I’m from Indonesia, in my neighborhood no one can give me advise for get a better shape. A lot of exercise and numerous of diet plan I do, but none come for a good result.
So, I think I have to search and learn by my self to get a perfect body that I want. And I believe Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 can make me achieve what I desire. If this doesn’t work, nothing will :D
Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge to us.
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
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Hey Joel!
This program is exactly what I need to turn my health around. This January I was diagnosed with type two diabetes. Im 25, 5’3″, and 135 lbs. I’ve kept in decent shape, but the pounds slowly crept up on me after college. The diabetes is all genetically based (my grandmother, my mother, and 8/9 aunts and uncles have it)
Since January, I have lowered by hemogloblin a1c numbers to ALMOST normal just by changing my diet. The Docs are really impressed with my improvement just from diet alone and think that if i loose weight (fat) that i can possibly get my numbers to “normal.”
I started running last week and can now run 1.5 miles without stopping, yay! I am ready to loose fat and fast! I want to have normal numbers by August.
I am ready to take control of my health and your program is what I need to get on the fast track to saving my life.
Thank you for the opportunity,
Hi, I’m a level 10 gymnast and I workout 33 hours a week. I have to be in top shape all year long, but over the last year I gained 15 pounds. No matter what I have tried, I just cant lose that weight or any fat at all. I have tried everything and I just lose either water or muscle. I think the XFLD would really help and I would really like to try it.
Being very short (4’10”) and very heavy (over 100lbs overweight) it’s been very difficult for me to lose weight. I’ve been on dialysis for years with a kidney diet that isn’t suited to losing weight. I received a kidney transplant 9mo ago. Now it’s time for me to get myself in shape again. With what I’ve read this plan sounds like something I can follow and stick to. Looking forward to being a healthy, fit person again!
Please let me win because I really need to loose fast fast. I am 260lbs. & 5’6″. I am 55 and trying to”start over” in life. I want to loose the fast without losing muscle. I need this program to show me how to eat to loose weight while exercising correctly. I do not want to have to firgure this all out on my own. Why should I when you have the program that’s perfectly put together for me to use. I want to look good, feel great, while getting heathy.
“Working out” all my life and now at 41, I have never been able to find that right recipe of workout and diet to achieve that lean look despite my best efforts. You guys seem to have figured it out in a concise and seemingly manageable way for anyone to achieve. With your direction I’m looking forward to finally get to that “look” with confidence having seen the results from your beta plan.
Hi Joel,
I would love a chance to win a copy of this program because I need help with my health. I’m a diabetic and have been having trouble getting my blood sugar under control. My doctor said that I need to lose weight and I have been trying very hard but no luck. Something needs to change before something bad happens to me and changes me. If the extreme fat loss diet 2.1 works for me I would literally owe you my life. To top it off, my libido is down the tubes and I feel so tired and drained all the time I can’t make smart decisions about exercising or eating. I need your help and I hope I’m selected as one of the winners.
I am a 52 year old wife and mother, and like so many others I have been on the diet roller coaster for longer than I care to think about. I desire to find a system that will indeed help me to reach the goals and desires I have set. Much of what you say regarding food makes perfect sense. I need the tool to put it into motion – I am not happy with myself and who I have become physically., I desire to be lean and fit again. I want to retire my size 12’s and get back into my size 4’s that I was wearing a year ago! I need a tool that will not only motivfate me but will bring back the passion to run and to exercise. It is time to take care of me, with 14year old daughter I want to stay around for a long time to come. I woud totally embrace the opprotunity.
I’m a mother of two, working full-time and doing my best to provide healthy meals for all of us. Three years ago I lost 18 kilos (40 lbs) through diet and exercise. Since then, some of that weight has slowly crept back on so I’ve been “hungry” for information to find the key. Every day I’ve been checking your updates and learning how the body really works and the results other real people have been getting using your program. I tell my kids it’s not all about calories or the food you eat, but when, what type, as well as how fast your body is burning it up. I can’t wait to get started with your program, because I know I’ll finally be able to achieve that lean toned look that has not been possible for me through just diet and exercise alone (1+1= 3!) AND, even better, I’ll be able to set an example for my kids that will set them up for the rest of their lives. Thanks Joel, for sharing your knowledge, enthusiasm and energy.
