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3 Reasons You CAN’T Kill Belly Fat

Posted by Joel Marion

Part II of this article is now posted HERE.


My buddy Josh Bezoni posted the below article to his site the other day, and I thought it was so important that my readers get this information that I asked him if it’d be okay to repost it on my blog.  Well, not only did he give me the go ahead, but he also told me that he’ll be stopping by the blog today so both him and I can answer your specific belly fat burning questions in the comments section below. 

So, enjoy the below article, and make sure to drop a question or comment in the comments section.  Josh and I will be stopping in all day to answer!

3 Reasons You CAN’T Kill Belly Fat
By Josh Bezoni

Can you really drop up to 11 pounds from your body (and belly) in just 7 days (and keep losing it at a record pace for weeks to come)?

Believe it or not…the answer is a shocking YES. And you don’t have to starve yourself or do endless exercise, either… AND you can still eat your favorite foods. In fact, it’s an important part of my new 7-Day Belly Blast Diet… YIPPEEE!

But before we talk about how to do this, today I want to talk about 3 things…

1. The extreme dangers of belly fat

2. How to know if you have too much belly fat, and…

3. The 3 reasons you haven’t been able to KILL your belly-bulge and what to do about it.

Then in tomorrow’s article I am going to show you how to overcome the problems that I reveal today. So, be sure to look for that update tomorrow. For now, get educated below!

The Extreme Dangers of Belly Fat

Doctors around the world agree that belly fat (in particular, the internal belly fat that surrounds our organs) is the most dangerous kind of fat there is.

I guess you could say it’s, “Public Enemy #1” when it comes to your health (and appearance).

The reason?

Internal belly fat surrounds all of our vital organs inside our abdominal cavity, and because of this, it can “interfere” with our body’s natural physiological functions.

This can lead to health issues such as insomnia, headaches, anxiety, and depression, joint pain, infertility, low energy, allergies, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and the list goes on and on.

To make matters even worse, excess belly fat dramatically increases the chances of potentially deadly illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, Alzheimer’s, and even stroke.

And if all of that weren’t enough that dreaded belly bulge makes us look less attractive and it can demolish our self-esteem and confidence to boot.

Not good…

How Do You Know If You Have Too Much Belly Fat?

The science says if a man has a belly circumference of more than 40 inches, and a woman has a belly circumference of more than 35 inches–measured around the widest section of the stomach at the belly button–then they’re in a very high risk category for conditions I mentioned above.

Another way to know if you have too much belly fat is to simply divide your height in inches by two. Your belly fat circumference (again measured around the belly button), shouldn’t be more than half your height. So, for example, if you are 5’10 tall (70 inches), your “belly measurement” should not exceed half of that, or 35 inches.

But, let’s face it; you don’t need to do all these measurements to know if you have too much belly fat. All you need to do, right now, is place your hands on your belly and take a squeeze. If you’re getting a big, ol’ handful of belly blubber then you know that it’s time to do something… and fast.

The 3 Reasons You Can’t KILL Belly Fat

As I mentioned in a previous article, I used to be 32 pounds heavier than I am right now. It was quite embarrassing really; here I was a “diet guru,” but I was clinically obese and feeling very ashamed about my body.

And the worst part was, even though I was a real pro at knowing how to lose weight and keep it off, none of my old tried-and-true strategies seemed to work for me anymore.

Because of this, I had to go back to the drawing board and develop a completely new set of sneaky tricks to burn belly fat and keep it off for life. I studied countless scientific journals, talked with top experts, and used myself as a guinea pig for months.

During this process, I discovered the 3 reasons I wasn’t able to KILL my belly bulge, and luckily, I was also able to discover exactly how to overcome and solve these seemingly insurmountable challenges (which I’ll talk about more, tomorrow).

So, without further adieu, here are the 3 reasons I couldn’t KILL my belly bulge and I’m positive they’re the exact same reasons you haven’t been able to kill yours either.

