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Win a FREE copy of the 24/7 Fat Loss System!

Posted by Joel Marion


We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!

Joel & Craig

NOTE:  This contest is now closed.


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2,685 comments - add yours

Hello, I am living it and loving it! Because I want to make most of my day and look fab doing it, your program would be just the piece to fit in nicely to my rockin’ lifestyle! Your words and direction would be the best addition yet for someone like me who wants to live life to the fullest!!! Hoorah!!! Best of luck to all!

I am approaching 70, and I have many things going on in life that come with age. I am pre-diabetic, I have a marginal high-blood pressure, and the lack of sex that goes with these two issues.

I’ve been to the gym, and almost nothing happened. I’ve lost weight because of another reason, and I began to see myself regaining the weight, which means the diabetic thing and hbp things will come back stronger.

I tried the intense system on my rebounder and noticed the next day a big change. My muscles were sore, something that hasn’t happened in years. I lost a pound, and I felt different. If I get something from so little effort, I can only hope a bigger effort will affect a greater change. And then, maybe my sex life will get better, too. One can only hope.

I have to have this program so I can look like Joel and Craig. I asked my wife if she would like me to be that awesome and she said absolutely!

Well what can I say I think that this system seems like Magic to me!
To think you can burn fat 247 is real Magic.
I work alot away from home and when I’m away I always find it hard to eat the right food as I normally have to get food on the go.
I have lost a stone and a half recently, and feel great for it but I dont want to slip back into my old ways and this system would be a huge help for me and to be honest for anyone who gets it.
I wish you all the best with it!

My wife and I are about to have our first baby. I work at a Hospital and everyone is telling me that my health and fitness are going to take a HUGE hit since I’ll be too busy to workout. After reading your 24/7 fat loss report it really made so much sense to me how this particular combination of diet and exercise will work. I have every plan to get my masters degree, work full time, raise a baby AND prove them all wrong by getting the best body of my life! Help me prove them all wrong.

I am sixty-five years old and live on a limited income but really need your program. Unfortunately I will be unable to purchase it so I hope that I win one of the free programs.

I am 24 years old and have struggled with weight my entire life. I am an active person and healthy eater. However, I have had several doctors look at my food log and tell me that they have no idea why I can’t lose weight. I’ve even had 2 health care professionals tell me that the only reason I couldn’t lose weight is because I ate a piece of fruit after 2 pm. (Crazy, I know. Talk about fishing for answers!) I’ve had my thyroid checked and bloodwork done. Everything is normal. I need to lose about 30lbs. My husband and I plan to start a family in a couple of years and I feel that I can not provide an unborn baby with a safe home for 9 months in this body. I have already learned so much from you that I have never been taught before. I’m ready to learn more and finally be successful in my fat-loss journey!

I currently work long hours behind a desk and rarely have time to get up and around. This has led to me putting on extra unwanted pounds. I don’t have time to exercise, as I only get 4-5 hours of sleep each night and have no time in the day. I’d like to see if this method can help me lose my extra weight, despite not being able to exercise. I will be happy to update you with the results in a testimonial.

I have been working out with kettlebells and using the Warrior Diet for the last 7 months. My life has completely changed! I am not the same person I was seven months ago; but I have plateaued. I’ve lost 40 lbs so far – already half way done- only 40 to go! YAY! I got so excited when I started getting the emails about your program! I can’t wait to get the whole program! I believe this is exactly what I need to get me through the holidays while staying on track with my goals. I know that others expect me to gain the weight back, but I am truly thrilled at the thought of FINALLY being a success story…not another statistic! Through all of this I have decided to become a health coach and want to incorporate what I learn into my practice. I am studying now and can’t wait to reach my goal and start helping others by teaching them what I have learned! Lead by example!

I’ am 23 years old and before I tried your Xtreme Fat Loss Diet I weighed 250 lbs. Since I started that program and used Dr. K’s program I have lost 43 lbs and wish to continue losing it. When I was 250 lbs I had already been diagnosed with high blood pressure, asthma, and fatty liver, but now I have been able to reduce my bp medication and I feel much better. I have been stuck though recently and cannot seem to lose any more weight. I think your program can help me through it because the nutrition and exercise portions really complement each other which is what I think I need. I think your program can really help me on my journey to being healthier. I also hope that it can inspire the rest of my family to do the same. Thanks!

I am a new but loyal follower of both of you… i’m from Mexico (so i’m sorry for the english mistakes but is not my language), I REALLY need this program because I’m involved in the health’s bussiness and i can’t loose 30 extra pounds, so you would understand that i need to “sell” mi image. Also my genetic doesn’t help me and i want to be the first member of my family that isn’t obese, so it would give me the security I need to “practice” my profession (because I recently gratuated from collegue) and to be a happier human being.

Ok Everyone really needs this help and I am one of many!
I have tried and tried and can’t seem to lose the 30 pounds I need to resemble the woman I was 15 years ago. I owe it to my husband, my family and yes, to myself, to find the girl I was. I know she is hidden in this body somewhere and I need you your help!