I am a 52-year-old wife and mother, and like so many others, I have been on the diet roller coaster for longer than I care to think about. I desire to find a system that will indeed help me to reach the goals and desires I have set. Much of what you say regarding food makes perfect sense. I need the tool to put it into motion – I am not happy with myself and who I have become physically. I desire to be lean and fit again. I want to retire my size 12’s and get back into my size 4s that I was wearing a year ago! I need a tool that will not only motivate me but will bring back the passion to run and to exercise. It is time to take care of me, with a14 year old daughter I want to stay around for a long time to come. I would totally embrace the opportunity
Dear Joel,
I’m a 46 year old Mom of 3. For the past 2 years, I’ve been working out 5 days a week and watching what I eat and still can’t get down to the weight and lean figure that I want. I turn 47 in one week and I’ve resolved that this is the year that I will find what works for me and my body. I know that every diet isn’t right for everyone. I’ve read every diet program out there and I am convinced the synergy between the workouts and the daily diet is key to what I need. I won’t just take the program and let it grow dusty on a shelf. I’m ready to put it to work on day one! I’d even be happy to share my results so people can see what it can do for old ladies like me!
I am suffering from acid reflux disease. I was taking acid blockers and having horrible side effects. I’m afraid if I don’t start eating better that food will eventually really harm me. I’ve tried to stick to healthy eating, but just need a really good plan to follow. I’m not fat, but would like to be toned. I work out 5-6 days a week, but haven’t seen much for results because of my diet. I really need something that wiill make the difference in the stomach pains and appearance. No more little muffin top would be great. No more pain and worry would be life altering! Thank you!
I would really like to win. I am 58 years old and weigh 250 lbs, I would like to loose weight but have not been successful. I have 6 wonderful grandkids and would like to be around a long time to enjoy them, I think your program could really help
40 years ago I had a serious industrial accident and over the next 13, I spent 9 years off work. As a result, I learned that I have to watch what I eat and to exercise regularly.
17 years ago I developed a Squaemous Carcinoma at the base of my tongue and the doctors said I had about a 30% chance of survival. Well I am still here.
7 years ago I lost my eyesight for a few hours as a result of side affects from the radiation treatment i had in 1995 to stop the cancer fro spreading any further than it had. As a result I had a corotid edarterectomy to repair the corotid artery on the left side in order to open it. I t was blocked because of the scarring caused by the radiation.
This resulted in my barrow receptors to stop working. They control your blood pressure and act as an intermediary between you sympathetic and you para sympathetic nervous systems.
What this means is that my blood pressure shoots up to about 230 and then drops to about 60. Neither is good for you. The 230 is in stroke range and the 60 will cause me to pass out if I try to stand up.
Last April I had my left knee replaced and on February 13, 2012, I had the right knee replaced.
This has sent me into a vicious pain cycle where there are days that virtually every joint and nerve is causing me pain. As a result, this causes a severe depletion of serotonins which causes more pain. As well this causes a real unstable emotional response from me whic h further affects how my blood pressure responds which causes further problems in my pain/serotonin cycle.
What I have found through all of this is that while all of the above is happening I have been putting on more and more weight.
I have not been able to exercise for the past 7 years as a result of what was happening above.
The exercise was a great way for me to cope with stress and the weight gain.
Although I am hoping to see a bit of a turnaround over the next couple of months which will hopefully allow me to begin an exercise regimen again, I know that your program is something I could really use right now. That is why I believe I should qualify for one of the free programs you are so generously giving away.
Thank you for allowing me to tell you a bit of my story.
