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Win a FREE copy of the 24/7 Fat Loss System!

Posted by Joel Marion


We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!

Joel & Craig

NOTE:  This contest is now closed.


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OK I’ll try for the fourth time to get this comment to you. It just kept timing out. Very simply put, I already own some of your stuff and some from Craig etc. I can tell you that it works. My problem is that I have a very erratic working schedule and it is hard to follow to the letter. If this program gets thing going to burn fat 24/7 then may be that I will be able to lose my fat as planned but more quickly in spite of my erratic schedule. Thank you very much.


This program would be excellent for me! I’ve been working out for about seven years and have not been able to loose weight. I’m a post menopausal female who really would like to get back a some what “girlish” figure. Plus I would like to hopefully encourage my overweight husband to participate with me and get healthy for our grandchildren.

I like the sound of your synchronized meal and exercise program . I love the sound of burning fat every minute of the day and having my metabolism being effective and efficient. I’m so interested to know that this is scientifically backed by all the literature. I’m keen to use the least amount of time exercising with the maximum impact, while keeping a balance on my life. Like everyone else, I am superbusy, and would like to know how to prep meals, and organize my time so that I live as full a life and be the best mom, wife and worker that I can possibly be. Your program is compelling and sounds lifechanging. Thanks for all the info so far!

This system would really be a gods-end for me.
I am in my mid-forties and have tried multiple ways to lose weight and burn fat only to be unsuccessful and discouraged every time.
My co-workers have tried a method which gave them immense positive results in a short time frame. I did research on their method and decided not to try it because it changes hormone levels drastically and unnaturally.
I’m losing faith I will ever reach a maintainable weight/size. I exercise daily and have changed my eating habits only to see whatever weight I lost go right back to places I DON’T want it. I feel like I’m on a merry-go-round.
My ultimate goal would be to lose the “pouch” and keep it off for good !!
Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity!

Diagnosed as insulin resistant at the age of 50, I’m learning a new lifestyle of eating and exercise. Now at 52, I need a serious tool that can help me lose more weight and be more healthy. I realize, my life depends on it.

I’m 43, my husband is 42. We are in decent shape and eat a fairly clean diet. We are planning on going on a cruise this spring with Kid Rock (and a couple thousand other people) and want to look awesome. We would like to lower our body fat and look great in our beach wear. We are always looking for new programs to keep our workouts fresh. I’ve been following both of you guys for years and have purchased some of your programs. I think your collaboration will be a recipe for fat loss success. We would love to put your program to the test.

Ok, in 250 words or less here is what why I would love to try this program. I am in the United States Air Force for the past 15 years, and I haven’t had much luck with fitness. I have one more fitness test, and if I fail I will more than likely be kicked out. After 15 years, that is a hard blow to handle. The Air Force doesn’t really teach people how to work out, they just say do it, and I don’t know how to just do it. So, this is my last chance to see if a miracle can happen and keep me in the Air Force. Thank you. When this works, I will share my knowledge with those around me…so they can learn too….(NOTE: if this accidentally appears more than once, I am sorry the website was acting weird)

Awesome opportunity. Thanks. I’m a firefighter who is now coming on my mid thirtiesand I’m finding it harder and harder to keep the extra fat off. Biggest problem is staying on a good diet here at the station. Between calls at odd times and missing meals to having to grab whatever is around, I struggle to keep the extra weight off despite working out. I think this could help me tremendously.

Holy moses!! Finally someone hits the nail on the head. When I give up on the diet and eat a pizza, then begin again it has done the exact reset you said it would. Can’t wait to find out what else from this will work for me. I would be glad to share my free copy with my family and recommend it to all my friend, I have already told them about the first revelation.

I am a 47 year old father with four beautiful children, one of which is in his last year of college and three others who 10, 9, and 7 years of age. Between working and raising them it becomes very difficult for me to give my time to another system that has not aided me to get past this last 10 to 15 pounds. i have successfully lost almost 50 lbs but just cannot seem to get past the last 15. i really need something to crack the code that has eluded me most of my life. If this works for me there are a thousand plus others who will want to invest in the same system. i have a feeling this will change many lives for the better!!!

Hi, I’m 54 & ready to lose my final #’s with your help. Already lost 40#. I need your help to reshape my body.

Ever since I went through breast cancer last year, I have gained an unreasonable amount of weight that just won’t come off. I have tried many diet programs throughout my life as I have always struggled with my weight to some degree, but since the radium treatment I cannot drop a single kg. My weight just keeps steadily climbing, despite eating restricted calories and doing regular exercise. I’ve tried everything that has worked for me in the past with no success at all. Here’s to hoping your new program 24/7 Fat Loss is just the thing that can get me to my goal weight by my daughter’s wedding in 10 months time.

My 23 year old daughter scoffed at me last night and said this is NOT baby weight. My mother chastised me for eating TWO olives. I look in the mirror and can’t believe nothing I have tried so far has made sense in the long run, or worked. I am 5’4″ tall and over 210 lbs. I am active on two sports teams but my jerseys don’t fit!
I want to watch the weight peel off. I want muscle definition and a vibrant energy to be my norm. I want to finally be the “after” picture. A success story. I believe in you guys, and would love it if you believed in me too. Thanks.

