Joel I need a little help buddy. I am now in my 40’s and am having a hard time getting back to my playing weight. I have 3 kids, a full time job and a small fitness company I run on the side. I also try and coach numerous youth sports teams to boot. Maintaing a diet and workout regime long term is tough. I need your program so I can get back where I need to be.
Thanks for all your daily blogs and tips.
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
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Wow I hope to win this program I have tried just about everything and nothing really burns the fat off which is really what I want to do. Due to hormones its not very easy for me to burn off fat, so Im excited about this program.
Good luck to everyone!
I really think this would help me. I have tried diets all my adult life & I just haven’t got the self will power to get started on another diet. I have deterioting discs & now is affecting my siactic nerve & have a lot of pain in my leg, which I have a difficult time to walk & exercise. I know my weight also has a big effect on my back, but I find it so hard to get motivated to lose the weight. I have my youngest son getting married this summer & I would really like be down some weight so I can enjoy & feel better about myself. I also have 3 young grandchildren & love having them visit almost every weekend, but they are tiring me out & I want to really enjoy being able to go for walks & doing things with them.
My name is JoLene and I’m trying to win this for my mom. My mom has a small case of depression because she hates the way she looks. Constantly buying creams, make up, As Seen on TV weight loss garbage and stomach shaping nylons she tries to make herself “more beautiful”. She the most beautiful woman in the world, but if you couldn’t tell, she’s a hoarder and she won’t admit to it. Her room is unlivable because she has all of these pointless weight loss and beauty garbage. She’s in her 50’s so loosing fat is very hard. She suffered a car accident when she was engaged to my dad and broke her hip. She blames her weight gain on the accident and has lost all hope to even strive for a healthy body. I would tell you her weight, but honestly only she knows. Refusing to get on a scale, I don’t even know if she herself knows her own weight. I figured if she lost some weight, she could let go of the garbage. I’ve tried bringing up the issue of hoarding and her unhealthy eating habits, but she just yelled me out and one time we even had a physical fight. I love mom and I want her to see how beautiful she really is.
– Thanks.
Joel, I just want to take a minute of your valuable time to say THANK YOU. I am a 70 yr old RN. This information was and is not taught in the mainstream health care. I have been able to reduce my weight by 30# and then I plateaued. I can not get below the 180 mark (I am 5 ft tall) Most of the weight is in the torso area. I started your 25 day plan a week ago, just by using your newsletters. I need to remove this weight so I can show my family how it is done. My son and his family are all obese…I need this program. I don’t want to lose my children before their time. Thank you again for the information and the chance to win the Program.
At this point in my life, the only thing important to me is losing my weight and becoming healthy and with the help of your fat loss system i feel i can achieve this goal. I am 19 yrs old, just like you when you started your journey to become healthy, and with the help of your fat loss system i feel i can make the same transformation you did. Thanks.
I would like this program because it is laid out for me. I need something that is easy to follow, but still challenging. I don’t need to lose a lot of weight, just mainly abdominal fat. I really would like to get flat abs and look great. My family also needs help with an exercise and eating program. I try to motivate them but it is hard to find things that they like. I think this program will help us all.
Everything that I’ve read from your website makes me feel like this is an answer to my prayers. I have family members and some friends that I see eating all the time and never gain any weight and I who barely eat gain everything then I read your information and a light bulb went off so now I know because of your information that my not eating is my problem as well as eating the wrong foods some of the times when I do eat. I am so much looking forward to this program that when I do see a email from you I jump to read it. Thanks for this program I can’t wait for it.
Two years ago I was diagnosed with 2 types of cancer, lymphoma and colon. I went through chemo for both. While most people lose a vast amount of weight, I managed to maintain what I had since that was all the doctor preached at me was “don’t lose weight”. I knew it was critical to my treatment. Now I’ve gained even more. Unfortunately I was over weight to start with. I have to go back to my doctor in 2 months for a follow up and I REALLY don’t want to go back having promised to lose weight. More importantly, I’ve got do do this for my health. I don’t want my family, or me, to have to go through that ever again.