Reason #1: You’re a Basket Case

Okay, all kidding aside, here’s something very important to understand… when your mind is not at peace and not “in balance,” all sorts of belly-bulging hormones go “wacky” and out of control. This can really cause some serious belly bulging.

What causes this imbalance?

  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Running yourself ragged at work and with family obligations
  • Worrying and stressing about life…

As a result of mental and emotional stress, your body will automatically release a fat storing hormone called Cortisol. This is bad because Cortisol’s favorite thing to do is to “redirect” fat storage to your abdominal area.

Scientists believe your body does this as a natural “preservation technique.” You see, constant stress sends a signal to your body that it’s under attack and your body responds by storing belly fat reserves around your organs to 1) protect them and 2) to make this fuel source available for quick energy needs.

You see, you body is somewhat lazy (read: efficient) and in times of stress it doesn’t want to pull energy [fat] from far away, like your leg for example. It wants fat close to your internal organs… in your belly.

But don’t worry, tomorrow I’m going to talk about some simple techniques you can use to “decompress” and get your fat storing hormones back in balance fast.

Reason #2: Your Body is Like a Vending Machine

If you peer through the glass of most vending machines you will see a bunch of sugar-filled, chemically-stuffed, over-processed, “dead food” that is slowly killing you, bite by bite. (Ouch…)

And because we eat this type of food wayyyyy to much (and I’m also talking about fast food and processed food), our bodies quickly become what we eat.

We’re “walking vending machines”—slow, sluggish, and falling apart with each awkward step.

Here are the A, B, C’s of what makes bad food, well… bad:

A. Obesity Additives:

Did you know that most of the tens of thousands of food items which line our grocery store shelves are made and controlled by only four or five GIANT multinational food corporations who only have one goal in mind—to make more and more money? It’s true.

What’s more, the food chemists that work for these food kingpins are paid big bucks to create “Frankenstein foods” that are manufactured within huge, robotic, assembly-lined factories.

Here, they dump all kinds of (mostly) man-made preservatives, additives, and chemicals into the recipes for our favorite meals and snacks–in just the right amounts–so these “fake foods” can sit on grocery store shelves for months, years, and even decades, without going bad. (YUMBO!!)

Out of these toxic food chemicals, I have identified 7 that I not-so-lovingly refer to as “Obesity Additives.” I call them this because research shows they have a big, negative impact on our health and waistlines.

And, all you need to do to experience some SERIOUS weight loss fast is to exorcise these “DEMONS” out of your kitchen.

How Do These 7 Obesity Additives Make You Fat?

Good question. Studies show…

  • Two of these additives interfere with a hormone called leptin which sends a signal from our stomachs to our brains to tell us we’re full. Without this signal we keep eating and eating.
  • Other Obesity Additives create weight gain by causing hormone imbalances. That’s right, a fat-storing hormone called insulin skyrockets in your body (hello belly fat!), while a fat-burning hormone called glucagon is shut off. (Not good.)
  • Another additive (in excess) can cause a mineral imbalance in your body that causes you to become “bloated” with water weight all the time. (Ever feel bloated?)
  • And yet science has proven that some Obesity Additives actually addict us and cause us to eat uncontrollably by altering brain chemicals called neurotransmitters—just like the street drugs cocaine, morphine, and nicotine do. (Maybe this why you can’t “eat just one.”)

With these Obesity Additives working against you, it’s no wonder you haven’t been able to win the belly bulge battle in the past. Failing to lose weight isn’t always your fault.

B. Uncontrollable Cravings:

Here’s something you may not realize… your body is severely undernourished and starving for certain nutrients. You see, your body needs specific macro and micro nutrients to run properly or you will get mentally and physically sick. I’m talking about illnesses such as heart disease, some cancers, diabetes and depression, for starters.

So, if you’re not eating the right foods that are packed full of nutrients your mind will constantly “scream” at your stomach to eat more. It does this in the form of cravings and hunger.

