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Win a FREE copy of Ninja Nutrition Tactics!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of TEN copies of Ninja Nutrition Tactics system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why YOU should be chosen to win a copy over all the others replys.  Essentially, tell me why you deserve to win more than the next person.

I want to make sure that these FREE copies are going in to the hands of individuals who will USE them.  Convince me that you’re an action taker!

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime on Saturday!

Reply below!

Good luck!




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505 comments - add yours

Hey Joel! Thanks for this opportunity! I’d love to win a free copy of Ninja Tactics because in just 65 days I am getting married to the BEST guy in the world, who is more than 8 years younger than me! I still look pretty good “for my age” (52) but I want to look HOT for my wedding day and beyond! I’ve been trying so many things to not only lose weight but to build muscle and firmness, but with only limited success. I need all the help I can get, as I’m sure everyone here does, but I don’t have a lot of time to do this and every available dollar I have is going toward wedding expenses! Please let me win a free copy! Thanks!

I’ve lost 93 pounds, but am having an extremely hard time losing the last 40. I’ve been plateau’d for 3 years now. I’ll try anything to bust out of it.

Hey joel,

I would reall love to get a copy of your ninja fat loss tactics as i will use it to help my entire family to lose some weight and get in shape. It has always been the dream of my dad to regain his 6pac and I would love to help him to show him my appreciation for all that he had done for me.
Also my little brother and mom has shruggled with weight for some time now and j would use your information to help them.
Finally I will use this book together with John romello’s FPFL program.
Thank you

I think I deserve 1 of Ninja Nutrition Tactics because I am NOT looking for a quick fix or a “magic pill” to lose my embarassing belly fat. I am a 40 yr. old father of 3, the oldest is 16, the youngest is 3 and I can’t forget the middle who is 14. I realize that I NEED to be a confident example to my children in every aspect of living especially nutrition. I am not trying to write a sob story or start a pity party, but I was raised by a single mother who worked her butt off. We always had food on the table, but it wasn’t always the healthiest of repasts. I would like to give my children a chance to make the best nutritional choices with the best knowledge available. I believe that Ninja Nutritional Tactics can provide that knowledge. If I don’t win 1 of the free copies, I’ll just work on saving enough money to purchase it at a later date.

Thanks for the opportunity Joel,
Daddy Dax

I try to eat healthy, but there is so much controversy about what is actually healthy to eat for the est of your life. I want to be healthy by eating right, exercising right, and getting the right amount of sleep every night. I’ve got the sleeping part done, but I need help with the other two. I am at least 50 pound overweight as a result of having a baby and never losing that weight gained during pregnancy and college. I’d like to have another baby, but that is impossible right now. Ninja tactics would definately be used by me, if I am the winner. Plus, I will share it with my husband and son, who are also overwight. Please pick us. My husband is a health professional, and it looks bad when his family is out of shape.

Dear Joel,
I have always been over weight. I lost 75lbs. when I was 17 yrs old – but very unhealthy. Gained it all back and then more over the yrs. I made a life-style change beginning in 2007. I have lost 51 lbs through healthy food choices and exercise. I am at a plateau and have not been able to lose the remaining 20lbs – 6 months. Becoming very discouraged. I do believe the Ninja Nutrition Guide is what I need to finally reach my goal and become a healthy, happy person. Take care and all the best.

Hi, Almost all programs work for me, on the other hand very little if nothing works for my wife. She is a vegetarian and although eats eggs, cheese and very small amounts of fresh fish she battles to lose weight. She has tried most eating plans with little success. If you can help she would be impressed.


I can really put to use a copy of ninja nutrition tactic’s. I purchased Xtreme Fat Loss and it was working great until my girlfriend got pregnant and boy is it hard to diet when your girlfriend has all kinds of cravings coming out of left field. I really appreciate the thought and science that you use putting together all the information you provide. If I can win a copy of nnt I plan on utilizing it immediately and then also using it to provide guidance for my girlfriend once she is cleared to workout again. We can provide b&a pics if needed. Thank you!

