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Win a FREE copy of the 24/7 Fat Loss System!

Posted by Joel Marion


We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!

Joel & Craig

NOTE:  This contest is now closed.


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Ok lads,

No sob story here, it’s simply a matter of timing. I have spent the past 2 and a half years in the gym and on the food, in that time I’ve managed to get my weight from a skinny fat 156lbs to a respectable 197lbs (no juice) with 3 more pounds to go before I go on a diet . I’m just under 18% bf and will be chasing 10%, you’re program turned up in my email just as I was beginning to start my diet plan and I have a good base to work from, I think it was meant to be. Hit me up, George.

Really could do with some serious help, thanks for considering me, regards

I am 63 years old and have been struggling with being overweight for most of those 63 years. For my health, both mental and physical, I must lose weight and maintain a slim, trim, fit, and firm me. I have tried diet after diet and to no permanent positive results I am again struggling with my 5′ height and excess of 50+#. ♥ ♥ ♥

I will be turning 60 yrs. old in Feb. I was in the Marine Corp. during the Viet Nam era. Running 3 miles a day kept me at a healthy 190 lbs. It is my goal to reach that same 190 lbs again by my birthday. I have been on this quest since Aug. of this year. I seem to have hit a wall in my loosing weight. The only thing that keeps me from reaching my goal is this pesky 40 lbs. that I am carrying around. Please help!!

I am currently 5’10 and weigh 218 pounds so I need to lose approximately 30 pounds of blubber. After reading your blogs about the 24/7 plan, I would be honored to use my copy of the plan to lose the weight as outlined, and then become a real testimonial on the success of the plan and help you sell many more copies to other people looking for a “real” plan that works!

I had got to the point where I thought this is it ,getting older,gained wait nothing seems to shift it so get on with life and just exept who you are not really happy with this but not nowing what else to do. Then read an article in the UK Sunday Times mag about Ernestine Shepherd who has earned her place in the Guinness World Records book as the oldest competitive female bodybuilder who was 56 before she started and 75 when she got into the records.The thought of going to a gym is frightening so when I read about 24/7 Fat Loss system it clicked this could be what I’ve been looking for.I don’t want to become a bodybuilder but would love to walk down the street and be happy in the skin I’m in.

Hey guys, I’ve been working out like a mad man for 3 years now. I’ve tried all kinds of different diets. From eating 5000 calories a day to eating very little and everything in between. And I’ve still got the scrawny fat kid build. I’m just really trying to find something that will finally work, knowing I’m willing to put in the time and effort to follow through with it.

I have studied exercise and nutrition for 50 years. I try to get in about an hour a day at least 5 days per week. The problem is in my eyes I am about 30 to 40 pounds over weight. I have varied calories from 1200 to 2500 per day and I am not reaching my goal. I am just shy of 62 and at 5ft. 9 I weigh 203 lbs. I do not want to lose muscle, strength or endurance but at this point in my life I need to stream line. I would like to reach and maintain about a 9% body fat. My problem is I can not find a balance between diet and exercise and achieving the body composition that I should have. Because of my work I have become a chair potato. That 1 hour per day of exercise is not enough to compensate for the other 23 hours of relative inactivity. My workouts are high intensity several sets in a row with short rest periods and at the end finishing with a metabolic type finisher of either a weight circuit or intervals with longer work periods than rest. Non weight days are HIIT. I refuse to believe that age is a factor.

At 54 and years of weight gain and loss, I need a program such as 24/7 Fat Loss which lays out specifically what I need to do and when. I believe that your focus on hormones is critical, especially at my age since I seem to gain weight just by looking at food, especially in the belly and you don’t even cut all carbs! My husband recently had back surgery and the stress from that and budget cuts at the school where I work are tremendous and adding to my weight gain. I tell myself I don’t have time to work out (even though we all do), but your plan will not let me have excuses since I would have accountability and direction. My husband has stopped smoking and drinking to prepare for the surgery and I would love to include him in planning and goal setting for my new healthy lifestyle as well as his when I win! Thank you for this opportunity and all your informative emails over the years.

