So I started with this journey around four months ago to get in shape so I could enjoy life with my son. I have gone from 260 lbs to 219lbs with watching what I eat and going to the gym. This has been great but I still have at least 25lbs to go and I am finding out that if I keep doing what I am doing I will only be a thinner versions of me and I want more. I feel that reading about your system that you have found the key that will help me create a better version of myself.
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
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I am an older guy with a well developed spare tyre. I work out regularly with a range of activites ranging from squash, mountain bike, weightlifting and scuba, but can’t seem to shake the tyre and the moobs.
I have a sedentary job which doesn’t help either.
I would love to to see my Ab’s again and to look better for my lady.
These buy now products all promise the world and I get tired of buying stuff that doesn’t work. Good money after bad. It would be nice to get the product first and prove that it works.
I’m 51 and need to lose an extra 20 lbs and add lean muscle. I have been in Law Enforcements all my life. When I was young it was no problem But every year I get old and add more weight I can see were it’s getting tuffer for me to keep up with it. I feel I need a edge on the bad guys. This program seems like the real deal and what I need to achieve that!
This would be a good fit for me because I recently gained back 25 lbs after shedding a total of 100 pounds. I seem to be sooo stuck now! I can’t get that 25 to go away again.
It would be nice to actually win something too, because I rarely do.
I need this program because I am tired of feeling frumpy and lethargic and I miss my beautiful body that I had just 3 short years ago.
I need this program because I want a fresh, smart, strategic and fast way to lose fat and motivate me to work hard to get lean and healthy again.
I need this program because I have a burning desire to take my body beyond where I was 3 years ago and I believe those kind of results can ONLY be achieved through professional help.
I need this program because from everything I have read, Joel Marion is an expert of experts in the fitness field, is well respected and has designed other programs that deliver amazing results.
I need this program because Joel Marion is making revolutionary discoveries about the body’s fat burning behavior through his exhaustive research and dedication and because both my body and mind currently and truly require a revolutionary discovery! :)
I need this program because I HATE MY FAT and I am ready to get serious with fat loss. Bring it on!
Dear Joel,
First of all, thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I will share why I believe I deserve this system. I have generally had a tall/slender frame until college when I came down with mononucleosis. On doctor’s orders, I was not allowed to exercise for 2 months, my metabolism became shot, and I gained far too much weight. Now that my health is restored, I am absolutely determined to look and feel the best as possible. With my height and looks, I have been told that I could pursue modeling, and I know what your system that I could attain truly remarkable results. So I would be honored to win because of my potential and the fact that I WILL give the program above and beyond 100%.
I need this because I am tired of being tired, and I am ready to look good and feel great.
I just turned 44 and after a few months of quitting smoking I have gained about 30 pounds. I have been trying to loose the weight and don’t seem to be achieving it. I have been diagnosed border line diabetic and taking medication for cholesterol. I feel with just a little help and some information at my fingertips I could get back down to a healthier weight.
Would love a chance to try this to lose the last 40.
Sorry no real sad back story, just allowed myself to get fat.
I’m 54. I have one hip replaced, and the other still to go, with a June appointment to get me on the list for surgery. Staying in shape without the benefit of running (which is what I used to do, along with goaltending in hockey) or any other lower-body exercise is very, very tough. I try to stick to a good diet, and try to eat four clean meals a day, and I try to stick to an exercise routine with weights that I have in my basement – but I’m also a new Dad – I have 6-year-old twins, and life isn’t all about me anymore. I know your plan isn’t without having to work for results. No plan that’s worth anything is easy, or everyone would have six pack abs.
I just know I’m never giving up on myself, so even if you don’t give me your program for free, I’m going to work and stick to clean eating and doing whatever exercises I can to get in the best shape of my life. It’s not too late. It’s never too late.
Thanks for reading this, and for the opportunity to be in the draw.
Continued success to you,
I am fat and I am lazy. Your program sounds very complete and very motivating. I have read through the testimonials and I am hopeful that your program could work for me too. I am praying that I win a free copy as I cannot buy one at this time. That you for the chance!
I am very very overweight and really need help. Please….
I’m currently about 5 weeks into a diet trying to get down to single digit bodyfat before i do a slow bulk. I want to compete in bodybuilding in about a year or so and I feel i need to get down to that level of fat to access my stengths and weaknesses to see what exactly I need to work on for the next 6-10 months. After seeing the results and the science behind your system, I need to have access to this information to get the results I need. I don’t want to settle, I want to get results. Your program will help me do that without a doubt in my mind. Thank you for the emails and articles. Keep em coming and I’ll keep reading them.
I’m 48 and have managed to regain a fair share of my younger physique through diligence and hard work. I’ve been working hard to regain the strength and hardiness of my youth for 5 years now and made good ground, for sure! But now I need to pull in the reinforcements. I need that extra support to not only drop the pounds gathered in my forties, but those that snuck in during my thirties.
