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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 System!

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!




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I have been an athlete all of my life. I am now near the end of my sophomore year in college where my passion for prodigious athletic ability and overall health/wellness has immensely materialized. I am studying all aspects of the Health/Physical Education fields in order to become a fitness specialist and am endeavoring to have a prestigious career revolving around it. I want to learn all of the information that I can possibly come across, including the information in this program, to demonstrate my expertize to everyone I know. In addition to the undisputedly eminent results that I can get from this program, I want to educate and guide people that are important to me in ways to become and stay healthy for their own benefit, and I want to do that by serving as a model and an inspiration to them by achieving a distinguishably exalted body composition that is well beyond goals of the average ideal body that is sought only for good health. I want to undertake this task to realize such bodily success because I am confident that I can do it and I have such an important goal that I am anxious to attain, which I predict will be very well facilitated by the information in this program.

Because I need to lose half of myself, literally…

I am 46. Standing at a crossroads in my life. I have decided that I would be taking care of ME, now that my son has become and adult and left the house. I have already lost a bit of weight, but now I want to switch to a more powerful and efficient way to lose what is left to lose… I would LOVE to receive this program…

Because in last ten years I went from pants size 38 to size 60 and weight of 375 lb, and every diet I’ve tried only make it worst and only accelerate the process. If your stuff doesn’t work than I’m giving up completely because I’m tired of trying again and again. And I’ve never won anything.

Hi man! This will definitely help me get that ripped body in no time!

i would like to win please, i dont win anything either but thats ok got to be in it to win it. i need to loose 23kgs by nov 3rd for my 30th birthday

I have always been within 10 lbs of my ideal weight. Suck my stomach in and can see the abs, and make the clothes fit just right.
Still fit into the clothes I bought 16 years ago when I boarded a flight to the USA. But I have not been able to get to a premium fitness level.
Went to get a suit tailored last week, and told them that I should be in better shape when I come back for the fitting in 5 weeks –
and they told me yeah yeah just about everyone says so and no one comes back in better shape. This program I believe can take me to the next grade.
I have twin boys who are reaching the age where I will need to step up my fitness to keep up with them and I will be turning 43
this summer. I fear that another year might slip by without me reaching one of my goals – dunk a regulation height basketball.
If I can do this by loosing 10 lbs and strengthening my legs, I cant ask for more.
I’ve got the motivation, I need the kickstart to rev me up and I feel that the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 is the System I need!

I have researched health education for over two decades and I have looked at many weight loss programs and fads and yours is the first that teaches people how to change their current eating habits realistically and the why behind all of it. I would love for my children to hear and read it from other than their mother.
Thank you for giving people an opportunity to learn a safe and intelligent way to improve their health.

Fitness is now a days a big page to compete in. Whether for the clients or for the trainers. Published stuff is everywhere all around. But there is certainty of something when something ping you every morning with one of the best things(and the real things) happening n world of fitness. Joel Marion stuffs coming into my mails really helped me and my clients a way better life from the previous myths. Help is not only which you can use,it should be something which should have to be true and practical,thanks for right help. Whether a win or a loss, I’m alltime attached to this page and really happy to see so many comments.Keep yourself fit and flawless evrybody :)

Joel I am amazed at how the tips I have already gotten from you are not hard things to do and how much help they have been. Weighing in at 120kg (about 300lb) and being 185cm (approx 6ft) I am quite heavy actually very obese if you use the BMI. To have the knowledge you are prepared to give in your book handy I am sure that the wight I am carrying is going to go eventually. Mate keep up the good work.

I am a full time caregiver for my mother who has dementia. This is a 24/7 situation as i have literally no help. I have felt myself going downhill physically from this situation and I fear it’s only a matter of time until I bottom out. I am not interested in some kind of magical “quick fix” because that will certainly just as quickly undo itself. I need to find something more permanent, that is easy to be motivated by and that just works. Although I do feel a great sense of accomplishment in caring for my mother, I want to find some true inspiration and get myself into better physical shape. Hopefully this system will allow me to fit it into the schedule I keep.

In 2003 I had an accident where I broke both ankles and 3 bones in my foot. After 2 surgeries and weighing in at 300 pounds, my surgeon told me that I had “to do something” so I wouldn’t be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I lost around 150 pounds by diet and exercise and became a fitness instructor. In 2010, I had another surgery on my foot and severely injured both knees while I was in my wheelchair recovering from my surgery. Unfortunately, I have gained “some” weight back even though I try to exercise and watch my diet. I want to stop the upward trend now before it gets out of control but my old methods are not working! Before I would spend 1 hour on the eliptical and lift weights 2 hours for 4 days a week. I cannot do that now! Please help!