Problem is, most people just eat more “nutrient-dead junk food” and their bodies continue to starve and cravings spiral out of control. (If you feel hungry all the time, now you know why.)

C. Toxic Waste Buildup:

As I keep repeating (like a mantra), my goal is to help you drop up to 11 pounds of belly fat, excess water, and “toxic waste” from your body over the next 7 days.

Well, we’ve come to the part of today’s update where I talk about ridding your body of pounds of “toxic waste.” And what I mean by “toxic waste” is, well… poop that has built up in your digestive tract. (Not a pleasant dinner conversation, I know.)

I’ll put it like this… if you think your bulging belly or “pooch” is all fat… think again.

Not eating the right kinds of foods causes waste to become backed up in your colon and intestines. This can give you a permanently bloated appearance.

What’s more, when your digestive system is clogged and polluted, you can’t efficiently absorb the healthy proteins, carbs, essential fats, water, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients your body desperately needs to be healthy and to burn fat at an accelerated rate.

As I mentioned in “B” above, when your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs, it signals your mind to tell your stomach to EAT MORE by causing uncontrollable cravings.

As you can see, this is a big problem. You need to keep your digestive system clean to fight hunger.

With this in mind, tomorrow, I’ll reveal how to get your digestive system going and detoxify your system of unhealthy chemicals without harsh laxative drugs or starvation diets.

Reason #3: Your Belly-Burning Furnace is Busted

Another BIG reason you haven’t been able to kill belly fat is because your belly-burning furnace (metabolism) is on the blink.

So instead of humming along burning thousands of calories a day, it’s sputtering and jerking down the calorie-burning-highway in the slow lane. Or, you may even be pulled off to the side of the road with the hood open and the engine smoking.

But why? Good question.

A. You’re Not Eating Enough Food, at The Right Times

Here’s the problem… when most people want to lose weight, they begin to severely cut calories. Sure, they might start losing some weight temporarily, but this calorie restriction method will soon backfire and mangle their metabolism for two reasons:

1. As you’re probably aware, cutting calories leads to uncontrollable hunger and cravings because your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs to function and be healthy. This causes severe hunger and cravings, and eventually breaks most people mentally… and causes them to lose control, overeat, rebound, and gain even MORE weight than where they started.

2. After about a week of dieting, the hormone levels in your body that are responsible for keeping your metabolism humming along (like the master weight-controlling hormone leptin and the thyroid hormones) start adapting to your new calorie intake, and they plummet like a piano off the Empire State Building. This causes your body to conserve calories.

At the same time, the fat-storing hormone insulin goes berserk as does a hormone called cortisol that is responsible for storing belly fat skyrockets. As a result, your weight loss will come to a screeching halt. At this point, you’ll need to reduce your calories even lower to keep losing weight, or you’ll need to do MORE exercise to burn even MORE calories. (Not fun… I’ve been there.)

B. You’re Eating Foods With Low “Thermal Burn”

Make no mistake, some foods will fix a “mangled metabolism” by increasing your calorie-burning furnace BIG TIME, while others can actually hurt your metabolism and stop it dead in its tracks.

The truth is, calories from different types of food act very differently once inside your body. Some of them ignite what I call “Thermal Burn” and others are plain “Thermal Duds.” (For some reason, now I’m thinking of the little “Milk Duds” chocolate candies. As Homer Simpson would say, “Mmm duds…”)

Heck, the “Thermal Burn” of some natural foods is so high that they don’t even register on the calorie scale. They’re “FREE Foods” that you can practically eat non-stop without gaining an ounce.

Tomorrow I’ll be talking more about how to eat specific Thermal-Burn MEALS throughout the day so you can wage WAR against your metabolism and WIN.