I want to take my recent work and triple my effectiveness. I think your program can do that. Whether via a contest or off the internet shelf, this man is gonna listen to his advisers and take the next hill! Thanks in advance!
I used to work out all the time and was a healthy weight (145-155 lbs). Then I had 3 hip/pelvic surgeries with complications. Now because of genetics and/or avoidance therapy, I have 3 disc herniations, moderate spinal stenosis, and degenerative arthritis in my spine. Because of the back complications, I am not allowed to lift more than 3 lbs– so a gym membership is not useful to me. I am a Pediatrician, and am used to working 12 + hr days, so it is difficult to exercise after. I have weighed 207 lbs at the most. I have lost 11 lbs three times, but seem stuck there. I need to be able to lose weight to put less strain on my joints, but also because I would like to have a baby, and I have to have lost enough weight before pregnancy so that any weight I gain will not further injure my back. 3 days ago, I was told that my contract was being terminated and I need to find a new job. I am also in the beginning stages of a divorce. I could really use some good news right now. I also want to feel good about how I look. I am very motivated to use your program and “work smarter, not harder.” Thanks
Joe, I used to play sports, even ran a marathon a few years ago and then just stopped. I was never as I would say fit and always worked hard at what I got. I would say I was a nutrition and exercise book worm but never got the right program in my life. I travel frequently and have alot of windshield time (drive alot). I have enjoyed your emails and learning about Xtreme fat loss 2.1 and think that this can be right for me. It is time, being 47 about 40 lbs. to heavy, the time has to be now!! I want to be able to finally feel good in mys skin.
This sounds like it would work. I have tried many weightloss programs and have had a lot of weight loss. Knowing what type of food to eat and when to eat it, along with what type of exercise to do could be the key. I’m in dire need of this info thanks in advance.
I’ve recently hit a serious rough patch in my personal life, and have taken to “eating my feelings,” as they say, and ignoring exercise altogether. I need to whip myself back into shape, but I’m gonna need some help to do it in the healthiest way possible!
Joel, I used to play sports, even ran a marathon a few years ago and then just stopped. I was never as I would say fit and always worked hard at what I got. I would say I was a nutrition and exercise book worm but never got the right program in my life. I travel frequently and have alot of windshield time (drive alot). I have enjoyed your emails and learning about Xtreme fat loss 2.1 and think that this can be right for me. It is time, being 47 about 40 lbs. to heavy, the time has to be now!! I want to be able to finally feel good in mys skin.
Well Joel, The program seems to be so inspirational, in that it will give me a fighting chance to get things back on track again. I was involved in 2 car accidents 3 years ago and have gained alot a weight as a result, in fact 60lbs. I am just starting to be able to exercise without any pain and am ready to get things going again. I believe this program is just what I need to get my metabolism back in gear and to get these pounds to melt off. I want to be a success model for this program for others to see that your system actually works. Please give me the opportunity to be part of this fabulous program. Thank you.
Hi Joel,
I am a uni student and for the last couple of years i have been very interested in your work. Two years ago i bought the 1000 calorie challenge system and was very impressed with the results. I feel that this system will offer more to my knowledge and add onto what i learnt from the 1000 calorie challenge. This system seems very easy to follow, but at the same time, i am willing to put in the hard work and sacrifice what is needed to get the best results. Thank you Joel for giving everyone this opportunity.
I am ready to eliminate the fat that is slowing me down. I have grandchildren I need to keep up with and I want to enjoy my ‘golden’ years. A program like this would be helpful in achieving my goals.
My Dr has told me that I need to be watching my blood pressure as my Systolic is slightly high. I have also been informed to lose weight to avoid being diabetic as I am obese. I am 5′ 11″ and weigh 250lbs. I have scoliosis, spondylotheosis (sp?) As well as Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, which is similar to M.S. My lower extremity muscles are supposed to get weaker progressively
I need to burn all the posible fat, I’m practising breakdance, a very extreme & demandant sport, in which I need to be super light and able to do very fast moves.
I have tried a lot of techniques for fat loss, but none is 100% efective (ones keep my hungry all time, others made me lose muscle instead of fat!!, and so on)
I need to overpass the plateau and become super-lean, this is the main goal now, I think if I have success I will improve very fast at breakdancing!!
Sorry for my english!! But I need to get in razor shapeeee soon!
Hey Joel,
I am so excited to see this program! I currently eat in the “zone, detox a couple times a year and have taken courses on periodization. I am a physical therapist that treats many athletes and am constantly recommending diet and ex options. But unfortuantely my program isnt working as well for me anymore. I am 40 this summer and have a 2 year old. I am having trouble getting rib of the extra body fat!! Help. Thank you so much for doing the research for us and I am looking forward to learning all the info on diet and insulin etc.