Of all the diets I’ve tried, never was I informed on leptin and the importance it plays in the whole weight loss “challenge”–as it’s been in my case. Now, by reading and understanding your well researched approach, I can say quite confidentially that I’m certain I face a challenge no more. I’m prepared to lose the weight, tone up, and look ripped like yourself and John Romaniello. I’m your guy, and I can’t wait to happily show off my results!
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
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I am a 68 year old female with a family history of cancer diabetes, heart disease, and morbid obesity. I have tried Weight Watcher’s, Jenny Craig, LA Weight Loss, Nutra System, gone 3 months without eating, and several other drastic efforts to lose weight. Each time I lost the weight, but each time I gained it all back and then some. I’ve been on your program for only 1 month and I’ve lost almost 20 pounds. I want the whole nine yards so I can be assured of being healthy and fit for the rest of my life.
7 reasons why I need this program in exactly 250 words:
1. I used to be a size 4, now I am a size 16. (I look like I am still 6 months pregnant.)
2. I want to feel better about myself emotionally. (I am embarrassed about my body. I stay home more. I hide from cameras. I tense when my husband hugs me because I don’t want him to feel the fat or the “roles”. It’s affecting all areas of my life.)
3. I have 4 kids and want to set a better example for them and be here for them for many years to come. (I am 41 now and worry about the extra weight and how it affects my health. I notice extra aches and pains and shortness of breath.)
4. I want to feel good about myself and feel pretty again. (I want a flat tummy!!)
5. I KNOW I need to lose weight and I KNOW I need to exercise to achieve my goals but I am lost. I need someone to teach me the right way to do it.
6. I’ve toured your website, read your articles, watched your videos. I like your style and how you combine body science with strategic planning to get results. I DON’T just want to diet again; I want to LEARN how to live an all around healthier lifestyle and I think your program can do that.
Nowadays everybody cares about wellness and body health and look, so everyone just went on diet. But which diet can really work FOR YOU? And once you’re done and you lost the weight you wanted, are you sure you won’t gain it back twice fast? This diet has got scientific basis and will let you lose fat as fast as any other and you won’t earn fat anymore if you follow the right advices!
I want to lose weight once and for all!
I really want to be healthier before my birthday. Struggling to loss 80 pounds by trying other diets haven’t help. This sound like it will help me achieve my goals
This program isn’t just me me. My daughter just finished her college degree and is eager to get out on her own to begin her new life. During her time in school, she became a mother of 2 and has been unable to lose the weight she’s gained. She has low self esteem as it relates to her body image and has been searching for a program that is real and works long term. I would love to be able to share this program with her, because from personal experience, your stuff just works. Please help me help her. I am very proud of her as she has accomplished this goal and overcome many obstacles in doing so
Thanks Joel and even if I’m not selected, keep the information coming.
Am almost 52 years old and quit smoking just over a year ago and and finally hung up my cleats and glove after 40 plus years of being active in softball. Along with a couple of other contributing factors the pounds started to accumlate! Well its time to take back the control of my weight. I am in need of a super boost to get and keep me motivated. I really think this is the one for me
I am currently in the military and struggling to stay in weight standards. After having a baby and my husband leaving, weight loss has evade me even though I have tried everything. The weight leaves when I workout obsessively (twice a day) and halfway starve myself, but being a single mother makes it hard for any permanent loss. It always return and with friends (more pounds)! Now I’m facing the threat of being put out the military and with the economy the way it is now how will I and my daughter be able to make it!?!? I just want a method that I can follow. When I found this website I felt hope….i pray that this works!
Hi Joel,
Thank you for everything. This is the perfect program for me at this point because during my pregnancy I gained 46pounds. Its been 8months now since I had my beautiful son and iv tried every diet out there only to lose weight and put it back on. I don’t even recognise myself when I look in the mirror, I went from 160pounds and I’m presently over 200pounds and I’m just 27. I hate to think of what I’ll look like after a second child or in 10years. Ur program sounds like its fun, realistic and sustainable and I really want that. Please help me to go back to looking like the woman my husband married.
I am looking for this method to reduce my measurement at the belly button
to 38″ , presently I’m at 42-43″ even though I’m 6′ and 178 lbs
I have lost weight of 20 lbs in last 8 months from 198 lbs but have only
lost maybe 1″ in above measurement , so apparently I’m am losing more muscle than fat , hopefully this system will lose more fat than muscle getting me to 38″
This program has been RESEARCHED, TRIED, TESTED and it is obvious
that given the commitment it WORKS. It is a NO BRAINER! and actually
sounds like FUN.
