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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 System!

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!




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I’ve been coasting for the last couple years eating what I want and not exercising enough. I know it’s time to get serious about my weight and my health and I want something that works. I’ve been reading a lot of literature by you, Isobel, Craig Ballantyne and others and it’s time to stop reading and start doing!


I am 51 yo female, 5’2 and 237 lbs. and have been fighting my weight for my adult life. Having bloodwork done. I was told I was boader line diabetic and needed to lose weight. I had changed my eating habits to almost a vegatarian life style. The reason for life style change was to see my grandchildren graduate high school and possibly see great grandchildren. Now after reading your FST. I knew tricks #1 and #2, and understand trick #3, but don’t know how to implement it. As for tricks #4 and #5, I don’t understand and need to learn. Your program and my hard work will get me to my goals. Thank you.

Winning a free copy would be great, but make no mistake if I don’t I will be purchasing one anyway. I tried to get in the early testing group, but didn’t make it. Nutrition, exercise and fitness are a huge deal to me. I love learn new ways to make myself healthier and more fit. As well as to be able to make better life choices. I love everything I have learned and read about the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet and can’t wait to get my copy. Would be way awesome if it was a free one to boot:)

I worked at a desk for 11 years, and sat in the car for two hours a day on the commute. Now have retired, and so have more time to take care of myself. However, I can’t seem to lose even one pound! Help!

I can’t seem to find a program that is right for me but this program has me interested and fired up. I believe that this program will give me the extra boost I need to lose what I want.

Hey Joel, I hope you are in good condition, because I’m not. I’m 23 years old with high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, tried every single diet in the market and the best status I could reach is to be that skinny fat guy with the yellow tiered face. I’ll be honest here, I don’t know a thing about your program, I’ve subscribed to your email list by chance and I hope this was fate, a program that will change my life. All what I’m asking is to give the chance to give it a try. As simple as that.


Hello Joel! First of all, I want to thank you for all the great weight loss tips I have learned through your mails. About 10 years ago, at my heaviest 270 lbs, I decided to lose weight and get my life back. Dieting and exercising, I lost 100 lbs, but at 5’3 was still overweight and could not finish losing those last stubborn pounds. Really frustrating until I started reading your updates and using your ideas. So I imagine if I had the program in full, and optimize my workout days with the nutrition (especially cheat days) then I will finally see the results I have always wanted. Thanks for being so inspiring, and for reading the 800+ research papers, so I don’t have to! Wishing you much success!!

I am currently doing my master trainer course online. I live in a remote country town in western Australia (1,200k’s away from capital
city Perth). This kind of stuff is very hard for me to come by as there is very limited resources here. It’s just purely for my own interest and has more depth and info than the course I am doing.

When I retired 11 years ago I set a goal of visiting 100 countries before my time is up. I have visited 54 so far. I backpack as thats the way you meet the real people. So needless to say i need my health. I am 76 yrs old and try keeping in shape by trying to eat healthy, jogging & lifting light weights. However, I still have typical old age problems of high blood pressure, high cholestrol, etc, etc along with too much body fat percentage. Not real bad but not good enough. I think your system can help me achieve my goal by ensuring I am in proper health to complete the remaining 46. You have a lot of secrets that I need to incorporate in my daily life to fine tune my health. From what I have read so far from your emails is that I am making a lot of mistakes in my eating & exercise program!

This is perfect for me because it is Exactly what I have been looking for and more importantly need. I have been an athlete my whole life and had not had to try as hard with my diet and exercise plan because I was constantly on the court or field. Well, since I have graduated college I have not kept up that same activity regiment that I once had and I am slowly feeling the effects of a more sedentary lifestyle. It is not my goal to be sedentary but that is what makes up this weird space I am in right now. Bam, I see this program and discover it is exactly what I need. It will give me a boost in the right direction and get me ready for the wedding season ahead (may 19 is my first of the season). I want to learn the synergistic approach to an active and healthy lifestyle (and lookand feel great about myself) and this a great tool to jump start me on that path.

I believe this system will serve me well because I am getting older (46 this year), and I am extremely overweight (350+ lbs.). I need a system that will allow me to lose weight in a healthy manner and I believe this system will do just that!

Hi Joel. I am 46 going on 47 years old. I have lost 12kg in he last 5 months, by changing my diet i.e cutting out sugar and processed carbs, interval running on treadmill and 3 day a week of body-weight training. I have plateaued at 96/97 kg
(down from 109kg). I need something extra to continue my fat loss. I goal is to be between 85-87Kg.

yours sincerely
Paul Bruckner(Australia)

I really feel this can be my beginning of feeling good about me again. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a bilateral mastectomy and have been going through breast reconstruction. Not only do I want to look better I want to feel better and I know this can do it for me. I am sure it will be perfect for me as I am an eternal student and I am anxious to get started. The past year has just been a little interruption in creating the new me. And I think it will be just what the doctor ordered for the new me. And the doctor does approve.

