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Win a FREE copy of the Xtreme Fat Loss 2.1 System!

Posted by Joel Marion

We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the 5 10 free copies of the entire Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system that I’m GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, I want you to tell me exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell me WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special launch pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, I want you to tell me, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

I will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then I’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!




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3,075 comments - add yours

I am a very busy physician, with 25 lbs to lose and am so intrigued by your program! I have access to spreading the word about your program to all those people I see everyday who, like me, are so frustrated with weight loss strategies that don’t work for the majority of us! It would be amazing to feel in control of my body again, and gain the pleasure of a healthy weight to boot. So far, this program seems integrally sound, and very smart. Can’t wait to participate in the adventure:)))))

The strategic Xtreme fat loss diet 2.1 system would be great for me as I had two stents put in a year ago. I changed my diet and exercise program and lost 25 pounds in the first three months. However, I have slipped a little bit into old routines and need a new plan for life. I am sure that even though I am over 60, the program can benefit me.

I really need your programe, because I’m lost, don’t knov what to do to loose weight and most of all I need a guide to help me how to do it. I have tryed almost anything and nothing is working for me or it’s working for a short period of time, I’m confused with all the different information about what is right and what is wrong and I really need just one path to go on. I have been on your mailing list for quite a while now, reading and trying to follow what you write. I have discovered that I started to trust you and everything you write because it makes sense. I would be really gratefull. Thank you for beeing my light.

20 years ago had 7/8 of thyroid removed and put on 30 kilos now the 1/8 left has turned to cancer, had that removed, having radioactive iodine therapy in 2 weeks and have read on the internet how many people pack on the weight after treatment and I don’t want to be just another statistic I want to shout out to the world this is all you need.

Hey Joel,

I’m 47 years old and weight had never really been an issue for me. Sure, I could put on a few extra pounds now and again (especially around the holidays) but could always take them off fairly easily with moderation and exercise. Then, just over 2 years ago, I unexpectedly had to have open heart surgery (mitral valve repair, for a herediatary condition). All went well, I have a clean bill of health from all of my doctors, no diet restrictions. Problem is, during this time I’ve picked up about 35 pounds and cannot lose any of it. What used to be fairly easy to do (losing weight) is now impossible. Why, I not sure. Has my metabolism changed? Did the medication I was on after surgery screw with something? I know I’m getting older, is that the culprit?
I’m full of questions as to why I can no longer seem to lose weight. Answers, not so much.

Why is this the perfect program for me? I don’t know that it is. Your the expert. You’ll have to tell me. Will it work? All I know is, I need help.

I lost 80 pounds last year and have another 50-60lbs to go. The last 6 months I lose 10 and then gain it back, lose it and gain it etc. I am able to maintain but can’t get seem to drop anymore. Everything I try to do isn’t working, changing my eating, going to boxing, walking and going to the gym. I would love to join Sean Barker’s Boot Camp, but I have 3 kids and he only offers morning classes which do not work for me as I need to get them to school. I think this is a great opportunity for me and would love the chance to get to the next level of my journey.

I have been extremely overweight for 20 years. Over the last two years by changing my diet I have been able to avoid becoming diabetic and to decrease inflammation from a chronic case of tendonitis to the point that I have no pain and my CRP is low normal. But I have not been able to lose more than 20 pounds no matter what I’ve done or am doing now, including all the usual — exercise, meditation, gluten-free, etc.

I am hopeful that this program will be the key to losing my excess weight which will lead me to a totally healthy, happy and long retirement.

Hi my husband has type two diabeties .His doctor has told him to loose weight as he is a heafty 175 kgs or he will have a heart attack as he is only 39 this year it scares me so we have both tried alsorts of different diets but to no avail he looses and then puts it on again and so have i.I have been reading your notes for the past few days and it sounds like something he could do easily and not be restricted of the foods he likes and get the weight off .Thank you

I love your transformation, and hence need a lot more help than you needed. I have tried so many things and am hoping this IS the final step in my long journey! Please, please pick me! :)

I tried to comment much earlier today but it didn’t work. I’m 60. Two years ago I quit smoking and in the process gained 25 pounds. No matter what I do, I can’t seam to get it back off. In June, my daughter is getting married, I’m convinced your program will help me get that weight off (and more) for good. Thanks for helping me.

I find myself once again trying to lose the same weight I have lost and gained many times over these past 35 years. The desire to be thin and physically fit is part of who I am…that is why I have never given up. My body has treated me well these past 55 years, it is time I FINALLY start treating it well. I have already made many positive changes in my eating and exercise; however, years of yo-yoing have slowed my metaboism to a snail’s pace, and I NEED your plan to jumpstart it and get it burning efficiently once again. I finally understand what made me fat, and why I kept regaining all the weight I had lost. I am committed to seeing this thro. Senior citizens need lean, healthy bodies too! I am not to that age quite yet…but when I get there, I aim to be in the best physical health possible…I want to be a slim and trim “Grammie”…someone that my kids and grandkids are proud of! And, I want to be proud of myself!

