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Win a FREE copy of the Cheat Your Way Thin Holiday Edition!

Posted by Joel Marion

I’m going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of FIVE copies of the Cheat Your Way Thin Holiday Edition that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via the less than half price pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about dieting over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open through noon Eastern Standard Time today (Saturday), and then will go through the replies and notify the winners via email later in the day!


Good luck!



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906 comments - add yours

Hi Joel,

As a science major, I can say that the past updates you’ve been sending out to everyone is extremely interesting and very logical. The times where I accidentally overeat certain foods (Halloween WAS upon us only a few weeks back ;) ) I noticed I’d actually make more gains in losing weight than by strictly following a diet plan of lean protein and fibrous carbs for eons. I want to be able to eat foods that I would REALLY enjoy (what doesn’t help matters is that my mom loves cake for celebrating holidays) so learning the stuff your book has to offer, and their applications not just in the holiday season, but the entire year, has really got me interested and really shooting to get this material as soon as possible. Who knows, my mom would learn some stuff too!

The truth of the matter is that I don’t know that it’s the perfect diet. However, nothing else that I’ve tried has captured my heart and that is what it is going to take for a lifestyle change. I am not terribly overweight, I just want to dump around 20 lbs. But, being in my 50’s, it’s been difficult. I really like what you are saying about cheat days. I love eating ice cream on occasion and the fact that I can do it, and it be a part of my HEALTHY diet is quite appealing to me. I like the fact that I don’t have to be on a guilt trip when I eat it. The truth of the matter is, I would still eat Ice cream…but having permission to cheat not only takes the guilt away, but it has already stopped me from wanting to eat it all the time, and in extreme measures. I like knowing that I only have to wait a couple of days and I am not deprived, thus I don’t feel like I have to eat my fill of it all at once. I downloaded the Holiday Fat book and intend to follow it during the holidays. Thanks for your efforts and I look forward to learning more.

The cheat your way thin system is the perfect lifestyle system. No matter your fitness goal–whether shedding gross belly fat or building muscle, cheat your way thin will provide the requisite nutrients, all without feeling hungry or depriving yourself of your favorite foods! Best of all, since you get to eat your favorite foods, it’s very easy to stick with, making it the first true “lifestyle diet.”
It’s all based on leptin. I know I know, if it involves a scary word I’ve never heard before, then it must be complex and hard to apply, like every other diet I’ve tried, right? Wrong. Leptin levels in the blood tell the brain how hungry to feel, and how much energy to have. What’s this mean for me?
It means that if I can keep my leptin levels high, while convincing my body to burn fat and not muscle, then I’ve found a way to lose my bodyfat – permanently – without feeling hungry!
This is so important for me. I’m a college athlete, and my body is pushed to and beyond my previous limits every day. All this exercise takes a heavy toll on me though, and makes me hungry-REALLY hungry! When I have to lose weight, I always feel weak, hungry, and my performance in the classroom and with the team suffers. Cheat Your Way Thin gives me peak performance, peak energy, and a peak physique, all the time!

Currently, I’m a student attending the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. This is my first year in university, and I’m living on campus which has been extremely difficult. Although I try to watch what type of foods I consume, it is extremely hard to do so as there are very few healthy choices. I have actually gained close to 5 pounds of fat since school started (2 months ago). Unfortunately, for my weight, the holidays are coming up which has generally meant more weight gain for m. I’m hoping that this copy of Cheat Your Way Thin will help me towards avoiding the freshman fifteen. Not only that, but even help me lose some of the unwanted weight which I have had all my life. To make matters even more difficult, in terms of not gaining weight during the holidays, my father is coming back home from his work (which is half way around the world). I would love to enjoy myself with him while my father and I have the time to do so, and before he leaves for his work. I have actually not seen him for the past year and enjoying the holidays with him would be like a dream come true. But this will be extremely difficult without some sort of guidance via the Cheat Your Way Thin holiday edition. This is why the copy of the Cheat Your Way Thin holiday edition would perfect for my current situation.

