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Win a FREE copy of the 1,000 Calorie Challenge System! (24 Hours left!)

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 10 THIRTY free copies of the entire 1,000 Calorie Challenge system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 1,000 Calorie Challenge System over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

We will keep the contest open until 12 PM EST tomorrow, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!

Joel & Arnel

NOTE:  This contest is now closed.


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Hi Joel and Arne,
I am a 53 year old woman who has always been concerned about my health and looks. I love clothes, so it’s important for me to try to look nice and fit, even when naked. After being laid off job last year, all I do is sit around and use laptop looking for employment. This has caused me to gain weight, and of course, in all the wrong places (hips, thighs, stomach). Yours emails I received really made me understand how to get fit and stay fit. I really need your help in doing this. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity in winning free copies of your program.
In Regards,
Joyce Leathers

I am 63 years old and tired of yo-yo weight gain and loss.I have lost and re-gained the same 50 lbs five times in the last 30 years.

I think that the 1000 calorie cnallenge is perfect for me. I have tried every other system under the sun. I have been trying to lose weight for several yearsl now and nothig seems to work. I have jogged, swam, I skate, 30 day shreds, p90x, pilates, yoga, walk off the weight ……I have taken supplements, diet aides, counted calories, starved my self, protein drinks, wheat grass, ephedrine, creatine, and every other fat loss scam out there. I am at my wits end and not exaclty what I left as options. It is hard to keep spending money on something that might work. I NEED HELP!!!!!

hello, everything else hasnt worked, have spent money that i couldnt afford to spend. I have got to lose weight, not an option, but neccessity, i have had i1 stroke, my husband of 21 yrs. left me, i feel worthless, ugly, fat, and i need a change, badly. i really need this. for the past 2 yrs there hasnt been a day go by that i havent thought about ending my life . i really need some possive things to happen in my life. thank you, rita.

I am 49, post menopausal and I have never been so heavy. I have been having such a heard time taking this weight off. I believe you program will work. I want to get my health and energy back. I so want to be around to play with my grandchildren. That is so important to me. Thank you for caring about others to share you knowledge and success.

I would love to try this program. I am 51 years old and up to about 5 months I was doing great working out and eating right. Life has taken a few turns and because my only living brother is fighting (and losing the battle) with bladder cancer and I am his care taker and I also work full time as a nurse and am taking 2 courses toward my BSN so I can graduate sooner so my brother can see me graduate, I have stopped taking care of my self. This program sounds just like what I need to mix it back up and give me something to look forward to and to challenge myself with. I would love to purchase it but money is real tight right now. Thanks for listening.

Woo hoo! I can’t wait to start this program and lose 3-5 pounds per week! I was excited about losing 12 pounds in a month on the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet! I have lost five more since then by abandoning my walking program, lifting weights, and eating moderately. I am the thinnest I have ever been as an adult and would like to lose 20 pounds to look fantastic. Amazing how the thinner I get the more excited, motivated and critical I get. No reason I can’t be a super sexy mama! My body looks better after kids and I know it can look even better after the 1000 calorie challenge!

I live in a very small town and do not have the access to a gym or personal trainer. I work out on my own and do what you recommend but do not have a support system. I am a mom of three small children and feel I don’t have the time to do the research on what program is the best. I have been receiving your information and feel it is exactly what I need. I get excited when I receive your emails and feel it is the spark that I need to lost the rest of this weight. Thanks!

hi..im a physical therapist and work pretty long hours..i have noticed that me not paying attention to my body over the past few years d/t busy schedule, poor eating habits have made me put on weight.has been detrimental in bringing my self confidence down so much so that i dont like to go out because of the way i look.. i have been wanting to do something about it for a while but with all the different workouts available over the internet each claiming to give me the best results has been confusing..i really want to do something for my weight and build muscle so i can be a better therapist, get back in shape and also help my patients with useful information to lose weight..i have been following ur videos and joels cheat day ideologies for a while..also have tried ur workouts..so far they have given me the best results but theres more to be done..thats why i never bought any of the workouts online..ever since i saw ur video making adam steer sweat have been really excited about it and have been waiting for ur program..i feel like this program will help me get back in shape, get self confidence and make myself abetter person.

