Hi Joel, 3 months ago I weighed in at 230lbs, but this morning when I stood on the scales I weighed 205lbs – so a loss of 25lbs but not only have I lost fat but I have gained muscle mass and am more toned as a result. I have done this though loads of research into how the body works and found your blog to be one of the best resources on the web. I am always keen to try new ideas and stay ahead of the game. I enjoy diving it at the deep end with new ideas and not leave it sitting on a shelf like the majority of people do with self-help products. I would love the opportunity to try your new Ninja Nutrition Tactics products and take my body to the next level. All the best.
I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of TEN copies of Ninja Nutrition Tactics system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why YOU should be chosen to win a copy over all the others replys. Essentially, tell me why you deserve to win more than the next person.
I want to make sure that these FREE copies are going in to the hands of individuals who will USE them. Convince me that you’re an action taker!
I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!
Reply below!
Good luck!
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Fought fat for most my adult life!!..finally found your web site and joined a gym!! Since lost 9kgs (20lbs), BUT plateued for teh last 3 weeks!! Nothing I do seems to make any difference!!..perhaps the Ninja Tactics will help with that..niece gets married in 5weeks and DON’t want to be “the Brides fat aunty!!! Cheers, Penny Grafton NSW Australia!!
I deserve to win because what I learn from “Ninja Nutrition Tactics” will be used to help others as well as myself. I will again be one of the coordinators for our company’s participation in the local sports competition, the Kansas City Corporate Challenge, and I would share your insights with my colleagues. If I can persuade others to practice your successful nutrition strategies, I am sure that many more employees will participate next year, inspired by their better physiques and improved sense of well-being.
I am generally a connector of people. While I am a database programmer by profession without any formal nutrition training, I care very much about helping people to reach their wellness goals. I speak about nutrition so often with my family that they perceive me as somewhat obsessed with the topic. Your book would help me to target what I say because, quite frankly, I am confused about what to believe in the way of eating for fat-loss. The 11 plateau-shattering strategies in your book could be concisely presented in a coherent, persuasive way.
Finally, I have personal goals of running faster in the track events of the Kansas City Corporate Challenge, and possibly other open track meets. I would like to run faster at the age of 30 than I ran at the age of 17 when I finished my last year of high school track. Ninja Nutrition Tactics will help me achieve my goals and therefore more encouraging of others’ fat loss goals.
Hi Joel,
I feel I should be considered to win a copy of the ninja tactics because I have been trying to recover from the cancer treatments. I have put on weight during my treatments because I would eat continuously trying not to feel sick, they also had me on steriod that contributed to the weight gain, and I also was unable to do anything during my treatments because of the pain in my hands and feet caused from one of the chemo drugs. I also had alot of fatigue, there was no energy in my body to do even the simple tasks. I have been trying to get my body back in shape and healthy again. I have been doing weights, trying to stay active, and watch what I am eating, but the weight just isn’t coming off!!! I have 60 pounds to lose to get my body healthy again and I need some help to achieve this. Please help me.
Joel I am definitely your man. I am fifty one-derful years young, I train like a madman and my wife is having our 1st child this Tuesday by c-section. Yesterday I trained for over 2 hours and felt amazing afterwards. I am so close to my goals and have come a long way losing 30 pounds so far and getting a lot of comments on “how fit I look”. But I really need that last push to hit the mark and I truly want to be an inspiration to my wife (she has had a super difficult pregnancy, gained 75 pounds and wants to take it off after baby), my new daughter and all of friends. Ninja Tactics will be my ace in the hole to assure my success. Thank you for all of your guidance and motivation.
As I type this I prepare to begin my 5th and final shake day on XFLD. I’ve seem great results… From 245 down to 227 as of the last cheat day, but to be honest I am worried I won’t be able to continue my efforts without some sage advice. Unfortunately, most of the information online clashes, and while I understand that different things may apply to different body types or goals, etc., I don’t know how to sift through the hype and find the truth. Luckily I somehow managed to stumble upon your website, and between your blog, your friends’ blogs, and XFLD, you have made me a believer in your knowledge and tactics.