I’m not grossly overweight, but at 5’5, the scale tipping out at 180 freaked me out. This past week, I got the official ‘you need to lose weight’ speech from my doctor. There’s incentive… There’s a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure in my family, both of my parents are overweight, as is my brother. My go-to method had always been exercise, but since hitting my thirties, it hasn’t seemed to be working anymore. I’ve been quite discouraged at the idea of having to turn towards a calorie restrictive diet as it makes me exhausted. I’ve got a hectic lifestyle and can’t afford to be run down. I’m a full time biochemistry student (actually working in the lipids field, so I’m familiar with leptin, I would love to be able to harness its efficiency). I work part-time as an ER nurse, I’m a member of a theatre group and a vocal ensemble. My busy schedule makes it a necessity for me to find a program that has a certain degree of flexibility. I am expected to dance to Madonna’s Vogue this coming year while wearing a corset, I would love to be able to rock it. I think your program might just be the ticket. This method just seems to make sense to me. I’d love the opportunity to check it out first hand. Can’t wait to be able to have a before and after photo. :)

Hi, My name is Keith Lai and I am 20 years old and have been following your blog for a while. For the past year, I have been trying to lose about 20 pounds of fat. I have tried everything from the atkins diet, south beach, intermittent fasting( leangains, eat stop eat, fast 5).. You named it I tried lol. Even i was cheating on my diets before as a reward meal each week, I had a huge sense of guilt that doing so would hinder my proccess and destroy my weeks of progress. This translated into an extreme condition of yoyo dieting and led to my horrible relationship with food. Even now, I try to be more lenient with my food choices, but doing so will make me crave them even more because I am eating less than I normally do. I even gone to the extremes of neglecting my family and friends because of my obsession with losing the weight. I would even sometimes have to shamefully lie to them because I needed an excuse to not go to my mom’s house for her delicious home cooking, which i downright embarrassing. I would love to be able to try your program, which from what i heard, is nothing short of spectacular. I really think it would help change my life and help me get out of the food obsessive disorder I have and let me enjoy life like it was intended to: with family and friends. Thank you

Hi! I’m a martial arts instructor and I’ve been struggling with my weight for YEARS! I’m really worried about my heart as well. I’ve lost 40 pounds so far but more to go. Plus the holidays are coming. I love martial arts and exercise, but I also love to eat. Add a a very busy schedule to the mix and it’s insane! PLEASE help!
Guy in Korea

Hi Joel,

I’m very interested in your program…I began a “natural healthy diet” in January and I’m still struggling trying to lose fat. During the last 10 months I’ve been exercising and let’s say I have followed my diet in an 80% but now I feel desperate, frustrated and tired of not being able to lose the pounds and fat I still need. Now the holidays are so close and the delicious things will be all around me… I am afraid to end 2009 almost the same way I began. I am really looking forward to know more about your programs, and to still have the opportunity to achieve my weight lose goals before 2010. Thanks for your work!

As someone who has studied exercise science at university, I wanted to learn the best ways to exercise, to bulk up and to stay healthy and lean. After four years of study I can’t say I know a huge amount. Apart from more study, my only other option is to somehow negotiate my way through the endless crap that fills the internet simply to find a solution of how to get the best body I can naturally. I stumbled upon your programs through Vince Del Monte, and struggled convince myself to even purchase my first program from him, as I’m newly married and my wife is still studying, money is fairly tight. Realizing that there is a lot of good info out there now on nutrition and programs is tough, cos I want the best for myself, but can’t always afford to buy the newest program. I think this prorgram seems to give people some freedom with what they eat, plus it makes sense from my exercise science background. I want to look my best for myself, for my wife, and so I show my kids at school (I’m a high school PE teacher) that I’m the real deal. I’m super keen on seeing this program in action!

Hi Joel,

I have been trying to lose 30 pounds of fat for years without success even though I exercise regularly (bike and walk) even doing high intensity intervals. Most of my fat is visceral and so I have been also motivated for my overall health. My biggest weakness is that I have a hard time resisting baked goods, desserts, treats. To imagine that I can include these as a part of getting down to my ideal weight is like a dream come true. Of course there is a certain amount of skepticism but mostly I feel hopeful.
Thanks Joel,

Hi Joel,
You’ve done what we in Australia call “the hard yakka” that is, you’ve done all the work that I have been trying to get done. I first heard whispers about leptin a couple of years ago and I’ve read at last count about 5 books on it but a lot of the information is incomplete (in terms of applying it IRL) or contradictory.
I have always maintained a steady weight until in my late 30s when I had an undiagnosed thyroid problem which triggered lots of other hormonal issues and over the course of a year I gained a horrifying 30 kilos.
Ever since then I’ve still maintained a steady weight – only now it’s 30 kilos too heavy. I know that if I can crack the leptin issue and get back to my healthy weight I will maintain it and your program seems to have it nailed.
I am aiming to get fit and healthy again ASAP and would really love your help to do it. I have been trying to piece it all together but so far what I have is just a scratchy outline whereas you seem to have created the fully coloured-in version.
So I’m ready to let your leptin insight lead me there.
Thanks for considering me for this very special prize.