I’m a coach helping people who are overworked overwhelmed and disorganized to take action on their goals and live a less stressed , more productive life. Self-care is usually at the bottom end of the ladder even though it is so important. I struggle with weight also and it would be great to have another tool I can help my clients to use that really works.
Hi, there! I am originally from Romania and I came to the US after my husband and I got married in 2001. After almost 11 years of marriage and 2 back to back pregnancies I feel like I am never going to get back to the weight prior to me coming to the US. Sad to say, but I develoved bad eating habbits here and did not cook everything from scratch like my mom used to growing up. I find myself now at almost 200 pounds and feeling disgusted and completely embarrased about my body. I tried a lot of different programs and all failed after a good start because I could not go long term without enjoying the occasional great foods we all love. So, I feel like your program is the last chance I got before going to see my family this summer in July. I hate having to return to my old country family and friends lookiing like this. I am tired of people pointing fingers and saying behind my back: “Look how much weight she’s gained!”I want to go back this summer and have people be amazed at how good I look and how much I’ve changed. I know your program will help me achieve that. Thank you for doing all the hard work!!!
I like the way you set up your program. ( I drive an 18 wheeler all over the United States. I rely on maps to get where I’m going.) That’s what it reminds me of, a map. You lay it out like this, Tony, if you eat this, and do that, you will arrive at your destination. Joel, right now my destination is to loose 15lbs. of belly fat and gain lean muscle. I see how you transformed yourself and believe.
Hey Joel
Well at 42 yrs old and 88kg instead of what I should be about 75kg I guess I really need a good/inspiring/enjoyable but hard fitness regime that will get results without 2 hours at the boring gym. Don’t get me wrong I love weight training and my job as a tiler is very physical strength wise but I struggle in general fitness and proper diet. Hey most of us know we need to get fit but just guess at it and never really get to see results and give up.
I want to be fit for my young kids and also I know it will benefit me mentally as well to be more focused on many aspects in my life down here in good ol NZ.
Cheers Dean
Going on 69 years of age life has taken it’s toll and I need every bit of help so I can continue a life of retirement with my 2 daughters and the grandchildren. Besides my wife demands it! I love her and want to be around for her a lot longer. Thanks
Just listening to/reading all the information you’ve been dishing out the past couple weeks makes me believe that this will be awesome program. I’m always willing to learn new ways to better myself physically and mentally and I think this system could be a life changer. Thanks for all the past and future info!!!
This would help me out so much because I am a college student who has struggled with weight all my life. Last year I made it my goal to lose the weight before I started college because I wanted to leave the “fat girl” nicknames behind me. I always viewed my weight as a problem but it hit me really hard when one of the children that I work with said I couldn’t play tag with them because I was too big and fat. This is my lowest point. But I have no where to go but up from here, and I think your program would help me finally feel good about my self. Your program looks very promising! Thank you for your hard work!
Hello Joel. I’d LOVE to have the opportunity to put your program into use. I am a 41 year old mother of 3, who works full time, and unfortunately has put myself and my health last on the totem pole. I could be the poster child for every “magical pill”, food system, and exercise chain out there. I need to get my life back. I have over the last 4 months lost 30 pounds with 45 to go. I have hit a brick wall and I am willing to do what it takes to regain my health and to be a role model to others. Thank you for considering me. :)
I would absolutely love this system! I am ready to stop dieting and start living at my goal weight once and for all! I want to be the one that succeeds to give others motivation!
The older we get, the harder it is to remain fit and exercise correctly. I aim to try very hard to be more fit within this next year…. in addition, your program will be a bonus to me to eat correctly and exercise daily.
Hi Joel,
I want to start off by saying that I’ve read you emails everyday about how to lose fat and I think this is too good to be true. Cheat days really!! I don’t believe it. But if what you say is true, I would love the opportunity to get a shot at your Xtreme fat loss diet. I’m 5’1 and weigh 176 lbs. and just turn 38 two days ago. I’m hoping with the help of your diet I can turn my life style around and become a fit and happier me.