I love in a more positive setting.
“1000 DOWN, 6 WEEKS TO GO!”
and I need to lose weight!
But I’m living in a Barbie world.
Cause looking at my fat butt makes me sick!
Because I look like a big, fat cow.
But, I need some help with my technique.
To my future hot body chapter.
I need to burn those calories!
and I’m so grateful for the privilege,
Hey guys,
first off i just wanna say that all you are such an inspiration (and i mean that in the less brown nosey way possible!) But heres the thing. I don’t have a special story that may set me apart from the rest. All i have is the truth. I’m a 19 year old guy, who is constantly bullied by my family and peers because of the way i look. I’m looked down upon and lose confidence because of the way they treat me. I’m just down right sick of it. I know you guys know your stuff and I try pick up your free reports as they come and have learnt so much from you. As I am a full time student (my parents aren’t rich but did all they could send me overseas to study) and I’m always strapped for cash..(but hey who isn’t these days?) so i guess thats no excuse. I just would love the chance to own a solid program and the opportunity to stick to it and show all those people exactly what I’m made of. I just know that this program is just the thing I need to accomplish that.
All the best to you guys and whether or not I’m picked i’m very grateful for all the info that you guys supply us guys trying to accomplish our own goals.
Take Care,
I want to win the contest because, I need to get fit, and loose 50lbs by January first. I have completed 2 of my three New YEars resolutions, and this contest will enable me to have the tools needed to make the transformation. I am 75 lbs over wieght and a busy mom , full time student, and full time technologist. I hope I win!
Well, after 3 kids and past experience with every diet imaginable plus dabbeling in a few eating disorders, it’s my time to take this challenge and finally feel good. I KNOW I have an amazing body waiting to be shown off but I’m missing the instruction. I have the motivation, the determination, and the time. Unfortunately, I do not have the money. Give me this opportunity and I promise to be your next great success story! :)
Many have promised results, many also who follow only follow half or when the tough gets going or it becomes a chore, people stop. Not promissing will be following this until the end. But am willing to try and proove to oneself that I can do it! stick to it and not falter. giving one self a second chance.
I’ve just woken up to my body. The arrival of a full length mirror has shown me that I need help and I need it fast. How have I still not lost the “baby fat” despite it being 21 years since my son was a baby.
I know what’s needed in theory but the truth is that I need to be shown just what to do in reality. It’s time to get out of my head and into my body and shed 30 pounds. I honestly believe you can help
Thanks. Looking forward to working w/ you
X Debra
I am a Junior Triathlete who qualified for Worlds for the Long Course (Olympic Distance) Championships in September 2011. I need to be in the best shape of my life to compete there. As a member of BEAP (Birchmount Exceptional Athlete Program) I regularly get the opportunity to challenge myself with difficult workouts. This 1000 Calorie Challenge presents a whole new level of challenge: one I relish the thought of undertaking, and will do my best to succeed in. The relese coincides perfectly with my life, with the Provincial Cross Country Championships (OFSAA) looming, right around the corner. This program would be perfect for me because it will integrate so many new things into my training, and will revolutionize my body and my life. I am ready to take on the 1000 Calorie Challenge to be the best person I can be.
Dylan Bates
First of all I would like to congratulate you and your team for doing really well in experimenting the whole thing. I have been following you for the past few weeks and it has been some impressive information that you have given. However you have left me with a hunger for the complete information as I would like to prove myself wrong about the impossible task of actually being able to burn 1000 cals in a session. I’m 24, and I’m a University student, which leaves you without a guess that I’m not filthy rich. However I do have desires, dreams and aspirations, and I must say I’m not as fat as before, but it has taken great number of years to reach the less then obese phase which I am in right now. I believe if what you say is true after I test it and see the results for myself, I would help you in anyway to get this message out to the wider public as it would be something I can stand by when I sing and shout about this system from the top of Canary Wharf in London. But on a slightly more serious note regardless of the outcome, I’ll be eagerly following this system you’ve created to burn extreme amount of calories.
Basically, I’m tired of the way my body looks. I’m willing to work my ass off to change that, and your system looks like it can help me reach my goals. Simple is that. I believe hard work through the 1,000 Calorie Challenge will transform my body into what I want it to be in ~4 weeks. Looking forward to working with you guys!
Your program looks amazing and effective. I need a program that is amazing and effective, my time for exercise is extremely limited due to my need to work full time and help care for aging and infirm parents.
