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49 Insights from 2009

Posted by Joel Marion

Well, since Vince Del Monte pretty much copies everything I do, I figured it’s time I return the favor ;)

Just kidding.  Vince and I are pretty much business partners and we consult with each other pretty much daily, so it’s natural that we get a fair amount of ideas from one another.

The other week, Vince put together a “things I learned in 2009” post on his blog.  I loved it, and thought it’d be cool to do the same.  Thanks for the idea, Vinny.

Below you will find my list of “49 insights” from 2009.  Take a read through it and then respond in the comments section with your comments and/or 1 thing you learned this year!  Rock on!

1. Curb Your Enthusiasm never stops being (inappropriately) funny.  You gotta love the twisted mind of Larry David.

2. You can have whatever you want in life.  It’s not metaphysical bull shit, it’s simply about believing in yourself and going after what you want full force.

3. Self-imposed limitations will cripple your potential.  It doesn’t matter what other people think is possible for you-the ONLY thing that matters is what you believe you can achieve.

4. Excuses are nothing more than sugar coated self-imposed limitations.

5. Expect failure.  Failure is an inevitable stop on the road to success.  And even in the midst of success, you’ll still fail-get used to it.  Fact is, I still fail-all the time.  The difference is that winners simply keep trying until they succeed, while the majority just give up and fade away.

6. Expect success.  Contradictory to the above statement?  Nope.  I KNOW I will succeed in everything I do and I expect to do so.  I also know that I may have to fail several times first.

7. “Take action” is my new motto.  If you’re not actively “doing” something to change your circumstances, then I’m not interested in hearing your complaints about those circumstances.

8. Being a complainer is still perhaps the most annoying, unattractive character trait.

9. Email is the biggest time-drainer in the world.

10. Short duration, high-frequency training is the most effective way to build muscle.

11. The only thing that matters with regards to overtraining is avoiding central nervous system burn out.

12. Motivation is the best way to assess central nervous system burnout.  If you’re motivated to train, forget about soreness and get your butt back in the gym.

13. Turning something “negative” into something loved is a special skill (i.e. Cheat Your Way Thin ;)

14. Friday Night Lights is the most underrated show on television.  Period.  If you’re not watching it, do yourself a huge favor and go buy every season on DVD.  Today.

15. It’s very hard for me to have a bad day when the sun is out.  Thus, I moved to Florida.

16. Relationships are the only thing that matter in life.  I could have every material possession in the world, but would be completely miserable without the interaction I share with so many “real” people on an every day basis.

17. 48 oz steaks have nothing on me.

18. Eating a healthy, big breakfast may be the most fundamental rule of weight control.

19. 99% of supplements are still bogus.

20. Vince Del Monte has the crappiest laptop in the world for someone who travels non-stop and runs an internet based business.

21. Do not call Craig Ballantyne.  Text or email only.  And if you mistakenly do call, do NOT leave a message.

22. Identifying problems and providing enjoyable solutions is a winning concept to build any business around.

23. Nothing could be more influential in one’s life than having a phenomenal mother.

24. Stay true to who you are and don’t allow past experiences to “harden” or change you-even if it means allowing yourself to be vulnerable (again).  You are an amazing person and someone equally as amazing will love you and treasure you for every single one of those traits (thank you Lisa).

25. Taste buds change. I used to hate salad and seafood; now I can’t get enough of either.  Try revisiting foods you once wrote off-you may be surprised.

26. On a similar note, sushi is actually really good.  Never in a million years would I have thought I would have liked that.

27. Surrounding yourself with and building strong relationships with other passionate, driven people are perhaps the best things you can do for your life.

28. No matter how far you move away, home is still home.

Sometimes you just have to trust your gut and go with it.

29. Find a very small, core group of people to network with and get input from regularly, and keep it small.  Too many opinions = confusion.  Find the “core” people you trust most, and turn to them often (thanks Vinny and Craig).

30. There are much more important things in life than work.  If your job controls your life, change that however you can, or simply find another job.

