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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 System!

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!




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3,075 comments - add yours

I have been reading you updates and I am interesting in achieving my fat loss goals to lose 25 pounds in 25 days. I know I cannot do it without all of the information. I need to know what foods to eat and when to eat it. I need more information on the types of exercise I should be doing like the high intensity ones. The deadly combination of carbs and fat. The types of protein I should eat at every meal. When to take antibiotic and why. Basically I think your program is the most realistic and it think it can work once you put your mind to it and belief it can more a difference

Last February (2011) I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. We caught early enough to do a partial hysterectomy with no chemo. I was super excited but when they removed the tumor the cancer was a stage higher so they had to cut me from belly button down to test lymph nodes to see if the cancer had spread. During the surgery a hole was ripped in my bladder & I had to wear a catheter bag for 3 months & then retrain my bladder to work on its own again. So during the 10 month process of all this I was unable to workout like I use to prior to surgery. I now have a huge scar on my belly & can’t seem to get my body back to pre surgery. I feel ur program will help me get to where I want to be. I have been doing bootcamp for 2 months now & have ran in a 5K & I am about to sign up for another 5k. I’m just not getting the toned body I want. I am happy to say I am cancer free and pray I remain that way. Thank you. Sissy Beach

I feel this program will work for me because I’ve been stuggling with my wait for almost 8 yes now n I lose some pounds but then gain it back. Reason being is because I can’t stay on a strict diet because I love food. I like to eat pizza. Hamburgers and it goes on and on. At this time I am goin eith a personal trained and ive seen results but it’s not quit what I want. I am weighing at this time 160 pounds and I am 5 feet tall with three children and I really need some help and support to be able to succeed. I hate eating lettuce as a diet . And I get bored of just eating tuna and veggies because I cr be candys, cookies. I know that if I do get ur program I will challenge myself and prove to those that don’t have faith in me that I could really get fit.

I am 53yrs old and I’ve been competing in a sport called Dragon Boat. The sport requires me to workout with weights, do cardio circuits and paddling time on the water. When I was younger, the weight would come off fairly easily. Going into my forties, the weight was still coming off easily. Now I’m hitting my fifties and I am fighting to lose even one pound. I want to be fit and healthy going into my sixties. I am trying out for the National Team Canada Senior B Dragon Boat mixed crew which will be going to Hungary 2013. I’d like to be part of that crew as fit as I can be. Thank you.

I’m so glad to have the opportunity to thank you for such a wonderful weight loss.
The cheat day is what did it for me. Plus, the days around the cheat day are wonderful. I eve convinced my wife to do together.
It’s only 25 days!!!

Whether I pay for it or I get it free, I’m getting it and taking the 25 day challenge.

25 days. That’s it. Itks worth a shot. I’m so excited to check out the rest of the program. Please put me at the top of your list when you make it available.


Hi – I believe that this program would be perfect for me because I am struggling to lose the weight that I gained after I slowed my metabolism down trying to lost weight by restricting food and overexercising. This program would allow me to build on the strength and endurance that I do have, to help me overcome my eating disorder and lead a normal life with exercise, food and body image.

I’m an almost-44 stay-home wife and mom, and while I’m healthier than most people my age, I’m still about 20 pounds overweight. I’d like to gain more muscle as I lose fat, and this program sounds like it’s the answer to my prayers! But I am also at the stage where I feel I am being challenged to see myself as more of what I am now. My husband and I are musicians (pianist & singer, respectively), & we’ve been hearing the stage calling us again. I really believe this program will teach us how to live healthy for ourselves (hubby needs to lose MORE weight than I do ;) ) and for our kids (pre-teen twin girls with no health problems, but isn’t it better to teach them the right stuff now, rather than wait for the problems to come, then help?). Plus as stage performers, audiences ask everything from “where did you get that song?” to “how do you keep yourself healthy & looking good?” and there are some who do expect more than the vague “we exercise & watch what we eat.” It would be good to be able to give those few true seekers an answer that they can follow up and actually use for themselves. Winning this program will help me meet that challenge as well. Because honestly…hubby is between jobs, so we can’t afford to buy it now. Thanks for the chance.

I love that you are a research fanatic. I have been yo yo dieting my whole life. I grew up asmathic and allergic to everything so I didn’t exercise much at all. I finally have that under control and I am enjoying working out but I do not understand how to eat correctly. Everyone has a different opinion on how to do it correctly. Being that you researched this so well I would like to follow you. I have a wedding at the end of June that I am in and I would love to actually take some weight off before the wedding. I have changed shape a bit due to exercise but the scale is not moving past the initial 10 lbs I lost. I am tired of disappointment. I am ready for a lifestyle change.

Thanks for the great opportunity. Please sing me up for a copy when you make available.


I followed 5 cycles of Extreme Fat Loss and was thrilled with the results. I’m currently following 24/7 Fat Loss and am down 18 pounds. I can’t wait to see what’s in store with Extreme Fat Loss 2.1. Got another 40 pounds to go and I know your programs will help me get there! Thanks for you dedication, Joel!

Hello again,
While reading over all the info that u have sent out, I feel that this could be the one. You but it in simple English for us, step by step, and it doesn’t sound like a lot of hidden tricks that we have to find out to make this program work. I love the 5days!!! In my mind its easier to focus on 5 days at a time then 30 or more. Overall you make it easy to understand and that’s what i need. Even if i don’t win, I still want to say thank you for coming up with this program and giving me some hope.