I am a 44 year old who desperately needs help because I need to end my yo-yoing weight. From July 2009 through November 2009, I went from 205 lbs (23% bf) to 172 lbs. (13% bf) and held that weight for one month. Then, I wnet back up to 201 lbs by March 2010. This summer, I went from 201 down to 183 lbs. By September, I was back up to 201 lbs. (23% bf). I am extremely frustrated, not only with my yo-yoing weight, I am bored with my exercise routine. I am sure that my lack of exercise inspiration results in me burning fewer calories both during and after exercise.
I teach early morning bootcamps three times a week in the Madison Wisconsin area, have a separate full time job, raise a daughter and spend at least another hour each night in the karate dojo. While I get a lot of cardio in, I don’t have a whole lot of extra time to do interval training. I have been following the videos and jotting down the different interval combinations. They are great and I have already done some of the combinations as well as used them in my bootcamps. I would love the full video set so that I can achieve better conditioning for myself and then pay it forward to my bootcampers. Thank you and please keep the blog videos coming !!
Hi, I’ve just turned 70 – but comparatively fit for my years – and I have recently been warned by my doctor that I must exercise more and eat right because I’m border-line diabetic and have border-line high cholesterol. I have lost 24 pounds over the last 2 years but I need all the help you can give me to lose another thirty pounds. I have lost track of the number of diets and diet pills etc. that I have tried over the past fifteen years. I am determined not to be where I must take medication for diabetes or high cholesterol.
Joel and Arnel – PLEASE – I need all the help you can give me.
Thanks so much for all your help so far.
@ Joel Marion:
I have been overweight since my metabolism changed. At my high school graduation ceremony, realized how overweight I had become. Spent the summer yo-yo dieting then decided diets don’t work. Spent my college years getting fat and educated, weighing in at 215 (5′ 4″). Finally became driven to become fit and lose weight a healthier way, this is not a diet this is my life. I incorporated Flat Belly diet techniques, added my favorite foods back mono-unsaturated fats, stay properly hydrated and eat 4 meals a day. Incorporated Mike Geary’s The Truth About Six Pack Abs, have gotten to 175 and I’m stuck and frustrated but I will never give up, ever.
I am a 53 year old woman living in New Zealand and desperately need to get fit, tone and lose some weight. My daughter is an Ironman and Triathlete and has inspired me to ‘do something’! We have looked at your program and ‘know’ that we have found the answer to making me feel like a new person, being able to wake up in the morning and feel good about being alive…by following the “1000 Calorie Challenge”. I have beaten cancer and am now ready for the next and BEST challenge…a new happier, healthier and fitter ME. :O)
I have been struggling with my weight since I was a child. I am now 51 and am so tired of the constant struggle and self doubt. I am more motivated than I have ever been to get this monkey off my back, stomach, thighs etc! I have been working out with a trainer for over 10 years now and, although I have made good progress, there is a long way to go. I am interested in using your program because it makes sense and I need to shock my system and send my metabolism soaring. I hope I am chosen cuz I need it!!
I am so looking forward to this program. It sounds like it could really work. Especiallly for a 40ish mother who is moderately active and still cannot seem to keep weight off. I currently could stand to loose 40lbs. I am looking forward to a healthier and better body. Thanks, Lisa
I would like to try your program because next year is my 10th anniversary and I would like to look as good as I did when I first met my husband. Back then I was a size 6, not I’m 3 times that. When we go to Hawaii I would like to be able to do all the things we used to do when I was thinner. I would like my husband to be proud of me again. I would like to be proud of me again. Recently I tried this new exercise and it really kicked my butt. It took me a week to recover enough to be able to do anything normal. That is a very depressing thing to have to deal with, especially when there was a time when I used to weigh less than my husband. I just really want to feel better about myself and your semi gradual plan seems like the way to go. Besides, nobody else I work with will be able to boast 1000 cals per workout!
Hi Joel and Arnel,
I have been following your daily up-dates on the 1000 Calorie Challenge and would like the opportunity to put this program to the test. I am 46 years old and motivated to take the challenge. I have recently lost 15 lbs by jump roping and free weights. I would like to lose another 15 – 20 lbs but am at a pleatuea and would to go to the next level. Thanks Sandy
Hi, i’ve been overweight since i was 14, now I’m 25 and finally I got the time and motivation, to completly change my life. I would love to try out your program.
Best Regards from the land of the rescued miners (Chile),
Okay, this is the third time I’ve tried to submit something, so I must really want it! I also really need something to shock my system and speed up this incredibly slow process and my glacially slow metabolism!