Going big today!
Here’s a little-publicized fact:
If you want fast results, you’re going to have to work out HARD. Oops…looks like I just lost 99% of the world as a potential customer.
Nevertheless, it’s a FACT. Effective fat burning workouts are uncomfortable by nature.
Let me ask you this…
When is the last time you felt “uncomfortable” during a workout? I’m talking about “hands-on-your-knees, sucking-wind, sweat-dripping-on-the-gym-floor” uncomfortable? For most people it ain’t recent.
But it’s absolutely necessary.
Why? Because it’s not about how many calories you burn during a workout – it’s about how many calories you burn after.
Classic example: For the last two weeks I’ve been working out with a guy by the name of Dan “The Machine” Long. He doesn’t call himself that, but I do. Why? Because he’s a machine. Pretty self-explanatory.
Well, yesterday Dan put me through a workout that resulted in me burning 647 calories in 45 minutes. Not too shabby. But that’s not where the real magic happened – no, the real magic happened about 20 minutes later when I pulled in to my garage and that same calorie monitor read 1009 calories.
That’s 362 additional calories burned while sitting on my butt driving home – that’s more than most people burn in a 30 minute workout, and I did it while sitting around.
Had I left the calorie monitor on for another hour, it probably would have read somewhere around 1500 calories (nearly TRIPLE the caloric burn of the actual workout).
And I attribute that kind of dramatic “afterburn” directly to the intensity of the workout, and more specifically to a concept that Dan refers to as “kill mode”.
What is kill mode? Well, allow me to define it for you, straight from Results Dictionary:
Kill Mode (‘kil · mōd) noun – a mental shift that occurs approximately half way through a work set in which fatigue is ignored, adrenaline prevails, and all-out max effort fat loss domination begins
A practical example:
Let’s say you’re doing a timed set of jump squats for one minute. The first 30 seconds is auto-pilot. The final 30 seconds is when you enter kill mode – you forget about how you’re feeling, you allow adrenaline to take over, and you give it your all. You push. You go harder. You dominate.
That’s kill mode, and it works — bigtime.
Is it uncomfortable? YES. Is it HARD? Absolutely. Does it require mental toughness? You better believe it.
But as I stated at the very beginning of this post, you’re NEVER going to get the results you’re after without truly, genuinely working HARD.
Think about it – are you truly pushing yourself during your workouts? Does each set end with a “kill mode” moment? If not, you’re barely scratching the surface of your fat loss potential!
So here’s what I want you to do: If you’re willing to commit to giving “kill mode” a go in your next workout, respond by leaving a comment below. At least 200 comments and I’ll be back tomorrow with 3 more workout tips for maximal fat loss.
P.S. This is your opportunity to show your commitment to pushing yourself and taking your workouts (and results) to the next level by commenting below. Step out and make the commitment – I’m first in line, and I want you with me. Talk to you in the comments section!
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Yes! Definitely! I love working out in Kill Mode (I just didn’t have a name for it!) Recently I stopped wearing the monitor but last summer I was using it dilligently. I remember burning around 700 calories during my workout and when I would leave my monitor on for about 15 minutes after my workout I would reach the 1000 or over 1000 calories burned! I did not know how “significant” that was though…I just thought it was “obvious” that the longer I left it on the more calories I would see burned…thanks for bringing up the subject! It motivates me to keep at it! and reinforces the fact that I am doing something right!
I just started taking a “boot camp” class and I am working out harder, less often and losing weight. This stuff works!
I am just getting ready to do my intervals on the Elliptical, thanks for the motivation to get on there and DOMINATE!!
Totally agree, intensity is the best way to get to an another level and feel better and better after each work out…thanks
I’ve done it before but this is definitely motivation to push on all interval training.
Like Kanye said in Amazing “I’m a Killer…the only thing I’m afraid of is myself!”
Hey Joel what calorie monitor are you using? Thanks! Awesome post.
HR 200 + kind of kill?
I’m all for weight loss, definately gonna work harder…time for domination. Thanks for the tip Joel.
Yes I am in on this.
How do i open the lose 8lbs. with this tip”?
@ Joel Marion:
Thanks, Joel. I have been doing this but not to the degree you are suggesting. Will start tomorrow.. THANKS!
Kill mode baby!
I am definitely in on this.
I’m all over this. Show me how!
Let’s roll!
Reminds me of when I trained in Brazillian Jiu jitsu. Drills and practice were hard work but 30 min of that didn’t compare to a 2 min round of full out grappling. I got crazy strong, and lean, super fast. I moved and haven’t found a gym yet to train but you are talking my language! Bring it on.
it was my choice to eat crap…
it’s gonna be my WILL to fight that…
Thanks for the tip. I actually tried this technique and, to my surprise, it REALLY worked. I couldn’t believe it.
I am in, but I would also like to know what brand of monitor you are using to show the calories you are burning.
Joel, I agree with the others, we need to know where to get a calorie monitor. A heart-rate monitor just won’t do for detecting the afterburn. Amazon seems to have only HR monitors; good for calculating calories burned when exercising but not for after the HR returns to normal. Is afterburn real?
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