I am a 48 year old mother of 3 working full time as a therapist in rehab medicine. I feel 24/7 fat loss is the program for me because it combines proper diet, a time efficient exercise program and an online support network crucial for successful weight loss. Your program is different from others because of these 3 components. I agree with you that an exercise program to burn fat and increase your metabolism must include metabolic resistance training and interval training. I also like the fact you state your diet will address the internal hormones by nutrient combining, carb syncing and strategic overfeeding. I need to because of my job lifting patients all day burn fat and lose weight. I am also especially interested because I agree with you that one day a week you need to eat whatever you want to rebalance and affect the hormone leptin. Sign me up, I am convinced this will help me lose weight , keep it off and help me to continue to work as a therapist since I must be in good physical shape and at an appropriate weight.

How do I need thee? Let me count the ways! Let me rejoice in the freedom from fat. Let me put my previous failures in my rear view mirror. Say pooh pooh to my out of whack hormones. Show me why I can’t lose weight even though I do everything “right”. Let me tell the Doctors that I’ve seen that they were wrong to tell me it’s all about “calories in and calories out”. Melt the fat and reveal the six pack I know is there. I promise you 100 percent and I absolutely know I can do it.

Hi. I wrote a comment, but I don’t think it posted. I won’t rewrite everything I said, but I would like to thank you for taking this opportunity to change people’s lives. Mine included.

I’m setting some pretty serious goals for 2010 and the 2 months leading up to the start of 2012. Those goals include a 5K, getting back on a horse and preparing for a 7 day trek next fall and a couple of adventure tours to places like Senegal and Bhutan.

All sounds pretty tame for someone who is fit but I’ve allowed myself to slouch into a couch potato routine and lost that edge I used to have and gained what I don’t want. I want my trim, strong self back.

Hear me…I WANT BACK THAT EDGE!! I want to feel the power and self confidence that come from being fit, toned, supple and healthy. No sliding into the senior slump. Vitality is my buzz word and I’m willing to work for it.

This is one woman who would truly appreciate the sterling program you guys have put together and work it through.

I dont need this program at all , need and want are two very different things ,but I am very interested in learning the secrets of burning the fat and feeding the muscle . I have been training for a few months and lost 8 kilos but I still have a bit of a beer gut which is hiding my 6 pack abs and need to lose I think about another 3-4 kilo but quite simlpy Im not willing to put my credit card details over the net for anything.If you sell this book in a hard copy I can buy locally I would buy it because I think it would be a great read and very helpful for now I am enjoying what I can get from you in your emails. Thanks.

Just wanted to let you know, I have been following you for a while now, reading your articles and applying them to my life. I have struggled all my life with my weight, have lost 110 pounds, just to put some back on, those fad diets do not work so well in the long run. I would love one of these, to transform my life, because I believe in YOU!

Thank you for producing such a comprehensive plan for those of us who have struggled for many, many years to lose weight, especially the weight that seems to attach itself to our mid-sections. I have basically tried every plan out there, from those that have cost in the thousands of dollars to those that were not so expensive. Nothing really provided a plan that I could stick to and get my desired results. Although the end result may be weight loss, I really need a healthy plan that will last me the rest of my life, which will be much shorter if I don’t/can’t have access to the BEST plan. Thanks Joel.

I am getting ready to retire from a career where I had spent more time on Uncle Sam’s time than mine. As I return to the “real world,” I NEED to reshape my life and myself – don’t have any choice and this looks like a great foundation to a total restructuring…

i recently had back fusion but am back working out with a trainer 4 days a week, i still carry belly fat as iam a type2 diabetic and unless i get my diet right i will not lose my belly no matter how much or hard i train, i tried atkins for 8 months did not lose much but it is not a life time diet. i need to get healthy and live to see my son pitch in the majors. help

I used to be in great shape and knew how to eat healthy. Then I had my two children, and after 8 years still haven’t lost all the baby weight. I’ve lost my way with eating healthy, and I certainly don’t have a lot of time for working out. I need access to your program to address all of my weaknesses: effective workouts, and healthy, doable food plans. Without your help, I fear I may stay on this path and will surely see only more negative health results. With your program, goodbye extra weight. Hello more energy, improved health and self confidence, and best of all, empowered role model for my kids. Overall, better health.

My only form of exercise is riding my road bike and has been very instrumental in my weight loss. Unfortunately, I have a huge appetite and I use food for all kinds of reasons– comfort, entertainment, anxiety, etc. I eat lots of carbs. I love carbs! Winter time is here and the only exercise I will get is (maybe) riding indoors. I am fearful I will gain weight and not have the proper tools to keep it off. I am active, motivated, and able to perform resistance training. I just need to learn HOW to eat and stay satisfied while doing so. Help!!

I’m getting older and for the first time in my life I’m fat! I have injuries that stop me from traditional forms of exercise (frozen shoulder and a fractured hip that has healed but left lingering effects) thus the weight gain. I don’t want to be a fat and incapacitated older person and at 45 that is what I am beginning to feel like. I need someone to show me a way that will work, even with my injuries and one that I can sustain and maintain for the rest of my life. Life is too good to waste and I want to be able to life it well for the rest of my days. No looking back with regrets and only pain for company.

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