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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 System!

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!




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I have been dedicated to having the best body possible since October, but have only lost half of the 60 pounds of fat I need to lose. Right about the time I stopped losing weight, I found you. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting and super slow weight lifting, but now I need something more. I think your program will be the key for me. I’m excited and want to learn more.

Hi Joel. At almost 50yrs I remain overweight despite trying many programs over many years I am however most concerned for my four daughters 16, 15, 13 and 11 yrs who also struggle to lose weight. Most people presume as we all suffer from overweight that it is a dietary problem – but honestly we do eat a healthy diet and avoid all the “bad” foods. We have been on various programs and attended various naturopaths to help us but the result is always the same – initial weight loss and then stone cold stagnation despite agonizing perserverance. They can’t seem to help us. I am desperate to find a successful program to work for us all. I hope yours will be the one.

i am a clinical nutritionist and i am searching for a program to help my patients who struggle with weight loss. But also for me-i just got 30 and want to loose that last 5 kg. I am doing sports, power plate, yoga, weight training, zumba… Nothing helps. It is so frustrating to tell my patients what to do and what to eat and knowing that it will not work and that they wil need a lot of luck to loose some pounds and a year later put the double amount on again. I just want to look in their and my happy face and celebrate weight loss and a healthy active lifestyle. Bless you, simone.

The odds are stacked against me with adrenaline and thyroid exhaustion, plus pressure from the military to get to at least a 35″waist within next few months….can’t exercise real hard…just slow moving weights…had left hip surgery 4weejs ago from physical damage from last summers deployment. I just feel like its almost impossible for me to make it at age 46, I know they’re gonna retire me if I don’t get back to a smaller size body. I sod really love sincere support and strategy..I’m home for one more month on medical leave.

Just wish I am 1 of the lucky winners ur programs and information u give helps a lot.tanx.

I’m a forty something female that, yes, had to work harder, as I aged, over the years to keep my svelte figure. But I did that rather well with relative ease until just recently… Doing the same things I used to do I gained first 10, then 20, now 40 pounds!!! I’m not doing anything differently from a year ago when I was more then 40 pounds lighter. Your system seems to be the only chance I might have of A. -jumpstarting my weight-loss and B. -fooling my body into actually lossing fat. I’ve tired many things recently, that have worked in the past, like low carb, cross training, etc. nothing seems to work now. It’s like the rules have changed. It’s obvious my body has. I have hope, (and logic), that your plan might be the only one that actually pays off. I have a feeling, that if it did, the results might be amazing…

Before discovering I had a thyroid issue, I gained almost 100 pounds. The endocrinologist wants me to take a pill to help me lose the weight but all it does is makes me jittery. I have a tendency to gain whether I eat or not. This program seems like it will help me get on track to eating the correct foods and hopefully loose the weight. Thank you for giving me hope.

Hello Joel; I am 56 years of age,about 5’2′ 183 pounds. I sure would like to win a copy of your program, as it would sure be helpful for me to lose weight! I have been on weight watchers although it became too expensive as I am currently involve with TOPS(take off pounds sensibly) you do your own program. I believe your information along with the information Josh Berzoni has put out has been very informative! Sure hope I am able to win your program as I would like to lose 40-50 pounds!! Thank You ever soo much!!

I wish I could win. In my whole life I have been called “fat”. BUT if I win. Your guide will be like an angel taking away my fatty nightmare. I need your book cause my whole family is struggling. My mom and dad always wanted those six pack abs. Me and my bro always wanted to lose fat. And Mike Geary called me his loyal subscriber. Please let me win.

I love that you can work hard, loose weight and “cheat” once a week. I want to be able to workout at home (busy working and raising 3 kids) and be an example to my kids.
I had lost weight and kept it off until age 48 arrived. Now I feel fatigued and challenged to try to eat right and exercise. The older we get the less patient we are and need to see results quickly to keep us engaged.
I have looked into other programs but yours seems to provide all the ingredients to deliver successful, maintainable weightloss.
I am looking forward to getting started on your program as soon as possible to achieve my health and wellness goal to be fit and lean.

I posted my comment yesterday and it hasn’t been posted, I wonder why. Anyway, in case there’s an error, I’m posting it again. I need this system to revolutionise the conventional way of fat loss, that’s spending countless mindless hours at the gym. I have read all your post, the 5 factors keeping you from weight loss and the 5 principles of weight loss. I have been following all ure updates closely, your lose25 pounds in 25 days blew me away.

So I’ve been working out and running for many months, and have hardly gotten any where. I’m hitting a time in my life where nothing is holding me back, except that little bit of self esteem that’s missing. I’ve always been a strong gal, but never sexy, clean and cut.
I can’t quite find the right synergy between what I’m eating and my workouts.
This program would absolutely change my life by giving me the tools and knowledge to take the right steps and get back the feeling of wanting to get out in the world again!!
Thanks! G.