Thanks Joel and Support Team
for all of your dedication, education and hard work!
Hi! My name is Shelley and I need this info right away to save my life. I am newly diagnosed with diabetes and rhuematois arthritis and fibromyalgia. I am morbidly obese but very willing to work hard to get back in shape. Five years ago I was 140lbs and due to alot of things gained 150 lbs. My Mom died young (62) and so did most of her siblings (5 of 6) I have alot of diet restrictions and I just want to get healthy so I can play with my grandbabies. I am 46 and I dont want to let another day go by like this. Thank-you.
Hello, I would like to win a copy because I am a mother of two and have tried absolutely every trick in the book but cannot shake the extra weight I’ve picked up from my pregnancies. I have bought all the diets, fake or not and tried all the crash diets you can think of. It has come to a point where I just want to give up! Its starting to affect my life and I’m hoping this extreme diet will be the answer to my prayers and the end of the road to a unhappy woman as I am still quite and have my whole life ahead of me.
Please and thank you!
Hi Joe!
When I was around 12 years old I was often bullied for being obese. This has haunted me for the last 7 years now and I’m trying to do everything I can to get as fit as possible but I have been failing for the last 3 years making me think I can never get to the fit stage. After reading many of your articles I fully believe that i can get fit very fast and prove my to myself and the community that anything is possible!
Thanks for reading!
I am a 43 year old man who was diagnosed with pemphigus vulgaris a couple years ago. It’s a disease in which my immune system works opposite, instead of protecting me it attacks me and the first place it attacked was my skin. I got blisters EVERYWHERE. When I was at my worst, I could only get out of bed for about an hour a day. I fell the first time I tried to walk. The medication for this disease is the awful steroids that have taken their toll on my bones & muscles. I got up to 314 lbs and am currently at about 275, still trying to get stronger and lose my weight and your program has me VERY interested. I’ve been trying to educate myself recently and eating right but still need about 50 lbs to go. I will get there, one way or another. Thank you for your time.
*a mother of 7 grown children with a growing batch of younglings
* my whole life has been about others – largely being a single mum.
*I long to reclaim me
*started Nov 19 and today-115 kgs to 94kgs
*weight loss has slowed – just sits there
*winning a copy gives me the tools to complete my goals
*My goal is to be in my best body; fit and active
I want to set a good example for my grown children and growing tribe of grandchildren.
I want to wiggle without the jiggle.
I put on 20 lbs almost immediately after tearing my meniscus at work. That aggravated my back which was broken at work 27 years ago when I was pregnant with my youngest son. My broken L4 was not diagnosed at that time. I now have severe degeneration and the added weight makes it worse. I want to be active again and your program would really help. Please choose me! :-)
I am being dieting off and on for most of my life like many people. My weight has been very low to very high. However, about 2 years ago, I started the hcg diet. I was very successful initially and then not so successful in the maintenance. I feel that it has totally destroyed my metabolism and whenever I start gaining weight, I tend to go back to it for a time. I am now 20 lbs heavier than when I started with hcg and desperately need to reset my metabolism. I would like to use your principles of diet and exercise. I just need a PLAN to follow. I like to exercise and believe in the principles you’ve shared. Thanks.
Hi Joel, I am 44 and have always been athletic and active and recently managed to lose 22 lbs. But I have always had, and still have, love handles and some fat around my belly button. In the last few months I have been introduced to the ideas developed by you and Roman and I’m intrigued by intermittent fasting and hormone manipulation. I’m convinced your program is what I need to finally finish off my flab! Plus my girlfriend and I will be celebrating her birthday in Jamaica soon so what better gift could I give her than to look good on the beach?! Thanks for all the great info and this opportunity.
I quit smoking a few months ago and have quickly put on 30 lbs that I would like to quickly get rid of and maybe even a few more. It never hurts to look good naked.
I’m a newly separated woman of 48. The last year has provided a mountain of stress. I lost my brother, was married for a brief 6 months when I discovered my new husband having an affair. The resulting stress caused depression which is now lifting. I have not had a problem with my weight too much in the past, but now I have gained a whopping 25 pounds, and lost much muscle tone to lethargy and poor eating habits. I need help. I want to get back to my size 0-1. I’m very small boned, and I want to feel good about myself to get back into the dating scene and rebuild my life.
I feel that this program will help me reach the finish line of weight loss and move me into the weight maintenance mode by building muscle and losing fat. I want to have a great looking body like you too!
I need that so much :) I really need to lose this extra fat very quick