Hi Joel! Thanks for all the free and very helpful info you’ve sent so far! I would LOVE to receive the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 for free because I NEED to lose this weight. I don’t want to do anymore stupid fad diets! I want something that works for a change and not just for a while but for LIFE!! I want to be healthy. I want my husband to think I’m sexy again! I want to take control of my body and feel good about myself! And I’m willing to work hard if I know that it will actually work! And that’s why I’m excited about your work! I want to make a life-altering move and I’m ready to do that with your program!! And I will gladly submit pictures and testimonials along the way! Please consider me as a winner!! Thanks for your time!
Thanks for this opportunity to win the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet! You have come up with well-planned combinations of cheat days, fast days, and workout days that are coordinated to burn fat to the max. You’ve given me enough info. to make it sound tempting, but I would like the whole package so I can follow your system like a cookbook. I like the idea of a step-by-step process to take off enough pounds/fat where I could wear a bikini this summer . . .
Had bariatric surgery 19 months ago, lost 55 lbs.,hit a plateau and have not been able to budge. I feel as hopeless as I did before the surgery.I think your program is just what I need to achieve my goal of total health and fitness. Extreme Fat Loss 2.1 holds the key to my success. I went into surgery weighing 235,now 180,still need to lose 60. Just can,t figure it out,really would appreciate your help.
I am a binge eater. When on a diet i miss certain food then binge, give up and put back on all the weight plus more. i just got your cheat your way thin program. a cheat day is just the thing to keep me going. i would love your new program to see the next step. i want to be happy being in photos with my kids.
Hello- I have reached the “menopause” phase where everything gathers around my waistline. I refuse to let age be a factor in achieving my fitness goal. Working nights and going to school during the day has added a whole other layer to my struggle to find the right program to keep me on my path to fitness. I am tired [literally!] of seeking out the perfect plan that will help me, finally, once and for all, become the lean, mean woman that I know is here inside. I am literally counting down the days until you release your program.
Hi my doctor told me if I loose weight and get in shape I will be able to come off my diabetes meds. I have started working out and trying to eat right. I believe this will help reach my goal!!!
Well, unlike many here I don’t need to lose a vast amount of weight but what I would like to accomplish with your product is achieve the elite status of super lean so I can finally be completely happy with my two-year transformation. I believe your product will help me achieve my goal and would love to get started ASAP.
Two years ago I was an unhealthy 340 pound 37 year old school teacher who was always worn out, out of shape, and felt like because my whole family was bigger, I just need to accept the fact that I was always going to be heavy, I was then diagnosed with sleep apnea and I would stop breathing 56 times an hour, I had to wear a mask which I absolutely hated! I then decided I HAD to make a change. I started working out and compeletly overhauled my diet and began reading everything I could get my hands on. Over the next two years I busted my butt and stayed true to the diet and got down to 234 pounds eight months ago. Since then the weight just stopped. I’ve tried everything I have learned but nothing helps. Ive dropped carbs,supersets on weights, HIT intervals and many others. Im stuck and need a program that will help me lose another thirty pounds or more. Plus I don’t want to keep reducing calories to lose weight and catabolize muscle at the same time. It would be much appreciated if I could win this program. It sounds like exactly what I need!
Hi Joel. I can’t wait until May 24th!!!!! My husband is obese and 2 of my 3 children, ages 10 and 12 are overweight as well. We have been trying to implement a healthier lifestyle for our whole family and my husband and I NEED access to the info in extreeme fat loss. He has several health problems resulting from his weight, (sleep apnea, arthritis, and gout to name a few…) I am in fairly good shape but struggle to loose that last 10 pounds! I have tried decreasing calories and increasing exercise, but keep plateauing. I am super motivated right now and just need the right information and plan! which you have! but won’t sell me until May 24th!