Would really love a copy of this program

I am now almost 53. I have put on a lot of weight over the past 10 years. I know how to eat pretty well and have been doing this as well as walking from 5 to 8.5 miles every day (about 3.5 mph). I used to be able to lose weight pretty quickly, but now even with all my hard work and efforts the weight just seems to come off SO SLOWLY. It gets discouraging but I have so far managed to stick with it. I’ve been following the emails and information you’ve been sending about your program and am hoping that possibly this might do the trick for me! I am at the point where I am ready and willing to try something new. I hope your program might be the key to success that I really need right now. Thank you.

As I said yesterday, this program could be my last opportunity to get it right with my weight. To balance out the over the top and increase the things I am missing. The program would also benefit my husband and son and as for my son we can get him whilst he is young and he will hopefully not have a weight problem later in life…Life Changing…boy would that be amazing.

I NEED this info because I MUST overcome my fat loss plateau. I already plan and log both my workouts and my food plan … and yes I love my cheat day. Because I’m only 5 feet tall, gaining weight can easily be seen on my endomorphic body type and size, not to mention that I’m over 40. The 1000 calorie challenge would allow me to blast through my fat loss plateau by teaching me how to burn a ton more calories without spending hours a day in a gym. I would do a ‘happy dance’ if I could lose 3lbs a week while working out just 3 days a week. Imagine my results if I coupled it with this program’s nutrition component?

While I have a decent energy level, I know it could be increased. That will allow me to have more energy to keep up with my 2 young children. With better fitness comes higher energy.

I want to be a hot mama in my 40’s. I want to be an inspiration to my family and friends.

I want awesome results! I want the tools to achieve my fat loss goals!

I WANT and NEED the 1000 Calorie Challenge program!

I am 44 years old and desperately need help with my yo-yoing weight. In July 2009, I weighed 205 lbs. (23% bf). By early November, I weighed 175 lbs. (13% bf). I held the weight through December. By March 2010, I returned to 201 lbs. and 23% bf. From July 2010 through August 2010, I went from 201 lbs. to 185 lbs., but I put the weight back on in one month. Part of my problem is that I am not as fit, as I was in 2009, when I was able to box twice a week. Plus, I am bored with my current routine, which probably results in fewer calories burned during and after exercise. I would really appreciate your new program.

I’m a 49 year old woman who has always been strong and reasonably fit, despite those extra pounds that wouldn’t budge. Over the last five years, I’ve piled on an extra 30 (lbs) to go with the 20 I didn’t need. I’ve set a goal for myself to climb Mount Rainier next summer for my 50th year challenge. I have plenty of time to get in shape, but I need to start now and your program looks awesome!

i am a 48 year old male who sufffers from ADD and really have a hard time following through with anything. i have tried to get fit for many years but usually end up “fizzling out” after a short time. your program seems to be so detailed and do-able that i really think that i could stick with it. my wife has been trying to get fit also and lose those last 15 STUBBORN pounds for years! and now we are face with a real challenge: we are celebrating her brother’s 50th birthday by spending the week of christmas in the BAHAMAS! you know that winter is usually the time of “hibernating” especially up here in New England, but for us, it will need to be the time of getting fit for the beach!! and your 1,000 Calorie Challenge with its calorie burning furnace, along with the nutritional guidance is just the ticket to the Bahamas for us!


I am a 56 y/o male that is overweight and out of shape. I recently got a gift of a grandson and I want to get back in shape so I can be there to do things with him when he gets older.

I am 49 post menopausal and I have never been so heavy. I’ve been trying to take off some of this weight for quite some time now. It has been such a struggle. I really need to get my health and energy back so I can be around to see and play with my grandchildren, this is so important to me. I believe your system will work by changing my way of life. Thank you for caring so much to share your knowledge and success.

I vote for Penny who is fighting her own Battle of the Bulge and Joe Artest. Both really good stories. Cheers Shirley Hall

Hi Joel and Arnel,
I have been receiving your emails in the build up to this offer and I am really liking what I’ve seen so far.
I’m particularly interested in your R-Quattro technololgy and S2 progression and the programmes you have set using these methods.
My excercise pretty much consists of all cardio and I am always wanting to add some resistant training into my schedule. I am really needing help with this area to ensure I never waste time doing excercises. I would love to experience the success you talk of with your programme.
SO here’s hoping I’m a lucky winner and can start spreading the word of your proven programmes.
Look forward to feeling great.