Hi Joe…. I played collegiate football in the 70’s on the hard, concrete-like astro turf. As a result the cartilage in both my knees are gone and arthritis has replaced all that. I have to get both knees replaced. Needless to say , this has severely limited my workouts because I no longer can run and have gained 30 lbs. over the past year as the condition has worsened. Your combination of diet/workout is the ideal program for me to get in shape, both to handle the reconstruction of my knees, but also just get back in shape where I feel good about myself again. Obviously, less weight will make rehab much easier with less stress on the joints, among the many other benefits it provides.
Regardless of the results of this contest continue with the fine work you are doing helping people like me.Thanks.

You should choose me to get the free copy because I will actually follow the plan if you do. I’m 38 and need to lose weight. How about it? Don’t be a jerk the rest of your life, give me a chance! I’ll be your friend.

I am a fitness freak woman. I got married 3 years back and now I am having a 9 months old baby boy. Using Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs book and Turbulence Training program I could reduce my weight upto 51kg before marriage and also before pregnancy. Now, post-pregnancy, I am 67kg and having diastasis recti due to which I am still looking 6 months pregnant and want to look like the way I was before pregnancy. I am going to reduce abdominal separation using Tupler Technique (using Lose Your Mummy Tummy book) and for remaining fat loss, I want to use some quick fix as my year long leave is going to finish within a month and before I join my office again, I want to get back to shape which I used to flaunt before pregnancy. Thus this program attracted me BIG time.

I have been happily yo yoing in my weight/exercise/dieting program for 20 years. I feel, however, now that I am 55 yrs, I have a very small time window left before the problems of old age obesity slam me. I would like to shed a lot of weight quickly, and keep it off. I have been getting your mails, and have downloaded some stuff from your site. I feel that this program will give me a good chance at shedding flab.

I only have about 10 kg to lose but I am really interested in the timing of eating carbohydrates so that they are used for energy production and not stored as body fat. However, I want to do well so my husband might be encouraged to try this way of living as he is double my weight and a type 2 diabetic. It would be so good for him and also for our eldest son, who takes after his father in the weight stakes. If I won this, it would not only be benefiting me, but a whole family – parents, children and even the grandchildren could be taught and shown healthy patterns of eating and exercising without calling it a diet and also without totally going without enjoyable food! Thanks for the opportunity.

Having tried almost every diet on the market at some stage an realising that it would be impossible to live on it and be happy. I really like the concept of the xtreme diet. I am a great believer in exercising and used to “get away” with exercising hard to keep the weight at bay. But as I seem to have less time to exercise the work with TT has definitely helped and I think to get this diet will be the Icing on the cake ( back to food) to get the results needed. Cant wait to try it

hi i am m.g. house wife and i don’t know what we do for fat loss becuase when we home eat too much and rest too much god gave only one life after all result weight gain .easy method right eat and phycical work too much but our life style says family first then we how i manage? i think you help those whose life style incorrect no think own phase and manage our goal with no extra strugle by xtream fat loss treatment2.1 you help whose who help ourself by right method.
fell healthy and fit.

This program is perfect for me in my life right now because I am a young 19 yr old and I could use this information to get confidence that I have never ever felt and finally be able to enjoy myself and life.

Despite being young it is not easy to lose fat, with today’s fast food society it is difficult to lose several pounds without gaining them again. With your free trial that I received, I was beginning to see minor changes. With your free program i know i will achieve the goal that I have in mind if i do win one of those ten free programs. By winning this you wouldn’t just be helping me out, you’d be helping my family who would be amazed at the results, because as of now, I have kept it a secret but they feel something is up. Hope i win and thank you for the opportunity.

Tried everything! I mean everything! Hypothyroid – Low metabolism! Need this Program NOW!!

I am a 44 years old mother of a 5 year old son. I am overweight; with mostly abdominal fat. I have noticed that the older I get the more muscle mass I lose. I need to lose weight ang get fit; in order to become a better parent to my son. My child is outdoorsy and I would like to keep him that way. I feel that your program would be beneficial to me, my husband and our son.. I am tired of yo-yo diets, pills, etc. I am not looking for a diet. I need a lifestyle change. One that will benefit me and my family. I throughly enjoy reading and following your e-mails. I would be honored if I were to win a copy of Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. Thank you!

Despite being young it isn’t easy to lose weight without gaining them back as hastily as they were lost because of the fast food society that we live in. With those 5 free tips i received in my email, i put them into action and already i felt the difference slowly taking place inside my body. By receiving one of the ten free programs, you’d be helping the minor difference become into something greater. Hope i win and thank you for your free tips.

I thought depression was for weak minded people until I lost a Marine brother to it and got diagnose with it. Currently I’m fighting it with exercise and counseling. I’ve been working out for 6 weeks now and 4 weeks off medication, with this new knowledge I could give a real purpose to my exercises. Also I have been promising my daughter a 6 pack for 6 years. I think I can know.

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