Now I realize I said there were only three reasons why people can’t lose belly fat, but come to think of it there’s actually four. Let me explain…

Reason #4: You Try to “Go” it Alone

Here’s an interesting fact. Recently, doctors and researchers from the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, performed a unique weight loss study and discovered one somewhat “unusual” factor had a profound effect on weight loss over those who DIDN’T have this factor present. Do you know what that factor was?

Social support.

And do you know just how MUCH of a difference it made? A LOT. In fact, those who had a support system in place, such as attending support meetings to encourage them and keep them accountable during their weight loss journey, lost an average of 225% more weight over the two year study period!


That’s why, tomorrow, I’ll reveal how you can get your very own support group to make sure you achieve accelerated weight loss results, too.

So there you have it, my 3 (actually 4) reasons you haven’t been able to kill belly fat in the past.

I’m betting that you didn’t even know some of these problems existed. But don’t despair, now that you’ve become aware of these challenges, in tomorrow’s update I’m going to reveal the SOLUTIONS to each and every obstacle standing in the way between you and your flat belly, so that you, too, can drop as much as 11 pounds of belly fat, excess water, and “toxic waste” from your body in as little as 7 days!

Make sure to look for tomorrow’s email update—you DON’T want to miss it. I’ll talk to you more then…

With Energy!

Coach Josh

Part II of this article, 5 Sneaky Tricks to KILL Belly Fat Fast is now posted HERE.


KILLER information!  Post your questions and comments for me and Coach Josh below and we’ll be checking back in all day to give you individual attention!

Keep rockin’!



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47 comments - add yours
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Thank you so much Joel & Josh. The article was so interesting and beneficial for me. Thanks again.

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nice article – very helpful. I am from India and don’t eat much of processed foods at all – yet i find my belly and hips HARD to reduce – any suggestions on diet modification?

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This makes sense, however what is up for someone like me? Example, I am a female 5’2 125 lbs, I have very lean and muscular arms and legs, wide shoulders and back. I lift heavy 3 days a week and do HIIT (real hard core HITT) 2 days a week. I eat clean and have 2 or 3 cheat meals a week at the most. I hate fast food, don’t drink, don’t do dairy eat my vege’s and small servings of fruit I stay away from all breads and pastas. I am 100% happy with every part of my body except the inch or two of fat that sits vertically directly ontop of my abs. I can push my finger through it and feel rock hard abs underneath. No matter what I have tried, I can’t lose it. Some is lose skin from having kids but the rest is the stuff that I can grab and pull away from my body. I don’t believe it is the viseral fat that is dangerous. My cholesteol is 140! I am healthy healthy healthy according to my blood work, so what about me??? I don’t fall into the catagories as described above. Is it just genetics…becuase this ain’t no beer belly, I work out hard, real hard and can’t get it to budge.

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Hey guys, loved the information in this article as it hit the nail on the head with my current problems. Just came out of a very stressful and exhausting relationship, now raising 4 kids on my own with little to no help at all. For the last 12 years I have battled tummy bulge, ironically I have very little fat elswhere on my body but feel constant embarrassment at my stomach. Well your emails every day have inspired me and I just wanted to tell you ,.. Lol to tell anyone that in the last 6 weeks I’ve lost 15 kilos with eating more often lol and relaxing more (mentally and emotionally) still enjoy zumba too much though lol. I love getting your info and feel that in itself is my support system :-) only 9 more kilos to go and I’ll be in a bikini for summer here in Australia :-)

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I am in your exact same shoes…..except that I don’t have any kids :o( Those 2-3 inches just won’t go away……

@ Sumer:

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I’m 6ft 5 so I have a lot of extra give for bigger belly ;o)

But seriously a bit of common sense as Josh says is the key. My biggest problem is the sleeping part and stressful life due to the shortage of work.

