Hoping that you disclose the secret formula. I’m just starting out getting back to exercising with the express hope of losing fat.
The start of a new week…the start of a new blog series…about…
Gaining muscle and losing fat at the SAME time!
What inspired the topic? Well, believe it or not, apart from the many “couldn’t care less about my body” folks lounging around the beach this past weekend, there were actually quite a few really good looking peeps sporting some pretty killer bods!
Lean and muscular – which I think most of my male readers would agree to be the “ideal” physique.
I mean, even if you’re female, you’re bound to want something similar – lean and “toned”, if you will.
Everybody wants a lean, sexy body they can be proud of…that’s why we do what we do.
But just how do you go about achieving THAT body?
Gain muscle first, then lose body fat? Vice versa?
OR maybe you might try to lose fat and gain muscle at the SAME time.
Unfortunately, 99% of people who try the latter option fail miserably.
Can it be done?
Yes. But ONLY with a very strategic approach.
Weight training + fat loss diet does NOT equal simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain.
Sorry, there’s a heck of a lot more to it than that.
Have you ever tried to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously? What were your experiences?
Would you like to know how to REALLY lose fat and gain lean muscle at the same time?
At least 600 comments and I’ll be back before you know it to go over several critical components to simultaneous fat loss and lean body mass gain. And as long as the comments keep coming, I promise to give you killer content on this subject all week.
Talk to you in the comments section!
P.S. SNEAK PEEK: Here’s one of the newest methods we’re using:
Lose Fat and Gain Muscle at the same time <——- new method we’re using
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All I can say is that I really need to know more about this. Not just to improve my looks but mostly to improve my health. I just turned 30 and my body is no longer forgiving me for being so negligent about my health. I need to shed the excess fat and get fit and in shape and just be energized and feel alive. That’s what I think being slim and fit must be like, feeling you can do anything. It’s got to at least be a lot better than carrying all this excess weight around.
I have heard the opposite..
would love to know your views..
Please fill in the blanks.
It seems the more I eat clean (good macronutrient ratio…higher in protein and good fats…lower carbs…but not extremely low) and focusing exercise on weight training (ala FPFL, XFLD, DEFL, P90X) with some HIIT cardio mixed in at least 3 times per week, I’m able to lose bodyfat percentage & weight. However, despite getting more lean (#1 priority) and notice better muscle definition (melting away the goo), I still end up losing a few pounds of hard-earned LBM. So I’m interested the strategies for doing both at the same time. Or at least not losing LBM while reducing bodyfat. Looking forward to seeing the strategy.
10 months ago I started at 274 lbs., 38% fat. I was on a keto diet and did cardio 6-7 times per week in the morning and used weights 4-5 days per week. Currently I am 230 lbs. and 18% fat. So I know it can be done, I’d like to hear from Joel how he is thinking it should be done.
TacFit commando does that for me. I don’t have to spint anymore for fatloss (now I’ll just do it for speed every couple weeks or so, just to see how I’m doing) but I’ve gained muscle and reduced my body fat percentage at the same time.
Yep…it is possible. I did it. Verified by DXA scans 1 year apart. My weight did not change at all, but DXA scans showed fat loss and muscle gains.
What did I do? Ate to my caloric requirements while doing circuit training. That’s it.
Yes, tell us!
I know I would love to hear more!
This is a great topic and one that I have been curious about for a long time. I am particularly curious on muscle weight is determined. Please post some more findings. Thanks.
Yeah, I’m always interested in knowing more strategies to find that good balance.
What seems to work for me is combining mostly heavy weight/low rep workouts with short, intense interval cardio like running 12-15 minutes of sprints intervals. I also cycle my carbs, keep them low most days and only consuming them pre and post workout and then having a carbo load day once or twice a week. This seems to keep me pretty balanced with the muscle gain/fat loss dilemma.
I can’t seem to do both – would love to know how
Maybe by alternating the training and diet plan every few days? days 1,2,3 train and diet for muscle, days 4,5,6 train and diet for fat loss, and day 7 cheat?
Can’t wait to see what information you can provide on this topic! Gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time would be optimal!
I’d love to know more about this.
Hey Joel, hope you enjoyed your honeymoon!?! I am VERY interested to learn more on this subject matter as I would like to achieve the lean & muscular look. I recently purchased the TACFIT via your weblink and with that received the NNT (Ninja Nutrition Tactics) combo pack! I was under the impression that this info. would be enough to help me win the “battle of the bulge(?)”. I always love to learn new things and I don’t mean to put you on the spot, as Canadians are know for their politeness, but I am extremely eager to know what this latest dynamic-duo strategy is.
W. Daxonis
I am curious as to what you have to offer. There are many different approaches out there and they do tend to work for some.
So here is another comment toward the goal of 350!
I’ve read somewhere that to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously was impossible and that the best strategy to be lean and muscular would be to alternate 3-month periods focusing on each of them (diet and workout). Doing so, you would achieve you goal within a 1-year period.
I have to disagree with you Joel. A low calorie diet (focusing on a weekly calorie deficit works best since everyday calorie deficits usually is more mentally difficult for most people) along with progressive intense weight training has always created muscle gain and simultaneous fat loss. Creatine helps too. But it really is that simple, lift as heavy as you can at whatever rep range you prefer to work at and eat less. Do those to things and you’ll get phenomenal results. It’s very simple, not easy, but simple.
Great stuff can’t wait to try it
I have never ever figured out how to do that. It has always been a lose fat and try not to lose too much muscle equation. This would really be interesting to hear more about
During dieting,whenever I hit a plateau,I raise my calorie intake for a day or two(for that much-needed Leptin boost),…I eat whatever I want in these 2-3 days,probably more than I need.
So,I carry out resistance training during these days to bulid muscle,using the surplus of calories and to prevent it from being stored as body fat…..
I do not train much,just do what I need to…I exercise each set of muscles in upper and lower body to momentary muscle failure.Man,I also know the science behind it!!!
I have not become a very bulky guy,but I notice that my muscles have become tougher and grown slightly,but surely
I know it can be done if you are over-fat and under-exercised. But my question is, if you are already fairly lean – say 16% bodyfat for a female – is it even feasible?
I’d love to do both at the same time. Since I turned 30 I have been fighting the battle of the bulge. And loosing.:(
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