Hi Joel,

I have been so excited to read your emails and watch your videos. I have been a lifetime dieter and have been successful. But then I gain it all back (and more) as soon as I stop dieting and live life again. Seeing the science and all your hard work on the Cheat Your Way Thin plan makes so much sense! Tricking my body is the way to boost my metabolism, raise my hormone levels, and burn the fat. I can’t wait to get started on this program and share this awesome stuff with everyone else who is or has been struggling as much as I have my entire life. This is the way to go! No dieting – just a new way to LIVE and be set free from the bondage of this fat body and slave to some new diet plan. I have already told a few friends about your plan and they are very intrigued. I think they want me to be the guinea pig. I am going to prove to them that they need your program! I am ready to start my new way of eating and gain energy and a healthy way of life.

Thanks Joel!

Hi, I ‘m Varun Mathew, The problem with this question is that I don’t have the answer to the one you’re asking… As it stands I haven’t read the content of your technique or idealogy per se peertaining to diet or ever tried it so I have to be skeptical as I have tried many other diets and workouts only to have it let go at some critical juncture.
… I have jumped through very hoop going from slightly obese to extremely scrawny( more like skinny fat) to 10%bf, endured the most strict form of diet and
even tried the limits of my own body to get to the elusive conditionining that you elite pro’s possess, came up with several of my own theories as far fat, carbs, protein as to what produces the highest TEF, understood the highs of leptin every so now an then but still I have missed the key to fat loss… my journey remains in this conquest for perfection of my body, now at 11%bf…
…you have a solution, but I don’t know if it’s the key!!

Hi Joel,

I have always eaten extremely healthfully but have for some reason always struggled with my weight. That was up until 3 years ago when I did a sort of one day on one day off dieting. I lost a good amount of weight for the first time in my life (and kept it off for over a year and half) but then went a little overboard and started eating less and less and got too skinny. Eventually I developed a bulimic behavior that ultimately led me to gain weight bringing me back to where I started. I am now in recovery for this but still have the weight to lose. As I know a constantly changing diet was the key to my success I am looking for a similar program. My old method is no longer working for me so I want something that is effective and will allow me to feel better about my appearance after having overcome disordered eating. I believe that your program can do this.


Yo Joel,
I am Yishen here and I am 16 years old this year still studying. This programme is really useful for people who doesn not have enough time to eat and can using cheat meal to enjoy some “junk food” and to be healthy at the same time. Because I am a fat guy i need this programme meal plan to help me lost bodyweight fats. while else I can enjoy my cheat meal in some particular day. thank you for the 6 updates.

I’m a second year medical student, which means my life is CRAZY. When I’m not studying, shadowing on the wards or doing extra-curricular activities, I make time to work out 5-6 times per week. Also, like most weight-conscious people out there, I make a big effort to eat healthy. Fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy grains and lean meats are the main players in my daily diet. However, I have reached a plateau and have been struggling to lose weight over the last year. And of course, I miss sweet treats, especially chocolate, like crazy! So yes – I BINGE, and my mood is absolutely horrible afterward. Joel, I’m ready for a change! In less than a year, I will be actually working on the wards and on call, and will be very strapped for time to eat, sleep, let alone get to the gym! So if I could get my weight down, I feel like I could maintain my new weight during this chaotic yet exciting part of my life. Being in medicine, I know all about leptin, and I’m so excited to have the chance to make it work for me! As you’ve said, the psychological part of healthy weight is huge in overall health, and I feel that with your program, I can be truly happy with the way I look and ENJOY food again. And as a great bonus, a better mood and outlook will definitely help my performance on the wards!

I am a certified personal trainer so I am familiar with what needs to be done to loose weight, but I am also human who has a life. I have struggled with my weight for the past 10 years. I have no problem going a few days on a diet knowing my health will improve and my weight will decrease. But, the thought of giving up my favorite foods forever has always made me go off of my diets. Your program is great for me because I know if I follow your diet plan I can always look forward ro eating my favorite foods while still loosing fat.