Awwww. What the heck! I’ll give it a go! I’m 36, lost 100 pounds 8 years ago. On 1200 cals and and dedicated strength training and cardio sessions 6 days a week, I still had a heavy looking lower body. Then, suddenly, I started gaining a bit even with consistent workouts, I thought it was hormones but ..*BAM*! 5 pregnancy tests later ( queen of denial) , I had to come to the conclusion that I was having another baby =) I have lost 25 pounds of pregnancy weight and want to reach my original goal. THIS IS MY YEAR! =) With or without NNT I will..but wouldn’t you like to be part of it? ( eyebrows raised) =D

Hey Joel,
Being 53 (end of month will be 54), I have been struggling to get that final 5-7 lbs of of sweatshirt fat off my abs so I could finally see my 6-pack. Ugh… I am currently at 11% BF, and need these Ninja tactics to push through that final phase. Currently am hitting the gym 4 days a week (back/lats/core, chest/shoulders/core, legs, bi/tri’s) and have been applying your DEFL already. For me, cardio is getting on my bike (as in bicycle) and riding 20-25 miles with heart rate averaging 140. I do cycling 3 days a week. For me, mentally, the cycling isn’t really considered a workout. The workout is pushing weights and doing it quickly enough to get the heart rate up. Getting the Ninja help is what I feel I need to finally get to my goal of below 10% BF. Thanks for all the great articles you push out weekly.

Hi Joel,
I read everyone of your posts and am a college student at TCNJ. I have the typical story of losing weight and then gaining it back and I want to make the cycle start. This summer I’ve been actively doing interval training as per your suggestions but really need a solid nutrition plan like your ninja tactics to make my fitness plan complete. The aggravating thing is that my fat seems to all be located in my belly and inner thighs while the rest of me is relatively muscular so I would really like to lose it to have a cohesive body and give me the confidence to excel!!!

Hello Joel. The reason I decided to write this post is because now I am getting what I have always been looking for, namely, results. I am a 42-year old man who have lifted weights for about 15 years but with really poor results. This was due to several reasons; the main one, I have to admit it honestly, was me. Firstly, I was never constant in my training and the way I trained was never the best. Secondly, I always lacked motivation and this was due to poor results and lack of knowledge. This takes me to the third reason why I never succeeded: Knowledge. I mean, I have bought a couple of books about nutrition and exercises but I felt something was missing in them. I got to be more concious on topics about eating healthy and right thanks to these books, but I was never told how. So over the time I did things just the way I felt was right. About two months ago I bought an e-book explainig in detail the things I’ve always wanted to understand and much more so I am applying them bit by bit with results. This has incredibly motivated me to finally get the physique of my dreams, regardless my age. Now I know I CAN and I WILL DO IT with the right tools I’ve been given. So if by writing this post I can get the chance to enhance my knowlege and get even BETTER results, then I expect to be among the 10 winners.

Joel- I just recently returned from a deployment early to help take care of my son who had to start chemo. I had purchased XFLD while I was deployed with the intention of running it my last 25 days. After being sent home early, I was making excuses not to start, but then jumped in with both feet running. I dropped 23 pounds ( guessing 10 or so was coming off the creatine I was on while I was deployed). Now been off XFLD for about 4 weeks and still holding on to the last 10 pounds I need to lose. I believe the NNT would allow me to accomplish that.

After 4 surgeries back to back and a car accident, I’m literally starting from scratch and can use all the help I can get. I am 41 and starting from scratch. Thanks for considering me.

Joel, I need all the help I can get..! So I asking for this free copy for my 5 yr old son who needs to keep his 46 yr old mommy around for a very long time. I am a diabetic on insulin and between my medication and my age I have everything against me in the losing weight battle. I know exercise and diet will work, I just need to find the right one for me. So far I have not been very successful.
Thank you

Wow! I’m a middle-aged (is 52 middle-age?) wee fat woman who’d like to be fit. I’m walking, doing booty camp fitness classes, reading your CYWT and trying some of the Turbulence Training classes. I think my diet is healthy – nothing to excess, not a lot of fat or sugar but more information would be a great help. Since you’ve put in all the effort to put this together, I’d be happy to read and implement it. I’m not sure I’ll be showing off my 6-pack abs in a bikini (when I find them) but it’s kind of delicious to know that they’re there even if no one else knows and that if I wanted to, I could! I’d like to challenge myself to do something outrageous for my next birthday – perhaps caving. I’d need to be much healthier than I now am. Learning how to make nutrition my ally would help me get there. Cheers.

Joel! I am extremely passionate about nutrition and fitness. I would love to see what else is out there and give it a go. I am in the middle of melting off my freshman 15 (how did THAT happen??) and wanting to get my hot waterpolo body back so that I can keep it that way :D

Hi Joel,

Just saying thanks for your generosity in providing the deserving 10 people an opportunity to enjoy their life more fully by improving self-worth and health to achieve whatever their goals are.

