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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 System!

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!




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3,075 comments - add yours

I need this program because I am tired of feeling frumpy
and lethargic and I miss my beautiful body back that I had
just 3 short years ago.

I need this program because I want a fresh, smart, strategic
and fast way to lose fat and motivate me to work hard to
get lean and healthy again.

I need this program because I have a burning desire to take
my body beyond where I was 3 years ago and I believe those
kind of results can ONLY be achieved through professional help.

I need this program because from everything I have read,
Joel Marion is an expert of experts in the fitness field, is well
respected and has designed other programs that deliver
amazing results.

I need this program because Joel Marion is making
revolutionary discoveries about the body’s fat burning
behavior through his exhaustive research and dedication
and because both my body and mind currently and
truly require a revolutionary discovery! :)

I need this program because I HATE MY FAT and I am
ready to get serious with fat loss. Bring it on!

I want this program for both me and my father. My father is severely overweight and need to loose weight for his health, I also want the program to get super lean (currently 10%BF). Also I though if we did the program togeather he would remain motivated to loose the weight and get fit and health.

Why do I need the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 program? Because I am extremely fat and need to do something about it. I currently weigh 297 and nothing I have tried so far has worked. My dream weight is about 200. Weight loss is complicated for me by age (61). Each year my metabolism seems to get a bit slower. At 200 pounds, I would be 13%-15% bodyfat which is quite respectable for an old fart such as myself. Unlike younger people who have more time to find what works for them I need help now so I can enjoy what life still has in store for me.

CHEAT DAY?? Yeah right! Those were my exact thoughts upon first reading your article because of the lack of information I had on your particular style of dieting. As I continued to read I realized more in your free articles than I have in anything I have read over the past year. I will be dedicated to this diet as I have with others, except this time i believe that with the dedication to the diet and program i will see amazing results! I look forward to receiving great results and being a strong advocate for the program. I am a college student so despite my efforts to diet properly there are days when food options are not ideal and this diet can work out perfectly for the lifestyle that I live. I will use this diet to propel me forward into the world of mixed martial arts. These posts have inspired me to try for those abdominal muscles that I have been close to but have never had. I have learned through these posts that i will never see these abs without the proper diet, as that is most important. By utilizing that with calorie deficits and keeping my leptin levels high with a cheat day once a week, I can increase fat loss while not sacrifice muscle mass. Thank you for your articles they are truly inspiring. Keep up the good work!

Well, Joel, I’m a 45 year old mother of 5 lovely kids (ages 7 through 17), and the very happy wife of a terrific husband. My life is blessed and I am content, except not with my waistline. Though I get on my treadmill, that is not enough to really transform my body and get rid of the unnecessary fat. Because I am busy with the responsibilities of my family, I need an effective meal plan and workout plan, all laid out for me to follow. I really need to be told what to do. This is where you come in. I can really use your Xtreme Fat Loss system! Please, pretty please! Pick me pick me pick me!

Hi, I have been reading all the information and it has gotten me started. I need more help. I have tried everything and nothing seems to work. I now have finally been learning things to help me. Your information is the only thing that has helped. I have been up and down trying to lose. Please help me before I ruin my health.

i usually follow health blog and eat healthy but this would really help me step up and take the next step in a big way!

I had met with an accident back in US last year. And After that I was Advised to take a six months break to recover. And that period i was entirely just sitting at home and less active and medicines side effects was that i kept on putting on weight. So kept on Putting on weight and fat kept on increasing in my body. Now doctors have recommended me to loose at-least 75 to 90 pounds of weight so that I can start leaving a healthy life and am does not reach the Danger zone of obesity level. I have and had tried many weight-loss products and many other weight-loss schemes and system and nothing seems to work on me. So in short I can say I have tried and test many things for loosing weight but nothing seems to work on me. And its high time i get healthy and loose all that fat and weight and become physically strong so that i can bounce back in the social circuit and also my career and i get rid of inferiority complex inside me that i developed due to the way i have started looking after putting on too much weight.

A sophomore in college, I currently have one year experience in the weightlifting and nutrition world, aspiring to someday being a certified trainer. At first I was lenient with my diet, then decided to take it more seriously and journeyed into Paleo and Leangains, reading other names like Alan Aragon, Martin Berkhan, etc. At this point, I’ve hit a plateau and has actually hit me in a negative way. With stress and homesickness, I’ve developed a bad binge eating disorder. I felt with all the dogma and opinions out there and restrictions and rules along with college life and not able to sleep well that I started to put myself in a vicious cycle, and have started to seek therapy for it. I’m really just appalled now at how expensive it is to be healthy, and by that I mean: most health related diets or tips cost money. It can’t just be free or AT LEAST for a reasonable price (which people like you, Joel, and others are able to do for us), as it is hard enough to buy the right foods on a tight budget, and now I need an expensive book or program to show me what to eat.

Even if I’m not picked, I feel that I’m really intending on purchasing your system anyway, given your association with people like John Romianello. If I am picked, I feel I could scorch through my final stubborn pounds of fat and make a great success out of myself.

I want to be healthier for ME. I’m doing some things to change my life for the better and this is a piece of it. Thanks to you and your team for all the time, effort and expertise you have put into this program. Most of us won’t win the free edition, but I feel that everyone who really puts 100% into following your program will be WINNERS! Thanks again for what you do!

I have succeeded at many things in my life that pertain to others. Raising four kids, the last ten years as a single parent and helping them get thru 4 year colleges. I worked sometimes 2 or three jobs, all which I loved in one way or another, to make ends meet. Volunteering at Soup Kitchens and Shelters, was amazing and enriched my life. Somewhere along the way I lost sight of MY fitness, health and doing something for me. I want to be a SHINING example of great self care and physical fitness now. Just show me the model, I am ready to step up and be the healthiest me.