I am a 45 yr old male with diabetes. I have recently lost 45 lbs but would like to to lose another 40 lbs. I have dropped my A1C from 12.3 to 6.2 and the key to keeping it down will be diet and exercise. This program seems to be one of the best for doing that.

Hi. I’ve been looking for a great combo like this
to further my knowledge on nutrition and training
and to be able to direct my clients to a product that just makes
Keep up the good work!!

Hi Joel and Craig,

I know you have tons of posts, but I just wanted to get my name in there too. For the past couple years, I’ve been learning a lot from Isabel, Mike Geary, Dr. K, and that guy who sells Slim Matrix (can’t remember his name!) Anyway, I keep hearing and reading similar info from all of you but I haven’t been able to pull it all together and get it working. I have been doing “Dr. Ann Louise”‘s Fat Flush Plan with pretty good success. I have lost abt 8 lbs and the look of the watery, flubby area around my middle. I still have lbs and sculpting to go, and your new program sounds awesome. Kinda like the big lightbulb going on over my head. It would be fantastic to receive a free program, but hey–my credit card is already primed and ready to go for next week. I saw a comment in someone else’s post that I totally agree with: “When the student is ready, the teacher will come.” It’s ringing loud and clear with me. Thanks for your expertise, support, and encouragement. Looking forward to the new release. . .!

I’m 20 years old at about 220 pounds and poor physical condition, but if I could get a hold of this great program it would really help me get lean and healthy, which is what i really want.
Also, i believe the results this program would give me a real boost in my confidence and just help quit bad habits like overeating, laziness while learning how to get and maintain a healthy and great lifestyle.

I am a mother of 6. One of my children is an extremely hyper child with autism. I am not overweight, but need some help getting rid of the excess mommy gut. I work out and everything. I really want this system.

I am 36 years old with 2 kids. I want to be more fit and healthy so I can run after my kids and have fun with them, and still be able work full time ( I love my work ). I had to reduce my working hours because I was so fatigue these days. I felt so old and hurt, some of my co-wokers saying ‘ is it really that hard taking care of your kids and work at the same time, because I didn’t have that much trouble’. I really want to be more strong and healthy.

Hi Joel and Craig,

I have been weight lifting on and off for the last 10 years and my gains are not that bad, not that good either. My family and wife always makes fun of me because they haven’t really seen enough progress to take me seriously. I’ve been advocating that they stay healthy and active for the longest time. Heart problems & diabetes run in my family. My Mom and Dad already sufferred a stroke a few years ago. Their brothers and sisters either passed away due to stroke or diabetes. My wife’s father passed away four years ago due to diabetes complications. I don’t wanna end up like them. I am 35 yrs old, 5’5″, 155 lbs, male. I also want to be able to achieve that “ripped look” so my family can finally take me seriously. Please keep up the great work and I am always excited with the new infos that I get from my superheroes!

Hi Joel,
I would really love to be able to get this program. I’ve been out of work for a few months and am not able to afford extraneous purchases at the moment. After some health issues I quickly gained 15-20lbs (previously was fit and athletic and mostly toned). Now the extra weight is making me feel sluggish,depressed and avoid going out. I would love to be able to effectively (time wise and results wise) shed the excess and feel like I’m back in my own body again!
Thank you for your consideration!

@ Joel Marion:
I am a boomer (62 yrs. old) in transition and have just recently pursued and then certified as a personal trainer. It is my passion to help those in my community to get in and stay in shape. My son will graduate this spring with a degree in sports science and the two of us are partnering (price-less to do this with your son). We have both read your materials thus far and am convinced that this approach is absolutely the correct one to take for the long haul. We are trying to take a holistic, life style approach to health. Thanks for your consideration. Dave

I am a 46 yr old, single mother of 3 sons. I am putting 2 through college and the youngest is in middle school. Their father decided after 20 yrs he was done with “family life”, so I am going it alone. I am also a RN who works too much but must. I have let myself go and want (need) to feel better about myself. My life has been spent serving others and I need to learn to start serving myself. Logically, I know I would be better able to help others if I were in better shape, but when it comes to helping someone or myself, I don’t choose myself. Learning to eat healthy and feel better is a a must for me! Thank you for the opportunity!

Due to medical problems it is necessary that I lose weight ASAP. I have tried every diet/exercise/supplement combination imaginable and nothing seems to work long term. You know how to do it, I need to learn..its that simple

Age 36- I’ve been lifting weights since the age of 5 (my dad was a PE teacher and coach) I played 3 sports all my life and I’ve been is good shape for a long time but I’ve never had a 6 pack abs or been able to break 8% body fat! I’ve tried body for live, Atkins, zone, P90X, Insanity to name a few all were Okay but none gave me a real ripped body. Please send me your program to prove to the word that it really does work and its not just another fad diet….I dare you!

I’m 41 years old and single. I joined a gym about 3 months ago thinking it would magically transform my body, shedding the 30 pounds or so I really need to lose. Needless to say, it didn’t cause me to lose those 30 pounds. In fact I weigh exactly the same that I did before I joined the gym. I need some guidance and structure to show me how to achieve those goals, and from what you’ve said, this is the program. I’m motivated to acheive my goals, I just need to be guided in the right direction.

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