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Hey Guys, great article, I’m sure you’ll get a lot of questions from it & people looking in at tomorrows article. I understand the need to detox is imperative for posting those big weight loss numbers & maintaining a healthy weight. I was struggling after 6 months of my initial program with reaching my goal body fat % & increasing my muscle mass. I found a detox program that I did over 3 months along with using Vince’s trick of Cayenne Pepper & lemon water. It really helped afterwards & my body felt so much better & I got the results I was after.
After a year of travelling along with the few added Kilos I can imagine the toxins that would have built up in my system that I’ll need to eliminate from my body when I get back into my full program at home. While the 3 month full body detox worked, it was quite expensive & lengthy, I’ll be very interested to hear your methods or recommendations for detoxing hoping they won’t be as lengthy or expensive but just as effective.
Thanks boys!!

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You’re right on point – especially with processed food, junk food and empty calorie snacks. Six months ago I weighed 200lbs and carried most of my fat around my gut. I cut out all chocolate, candies, cookies, doughnuts, ice cream and anything with refined sugars and replaced them with fruits and vegatables. today I weigh 167lbs. I am amazed what a difference it makes. In addition I eat no trans fat and limit my saturated fat intake and only eat foods with the “good fat.” I am on my way to my ideal weight of 155lbs. The funny thing is I don’t miss all those sugar filled foods and snacks. I had forgetten how good and the wide variety of fruits there are in my local supermarket.

Looking forward to your article tomorrow.

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This is extremely important to me. SInce I had my son, I put on 30 lbs of fat, that won’t go away. I have been active all of my life, and before my son had a very toned tummy and core. This inability to lose the fat based on what I’ve learned from fitness instructors and doctors is very discouraging, and it’s attacking my self-esteem. I can’t wait for the rest of the information.

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Hi Joel,
Josh mentions obesity additives that halt fat loss. Specifically which additives interfere with Leptin and which are the culprits for hormonal and mineral imbalances?


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I am so desperate to lose my belly fat. That’s where most of my fat lives. However, Josh says his program will be “affordable for everyone”. I’ve seen that before. Probably means $99, and that is way not affordable for me. So I am trying to put together as much info between you, Joel and Josh, so that I can hopefully have some kind of success. I have to lose this belly fat or diabetes is in my future for sure, and who knows what else. Not to mention the constant, bloated, uncomfortable feeling. Joel I read your articles here all the time and have been reading Josh’s all week. I’m very intrigued. Thank you for the info. I’m sending this article to my dad. I am very worried about him. He’s 80 and looks like he’s pregnant with triplet bowling balls. Thanks much.

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Just a thought, if your cholesterol is 140 that is much too low. According to Dr Mary Enig who is an expert on fats and fat motabolism, studies have shown that people with exceptionally low cholesterol are at greater risk for death then people with moderately high cholesterol. Maybe your issue is genetic but you may want to look into this just to make sure everything is ok. And by the way my cholesterol at one time was 150 with meds, the doc took me off the meds and now that my cholesterol has gone up and my ratios are much better expecially my hdl and ldl ratios he says my blood profile is excellent. I believe the who cholesterol thing is a scam for companies just to sell meds. Also I am 5′ 2″ and a healthy and work out daily I also cannot budge my weight and tummy fat and basically I eat like you, I am 42 pretty sure that has something to do with it, even though I lost 90 pounds last year in about 6 months. Now I am pretty much plateud. oh well 90 is better then nothing lol. @ Sumer:

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Very good timing for me personally to be reading this article. I’ve been so discouraged about my inability to lose this belly fat… *deep sigh*, but you’re renewing my hope. Thank you! I do have a question: what is your stance on Candida overgrowth (possibly) hindering weight loss? I remember reading in an Atkins book a few years ago that Mr. Atkins had a client who couldn’t lose weight until she got the Candida under control…, then she started to lose like normal. I have Candida issues… and that’s why I’m curious about your opinion or research or experience…… Thank you for your willingness to help.

