I don’t have a remarkable story to sway you. I’m just desperate like a lot of the other folks who have written to you. I’m an almost 60 yr. old who all through her young life maintained a slim figure by crash dieting. It worked well for me THEN but I am paying the price now. Beginning in my mid 40s, each time I would diet, I would regain the weight as soon as I begin to live “normally” again….only now I have gained back what I had just lost PLUS 5 or 10 lbs…or maybe 15 lbs. It doesn’t take too many times of that to add 100 lbs. overall to your weight. About 5 years ago I went on my last “diet” . I lost 40 lbs. I constantly felt deprived and when the holidays rolled around I just wanted a short break from policing myself every minute. That “break” has lasted for 5 years!! And I have regained the 40 lbs plus 20 more! I had been reading and realized that my dieting had only set me up to regain the weight and kill my metabolism so I vowed I was never going to diet again. Since then I have been searching for a way to LIVE, from now on, where I could get my fat% down in a healthy range, my weight to an acceptable level and KEEP them both there.
The two years ago my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer. At first they thought they had caught it in time but 6 months later they told us it had spread everywhere and he would only have 3 to 6 months to live. My whole focus became my husband’s situation. Trying to get him to eat was huge. He has always been thin and now at 6′ 5′ he had lost 60 lbs and weighed only 142. I know I was mindlessly eating as I struggled to find anything he could eat that might increase his calories.
Thankfully, b/c of a clinical trial, he is still living and now is able to eat and is beginning to exercise again. He can take over much of the responsibility of choosing food for himself and preparing it if necessary. But I feel the need to take care of myself even MORE. I don’t know how long the remission will last and know I need to be strong for him. I am hoping and praying that your plan will help me achieve that, even through the holidays. I know my metabolism needs a push and I’m hoping you are the one who can show me how to do that.
When I read about the “cheat your way thin diet” I felt a surge of hope. I am praying that