For quite some time, i have been figuring out ways of becoming healthy and helping my family to become healthy. I live in a house where health is just now starting to become important in our lives, which is a shame.

I am 18 and currently in college(setup fort nutritional failure) and maybe just a little above average in terms of being fit, my little brother is the “skinny fat” type(very weak) at age 16, my little sister, whom i worry for the most is 9 and is noticeably overweight, my father has a beer gut and claims that its hereditary, my mother is trying her best to cook healthy foods with the knowledge she has learned from research, but a working mother of 3 does not have too much time for research.

I’ve done hours worth of research on many different diets, but i honestly don’t believe in them. I truly believe this program will change all of us for the better. I hope that’s under 250.

Sincerely, Kevron Johnson

I constantly read about getting healthy!!!!!!!!With LOW thyroid I tell myself I’m to exhausted but really must get moving so I will resemble all my ultra-fit and super healthy good looking children! Syndrone X isn’t the spot for me any longer!!

I am a college student finishing my nursing degree, mother of 3 children and an employee at a Women’s Clinic. Since I don’t have a lot of free time it sounds like this would be a great program for me! In all aspects of my life I am surrounded by people that I should be a role model for. My next goal upon graduation is to lose weight, improve my health and increase my energy level.

Hello I am a health care professional and there is an expectation that since I am in health care, I should be healthy, fit and trim. I have tried to be healthy and my journey included vegetarianism. But during my college years, instead of losing weight I gained weight. I suppose that was due to the high carbohydrate factor and high stress of school. As I start adjusting my diet (after college) and working out more my weight seemed to taper down and balance out shortly after college. Now, as I have aged -over the hill (50+) something has gone amiss. I work out but cannot seem to lose weight. I have tried many types of programs but the fat is just sitting there like a dear old friend. I really am frustrated and it is depressing. I would like to get the weight off once and for all. The need for a safe and effective way is so needed and I am encouraged by what you have shared thus far. Hope I get a chance to see results from your system! Thanks for the opportunity

I have tried many different diet and training programs over the last several years. While I might initially see some small improvements, I would never achieve the dramatic results that I was hoping for and would eventually become frustrated with my efforts. What really got me excited about Joel’s program is the DRAMATIC results that can be achieved in such a short time. This is the first time in a long time that I have been excited about a new fat loss program and I am very eager to achieve the dramatic results that the program can provide. Goodbye frustration, Hello Results!

I have extreme health problems. Diabetic, neropathy in my legs. Arthritis is destroying my body. I had both knees replaced and rod and 4 screws in my back when I was only 55. I will need more back surgery and I need to loss this weight because I’m having a problem walking. I have loss some weight but I’m at a stand still. I need to loose 60 more pounds which will help me to control my diabetes which will give me my legs back without so much pain. I would love to wake up one morning without hurting and without hurting all day. Some days I get so depressed from the pain. Please help me. Thank you

Hi Joel,
Because it’s fast.There are pizza days:).But behinde of cheat days there are a big ideas for giving fats.It’s sientific and safe for health..

64years old. Lost 24lbs now I want sixpacks. I need this program asap!

Hi Joel, I am very impressed of your work and products that you provide to people. I get regularly your informative emails and I found many valuable pieces of knowledge. I am using some of them but some I still feel the limitation as my energy level is still very low, surely due to the load of fat I am carrying. I would really appreciate the opportunity to try your new product in order to find out if it is suitable for me.

Hi Joel,

I would love to try your new program because I beleive I am finally ready to committ to getting my body back. I am a 42 year old mom of 4 who teaches physed and while I am in good “physical shape” strength, flexibility, cardiovascular etc. I have been carrying around 20 extra pounds since my twins were born and now it’s crept up to 30 and I can no longer “exercise it off” like I did when I was younger. I know I need to adopt a system, which includes food, strategic exercise etc but I don’t have time to plan it all out. That’s why I want to try your program because if it is as easy and planned as you talk about I know I can be successful.

The Xtreme Fatloss program is the perfect thing for me at this point in my life because I need something to really give me a jump-start in life. I’ve had a pot belly for as long as I can remember, and I’m absolutely sick of it. I just can’t even imagine the feeling of seeing my abs for the first time. It would give me such a boost in confidence, and I really feel could turn my life around and get me heading in the right direction.

Heyy! I need this program because I want to look and feel great! I’m short and “fluffy” and feel like I need to lose the extra weight. I want to be able to wear cute clothes and not worry about what size I am. I’ve tried what seems like everything, yet nothing works entirely. I want to become heathier and like myself more…

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