31. If you have a desire to work for yourself, GO for it full throttle.

32. 10 minutes well invested each day will give you hours of your life back each week dur to increased productivity (and a host of other benefits).  Binaural brain-beat technology (www.UltimateMindEnhancement.com) works; I can’t say enough good things about it.  If you do not own these CDs, buy them.  Right now.  They will change your life and I’ve been saying it for the last 8 months.

33. The “little things” continue to be the most important things of a relationship.

34. Dogs, like children, can be terribly annoying, but quickly become an irreplaceable part of your heart and family.

35. It’s better to spend the money for quality than to try to save a few hundred bucks when buying a flat screen TV for your living room.

36. Mentorship is a must for success.

37. You must be willing to invest in yourself.  The more money I spend to better certain areas of my life, the better those areas become.  WARNING:  This is only true if you are someone who “takes action”.  Spending money doesn’t equal results – taking action on your investments does.

38.  Intensity trumps everything.  You MUST at some point in your workout feel as though you are struggling to continue.  Otherwise, your workout is worthless.  There, I said it.

39. If you don’t have goals, you’ll never achieve anything.  Success just doesn’t “happen”; you need to plan toward something specific.

40. The Philadelphia Eagles will never win a Superbowl with Andy Reid as their coach.  I actually learned this about 5 years ago.

41. If Denzel Washington is in a movie, the movie will be good.

42. Certain books have the power to change your life, even for people who hate to read (i.e. me).  Stop being lazy and start reading (more).

43. Art is pretty cool-even the abstract stuff.  Some of it just flat out sucks, though.

44. People who are not taking steps to better themselves often project negativity onto those who are.  The underlying cause of negativity is almost always jealousy.

45. The more you give, the more you get.  I have straight up GIVEN away more information than ever before this year, and my business has grown exponentially because of it.

46. The mental component of body transformation is more important than the diet and exercise aspects by about ten fold.

47. Going out to dinner 5+ times per week is not only absurdly expensive, but also a fat loss nightmare.

48. The easiest way to stick to your diet while traveling is to go low-carb.

49. YOU are an incredible source of motivation and inspiration for me.  The comments on this blog, the emails I receive, and the opportunities I’ve had to meet quite a few of you in person have been an incredible reminder of the value of what I do, and more importantly, an undying source of inspiration for me to continue to push to be my best.

So there it is, 49 insights from 2009!  What did you learn this year?  Respond w/ at least one “insight” in the comments section below!

Talk to you in the comments section!



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55 comments - add yours
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Hey Joel

I don’t have a list, but I have had one heck of a year. This kind of summarizes my year.

Lessons Learned: I met with my Financial Planner today. In the course of our discussion (mostly about my wellness journey as he had not seen me since I started this process) we discussed success and how this all came to be. In the course of the conversation we were discussing goals and motivation. I told him I thought weight loss and financial planning actually use the same principles and require the same amount of discipline.

He recalled hearing someone once say:

“You can have everything, but you can’t have it all”.

As I think about my journey, once I outlined my goals, put them in writing, communicated them, and kept them visible, etc., I have attained every single one of them. Just wanting it all (i.e., lose weight and get in shape NOW) was like wanting it all. This becomes to overwhelming and to undefined, resulting in ZERO attainment of anything.

When I broke it down, focusing on and choosing what was most important, becomes my … everything. As one is obtained, the next “want” takes its place and so on, one everything at a time.

Looking at my milestones I rejoice in the fact that I truly have “everything” and as I move forward, define more and continue to focus, I will continue to attain everything.

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Awesome insights. Believe it or not insights from people like you and Vince motivate me just by reading them.

My one insight (which follows a few of yours) is just be yourself. So many people try to “fit in” and all they do is just end up screwing up their life with drugs, crime etc. God made you the way you are so why pretend to be someone else? Seriously, just be confident and keep striding forward and you’ll enjoy life.

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Number 24 really hit home for me Joel — absolutely spot on.

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Consistency is key

Perserverance pays off

TCNJ / TSC rocks! (alumni – 1983) :)

Debbie in NJ

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Balance is important. We can spend so much time with the physical aspects of our lives…eating healthily and fine tuning our body, but if we neglect getting to know God personally, through His son Jesus, then it’s all vanity and striving against the wind. You can gain the world…but loose your soul.

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Problems with your list:

1) You didn’t mention me by name once. This was probably an oversight.

Therefore, to assuage my ego, I will assume any not-so-subtle references to the importance of relationships was about me, instead of your girlfriend. Granted, she may be cool, but never forget who covered you in bug-spray.

2) Your strange devotion to Denzel Washington is honestly beginning to scare me. Seriously.

3) You forgot to mention me.

4) Regarding number 21 – you are correct. Calling CB will be ineffective. He told me they don’t get phone calls in Canada.

The rest is good.

PS – One thing I learned in 2009 was the importance of opening myself to new ideas, people, and opportunities. I owe you a lot, and I think it’s important to let you know that you are as big of an inspiration to your fellow fitness pro’s as you are to your clients and readers.

On the other hand, your couch, regardless of how nice it is, is not as comfortable to sleep on as you would have people believe. Please note that your Christmas gift will be an air mattress for me to sleep on during my next visit.

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Thanks Joel, super interesting insights. I’ll certainly keep a couple of them pretty close :)

One insight I might share is this:
When cultivated, enjoyment can be found through the whole process of doing something difficult. The journey becomes a challenge in itself, each step daring you to go one step further. Every small step of a journey is an accomplishment. It should be treated as such.

More about this can be found on my latest blog post (http://matchallenge.com) by the way :)


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Happy Holidays Joel,
Some insight on your insights. It is amazing to me how much of what you reveal is common sense. It is even more amazing to me how many people have lost their ability to live by common sense. Thanks for helping to bring it back.
My 2009 top insight:
The most important thing in life is FAMILY. Do whatever it takes to make sure you stat in contact with yours, who ever or where ever you are.
Number two in importance are trusted friends and mentors, make sure you have at least one of each.

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Thanks Joel, i am going to print this and read it again!

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Just do it.

15 months ago, I could barely run for two minutes. Now I am happily running with a cardiovascular performance heart rate of someone 25 years my junior.

I’ve discovered spinning and love it, especially the longer and more demanding 75 minute sessions.

Reduced my waist by two sizes.

Finished my third university degree this week, this one for fun.

Just do it. I’ll be 65 in six weeks – lots more to do.

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Wow i really liked the one that the more you give, the more you get. I think that’s definitely true and Im going to start implementing it for 2010

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Snowy Greetings from Canada Joel,

2009: I am continuing to learn that 100% of the time, the problem isn’t ‘out there’, it is how I am either choosing to react or respond to the situation which reveals true wisdom. If I react with anger then that situation just worked as a catalyst to bring it out from within.

So, I am learning to take full responsibility for my own peace of mind. I will never be able to change others(eg. if only you would do this….then I would be happy), or situations ie. happy when things turn out the way I ‘want’, instead of saying to myself “that didn’t go well and be upset”, I ask: “Is it that something didn’t go well or that IT DIDN’T GO THE WAY I WANTED IT TO GO.” There is a distinct difference.

Everything in the drama of life is there for a reason. So I am learning to accept, learn and start changing from the inside out. When I change, then others will change. aka, walk the talk. This is why you are inspiring Joel!!!

I am grateful for meeting you via the internet. It has inspired me to be more wise about food choices and exercise.
By the way, food for thought re #2, and giving metaphysics a bad rap with such colorful language; yes it has many meanings but simply put, it means ‘beyond(after) the physical’ so thoughts and belief are actually the most powerful non-physical tool we own – basic metaphysics is what we are doing when approaching any activity from the mental level.


Cheers from Canada

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Thanks to you I also bought the cd’s you refer to in #32:
32. 10 minutes well invested each day will give you hours of your life back each week dur to increased productivity (and a host of other benefits). Binaural brain-beat technology (www.UltimateMindEnhancement.com) works; I can’t say enough good things about it. If you do not own these CDs, buy them. Right now. They will change your life and I’ve been saying it for the last 8 months.

Could you please share which one you use for 10 mins? The ones I bought were “focus and insight” where they recommend minimum 20 minutes. 10 minutes per day appeals to me and want to be sure I am getting the most out of the program so I want to choose wisely.