I have a real weight issue and need to lose another 85 pounds. I have tried a hypnosis weight loss program and so far have lost 15 pounds but have stopped losing. With my other health issues I HAVE to loose the weight. My knees are going to need replacements within 5 years or so my orthopedist says, and I am going through the diagnosis phase for MS because of all the symptoms I am displaying. Losing the weight may put off the knee replacements and certainly will improve my life if MS is the final diagnosis. I can cope with meal planning and a nutrition program I just cannot deal with a high intensity exercise program. So I think I would be an ideal candidate.

@ Donna:

Good for you…nicely said

Hi Joe,

Let me start off by congratulating you on The strategic Xtreme fat loss diet 2.1 system and all the hard work you put into it! If I’m chosen to receive this very precise system in losing weight as well as gaining lean muscle mass. I will not only immediately utilize this information but I will also be a good ambassador and share and steer people to your website. I have been putting some of these practices to use in the last seven weeks and have lost 39 pounds!
what I’m most excited about is learning about the very precise technique in keeping up your muscle mass. That makes your system The strategic Xtreme fat loss diet 2.1 system a very important body of work that people can use and make wins for themselves! The gain is in the giving so thank you for the opportunity to win!

Steve Neskis

Joel has Great and unique information that will help me to shed those few kilos I can’t seem to lose with “regular type exercise and my current way of eating”

I’d like to look like you, except for the face because I’m happy with mine!


Been following your site for quite some time now, and learned so much. I’ve always been into bodybuilding but after reading your blog I got motivated enough to get a personal trainer. I was able to train an entire year and it was great. The only problem is that, being from Brazil, bodybuilding is not widespread here as it is in USA. Unfortunately I had to drop the personal and have been training solo since. This would be the perfect opportunity for me to get back in shape.

Greetings! I would really enjoy winning a copy of your XFLD 2.1! I am in my mid-forties and have neglected my health for many years. While I’m not excessively over-weight, I feel that I would benefit from it on many levels. I think the most impressive aspect of your program is your knowledge and enthusiastic approach towards health. Thanks for your generosity and commitment towards helping folks get healthy!


I need and deserve this more than the next person because I’m currently working on almost 14 years of faithful and dedicated service in the United States military. Assuming we are roughly the same age, I know you can relate to me when I say I feel like I’ve invested my life to the military and I’m proud of it as you are to your knowledge, dedication, & passion to bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition. One thing that can happen to me, that CANNOT happen too many (if any) of your other followers, is to lose your job if you are not in shape. If that would happen, I’d be devastated because this is the life I know and love!

Because of my devotion I had to take an assignment across the country without my wife and three children. I’ve been away from them for a year and a half now. In September 2012 I’ll be headed to Afghanistan for another year. This will be my sixth deployment in my career and I do it with absolutely no complaints. I’d like to “show” physique or bodybuilding when I get back from the desert depending on where your program takes me and that would change my life as my dreams would be realized at that very moment. If everything works out and I head to MacDill in Tampa if possible, after Afghanistan, I’d like to personally thank you and shake your hand for this great opportunity and experience.

Very Respectfully,
Benny Colón

I have been struggling with my unsightly extra fat for a few years. I am healthy and a marathon runner but I can’t figure out how to get rid of my grotesque belly and love handles. I am always embarrassed to take my shirt off in public and I am sick of it. I can run 26 miles but can’t face letting anyone see me shirtless. Please help me out and let me transform into the person I want to be.

GOD wants us to be in good health,and this looks like a effective tool to do so.

I need this program because nothing else has worked. My blood pressure, bigh cholesterol and triglycerides afe endangering my health. I want to turn my health around so I can be there for my daughter and hopefully grandchildren. I want to be able to play with them and teach them, by example, how to be healthy. Thank you.

Because I believe that your system will work.

The best fat loss results that I have ever achieved was when I was training hard following Josh Hillis’ workouts and eating clean 5 days a week. Then my resolve broke over the weekends and I had a huge bag of chips and other crap. That lasted for four weeks while I was studying for a month at the military base in DC. I could not believe the resluts that I have achieved. Since then, I have followed several eat clean only diets and workouts, but I am ready to experiment with the power of the cheat day again in a more scientific fashion.

I’d actually like this program for my brother-in-law. He is severely overweight and is currently on a diet that doesn’t provide him with all the necessary nutrients. He really needs to be educated on how to live a healthy lifestyle and incorporate exercise as part of that lifestyle. I really hope this program could change his mindframe set. He needs help.

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