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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 System!

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!




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Hi, I started the Turbulance Training Workout as a New Year’s resoultion & I was very commited for 12 weeks or so but while I felt heaps better the fat loss results were disappointing. I have tried, & failed most weightloss programs out there (in fact had a shoebox of programs I can guarantee don’t work!) but the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 sounds like a program that could really work for me. I loved the Turbulance Training Workout & can now plank & pushup with the best of them. So I’m really hoping that the 2 working together can get this dieter of 20 odd years to finally achieve my healthy weight goal. Thanks for the opportunity.

Ever since having radioactive iodine in 1994 for hyperthyroidism, I have had extreme difficulty losing weight, but no problem gaining weight. Although most people think it is all in my head, my endocrinologist told me after the procedure: “Good luck losing weight!” I have been researching ways to increase my metabolism. The secrets in “Fat Loss Secrets Exposed” make sense, so I’m sure the ” Xtreme Fat Loss Diet” is what I am looking for in a lifestyle change, that fits into my lifestyle.

This information is the most sensible I have discovered and I would absolutely love to challenge myself and see the results! I have been struggling (as with many others) with the last 10 pounds and I believe this could be the answer I have been searching for. Thank you for giving us the chance to enter this generous give-a-way :)

I was thinking that you were just like hundreds of others, just full of BS. I just don’t believe what any of you say anymore, basically you all like to make things sound good just so you can get money. I think that is really cool that you are willing to give away some free copies. I probably won’t win a copy because I never win anything, but it would be awesome to win a copy and try it out to see if it really works, and if it does work, I will certainly change my opinion of you.

I have pcos and am struggling to lose weight as is the nature of it, despite my meds, my extremely low carb diet and kickboxing. I need to reach my goals as I am a mother to a beautiful baby boy and a mother figure to the students I teach. I want to be an example of healthy living, self loving, fitness, energy, dedication, and accomplishing a goal despite obstacles. Im ready to try something new as what I am doing is not producing the results I need to feel like im getting closer to meeting my 100lb weight lost goals. Please pick me, thank you

I need something I can stick with all the time. As a teacher, I do 90 days of P90X in the summer and tone up and lose weight. But I work long days at school often 10+ & bring work home. I don’t have the energy for P90X during the school year. I think this could be just the ticket!!!

Hi Joel. I really want to try your program because I need help. I’m only 41 but have added weight over the last couple of years due to medical problems. Things are getting better slowly since I had major surgery 5 months ago, but I still can’t stand to look in the mirror. I am following Isabel de Los Rios’ Beyond Diet program since a couple of months but success is really slow. I have been following the tips you give out in your emails and i would love to try your complete program. I just want a little extra push so that I can be healthy again, like the way I look, and be more of a part in my kids’ life again. I want this for my kids, but also for me. I have a really hard time wanting something for myself (instead of putting everyone else first!) but I DO want this for ME. So please consider me. Thank you so much.

Hey, I’ve been following you for a while now and I’m desperate, I’m about to turn 39 in a month and publishing my first novel the very same date, need to lost 20 pounds, and I’m realizing that unles a miracle happens, I won’t be able to do it…

I’m so tired of the ups and downs with my weight. I just want to be healthy and I’ve run out of ideas. I know what to do…eat healthy and excersice but I need a program that makes me want to keep doing it. Fully limiting everything just fuels my cravings.
We want to start a familly soon and I want to be as healthy as I can be before I can get pregnant.
Winning this program could really help me achieve my goals.

I have PCOS, I’m 5’1″ and I weight 271. I eat better than most people I know. I don’t eat fast food; don’t eat tons of sweets and pastries. I don’t drink soda. I get moderate exercise. My weight doesn’t budge. I’m hoping your system will change that.

Hi Joel,
I have tried everything i can and but nothing seems to work. I have read everything you have ever written and have been most impressed. I do not have a job and cannot buy your program. I would really like to win because I believe in you and am confident that you can help me. I am keeping my fingers crossed for luck.

I feel that what you are giving away is something that I would need, I am getting fatter by the day and not liking it one bit! So give this fat A– a chance of winning your program hehe! Thank you, from what I hear your pretty awesome! And it works!

I could really use this program help lose weight for health reasons.

Xtreme commitment + Xtreme fat loss program = Xtremely fit, lean and ready for summer! I guarantee that I will reach my goal and be your next Xtreme transformation.