Currently I’m getting ready to start my second semester in college, trying to earn my bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. One day, I will have the proper information to build my own diets and workout regimens, but I haven’t gotten the experience or the knowledge of the science behind diet and excercise- YET. You could help me jumpstart my education, keep my progress in the gym at a steamroll, and put me in a better place mentally. Win or lose, your blog has inspired me and I can’t wait to hear back from you.
P.S. I want more articles on growth hormones! Such a good read. :)
Joel I’m a 28 year old ninja and I could use some ninja nutrition. My diet isn’t the best so I could really some direction to help me be the best ninja I can be. Not only would I benefit from this but all of my other ninja friends would as well, I love sharing what I’ve learned with them. Help a ninja out :)
I have the workouts down good,but need the nutrition part.I will gladly take before and after pictures to show the difference. I am sixt-two years old and have had open heart surgery (six years ago),but do have a complete clean bill of health.I still need to lose forty pounds.
I’m 32 and weigh 263 lbs. I lost 60 lbs last year but no matter how hard I work and what diet I try nothing seems to be working for me. I’m frustrated and at my wits end. I feel like I’m destined to be fat my whole life. I don’t want to be fat anymore. I want to be fit and enjoy things like going to the beach and outdoor activity. I’ve now been doing Kettlebell workouts 4 times a week and feeling great now I just need the proper nutrition to go along with it.
I have been following your email tips and suggestions for quite a while, and cannot afford to buy complete sets of training methods. I do work out regularly with weights, and though I’ll never be a body builder, I am pleased with my overall physical condition. It has been a long-time goal to reveal my abs (I am just over 50), but it has consistently eluded me. Though I eat very healthy, and rarely now have sweets, I can’t seem to lose the last bit of body fat that would finish the job. From the information you posted yesterday, it seems like this Ninja system might be something that would help me. Thanks for the opportunity to try for this, and thanks for your continued articles and encouragement.
In high school I weighed 235lbs and was an offensive lineman only dreaming of 6 pack abs. Now I’m a sophomore in college weighing in at 175lbs and in the best shape of my life. The change happened when I made the mental decision to fully commit and I committed my time (3 days a week for over 1.25 years straight now) and committed myself to a diet change to support my healthy lifestyle. I deserve to win because I have the discipline to fully implement your Ninja Nutrition Tactics. I know that NNT will put me over the edge and allow me to fulfill all my training goals.
I should win the free copy because I am a mom of 5 trying to lose all of my baby fat. I don’t have a lot to go (only about 10 pounds), but I really need some help!
Hi Joel. Man…i have no other words. All i can say is that: im stuck! All my life i wanted to be ripped and for the last months i have seen your posts and im sure you have all the answers for this issue. At this point (and its very rare) im unmotivated because all the strategies that i have been used, DONT WORK…or….DONT WORK THE WAY I HOPE. Im fighting for this for a LONG time (23 years to be exact) and thats why i DESERVE to win a copy of NNT. Its time to me to reach my goals. Its time. (PS: Sorry for may english, im brazilian.)
I deserved to win a free copy since I am a true follower and personal coaching client of yours. I followed the xtreme fat loss diet and now doing the personal coaching with you. I have gone from weight of 116 to 102 and bmi of 25-16 in 2 months. I love working with you and this is just another tool I will devour and use. I love anything that helps in the war of staying thin, healthy and fit!
I am starting cycle 3 of XFLD and am loving the program. I am starting to stress a little about what to do after it is over and think that ninja- nutrtion tactics would be a huge help. Even before XFLD i worked out 5-6 days a week and I also run 4 days a week. I dont have much weight to loose but would like a structured program to help me get the most from my workouts. Thanks for the chance to win!!
I deserve that copy of NNT because I’m the person in the gym that gets others moving. I shake things up because despite being a busy mother of 4 I kick a** in the gym. No girlie weights for me! I put grown men to shame. I purchased XFLD and it brought people off their cardio machines so that they could ask me what I was doing & where did I get that workout. I am your walking, talking advertisement. No doubt that I would do the same for NNT.