I am 28 years old and have been overweight pretty much all of my life. I gain weight very easily and therefore, I feel like I am ALWAYS on a diet. I am tired of feeling that way and really want to learn more about how this system works so that I can change my habits and make it a way of life. Most people in my family are overweight and now they have health problems. I really don’t want to end up like them. I want to learn to control my health as much as I can and look and feel great as long as possible. I want to look better in my 30’s than my 20’s and so on. I need all the motivation I can get because very few are the friends I have that actually care about feeling healthy and have the will power to exercise. I would really love to win the 24/7 fat loss system and be able to prove to others that your program works!

@ Dave Street:

Howdy Dave. Good for you and good for your boys inspiring you. My husband is 49 and he has a son who’ll turn 28 this month and we have 3 boys of 8, 5 and 2 with another baby on the way. My husband is looking to lose that big belly and dangerous fat because we have a long time just to raise our children much less eventually get to enjoy our grandchildren!!! This weight is affecting his overall health and he is motivated, we just cannot be starved or severely deprived of the foods he loves. This sounds like it meets the criteria while still maintaining real health. I am looking forward to learning more to confirm this impression.

Good luck. Write down your goal and commit to it publicly to your boys. Look at it and your boys everyday!! You’ll find the way.

Fun & Smiles,

CC Heart Cindy :)

could use some help with my over mid-age middle. hope you can help
p martin

I am a 57 year old woman who has spent most of my life battling the ‘weight demons’. It’s time to take control and start being smarter about diet and exercise. A career in the army led to me being overly focused on being within weight standards, even when it was not done in a healthy manner. I am now a disabled veteran, so I have to be selective with my exercise. I still try to lead an active life, and I work as a preschool teacher. I can’t take prescription cholesterol medications, so I have had to try to control it with diet and exercise over the past year. I found that I could adapt Zumba to work with my limitations, and I have lost 17 pounds (56 to go!!). But, I have stalled and now need a way to kick start things into a healthy way of living. I know your program can help me!

I have lost 70# so far but am stuck with still another 20# to lose. I really need something like this system to get my body to get my body fat percentage down lower and lose those last few pounds.

Even thoug ive been losing weight on my own,i realy would like extra tools and knowledge to help me along.Joel seems to really care and wants to help

I’ve been working out for years and can’t seem to get rid of the last bit of fat


I am a 44 year old female. I am 5’5″ and and weigh approximately 170 lbs. I have been working out with a personal trainer since June and have lost only 10 lbs since then. I give it everything I’ve got and my trainer has been constantly scratching his head as to why. He confirms that I work harder and more consistently than any of his other clients.
I’m not sure if I don’t understand the diet portion enough or just don’t understand the ‘science’ of losing weight. I’m getting a bit frustrated and would love any kind of help.

Hi Joel,
I really liked XFLD. Lost the 11 lbs I wanted and have kept it off for last couple months by continuing eating better as shown on your program. I did follow it pretty well, however I did about half the exercises because of time. You rock!

I recently have been experiencing back pain which at 46 yrs. of age is a first for me. I went to a doctor and found out that the pain is being caused by a fractured disc in my back that has resulted in the loss of a large percentage of the disc, which has caused abnormal wearing and compression in my spine. This compression puts pressure on a nerve which exits my spine, causing pain which radiates down my arm and causes my hand to go numb. I am up for anything natural that will give me relief. I do not take any medicine or drugs, this includes aspirin. I want to rid myself of the pain naturally. I have already started taking a yoga course and meditation course. I have also started to eat healthier. I try to buy all organic foods and try to avoid anything out of a box or jar. I have recently incorporated your suggestion of combining proteins with carbs and proteins with fats, but carbs and fats never together. I would like to lose at least 50lbs to help my back and my overall health. I have always been interested in health and fitness and read extensively on the subject. Your fat loss system has caught my eye. I am not one to jump at any current craze or diet and I venture to be on the skeptical side, but I believe your system might have merit and I would be willing to try.