Hi Joel,
I’ve been reading your updates with great anticipation. As a 70yr old woman who has been trying to lose weight for more years than I care to think about with little success, I feel like finally there is some hope for me. I try to workout 3 times a week but I have arthritis so what I can do is limited. If I could lose some weight my knees would be much less painful and I could do more exercises. My mother will be 100yrs old next week, 11/23, so I’ll probably be around for quite awhile yet. With your program I’ll have a chance to make those years a lot more pleasant!!!
Thank you,

I have found your link somewhere on the internet and was following your updates religiously. I have been struggling with weight loss for a long time my BMI is 35 and need to lose about 100lbs to be in the normal range. I do my best at eating healthy foods with the rare exceptions yet I have not been able to loose much. I believe that with your teaching I will be able to attain my goal losing inches and basically being in better health. This might also be an eye opener for some of my friends as well which I will gladly refer.
Thanks for all your hard work and I can’t wait to see the results

I think this program would be perfect for me, because it deals with all the struggles I have had in my 13 plus years of trying to loose weight. When I entered the police academy at 23, I was a respectable 185. Still living off the high metabolism of my youth. I left the academy, having ballooned up to 205. Not working out as hard because you always go to the slowest members pace, and no time to hit the weights since I was focusing on the class work. Add to this the followings of poor nutrition advice from steroid filled muscle magazines and shift work. From the postings you have been putting up, this program will finally help me shed the unwanted fat, without the suffering of a miserable diet. I too tried Body for Life, even the eating style there left me feeling hungry and deprived. The thought of having days where pizza (my weakness) is not off limits but almost needed is very encouraging. The science and logic behind your program seems very sound and I would love to give it a go. I have tried so many other things, and they all start okay, but to paraphrase your thoughts diets fail me because they make me miserable. Your program seems to be the answer to get rid of my unwanted, unhealthy body fat which is detrimental to my job performance. I hope you find me a worthy candidate to receive one of your programs.


I am a mom of a 3 year old and a 5 month old. After having my first child, I was never back to my pre-pregnancy or even pre-marriage weight. I have tried so many different popular ways of losing the weight but ended up gaining 30 more pounds than losing the original 15-20 that was my goal at the time. As a nursing mother, starving myself by counting calories isn’t recommended and exercising everyday just doesn’t happen. After reading your past 6 updates and finding out that I can still eat the things I like to eat and lose weight, I was excited. I have birthday parties and the holidays to look forward to without the fear of gaining weight. I have a goal of fitting back into my wedding dress by mid-January for a photo shoot for my sister’s photography business. Feeling like I could be back at that weight and size (maybe even less and thinner) in such a short period of time thrills me.

Hi Joel,
I lost 45 lbs 4 years ago and put 15 of it back on. I am in my late 50s and know the odds are not in my favor regarding weight.

You really opened my eyes in what you just taught about hormones. As a result, I had my first pasta in a year and it made my body feel happy, positive, and energetic! Using food to serve me and enjoy myself during the holidays with your guidance is what I’m going to do. You have brought this whole thing down to earth. How can I not wish to have a free copy of your holiday survival guide on cheating my way thin through the holidays?

Wew hoo!

I am a 21-year-old college student. For the past 1 years, I have been reading, consulting, and learning non-stop about health and wellness. I am not at an unhealthy weight; in fact, I am reasonably fit. But what I care about most is overall health. I eat for nutrition and weight about equally. The problem is that I have reverted back to unhealthy ways. You see, my daily meals are mostly whole, organic fruits, veggies, and meats/nuts/seeds. However, I indulge moreso than ever. I LOVE food to the point where I overeat almost always. It’s a virtually uncontrollable psychological attachment. Now that I think of myself as a nutritious person, I subconsciously think “restriction,” and “when am I ever going to get to do this again?” and it causes me to go crazy whenever I get the opportunity. I am certain that this diet, in giving me something food-related to look forward to, will significantly help control my cravings to the point where I can take on the “It’s not worth it; in two days, the food world is my oyster” mentality. I think that would be a steer in the direction of control.

Thanks a lot,

As an aspiring athlete, I have come to learn the power of implementing the correct methods. I am on the cusp of attaining the physique that I deeply desire, but I am vaguely aware that I lack the knowledge of the optimal methodology. It is my personal code of life that I strive to be the best that I can be in every area of my life. When I attain the body of my dreams, I know it will accelerate my progress in all of my endeavors, including my studies and my sports. I yearn to break past all my preconceived limits and serve as an inspiration to others that the human potential for excellence is truly boundless. Life is rich with opportunity, and the best way to live is to break past old barriers and live the life I imagine. When I am in the third set of a long tennis match, the knowledge that I have a world-class body will give me the confidence to triumph where I might have yielded to exhaustion and doubt.

Well I suspect I’m MUCH older than most of the people you are working with and I think my belly fat is more to do with age and hormones than overeating or even bad eating, but whatever, I’m trying to make it GO. It’s just not healthy. I’d really like to put your ideas to work and then be able to report a great success story!

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