Don’t know if my replies got in earlier, so I’ll give it a final go. I turned 53 yesterday an have been trying for the last 20 or so yrs. to lose the gut, which I have deemed as impossible, I can P90 it, eat this an not that, total gym it, ab roller it, but it won’t fade, I’m not extremely overweight an have a solid foundation but have almost given up hope of ever being able to see what I want to see in the mirror. Figure at my age this is my last shot at getting the image, confidence an health I so dearly want to see. Thanks for taking the time and all your efforts to help the millions of people like me see there still maybe a chance. I’m more than willing to give it a go. Sincerely, Randy.

I need some help, Joel! I have been on a diet for a little over a year now. I’ve lost some weight, but get into plateaus, and I don’t really understand why. I want to get in shape — not just lose weight, but look great with lean muscle. I do work out – just not the right way, apparently. I want to learn all about fat, how to control it, and how to get my body back in the lean muscle shape it should be. I even keep logs!
From what I’ve read, your program covers a lot of ground, from diet, workout, metabolism, supplements and more. Like you, I’m a research junkie. So I was quite happy to learn about Leptin from your 5 Sneaky Tricks. I’m trying to figure out supplements now. Sometimes my dieting works, but I need to understand the rules, without starving myself and having my body eat muscle instead of that nasty fat.
So, to put it simply, I’m female, over 50, I’m fat and I want to be “hot” again! I’d love to have you transform me in the next 25 days! I want to be like some of the people you show on Real People, Real Results. So I hope I get the opportunity to work your program.
Either way, I wish you the best. You’ve got a great attitude, great credentials and are good with customers already by running this contest. I know you’ll go far!

I am seeking to be strong and healthy to be able to better deal with my remaining 10-20 years of life. I have tried many of the recommendations you have shared, except for the expensive products. I have not lost my waist/belly fat(which is only about 4 pounds/2 inches), however, I have not gained.

Please Joel, all I want Is to be strong for my family, myself, for the people I care and love for, I just want to get in better shape. Yeah maybe look good as well, but I want to get stronger as well. Please Joel I don’t want to be self conceded or anything but I would be grateful if I won one of your copies…

I had gastric bypass two years ago. I lost 90 lbs, but due to other health issues, I’ve begun to resume some of my old bad eating habits, mostly due to chronic pain. I also am unable to exercise like I used to, and I have a really sluggish metabolism. I’ve gained back 20 lbs, and I’m getting worried that this will continue unless I get some help. I’ve downloaded what you’ve given me access to, but I think I need more help than that. I would love to have your entire program to see if that will give me the assistance that I need.

3 years ago I woke up one day, looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I was a 275lb single mother of 6 and that just wasn’t how I was meant to survive in this world. I got serious. Made some life changes and 2 years later I was 150lbs. I have been trying for the better part of the last year to lose the last 30lbs with no success. I have tried everything and it won’t budge. I have worked hard to lose weight and I would really appreciate a copy of the program that can give me the final push across the finish line. Thanks!

im sick of being me,im 53 and 175 lbs.my thryoid messed up and i have put on 70 lbs,nothing i do works,just hoping you could help.i just want to be me again without all this extra weight,and the pain in my joints from caring this extra weight

I am cautiously optimistic that your program is the perfect one for me and also for my wife. We are both overweight and have been struggling for several years to reach a permanent solution. A couple of pounds lost and then a couple of pounds gained, year after year is so discouraging. Your program sounds like it will be our savior, as we both have weight related medical issues and we are only in our late 50’s. Thank you for your consideration.

We all need to feel good about ourselves. With half of the American population overweight, that’s pretty hard. I’m 68 years young – still working (20 years) as a massage therapist. My busy schedule means that I often under eat. I’m no stranger to yo yo dieting. Keeping the weight off is more the problem for me and my clients are always asking for diet advise. I am already sending them your way. I think you have the answers. Keep up the good work Joe. Thanks…

I have gained a lot of weight since I stopped smoking. Now with menopause it seems like I am stuck. I think I am doing everything I can but I can’t seem to drop the lbs. I feel fat and defeated. May as well start smokeing again if this doesn’t wotk

Joel – I learned about you and your program by Shaun Hadsall and come highly recommended SOOOOOOOO I definitely want a copy of your program! I need your help…… I am stuck with that last 10 pounds to lose at 22% body fat. Being female and hitting that golden age of 50, I have a challenge. I eat clean and exercise hard but cannot get my rid of my love handles or see my abs. Please help me! I am ready to be your middle aged picture of success!

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