I have been working out since March, building muscle and using Rob Poulous’ program. Finished with the first 12 weeks and am on to the Intermediate level, adding in some cardio with interval training. I am having a hard time losing weight, even though I am building muscle and eating right. I feel stronger, but would like to shed about 25-30 pounds as well. I would definitely like to use the Ninja Nutrition Tactics to see if I can lose the weight, yet maintain the muscle and look great.

I’ve cut the carbs, stuck to water, even started eating more veggies. But my current diet isn’t enough. Getting back into my old clothes will help me save money for my future engagement to the love of my life. And she’ll be benefiting from what we’ll learn together if we get a copy of Ninja Nutrition Tactics!

Hi Joel:
About 5 years ago, I started having major reconstructive dental surgery. It took 5 years to rebuild my jaw. I had numerous major surgeries under general anesthesia which included multiple bone grafts, implants, removal of gums, repositioning of my sinuses etc. As a result of all the dental work, the strain of opening and closing my jaw caused severe osteoarthritis and degeneration of my jaw joint. I am now on a waiting list to have my jaw joints removed and replaced with artificial prosthetic joints. Unfortunately, the waiting list to have this surgery is 3 years. Health care in Canada is great, but the waiting list is incredibly long. There are only 3 surgeons in Canada who can perform this surgery. During the reconstruction process and now while I wait for surgery, I am in incredibly extreme pain. I take various medications to help deal with the pain. In addition, I cannot move my jaw and I can only open my jaw wide enough to get a spoon through in order to eat. I used to be lean with only 15% body fat but through this process, I have ballooned out. I have lost muscle and gained fat and am now 25% body fat. I have tried to “eat clean”, but about a week after starting, I get so hungry that all my efforts go out the window. I don’t understand why I eat clean for a week and don’t even lose a pound. I am extremely interested to know what foods will help me as I start your Program. I am reading and studying the program and plan to start next week. Before I start, I am making sure that I have the knowledge and understanding of your program in order to do it properly and be successfull. I take some serious medications and due to my eating limitations and not being able to eat hard foods, I need your help. I used to be a certified fitiness instructor before I began my reconstruction. I have applied my knowledge, but somehow it is not working. I can’t seem to lose any weight, and if anything, I am gaining. Variable Intensity training and clean eating worked for my fitness class participants, but it is not working for me. Plus, I am in my 40’s and my body metabolism is changing as well. I need your help. I humbly ask for your guidance and sharing of your knowledge. I am so frustrated and ready to give up. You are my last hope. I want to do this, and do this right. You were referred by Dan Go and I believe in his training methods and therefore trust his recommendation to try your program. I appreciate any help that you can offer.

Thanks for the opportunity to win a free copy! I should win one because I need your help. I have always struggled with being overwieght. Over the past 16 months I have lost 64 pounds. I still need to lose another 60 to be at my goal weight. I have hit a wall with the fat loss so I am confident your program will provide me with the plan I need to reach my goals. Cash is tight right now so a free copy will be awesome. Also, I promise to keep telling people about you and your programs. Thanks and have a terrific day!


I need to get my families dietary lifestyle back on track. All five of us have developed bad eating habits and my wife and I are not setting good examples. I need a plan that is straight forward, hard core, and has the science to back it up. I believe that yours is that plan. Everything that I have read in your links, articles, and blogs shows me that you know what you are talking about. I believe that your plan will give us that added UMPH we need to get back on track to a healthy lifestyle. I kniow that you have set up the impossible task of choosing the “best or most deserving” and I don’t envy you that task. Either way it goes thanks for the information and I’ll keep reading for what else I can glean out of your site.

When I find a program that has logical merit; I stick to it (like Extreme Fat Loss). Even more so when I notice improvement. When a program works for me, I’m not shy to spread the word to people around me. If the tactics presented in this manual are helpful in reaching my ultimate goal, you can be assured I will be shouting it from the rooftops. After loosing 70lbs 8 years ago, I’ve since reached a plataeu to lose 10lbs to get back to my original goal. I’ve struggled for a few years even retrying the popular “watcher” program that lead to my initial weight loss. Nothing worked for me; even when training and running 1/2 marathons two years in a row. Now I’m within 4lbs of my original goal (thanks to Xtreme Fat Loss); but want to reach my ultimate goal (another 10lbs). Would love to try these tactics to reach that ultimate goal.

I’d love to have a free copy, but cannot honestly say I deserve one more than anyone else. I’m a type II diabetic who has little spare time (who does?) and want to develop muscle as efficiently as possible to improve my insulin resistence. How can I BUY a copy?

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