I’m trying to stay focused on continuing the long term benefits of both cardio and weight/resistance training as well and staying on the track for the best nutrition advancements which assist me in meeting and maintaining my personal goals. I feel all of these hands on disciplines are every bit as important and paying my medical insurance premiums. Help me improve and continue to be the best that I can be at my current age, 56.
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
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Hi Joel,
I’m 26 and have battle being over weight all my life , I was always teased growing up and when I grow up people wouldnt Tease me to my face but look at me funny , it’s been a battle for quiet sometime and I’m really sick of it I want to just be able to be tha weight I want and look and feel good , I’m really blessed that I don’t have any high blood pressure or diabetes , but I hate to think that sickness lays at the door . I feel that your program would be great for me to get into shape and lose the weight that I need to feel good and also to look good , it would be great to be able to walk down the road with out the weird stares or go into work and feel comfortable and know that people are not looking at me funny .Joel I just want to say thanks for giving oppurtunity for people like us to be apart of a program that can really give us self confidence and also help us lose the extra weigh and get into shape .
Joel, I have been a subscriber of yours for a long time now and just through the emails, articles, and information you have sent me I have learned SO much. You were actually the first source of health information I ever subscribed to, and ever since then I have become ADDICTED to fitness and health. I will be entering college this fall and I have decided to pursue a major in exercise science and eventually become a personal trainer. This information would provide me with the blueprint to success that will make me the best trainer I could possibly be, and you better believe that I all my clients will be using this program. I am READY for the XTREME FAT LOSS DIET.
I am a happy mother of 4 wonderful kids and i have a perfect for me life. Except my weight. Its 5 years since the birth of my youngest child and i still have not lost the baby weight. When i met my husband i weighed 105, very slim and felt attractive. Now at 5’2 i weigh 180 pounds and 10 sizes bigger than i was just a few years ago. Im a very busy mom, wife, aunt, teacher since i homeschool and babysit my neices and nephews. I believe this program would allow me to regulate some time for myself and my self improvement.
Hey Joel,
I am skinny fat too but not 19 anymore and just can’t lose the last 10lbs.
I would love to win.
I´ve been excersising three times a week for one hour; 40 minutes of anaerobic excersises and 20 minutes of aerobic excersises, and have not been able to loose a single pound. I´m intrigued about what I´m doing wrong.
I have lost and gained the same 15-20 lbs over and over again. I have tried just about every diet pill on the market, including reducing calories to 500/day with those HCG drops. Everything I have seen on your program makes sense and I know I could commit to it. This is the perfect time of year to focus on myself. I deserve it and want to look my best for the summer! Thanks for listening!
I am 41 and have always struggled with maintaining my weight. I’m built like a bulldozer. I put on strength and size but have never been the body fat level I would like. I have borderline high blood pressure and feel your program can help me reach my goals of of both fitness and health.
thank you
After having a stent inserted in one of my arteries at the age of 37, I can no longer ignore the fact that I need to get in control of my health. I used to feel invicible but that health scare has definitely brought me back down to Earth. And with a wife, two sons and a baby on the way I have every reason to live, if not for myself, then for my family. This program has what I need to succeed and I’m eager to get started in living the next 37 years in better health.
I have just been diagnosed with diabetes, and I know a sensible diet and exercise will help me reverse it. I get your updates and follow them. I know this will put me over the top. At first I wanted to work out for the physical appearance but now it is for my health.
Once again thanks a million.
Need this well thought out program to push past the obstacles in my fitness goals and fire up my progress. Well Done!
got my fingers crossed….
Hi Joel,
Im not for sure if we are to post twice but I really do want this program. It is life or death to me.. It is going to be a lot of work but I am ready to start my new life and to get in the best shape and health then I ever have in my life..I have to loose a 100lb and I believe with all my heart that your program will do this for me….Cant wait to start this journey.. Thank You!!!!!!!!!