@ Joel Marion:
I am in my fourties, my birthday is in eight weeks (my goal date). I used to be a fitness instructor (my youth). I didn’t think I needed help to lose the weight that so slowly crept its way into my body because I thought I knew how to eat and workout (my mistake). Surprize! I need your wizdom afterall, I also need your motivation (my/your plan). The information you’ve supplied so far has been eye-opening (my gosh!). Let me be one of your promotional fans! I’m looking forward to being the healthy, vibrant being I once was only a few years ago (my aim). A thousand calorie workout is a pretty tall order but I’m interested in making it happen (my challenge). I will give it MY ALL. -Kim@ Joel Marion:

PLEASE HELP ME. This 1000 calorie challenge sounds just what I need to save my life.

I NEED a program like this that will help me lose weight. My doctor told me I have a FATTY LIVER and if I do not lose weight I may have liver issues. I am trying all I know to lose this weight. If your program can help me before I get seriouly sick I would definitely appreciate it. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!

I am 39 approaching 40 very quickly. I am constantly trying to lose more body fat. I am a shift worker, which does not help. I have tried different diets for a long time and have had some success. I have just lost 13 kilograms on a protein mainly diet and I am currently at 98 kilograms I am 180cm tall. I have seemed to plateau, my weight has not changed in a month and I cannot get rid of some of the fat on my belly, and love handles it is very frustrating. I really would like a flat belly, and my wife would.

I have been doing good weight session and I am lifting more weight each week I have been doing good cardio circuits each week and I have been practicing Karate. I try to go on a road run when I can.

I have two young boys a three & four years old and I need to set them a good example and loose my stomach and show them that dad is fit, healthy and strong.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this program; I really need to loose this weight.

Hi Joel-

I’m 47 years old, and have been unwell for the past 8 years since having 2/3 of my thyroid removed due to having goiters. I gained 3 lbs overnight in the hospital following my surgery, and then continued on to gain another 109 lbs during the course of the next 13 months. Finally it stopped…… leaving me at a very unhappy 272 lbs!! It took me 5 years…. doing about 2 hrs per day of serious cardio workouts – 6 days per week…. to finally lose 50 lbs of the 112 lbs that I had gained post surgery.
I even consulted with many various health professionals, however none were able to determine why I had gained so much weight…. or why I was having such a struggle trying to lose it. I was eating pretty clean, and was doing 2 – 3 hours of exercise and / or walking every day. After 6 years, only one year after losing the 50 lbs., the weight started to come back on again…. and I was devastated to say the least! I kept on working out, and eating healthy, but to no avail. Now, 8 years post surgery, I am going to have to have a second surgery for goiters, which will likely take the remaining 1/3 of my thyroid gland, and lord only knows what that will do to my metabolism?? I’m scared to even think about it!!
Anyway, I have been doing the Double Edged Fat Loss program for almost 5 weeks, giving it 110%, but have not yet lost even 1 single pound! I’m sooooo discouraged – you cannot even begin to imagine!! I have also been preparing to start the Belly Blast diet with Coach Josh, hoping that perhaps that will help me to lose a little bit of weight before I have to have this next surgery.
I would love to think that a program such as your new 1000 calorie challenge, and the high intensity workouts that it provides, might be another avenue of succeeding in losing some of this obscene amount of weight that I need to lose! I have been self employed for 4 years now, after losing my job because I was to sick to keep up with working full-time, and have recently had to close my business due to health and financial concerns.
So now, I am focussing on my health in a very determined way. Eating really well, and doing 2 -3 hours of exercising again almost every day! But I am still not losing any weight. Can you help me? I’d love to have the opportunity to try out your new program!! I’m at the end of my rope…. and trying desperately to hold on! I desperately need something to boost my metabolism to significant new heights…. and I think perhaps your program would be just the thing to do it!! If nothing else…. I would be the greatest challenge that it would ever face :)
Thanks & Be well,
Annie B.

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