Before I got your first update I hadn’t eaten a real carb in months. I’d managed some weight loss (about 15 lbs) from this horrendous diet coupled with pounding the elliptical machine a few times a week, then i got stuck at 164lbs. The day I read your first update i had an english muffin with my breakfast, and my usual protein+salad for lunch and dinner, I also tried strength based workout. The next day I was 163lbs and was raring to go, sadly without a bit more structure of eating and workouts I haven’t made it further yet. I am PASSIONATE about being healthy and living well, and as a massage therapist in training I meet a lot of people who look to me for advice on how to be healthy themselves. If i win I will live this program, and become its biggest and loudest supporter to make sure everyone else has the chance to reach their potential too.

I often compete in judo competitions nationally and internationally throughout the year. Every time before a competition I need to lose weight to enter in my weight division. This program will give me a way to lose weight easier and keep my body weight more stable throughout the year.

I lost 30 lbs in 3 months, and since July have been stuck. I tried to refocus, but lost heart. Now I know why my low carb diet no longer worked. I was putting fats, carbs & protiens together the wrong way! Joel & Craig’s program is my new hope! I’m 78 and exercise 3 times a week (pool & gym) I’m already using some of the information I’ve read like not eating carbs & fats together. This was news to me! Now I need more help & would like to be successful in changing the way I eat, so that I can be even healthier. Your 24/Fat burning system makes so much sense and I now believe that I can reach my goal. Good luck to everyone and thanks Joel & Craig for putting new light on the carbs, fats & protiens in my life!

As a Master Practitioner of NLP/Hypnotherapy I know the importance of being in the best shape possible for my clients as well as for myself! This extends into physical health issues, self esteem, & all of the various reasons why we all gain weight! I am a former Aerobics & Fitness Trainer awhile back & now that I am almost 57 yrs. I am focused on getting back into the best possible shape & condition for myself. Though I am not a licensed dietician or specialist, your 24/7 Fat Loss Program makes perfect sense & with the hormone advise will benefit myself as well as the other women in my age group as clients to work with a Program that will be easy, fun & uncomplicated in our busy hectic schedules of today. Being sound in Mind, Body, & Spirit is a passion of my life & I would be very grateful for the opportunity to study/apply your program & recommend it to others in my circles of influence!! Thank you for what you have created Joel in this day of obesity & weight struggles! It is greatly needed!

I am a college athlete and have to stay in prime shape I try to stay at 4-5% body fat but am getting older and putting on to much fat. Plus once I graduate and don’t have practice everyday this will be great knowledge to have to prevent putting on the pounds and staying in great shape. I am on a college budget or else I would just buy it. Thanks for the great info. Keep Rockin’

I’ll tell you, right now, why I NEED this:

I am a Premier Elite footballer and a Tri-sport Varsity athlete battling to get to the hallowed “next level.” I’ve been researching non-stop in addition to a heavy course load of FIVE Advanced Placement classes – that’s a larger and more strenuous workload than most college students enroll in! But I’ve been using all of the knowledge I have, and I’ve been methodically testing, variable-by-variable, for what works and what does not work, with limited success in melting away my extra pudginess.

The science behind the program is brilliant. MRT/VIIT training will not only increase my metabolism, but I believe it will also boost my overall energy and my explosiveness – all of which is essential to me as a multi-faceted athlete. Pairing that with Carb Syncing and nutrient combining is absolutely genius! When you broke this information in the 6 updates and the 24/7 Fatloss report, it completely took me by surprise, but after examining the science, it makes total sense. However, understanding this on the surface is much different than exploring it in a detailed, professional plan.

Gaining access to every byte of information I will ever need about burning fat, all in one place, will finally provide me with the solution for that which I have been working so vigorously to achieve. This is something I am truly passionate about and I believe that your program will provide the spark I need to elevate my game.

Thanks for your consideration!

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