I’m 56 years old, 5′ 11″ tall and 226 lbs. It is time for me to start doing something for myself. Unfortunatelly I’m repeating this to my self for last 6 years. I think I’m to old for change. I tried many programs but nothing work. Maybe yours can help me.
With warm greetings
I’ve been a single mother for the past 14 years, age 48, and have gradually gained weight around my waist the past 8 years. I don’t eat any processed foods and have worked out with a trainer for the past 4 years but only once a week. I think a lot of my problem is stress and not sleeping the 8-10 hours a night that i should but also not working out as often as I should. I’m looking for that something that will push me past the plateau I’ve hit. I’m 5’7″ 157 lbs and believe I only need to lose about 17 pounds to be where I need to be. Please help me reach that goal!
I would like to have a figure model’s body.
I need to follow a diet that tells you how much food to eat, when to eat it & exactly what I should eat.
I feel I need 10lbs. fat loss for bikini season.
I exercise w/ mostly compound movements & heavy weights.
Could the” Extreme fat loss plan ” help me get “model thin” if I follow it to a “T”?
Would you consider giving me the Extreme fat loss plan to to me as one of your lucky “10”?
I have been following John Romaniello’s Fat Loss Forever program for the last few weeks and have noticed exceptional results. At first, I was skeptical and didn’t want to try it. I bought it and it took me two weeks to build up the courage to give intermittent fasting a try. Three weeks down the road and I have lost 12 pounds which I’m super excited about! I am majoring in nutrition and would love to know as much as I can about all types of diet. I am also competing in a sponsorship competition run by a supplement company (Blue star Nutraceuticals) that ends soon and would love to give a new diet a try to get to my top shape before the competition is over. As of right now I have lost at total of 32 pounds since January 2012 and would love to lose another 40-50 pounds to get to my healthy weight range. I think this program would be a great addition to my new lifestyle modifications. I am a very busy college student with two part time jobs and when I discovered how simple my life was on fasting days I fell in love with the program. I have so much time on my hands to do other activities I love rather than slave in the kitchen cooking 3-4 times a day! Thank you for your time and information Joel! I love your newsletters, always keeping me very informed!!
Thanks for this opportunity. The program would be a major benefit to me because I am 58. The reason is that I need the discipline the daily coaching and instructions provide. You have made it clear that it is too easy to get off track, and the details of the program demand, a strict adherence to a regular routine, in order for the hormones regulation and diet restrctions and exercise program to have a maximum effect. My age has slowed all the systems down, and although I have had a life in the gym, more or less, I cannot get a hold of the slow metabolism and fat storage I seem to live with.
Secondly, I want rapid results, but recognize that this regimen cannot be maintained permanently. This would allow a return to a different regimen, and with step like consistancy I could lose the extra 60 pounds I carry.
Third, I also know too much, from years of experiments, I need the scientific precision your program seems to have been designed to provide. And Last, using this system on an older metabolism , with results, opens a new market to you for frustrated advanced aged people who wish to change the detrimental effects of too much fat in their life, with rapid results. No matter who the candidate is, Age always wins! We can only slow its race down a little.
I have been following you for quite sometime. I am an old timer and I do my research. Thur my bad habits over the years. they add up quickly. I been following Isebel. I have never felt better in years. thank you Isabel. my eating habits have changed 95%. Even thou I feel wonderful I have hit a big Lose Nothing.
So I have been reading your tips about a cheat day ect. Which I did. and I lost a whopping two pounds… What the heck…I use to lose weight in no time….Yes I am frustrated….So tonight I decided to have a few beers, against my better judgement. I heard a song tonight by Bind Faith…Can’t find my way Home. Yes thats how I feel right now> Can’t find my way Home. but keep going. On the bright side THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO. Some us do pay attention. And i would like to thank my dog WOODY who gets up with me every morning and walks in the rain sleet and snow with me every morning. As they say….better days are coming…..:)
a tone up wld be great, & my allergies to wheat lactose preservatives to get rid of, wld be magical too! thank u!((((: