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3 Reasons YOU Want Muscle

Posted by Joel Marion

3 Reasons YOU Want Muscle
By Joel Marion & Vince Del Monte

It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, 22 or 62, attempting to lose fat or “get buff”, you WANT muscle.  In fact, we’ll venture to say that virtually everyone wants muscle (whether they know it or not), and here’s why:

1.  Building Muscle = Faster Fat Loss

Even if you’re primary goal is fat loss, you’d be extremely wise to build specific periods of time in to your training schedule in which you primarily concentrate on building muscle.


Muscle is metabolically expensive.

You see, for every pound of muscle you manage to add to your frame, you’ll burn an additional 40-50 cals per day. So, let’s say you gain 10 lbs; that means your body now REQUIRES 400-500 more calories to simply maintain its weight, posing several benefits:

  • You get to eat the same amount and lose fat faster OR
  • You get to eat more and lose fat just as quickly

Either way you look at it, that’s a pretty solid deal, only possible through the addition of calorie-burning lean muscle.

2.  Building Muscle = Easier Weight Maintenance

Let’s say you lose 30 lbs, which is awesome, but you fail to put on any appreciable amount muscle, or even worse, you lose muscle mass in the process (which is extremely common).

In either case, metabolism will in fact be slower after you’ve lost the 30 lbs than it was when you first started your fat loss journey…NOT what you want if your goal is to actually keep the weight off.

With the addition of lean muscle mass, your metabolism won’t be slower, it will be faster, making maintaining your new body incredibly easy.

Muscle is the difference between losing 30 lbs once and for all, and struggling to losing 30 lbs over and over and over again for the rest of your life.

Wouldn’t you love to just lose the weight once and never have to worry about “gaining it back”…again?

3.  Building Muscle = A Hotter, Sexier Body

Being thin is one thing, being hot is another.  And the latter is something only lean muscle can provide.

I think we’d all agree that while being thin is certainly better than being fat, what we truly want our bodies to look like goes far beyond simply being skinny.

For example, take a look at the photos below; these are both “size 2” bodies:


The difference:  one looks “okay” and the other is smokin’ hot.  The REAL difference:  Muscle.  While the same exact “size”, the physique on the right is comprised mostly of dense, shapely, tone muscle, while the image on the left…isn’t.

And for the guys, when it comes to taking your shirt off or being comfortable on the beach, we’d probably all agree that simply being “thin” or “skinny” isn’t where it’s at.  Muscle makes a dramatic difference in the way we look.  Just look at the before/after pics from these two clowns:



While the “before” photos were thin, there’s a world of difference in the confidence and general appearance of a physique possessing significantly more muscle.

How would your life change if YOU were to gain 5, 10, or even 20 lbs of lean muscle?

Both Vince and I can tell you that since our transformation, our entire lives have benefited massively because of one thing:  muscle.  It really can and does affect your entire life.

Comment Time:

How many pounds of lean, sexy muscle would you like to gain?  Respond in the comments section below along with any muscle building questions you might have.  Vince and I will be checking in throughout the day to answer your questions, and we’ll also select 2 “commentors” at random to receive a free muscle building “gift” ($97 value).

Talk to you in the comments section!

Joel and Vince

P.S.  If you have never commented on the blog, today is the day.  You might win something cool, and besides, when you take action and comment, it just reinforces your goals and pushes you even more toward achieving them.  We’re looking forward to YOUR comment below!


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506 comments - add yours
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Hey guys, thanks for the article – good insights on the importance of muscle. I’d like to gain 7 lbs of lean body mass while dropping about 10 more lbs of fat. Looking forward to cycling in some specific muscle building stuff into my resistance training and learning from you guys this week.


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I’m currently a size 4, but I want to be a MUCH hotter size 2 (like the girl in the pic). Bring on the lean muscle sexy-ness! I’m guessing maybe 5 lbs of lean muscle while dropping a bit more fat?

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I’d like to gain 20 lbs of muscle in the next 16 weeks. I’m eating a lot right now and training hard, but not really seeing huge gains. Hope to learn a thing or two this week to boost my progress.



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As the rest of the people, I’m always struggling around losing and gaining weight…as a matter of fact it’s always fat. So I will learn a lot this week and I hope it helps me to get back to a good shape!



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I’m looking over the next 18 weeks to gain 10-15lbs of muscle and of course lose body fat along with it. Have learnt a lot from you guys so far and looking forward to really kicking the muscle gain into action over the next few sessions with your tips and then I can look “kick-ass” in Fiji when I head there for a couple of weeks in September…

Thanks guys keep up the great work.


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I Enjoy reading.
My Goal is to get back down to 185( I have not been there for years).
I was up to 225 But now I coming down so far to 196. and love to get my chest abs abd butt back when I was younger. I am a going to do this… and be a hot a well developed and some of my friends…

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15-20 lbs of fat need to go… hopefully to be replaced by 15-20 lbs of lean muscle… Down from 260 to 217 over the course of about 9 months… you guys know your stuff for sure…

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I have been working extremely hard with my personal trainer and can see the difference in my upper body – even today I had a comment about I ripped I looked, that comment made my day…I am still learning everyday and reading all this info gives me even more motivation……bring it on :):)

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I have a lower back injury currently, would love to build more lean muscles but dont want to inflame the injury further. Am missing my workouts terribly….. Can you advise what I can / cant do in the interim in your next article.
thank you!!!

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wow awesome post.
If I saw this post before I lost 77 pounds through just cardio that would have changed my life entirely!!

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I’d like to gain 20 pounds of muscle.

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I’m into 7 pounds of fatloss, and then maybe 7-10 pounds muscle gain!

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hi,ive started working out and would like to gain 15lbs of muscle i weigh 165lbs and would like to learn how to gain musle by working out i do eat right 6 small meals snacks a day fruits veggies, eggs , would like to know what else can increase muscle mass for a fit but skinny 40 yrs man?

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I have lost about 38 lbs over the last year. Have kept most of that off. Am now a size 4, want to go to a size 2 and look like the lady on the right!! I have definitely added muscle but have not consistently been exercising over the last few months. Am going to be getting back into that now. Have Dr. K’s info and Joel’s exercises. Thanks

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Lose 12-15kg fat and gain 5kg muscle, would be ab-fab!

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Wow awesome post yet again!
If Only I saw this post before I lost 77 pounds through Cardio itself :/ since I was waaay new to this when I started exercising.
I would love to gain 30 lbs of LEAN, SEXY MUSCLES please. Since I am now weighing 151 lbs at 19% BF.
Is it ok to be losing weight while building muscle? How about sweating a lot and being out of breath when doing 3×15 reps?

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This is a pretty awesome post. And I love the before and after pics of Joel and Vince lol. I am not exactly sure how many pounds of muscle I’d like to gain, however, I am on Dr. K’s DEFl program and Joel’s CYWT program together at the same time. I have seen a tiny difference so far (Monday will be the beginning of my second week of both) and I have lost a few pounds :) I would prolly like to gain maybe 10-20 pounds of lean muscle because that would def help with the weight loss and also help with making my body more toned and healthier looking!

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Hey guys,
thanks for your cool blog today.
I am currently 165cm and 60kg – my scale says I’m at 26% of bodyfat. I don’t really know what I want to earn in muscle but I definitely want to go below the 20% mark in a foreseeable time whilst losing approximately 7kg (bodyfat that is).
I’ve been working out for the past 7weeks now but the scale is either making fun of me or I’m really plateauing already (I lost 3 kg in the first 3 weeks) and approximately 2% of bodyfat). Further, I see drastic changes in my upper body (especially the ab region, whilst focussing on weight training and not ab exercises) but my lower body seems unchanged – and that’s the part I think needs change the most urgently…
Hope you’ll have any suggestions.


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Thanks for the article. I have a question. I’m 59. Not over weight, in fact friends describe me as trim (for my age). Have been 68 – 70 kgs for as long as I can remember (all my adult life). All attempts to build muscle over the years have proved fairly fruitless. Given my age what would be a realistic goal?

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I’ve been slowly losing fat over the last 18 months or so, to a total loss of about 30 lbs. Now I would like to start adding some lean muscle mass. I think I would like to gain about 10 lbs of lan muscle. Keep up the good work.

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I have about thirty pounds to lose and am just getting started. I can’t do all the exercises because I am badly out of shape but I keep doing as much as I can and trying to complete the exercises as correctly as possible. I have finished week one of the thirty day program and begun week two. I can tell two things I am very badly out of shape and I can see a difference already. I love all the information I get in the blogs. It not only teaches me new things but also helps to keep me motivated. Keep up the great work and thank you!

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Currently I am 68.5 kg at 5’7”. I would like my weight to be around 71-72 kg. At the same time I would like to loose 2kg of fat. So I would like to gain around 5kg muscle.

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hi, i think i have lost some fat, but there are specific areas that i want to lose that fat but am ubable to. i need to lose more tummy fat as well as underarm fat. Please help!!!!!

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Dear friends,
Muscles for 3 reasons. So true and yet so overlooked.So obvious and yet , not visible. So simple and yet, that complicated.
Everybody knows it and yet many people don’t apply it !

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10lbs of muscle would be good 15lbs of muscle would be better

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