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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 System!

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!




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After an accident 18 years ago when my body was extremely broken up, it now trys to protect itself by adding extra padding resulting in a weight gain that is too much for my 5 foot frame. Over the past ten years I have tried every diet program and pill I could get my hands on with no success. After listening to your fat tips, I have managed to drop 5 pounds without hardly any trouble and am anxious to try this new program so I can finally get back to a normal weight and alleviate my back and knee problems. I will have more energy to play with my kids and pets and will experience more joy in my family life!

I am 55 years old and the last year I worked out at the gym trying to make myself healthier. I have become bored with that system and would like something new and more challenging so that as I get older I won’t have the common problems aged people have. I am currently very healthy and not on any medications and want to stay that way. The things you talk about in your videos make sense to me and I would like to try them. Thanks and good luck to all out there!

Hello there,
I can think of three reasons. I got married and gained some weight. I got divorced and gained even more weight. I decided to lose weight, workout like a mad man, and then… I snapped my biceps tendon, gained even more weight. Now that I am back in action, I am really starting to believe that nutrition is 90% of the battle. I am doing o.k., but want to be doing excellent.


I would like to win because 4 1/2 years ago my life fell apart. Challenging time with a teenager, 73 yr old father got ran over with a tractor, wife whose health deteriorated almost to death. This all happened very rapidly, in a space of 4 months, needless to say, depression set in…. Before that I was in top shape, golden glove boxer in my early twenties, tried natural body building, Tai chi, Jeet Kun Do, cycled almost everyday, gym 3 times a week etc…. Since then I have struggled getting in shape and losing the weight. I am 52 and would like to be active again. I should lose around 30 pounds of fat and gain 10 back in lean mass….. Need the jump start… (FYI, father recovered after 3 weeks in a coma and some rehab. Teenager straightened out after several years of rebellion, wife was diagnosed and treated and is about 95 % of her old self) I was there to get them all through their time and need to get back myself. I would be very grateful for the help.
Thank you.

Reading your posts and watching the videos have created an incredible curiosity about this program. I have tried other programs and lost weight, but it wasn’t done correctly and just didn’t work. I have been doing strength training for about 10 months, and have decreased my BMI, but I am not seeing my weight decrease like I wanted. I eat better and am very faithful to my exercise routine, but am at a loss how to get to a normal weight. A 25 pound loss would put me right where I want to be. I believe in your program and am anxious to try it. It looks like I will FINALLY get the results I want.

There is only so long I can keep saying that though I try to eat healthily and get to the gym regularly, the weight isn’t shifting because… my life is too hectic to concentrate in getting in shape, I work too much to exercise more, I can’t afford a personal trainer… nutritionist or more home exercise equipment… oh and my favourite that seems to satisfy everyone but me… genetics – who can fight them?

Time for a change of tune… I want the fit, strong, athletic and formidable me back… No more excuses…

From what I’ve read so far, common sense backed up with science & practical show-how is what this programme offers… That & a good kick in tail end is just what I need!!!

I’m not a gifted athlete. I have an endomorphic body type, hypoglycemic and have a naturally high insulin tolerance. I’ve tried everything and at one point, never fealt like I had a choice and was told I don’t have the body type that would allow me to see my abs.

Over the years I’ve learned that fat loss is more about strategy and working hard, moreso than working hard alone. As someone who’s completed the 1,000 Calorie Challenge 3 times, and also completed the original Xtreme Fat Loss program, I’ve changed the way I look at diet and exercize. Everything I’ve learned about how our bodies priotitizes it’s source of energy, such as carbohydrates, glygogen, muscle, and fat, and how hormones like leptin can be used strategically, are very motivating when you can see tangible results.

I know the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 is going to be gold. With other programs you’ve produced, the one aspect that is shared between them, that I really appreciate, is how consise and direct you present complex ideas about diet and exercize but more importantly, why and how they work. I trust that you make good products. Because of you Joel, I don’t have to read all the boring medical journals and studies that where conducted to produce this product (I actually like a lot of the grainular details though!).

I’m highly motivated by expanding my body of knowledge as a fitness enthuisiast and sharing my experience and expertise with my awesome, passionate fitness community here in the Bay Area. As someone who’s greatly benefitted from your news letters, blog posts and products over the years, I look forward to seeing the latest iteration of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 release.

I need this program because although I workout frequently and have done intense workouts, I have never been on or acquired workout program that has helped me lose fat while building muscle. I have a lot of body fat, even though I have a decent amount of muscle, and I would like to get rid of my man boobs and build muscle in that area. I don’t have access to equipment like sand bags, tires, a sledge hammer, or even a sled, and I wouldn’t even know where to put them. Life Time Fitness doesn’t have this equipment neither. I would like to reach 8% body fat while gaining some lean muscle. I need a workout program that I know I can rely on and use. Kyle Leon and some other programs sound great, but I don’t want to be cheated.

I’m 78 and need to loose but am having problems doing so. I really need
some help. Have tried many things but nothing seems to work. Because of
the weight I’m having trouble getting around. Please help me as I’d like to
enjoy the rest of my life however long it may be.

I am an older male diabetic. Since the time that I needed to take shots of insulin, my weight has climbed by 35 pounds. I need your system to help me shed the excess weight.

So far I have been able to resist the health issues my family has, but as I get older (54) it is becoming increasing difficult to stay healthy. I have sold the microwave and decreased my carb intake to fruits and veggies. Now I need the guidance and wisdom of someone who has been successful to go the extra mile to last another 40 years. I’ve learned a lot already and look forward to learning more and sharing it with my family. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

This will benefit me in so many ways.
Diet Nutrition Exercise, It will give me
the essential tools to change my life
for the better, I have been a yo- yo
dieter for the past 10 years or more
and have tried fad diets, diet pills the
works. I want a programme that will
change my habits in the long term and
with this extreme program I believe I
can do that.