Thanks much!

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yeah i have to admite (or however lol)
no serious nice list my fav point is #20 ^^
just kidding vince

its a good inspiration for me… i had a lil training break the last 8-9 weeks so your and vince list let me think of going into a real gym and not just working out on my stupid home-gym…
so please keep it up you’re amazin you know that so please keep going with vince in a cop.

wishes from germany your friend Björn *thumps up*

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My insight for 2009 is you have to believe in yourself to achieve what you want – even if your brain is trying to sabotage you, keep on expecting success and you will eventually get there.

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great list, thanks

My insight,
Life is short and then its over. This is NOT a practice run.
Stop bitching and make the most of it.
If crap happens, look for the lesson in it (it will be there)
Life is fantastic but it depends on your outlook.

oh yeah, I totally get the sunshine thing, i moved to Cairns Australia for the same reason, its the tropics here so we don’t even get winter :)

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Love ALL your insites haha I learned SO much this year!

One of the biggest things I have learned this year is to quit using excuses and quit complaining, its a WASTE and very annoying :)

And don’t let fear stop you from reaching your dreams, its only an excuse
Try affirmations they are pretty sweet. remember to have a mind that is opened to everything and attached to nothing! :)
Growth = uncomfortable but DONT ever ever ever give up!

Got to agree, relationships are EXTREMELY important :)

Thanks !

Amanda :)

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Insight 1 – I thought I was in pretty good shape until I started P90X!
Insight 2 – “Don’t fall in love with your plan” – USMC
Insight 3 – I have decided that aiming for a specific weight is not the right plan. I am instead aiming for <10% body fat and wherever the weight ends up is fine.
Insight 4 – When you have had weight problems your entire life, you have to resolve that a permanent lifestyle shift is needed. No temporary program is going to give you what you want for the long run.
Insight 5 – Use your Facebook friends as a means of weight loss accountability. Public disclosure makes you work harder because you don’t want to fail in front of an audience.

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Hey Joel,

Awesome insights! It was cool meeting you at the Fitness Info Summit in October.

My number one lesson (of many) learned this year was accountability. I decided that if I want to make a transformation I needed something HUGE to motivate me and keep me focused, disciplined, and accountable.. so I am doing a Real Time Transformation on my website/blog.

I’m doing daily updates, weekly progress reports, pictures. It’s amazing the shift that’s taken place in my mentality and approach since I decided to do this publicly.

2010 is going to be the best year of my life!

Keep rockin it!


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Some very powerful stuff here Joel. Then you add something a bit more light hearted to give us courage. I could not digest it all at one go so printed it out to highlight and absorb.

Thanks for your insights, enthusiasm and wisdom. They will all help to make 2010 an absolutely super year — the year it finally happens.

Best to everyone,

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great list! i guess a big thing i learned was i always underestimate myself. i thought i couldn’t deadlift my body weight and here i am, doing it. =D

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I am more inspired by your comments every time I read them. Also, all of you who write in also help give me an extra push. I am just comming back after having had two auto accidents and because things are progressing slowly, it’s good for me to have all of you to help inspire me to keep going! My goal? To be in the best physical and mental shape in my life by age 50. That’s 2 years from now and you all help make this possible for me.

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Love the post Joel especially number 4 and 20 (lol) Learned a lot this past year the biggest game changer for me is to believe in myself and have confidence. And just because you possess those qualities doesn’t mean that you’re arrogant. Big fear of mine….. Also, Fear is not only paralyzing, but a waste of energy!

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I learned that I can deal with anything as long as I can come home to my sweet husband at night.

I also learned that I do not do early morning church, or class, or anything that requires me to be out of bed before 9 am.

I discovered sushi this year too! Who knew anything with raw fish and sea weed could end up in my dreams? haha.

And best of all, I re-learned that God never leaves us alone.

Here’s to 2010 being the best year ever!


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Awesome insights!

But I have a question about your high frequency solutions program.
Should I use the cywt system during it or eat more throughout the week? Also, how do the rest between sets work? As little rest as possible or atleist 30-45 seconds?

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