I would really like this because I am an athlete and 13 years old. I some muscle but not as much as fat. I am a track runner and a soccer player that wants to lose the my fat and have specific workouts to build muscle too. No one can stand being called fat specially in your kid days and so I always told myself I was fat. And everybody remembers me from being a fat boy so I don’t have many real friends that are girls because who wants to be friends with a fat boy. Even, how cool you are. But I am 100% determined to lose my fat forever and never want to be called fat again. Please I need to get conditioned. High school is right after this summer and will meet new faces. Please help

I am a 44 year old mom of 5 who has taken care of everyone else but not myself. I have tried diets and exercises before and I make some progress but I have about 40 pounds to lose so I never get more than about half way before I start to struggle and that takes several months. I am so excited about your program. I need something that tells me what exercises to do and what to eat so I am not guessing. I am sure that I can do your program for 25 days especially with the cheat days. I love how you have explained why you eat what you eat on certain days. It makes so much sense and that in itself will make it easier to follow for me.

Hi, I appreciate all the hard work you’ve done. I’ve been finishing a doctoral degree and put on 60 pounds over the past 2 years. My hard work after graduation will now be to lose weight. Thank you for considering me; I would love to win a free copy so that my hard work won’t be as frustrating as trying to do it by myself. Thanks

I am the only one working in my family of 4 now so work out time is a luxury with 2 kids under 3. I used to be 185lbs now I’m 260 and I feel my marriage life intimacy wise is suffering due to my weight gain. I need any and all help to keep my marriage strong.

Hello. Thanks for the opportunuty to win your new product.
The reason why this is perfect for me is that for christmas I was diagnosed with Diabetes.
I have increased my meals per to 4 or 5 from 1 or 2 but I lost access to my free weights, Nordictrak and Bowflex when my uninsured home burned down Mar 12 2009 during a period of unemployment.
I need to lose 20 to 30 lbs and crank up my metabolism as little for disease management.
Your system concepts seem well suited for maximum results in a short period of time with a minimum of cash investment.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks Again

I’ve been “dieting” since the first of the year. I lost 15lbs. in the first 12 weeks, but since then I have plateaued and only have lost 1lb. I would love to have the Fat Loss Diet 2.1 to find out how to break or avoid this when I diet.

I’ve really been inspired by the updates. I used to go to the gym every day years ago and eat really well. I was in great shape! But the last few years since I had my baby boy I’ve been struggling to get the drive to get back to the gym and lose the last 4 kilos of baby weight. I’m finding it hard to fit in being a mum, working and eating healthy, so having these tips on making the most of training and diet has been great – thanks! Love the thought of a legal cheat day!!

Two years ago was when I decided to transform my body and adopt a healthy lifestyle. I ran into a program called Max Workouts by Shin Ohtake, and it truly introduced me to being effective with my workouts. Since then I have been able to lose weight and build strength. I can truly say that I am in the best shape of my life thus far. Where I am now is that I lack a highly organized diet to target every ounce of fat in my body. My current body fat percentage is 15% and I want to get it under 10%. This program will give me focus and confidence in attaining my goals and transforming my body. By getting this program I will be on the path to placing the missing link in my total fitness chain. I really hope I win.

I would like to try your program because, after reviewing your last 5 emails, it simply intrigues me. I have reviewed and tried many innovative weight loss programs over the past year since graduating college (Eat Stop Eat, Fitness Blueprint, Shapeshifter, etc.) and have gained a pretty good understanding of the human body and why it reacts the way it does to food, exercise, and fasting. Your program is the only one that I have seen that addresses the problem of “losing those last 10 pounds” from a scientific standpoint and gives a solution to this problem. Two messages from your emails really jumped out at me. The first is the strategy that you employ to deplete your carb stores the day before a cheat day and then following that with a fasting day to control your leptin levels. The hottest trends right now in dieting seem to be intermittent fasting and employing cheat days but no one else seems to have put together a strategic way to use them to complement each other. The second message that really got my attention was integrating your exercise program into your diet to maximize your body reshaping potential. In this second message lies the main reason why I want to learn more about your program/ philosophy. I don’t quite have a grasp yet on exactly how to implement an exercise program to compliment a diet and am very interested and willing to learn. Thanks for your time.

It will be a gift for my brother. He has tried several diets but with limited success. This one the methods of tricking the body to produce leptin by pizza days and to time exercise with fast and feast days would really enhance his fatlost journey.

I have already been following the workouts and using nutrition tips from both Joel and Roman and they have helped me to reach my goal weight. The only problem is that I am still what they call “skinny fat.” I have been trying extremely hard to get that toned/chiseled look and I just cant seem to get it. Instead I lose more weight, but dont get more toned. I am hoping that this program will give me that extra edge to FINALLY reach my goal.

I am a bit skeptical about this diet but at the same time very curious. I am stuck on a 36 bmi for the past 7 years. I’ve tried everything and I am starting to consider a medical surgery or even to insert a stomach balloon. I think this is a good chance for me if it was given to me the opportunity. And I’d follow the instructions and share my progress.

Why do need this info? I’m getting married in a month and I have to fit into my TUX !

But seriously, I have may obese children in my practice and the usual dietary advice is not cutting it (the fat that is). I hope to gain a few nuggets from your program to help them. I think if they see the pounds come off, then they might stick with it.

I am 74 and in fairly good health after finally quitting smoking 4 years ago ! A
MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT !!!! I have gained weight because of it but couldn’t be happier that I quit and that my grandson does NOT remember me smoking ! (He is 6 now and the REASON I quit!) So I would like to get into better shape and be around ALOT more years to enjoy him and watch him grow up! THAT is the REASON I NEED THIS PROGRAM!

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