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I want to start off by saying thank you for all your hard work and dedication, which brings up the point of my comment. The key word hear is ACTION, it has been my experience to do alittle bit everyday, just to get the energy in motion, yes reading or watching videos is a great way to get ideas or even tweaking your program but you have to be willing to take that first step, I truly believe that each and everyone of us has that power within and you can access that power by:

1.. Taking action
2.. Knowing what you really want
3.. subscibe to your newsletter/create a plan of attack

Once again thank you Josh, Joel, Dr. K, Vince, Tom , Greg, Jason, and anyone else I missed for all that you have done

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Great article, Josh! Thanks for reposting it, Joel. I’m always on the lookout for cutting edge information, and can hardly wait for tomorrow’s article.

I want the lowdown on soy: I’ve heard so many confusing and conflicting things. I actually like tofu and soymilk, but I’ll cheerful change things up for maximum health benefit.

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@ Sumer:
I am in the same boat.
Some say it is due to excess stress releasing too much cortisol, so try to get enough rest and relaxation.
I spoke with a cosmetic surgeon who said there is not enough fat to treat, but it sure looks like an ugly muffin top over my jeans.
Some say it is stretched skin from popping out babies.
I followed the Joel Marion plan, which helps me maintain currrent weight and 32% body fat, but it won’t budge.
I have done cleanses, so no toxic waste left either.
Any real solutions out there, or do we just curse the dumb menopause??

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PLEASE— I forgot the five foods and I do not want to go through all the reading AGAIN. Please just tell me what they are—avocado? eggs? what else>


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I have wide hips, but not much belly fat at all. My measurement at my belly button is bigger than 35″, but it is at the widest part of my hips. My waist to hip ratio is about 0.7. So does the term belly fat include hip fat as well?

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@ Sumer:
You’re story is very close to mine. I do eat dairy, but usually just yogurt once in awhile low fat cheese. I’m fairly happy with the rest of me, but that belly fat just seems to hang around. I’m 5’3″ and currently weight 134, my goal is between 125-128. I’ve had two c-sections and I’m 46 years old. I’ve only been working out hard and eating clean since June. I’ve lost 14 lbs and gained muscle. Maybe it’s just a really lengthy process?

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Joel, you and your buddies have such great information. I’m 68 years old. Raised five kids by myself. Gained a lot of weight. I do not describe myself as apple but half an apple. Most of my weight is in my stomach and abdomen. No backside, slim legs and arms. I have lost 20 pounds in a year and a half. My cholesterol has always been over 200. It is now 197. I am still pre-diabetic. I really want to get this last 30 pounds off. I have a rotator cuff injury but still started exercising. Then I took up bowling and my thighs have been killing me for over two weeks now. So I have not done too much extra exercising. Any help with belly fat or injury proof exercise is so greatly appreciated. You guys rock.

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Hi all, the article is really informative and true. I personally Im eliminating all kinds of artificial additives to my food as much as I can. I think you can eat really well without the added flavor. Would someone that has been on diets before have a harder time losing weight if they go on another diet? That is what is happening to me now. Im not losing fat as fast as I would like.
Thank you.

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Thanks guys! This is fascinating material, I can’t get enough! :D

I just love learning more about how my body works and the physiology behind it. Although I already knew much of this information, there always seems to be something new brought to the table. Keep up the great work and I look forward to hearing more tomorrow!

Thank you again for everything you guys do. You truly are changing people’s lives.


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@ Dianne:

Hey Dianne… the obesity additives I talk about are excess sale, MSG (which is in a LOT of processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, environmental estrogenic compounds, sugar, excess alcohol, and some artificial sweeteners.

Thanks for writing!

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I meant “salt” not “sale.” :)

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Hi guys, I am soooo confused. I keep reading a lot of information(maybe too much) and I don’t know what to do. I am a 55 year old female who needs to lose about 50 lbs. I have menopause issues going against me also. I just want a program to follow that works. I have started exercise and watching what I eat but I need a plan of fat attack! Help! Should I Fit over 40, 7 Day Belly Blast, what????
Thanks for any insight.

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