@ Clement:
I think everyone who has taken the time to reply deserves a chance to win a copy of ninja tactics for free. Personally, I have been working out consistently for the past three years and have yet to see my six or eight pack. I am in my forties. I do have some definition but the hardest part to get rid of has been in my torso area. I would love to be given the opportunity to implement your ninja tactics in my workout regime and most definitely will let everyone know about your program once they see me with my new frame.
I have NAFLD aka NASH. It is REALLY hard to lose fat. REALLY hard. I am 41, 5’6″ tall, 200lbs. For the past EIGHTEEN MONTHS I have swam 3 miles a week in the winter and interval trained in the pool, and do a combo of swimming, weight training and zumba all summer long and THE WEIGHT DOESNT COME OFF. I also follow The Diet Solution, and STILL the weight does NOT come off.
I HAVE TO LOSE weight to lower my liver enzymes and save my liver. I need ALL the help I can get. Ppick me! (jumps up and down) pick me (jumps and waves)!! Please pick me!! : )
… because I move like the wind! Or at least I would if I could loose that last 10-15 … with your help?
Hi, it is actually the first time I’m living a comment here. My name is Miruna and I’m a 24 year old women from Romania. I’m not overweight but I have a higher body fat percentage than normal, most of my weight goes to my lower body, on the butt and thighs. One day I looked in the mirror and I could see this body that made me sick, I said that this isn’t the body of a 24 year old female and that I have to do something to get in shape and gain back my confidence. Over the last year i dedicated myself for getting in shape, getting ripped as i see you call it. It is a difficult road, as your are bombard on the internet with lots of false ideas and advises from people looking only to make money, but finally I managed to pick up healthy advises and to understand better the concept of nutrition and a healthy life. I finally understood that this is not about the weight, but about the body fat percentage, is not about being skinny, but about being fit and this is what I want to achieve. I’m not that far now from my goal and I know that your book will surely help me get closer to my goal, or even achieve it. Your advises will help everyone that started this new road in life, a road to a healthier and happier self.
i’ve lost 30 pounds since february, and i am so determined to stay fit and keep my figure lean and strong. i have signed up for my frist triathlon in the end of september, so i now have a goal to train for and to keep me in shape and motivated. i’ve also quit smoking, so i fear weight gain daily. i have to keep myself busy and eating healthy. it would be great to have some insider scoop on how i can maintain a healthy weight with quitting smoking and living in wisconsin. CHEESE CURDS!!!!! HELP!
Whether I deserve it or not, I need some ninja tactics to get the hottest body ever, making my husband drool and not look at other girls and think they are hotter than me, which makes me sad :(. I do love your approach, which seems easy enough for anyone to follow.
Over the past year, i have been extending my endurance, strengthening my core and arms, but have not lost the last 15-20 lbs that are stubbornly sticking to me. I have lost 30lbs, in the year prior, but really nothing else. I am annoyed, and determined to put what you have into practice. I want to be a “fit, strong, and yes sexy” wife for my husband and mother to my 4 kids. I no longer want to be burdened with the extra weight and disappointment of looking in the mirror. On the inside I am a lean person. You can help make that lean person come to the outside, i am sure of that.
Hi Joel,
Only you can decide who is most deserving – I would certainly appreciate your consideration and selection. I’m currently unemployed, recovering from surgery and just recently participated in a test group and proved – that nutrition is the main key in fat loss. I’d love to try and put to the test your “Ninja Nutrition Tactics”. If you are up for the challenge and want honest assessment and feedback select me. Thank you for the help you are giving to so many people.
Joel! Anybody who has replied here deserves a copy. We don’t need to pin ourselves against each other for only ten copies of your Ninja tactics because we aren’t competing with each other–we are competing with ourselves. Anybody who is employing your techniques already is saying to themselves everyday, HOW can I do BETTER TODAY. And every single day IS a challenge. However we are all here for the same thing–leaner, healthier, more beautiful bodies. Thanks for your dedication and belief in us! Hi YA !!! :) (Ninja).