Hi, my husband died of cancer in 2004, I was diagnoised with cancer later in 2004. My boss at the time said, if you are not back by ===== then we will have to replace you! So I went back to work in 3 weeks after a radical hyterectomy weighing 99 lbs. I literaly taught from a chair. I had a friend that helped me through it. He only knew me at 100 lbs. I am 5 ft 2 in tall. After I started to get well, I gained weight back. When I gained the weight, he pulled back. Eventually he left the picture after an off/on relationship for 6 years! Since then, I have not had a date. I am depressed over the loss of my husband, my friend and the weight gain. I need help…. I weigh 158 now and am miserable. I drink water, eat healthy food and I know the stress from teaching and the depression from having cancer, loosing my husband and my friend(whom I thought would be my new husband) has caused the continued weight gain. I also have had a son in trouble relationship, work and child wise. This has added extra stress to the situation and probably kept all efforts from working! Please help…….

I think I will be a good candidate for the program. I am a mother of 5. I have tried so many weight loss programs and none have yet to work. I’ve even tried weight loss pills and they haven’t worked. I’ve wasted a lot of money. I want to be able to play with my children and not feel overwhelmed tired and way out of breathe. My children ask me mommy why r u big. Thats breaks my heart. That makes me feel worthless and horrible about myself. I could really use your program. It would make me and my children happy to find something that actually works

Hi Joel. Thanks so much for offering this FREE. I am a 55yr. old grandmother. I have been trying to lose weight for the last 20 years. I’ve tried many many different things. I yo yo with weight. in the summer I can loose about 25 pounds and then put that plus much extra on during the winter again. I just want something I can work at and get the weight off permanently. Thanks again :-) my husband and 2 daughters well benefit also.

Hey Joe I need this product and let me tell you why. I am a college student that gained weight due to the on campus food and stress. I am now moving off campus so I can control my diet and I want to use your diet. I have started lifting weights and I have seen results by lifting more weight and getting bigger but a layer of fat is hiding the new me. As a college student I will be a great advocate for your program for other college students and family. As a medical student, I am interested in the science behind it and will love to share your product with my future patients. Thank you Joe for this opportunity!

The information on keeping leptin levels high so the body will release fat as energy is important for me to learn. I have problems with my feet and consequently over the years have gained lots of weight due to pain when
Walking or other forms of exercise. If I could lose weight fast by repeating your program and maintaining the loss, I would feel more confident that surgery will be successful. The strategy of pairing exercises with the different
Calorie loss days made sense to me. I would follow your program for fast weight loss and follow up with beyond diets’ advice to keep it off.

I know I need a smart program that has been tried and tested. Fast weight loss will be motivating and having your support as well as your team giving me expert instuction is a path to success. Your program appears to be thorough in its theory as well as execution. Please consider my comments for the free gift of Xtremefatloss! I am excited to get started.

In October 2010, a month before my 60th birthday, I started a weight loss regime consisting of the Atkins Nutritional approach and Rob Poulos’ weight lifting program. In a 1 1/2 years I went from 295 lbs. to 230 lbs. I feel great! However, I have been stuck at 230 lbs. for more than 6 months. I have tried eating less and eating more. I added workouts to my weekly exercises. I think I’m still building muscle, but there has been no weight loss.

After reading your first few promotions of your plan, I figured I’d try a day of high carb eating. Though I have been perfectly happy with what I’ve been eating, it was fun to have some high carb foods.

Within the next 5 days, I lost 4 lbs. with no other changes in my regular eating and exercising. WOW! You bet I want to know more details about the plan, and how to implement it.

And BTW, I must commend you on your incredible marketing approach. What a great approach to generating interest and committed future customers.

Here is the thing, i dont have money and allways love fitness, and i would love to make money doing fitness, that’s why i need this, to make a better life for me and for others.

I know that with this system, i can really learn to teach my clients to get amazing results.and after their friends and family see it for themselves,it would make me the “go to trainer” in my city,

My wife and I have tried every “fad” diet on the books and even though we lose some weight, shortly there after, no matter what we do, it just comes right back…So frustrating…At times we both thought about giving up and yet here we are, still searching for answers…This could be the one that gives us the edge to crossover the hump and continue to lose the weight safely

Hi Joel. Since Oct of 2011 I’ve been following the principles outlined in the 4-Hour Body. As a result I’ve gone from 255 lbs to 208 lbs. Since receiving your emails I’ve extended my knowledge regarding weight loss 10 fold. As a result I now realize I need to concentrate on muscle gain. Your program is the perfect way for me to advance to the next stage of inmy health/fitness transformation. Best regard and keep the email coming.

I have a sit down job that has helped me pack on 50 unwanted pounds. I really need help getting rid of the spare tire I have aquired.

Hi Joel! I have battled my whole life doing many different diets…now i am finally understanding why they were always a temporary fix and why they won’t work a second time! You have opened my eyes to a new world of food that has been there the whole time! I finally have some hope that I can get the last of my weight off and keep it off for life…and it’s not gonna be that difficult!! Thank you for all your research and for making me get that “Aha…I get it!” moment! Everything so far has left me wanting more…can’t wait to get your full program!!

Hi Joel:

I know that carbs are a problem for me and I think your program would work for me. It all makes sense to me and I don’t think it’s an accident that I have come across your plan at this point of my life. I am ready to get fit and commit to what it takes to do so. Thank you for this opportunity to receive it for free, as my husband has been out of work for three year and I was only able to find part-time work, so we don’t have the extra money to purchase this program.

Best always, Cat

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