Xtreme plan for me will be the next step in this journey to success, being 188 pounds, 54 yrs and in menopause with the, bad experience of hormone treatment, Determination is my middle name and even if i have to buy this, i will do this for the benefit of being at goal weight and healthy too. Very proud to let you know that we were delighted to incorporate the cheat day, nifty idea and it works! help with all those nasty cravings. Cheat day is the most beautiful thing that both me and my husband look forward to every Friday evening, we make it a date and plan ahead.

Joel, I REALLY need this program. My metabolism is really whacked out from past dieting, and I tend to have blood sugar ups and downs. I lost 70 lbs, but gained it all back, and have a much higher percentage of fat than before. I need to lose fat rapidly and gain muscle due to health problems. I have suffered muscle loss, and now it is really hard for me to burn fat (tests my Dr. performed confirmed this). From the updates, it sounds like this program will help offer me the “smart fix” I need to keep leptin levels high and exercise properly to rebuild muscle and keep from loing more muscle mass. Please help me recover my health!

I had a hysterectomy at age 34, and now I have tried everything, from low carb diets to low fat diets to really weird cabbage soup diets and even diet drugs. Now I am facing hormone replacement therapy because at age 38 (yes 38!) I am going through menopause. I exercise daily (hiking, biking, walking, some strength training) and the weight won’t come off. I need to be healthy and feel good…for myself and for my kids. I would love to find something that actually works!

Hey Joe! Next year I’m starting highschool (scary!) and I want to look and feel my best – I’m sure you can relate. I’m a shorty, so as you know, even though I’m the same weight as most my friends, I look extremely “stocky” since it’s the same amount of fat on a smaller frame. I am a hard worker and really want to look my best – your program looks phenomenal, and I am looking forward to using it.

Hi Joel

Thanks for your research and great information. I’m now in my 40’s and the metabolism isn’t what it used to be. It’s becoming increasingly harder and harder to keep the pounds from creeping up on me. I’ve been exercising allot more the last 2 years and I’m showing an increase in muscle and strength, but what’s always been difficult for me has been the diet part of the equation. I’m a road warrior and drive over 10K miles a year and fly an additional 50K per year. I’m either eating in an airport or at a restaurant and it’s really tough to eat clean in those kinds of environments. I’m hoping your latest work can finally help me with the missing piece that’s keeping me from my goals. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy, appreciate the help.

Hey Joel, I have been in a rut for the last while with exercise and I was going to get back into it soon. I have one problem though, ever since I read the emails I’m subscribed to you for I’ve been putting hours into reading more about things you mention talking about the XFLS and I just can’t get back to it because I’m hooked, I am completely hooked and want this fat loss system very badly!!
Please consider me for a winner!! :D

Joel my brother,

I need this system so that I can finally figure out the fastest healthy methods to lose FAT! I also really want to know how the exact/best integration of fasting and over-eating influences my bodies ability to continue to burn fat and its highest rate consistenly. I’m a semi-pro football player and I’ve been training mostly to get stronger but I want to look ripped and be as lean as possible! Basically the less body fat the less dead weight I need to move when playing. Plus, I live in hawaii so you know I gotta have the beach body year-round.

Aloha and God bless

1. I have tried others diets including online ones
2. I am almost 60 and can’t seem to keep from gaining weight even when I am careful about what I eat
3. I have a ‘burnt out’ shoulder that causes pain but there must be some exercises I can do so I can lose weight.
4. I want to live healthy for the rest of my life but don’t know how to begin
Thank you VERY much

Proper eating is highly complicated and after just reading some of your free tips, i learned so much especially how i have so much more to learn. Maximizing weight loss is not just calorie balance but when and what calories are just as you said. It has been hard to get my girlfriend and i to both lose weight with the same program but yours seems perfect for us since it deals with hormonal efficiency. You wont just be helping me, it will be helping us.

I was at my perfect weight, 133. I’ve recently lost six brothers & sisters plus a niece in a horrible accident right before Christmas. It took a month to find her body. Last month, my beloved Molly, a Tortie Point Himalayan, died just before turning 16 years old. I have developed an eating disorder due to all this grief and mourning, and I’m unable to get the weight I’ve gained under control. I will likely need counseling for grief and an eating disorder. I really need help! I’m still crying over the loss of Molly. She was my precious baby and I miss her with all my heart. I don’t remember life before her and I don’t like it much after her death.

Hi, I have been trying to get into shape and to be healthy for the last few years and I just can’t seem to find the time required to workout enough to get results with work and being a full time college student. I heard about this and how it is easy and fast and how there is a specific plan to follow, and I thought maybe this would work (I love plans that tell me exactly what I need to do). I desperately need something, anything that will work, and make me healthier, and give me more energy than I have now!!


I grew up as a fat kid. My entire family is fat-obese. As a matter of fact, my brother is 10-11 waist sizes larger than me. I’ve been fighting with my weight ever since I was a teenager. I workout (weights, yoga, hiking) and I watch what I eat very carefully.
My body isn’t as young as I’d like it to be. I’ve had some joint problems which put me on a 6-month break from working out. While I’m back into my fitness program, I can’t seem to lose the flab.
I’m coming up on my 43rd birthday. Not only would it be a huge birthday present, I would hope to strive to be a testament to your program and set an example for others.

Hi J,

Your program will help me loose fat which because of suffering from arthritis is very hard for me. I really wanna be there for my family and live like all fit people in the world but with my weight and rhuematoid arthritis it only feels like a dream to loose weight… I look forward to using your program to loose weight and maintain it with light exercises i m capable of.

Thanks for making the world a better place…

I have the original plan and it is great. Can’t wait for the newest edition.

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