Well so far the information presented impresses me since it addresses both the diet side and also the physical side. I am not terribly out of shape, but I do have problems in certain areas that this program seems to solve very quickly form what I saw of some of the previous users. It looks like a holistic approach and meshes well with some of my own personal philosophies.

I like to push myself when it comes to working out. Love reading new materials and applying them to my workout routine to get the best result I can. I am trying to lose my last 10 pound and I am hoping that with the help of your program I will do just that. Thank you for what you do and keep up the good work.

I have just recently retired and I read all the blogs, this is just what I need,now I have the time to do it.

Your articles and tips have been so inspiring and have made more sense than any articles I have read. I am a 55yr old grandmother raising my 8yr old grandaughter that I have adopted while Working 10 hrs a day. The last 5yrs that I have been raising her have taken their tole on my health. Used to be a cougar now I’m turning into an out of shape fat cat. I want and need to be the best I can be healthy and fit. Your program and help would be a lifesaver. Keep up the good work there are people out there that desperately need your help and dedication.

hey joel im a mexican boy who has always been fat 1 year ago i decided to lose all my overweight i have lost 45lbs but i need something special to giving my body a special shape so that i would be able to taking my shirt off for the first time on summer at the beach it is one of my biggests dreams

Because life is too short. If I can accomplish in 25 days that which would take me months on my own, I can spend those months enjoying life the way I want.

It’s Friday night…just had some pizza from Little Ceasars (it ain’t the best tasting but the kids like it and I had a tough week at work) as I’m implementing Sneaky Trick #1 and bringing my Leptin levels back to normal to put me in the fat burning zone. Okay, seriously…I turn 45 on May 1st, which just happens to be the launch of the “unofficial” release of Xtreme Fat Loss Diet 2.1 and I’m hoping to get an early birthday present. I need this to show me a better way of living, working out, and eating. I’m about 40 lbs overweight and I’d love to get back to my college weight; for my wife and my kids…but especially for me! I’m much better off dead than alive:-) Thanks Joel !

Hi Joel,
As a new father I have found that my routine has changed a lot. As I don’t have as much time as I used to for exercise I am finding it hard to drop the extra weight. So I would love to get a hold of this program so that I can maximize my efforts with the time I have available while still spending as much time as I can with my baby girl.

Dear Joel,

I tried entering earlier today from work but got an error message several times. We would love to try your program. My son keeps asking me to buy another program that he has seen. Wtih your knowledge and expertise, I feel your program would be much better. Our teenage daughter wants to join a gym, but I know she would never get her money’s worth. I think this would be a good program for our whole family to participate. My husband may not be able to do much of the program due to his back and knee surgeries, but I think he could try part of it. Working out together as a family may bring us closer together. Thanks for considering us, donna

I want to loose my belly fat, and as mike chang says “train hard”, so in duet with his sixpackshortcut I’d like to win your diet program, so here am I!

Hey Joel! I want to be one of the ones that can say “WOW! This program is AMAZING! It’s not just about diet. It’s about being active and actively taking a role in becoming “Fit For Life!” Yep, that is what I want, to be that person who is Xtremely Fit For Life! Do I want to win? You betcha! This sounds like a win-win deal to me! Thanks Joel, not just for this opportunity, but for all the information you continually pass on to help me stay focused on the goal!


TRUST. You have asked me to trust you with your extreme program. I will be teachable and put aside the concerns based on past information I have received. I experienced Sudden Cardiac Death 3 years a go, and I have not wasted my second chance. Since then I have lost 25 pounds, and I have 15 to go. This is a method I believe will work for me, and I know how to work! My three children are my life, and God gave me that second chance. I want to be able to show them that my past scare is not a reason to keep me from living the life I have today. Let me be a testimony for you. Please put your trust in me to do your program justice. I won’t let us down!

Joel – I am 53 years old and making some pretty drastic life style changes. I’ve recently quit a 25 year tobacco habit and picked up extra weight due changes in my metabolism. I’m working on strengthening my core and need something a bit radical on the the nutrition side to bring my metabolism back into line. I believe that “something radical” is your new program.

Thanks for the information / explanations you have provided to date.

I love the idea of shedding weight quickly. I’ve been trying to lose that last unwanted fat on my upper thighs and get rid of that “baby” weight I ve been caring around on my lower half for the past 7 years. I know I can do it I just need the right program and I know that this is it.

Love listening to your blogs!

Denise Fitzgerald

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