I am turning 70 this year and would like to be stronger -and not loose my muscle tone. I have osteoporosis but I want to defeat this along with my arthritis and all the aches and pain. I have heard it is never too late! I have had thyroid surgery and I have gained around 30 pounds that have been impossible to get rid of.
Exercise is harder than in the past and I am hopeful that your plan can work for seniors as well as all your young following. In any case good luck with your program!
I wish to obtain a copy of the fat loss program because I am nearly 50 and wish to change my body and the way I feel about and do eating. I don’t haeve an issue with appetite. I have an issue with what to eat and when to eat it. A clear well designed program will help me accomplish my goal. Thank you.
I really feel discouraged. I have diabetes and another condition that I take medication for. I have been told that the meds put on weight. I have tried so hard because I know that if I could lose the weight, my health would improve dramatically. I have been searching and trying everything and anything to get the weight off. Success has eluded me and I feel like I am 80 instead of 47 years old. I feel so discouraged and depressed about it and feel like I have given everything a good go but gotten nowhere. The only saving grace has been that at least I havent put on any more weight. MY doctor keeps telling me to lose weight and when I say that I have been trying, they tell me that I must not be, because clearly I am still very overweight — by about 100 pounds. I get told to lose the weight but not how to. I am starting to feel like a 6 year old kid getting in trouble from the school principal and after each appointment I end up even more discouraged and in tears.
It is a vicious cycle. The more discouraged and depressed I get, the more I feel like having all this weight on is going to kill me at a young age and if not from diabetic complications but from some other obesity related illness.
I seen your emails and the photos of people who are real ordinary people who have achieved something with your help. I really want to be one of those people.
Being 4’10” and over 100lbs overweight I really feel your program can help me. I had a kidney transplant last summer after many years of dialysis. Now it’s time for me to regroup and lose this extra person I’ve been carrying around. I’ve been very limited dietary wise because of my kidney problems. Now that I no longer have dietary restrictions I want to do this the right way. All that I have read about your Xtreme weight loss system makes me believe I can actually follow it. Thank you for developing this system. I’m looking forward to getting healthy again!
Hi I’m a mother of a beautifull 2 year old daugther and a wife of a great and handsome huby. I haven’t lost my pregnancy weight yet. It’s time now! Especially that will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary this august. I want to look more than good for.that special day. I would like to fit in my wedding dress again better yet wear a smaller size lol. But most and for most be healthy. I’m sure my exemple will convince my huby of doing the same.
Hi Joel,
I am a 65 year old male who has tried every known diet. All I want to be able to do is take off the last 15kgs of excess weight that just won’t budge. I want to give you the opportunity to prove you have a system that can succeed where all others have failed. I am prepared to follow the system exactly and provide detailsof my progress. Are you prepared to accept the challenge?
I am 42 years old. I have been working out consistently for around six years. I have had moderate success with a variety of different workout programs and meal plans. I even became a vegetarian in the process. I am chasing the right six pack plan that is repeatable. I will not rest until I achieve it. Your program seems to have the answer.
Wow, If this can really help me lose fat I want the program. :)
You are my last and only hope.
Thank you.
Because I’ve been trying to become more lean and fit, building muscles and abs without looking chunky, for a few years, without success and I believe that this would be the perfect solution for me.
I’m 50+ years old and pushing 60,
Instead of being fat, I want to look nifty,
Around my middle is too much adipose,
Which came from over eating, don’t you suppose?
I want to lose weight, and lose it fast,
I don’t want to fail, like I have in the past.
Keeping leptin levels high, is that the clue?
Can you really cheat and lose weight too?
I want to lose fat and not any muscle,
In order to do that, I’ll have to hustle,
Tackling fat loss through diet and exercise,
Doing this synergistically is very wise.
If I maintain my metabolism and keep my muscle mass,
Will it make my body look like an hourglass?
If I won a copy of the Extreme Loss Diet,
I would tell everyone, you couldn’t keep me quiet!
cause I´m doing weights and like to eat the right food!!