I am a retired educator with three adult children and two grandchildren. Having three babies in sixteen months (yep, twins the second time), my tummy muscles didn’t stretch, they TORE! My OB/GYN told me I’d never have the muscle tone in my abdomen or flat tummy that I once had. I suffer from sarcoidosis, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and diabetes, and yes, I’m a big overweight. If your program can help me lose this belly fat, I’m all for it!
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
Joel & Craig
NOTE: This contest is now closed.
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This sounds ideal for me, no special foods, I’m disabled so have very limited income I need a plan that isn’t expensive to follow.
Until reaching the pre-menopausal years I have never had an issue with weight. and Now wow..my belly keeps growing and growing…I have tried several obviously gimmick things…so I am a little hesitant now with this. I have sat back and read the emails for awhile now. I am extremely curious and dedicated.
My daughter has been recently diagnosed with gluten intolerance and has always been very fatigued and in pain. So she has never really worked out or been in shape.
I would love to use your system to set an EXAMPLE for her and encourage her to join in and get in shape and live a healthy lifestyle. If I can do it she can do it..She is only 24.
I would love to do this program with you to change both our lives.
Though many would think that the comments you’re expecting to read involve really deep and troubling words about how bad they feel with their bodies and how much they crave a healthy life, I’m going in another direction. My honest reason, for which I think this program will be of great use to me is the following: I want to look great… ripped, skinny and, at the same time, be able to eat all kinds of food (giving myself treats once in a while). That’s my reason, I know that you have probably learnt a lot about fitness for what I’ve been reading in your mails, so I just know this book is the key for developing the body I want to have.
I am back working out after a two year illness! I am on my way back to the healthy active person I was, training 4 times a week, before gaining 30 lbs during this time. It is a long road back, but with the help of programs like yours this 57 year old will regain the body I used to have. The last few pounds seem very stubborn, and I really need to learn new techniques to make that persistent fat a thing of the past! From what I have heard so far it seems that the 24/7 fat Loss program is just what I need!
I have tried all kinds of weight loss and nothing has worked for me and never been able to join a gym I just do workouts from online programs. I also want to help my son who cannot join a gym but really need to loose weight as we have a history of High blood pressure in the family and I want to encourage him to loose weight.
Hi, I’m a mother of two young daughters and I can’t seem to shake my pregnancy weight. I’ve tried just about every diet & excercise plan out there, I’ve taken pills, and given up food I love, but nothing has worked. I’ve never been a skinny person, and I come from a family with weigh issues. I don’t want to be a size zero, I just want to lose the 50-60 lbs that make me feel self-conscience, run-down, and sad. I want my girls to have a positive healthy role model so they won’t have weight issues later in life. I am looking for answers and help. Your program seems to make sense, and I hope it will work for me.
Ok, short and sweet, I lost 50 pounds, kept it off 5 years, love activity and it was easy for me. Then along came a promotion, which meant long hours in the office, moving (more time on a train!), and an engagement – so welcome back to those 50 pounds. To be honest, I want to feel better about myself, be excited about dress shopping and look and feel better about myself on our special day – I don’t want to look back with regret. I am willing to put in the effort and time, I need some help and guidance.
@ Joel Marion:
This program would be perfect for me because of my hectic schedule. Sitting behind a desk for hours and then having to run out on things is a recipe for problems, being able to lose fat from my midsection and to also burn it while sitting at my desk would be great. In the past few months it seems the weight has been clinging like never before. I need to lose the weight instead of buying new clothes. Thanks for the chance.
i’m a 27 year old woman who suffers from fibromyalgia and the constant pain (especially neck, shoulders and back) that comes with the condition has made it difficult for me to achieve the desired weight loss and muscle gain. Although i go to the gym regularly, the perpetual pain and fatigue prevent me from pushing myself as hard as i would like to at the gym. A program such as the 24/7 Fat Loss System would help me achieve my goals with scientifically proven nutritional and exercise strategies and put an end to the strenuous, ineffective conventional “gym workouts” that, for me, take the “no pain, no gain” mantra to a whole new level.
Not sure if my comments published so trying again.
The 24/7 Fat Loss system looks like it could help me shed final 5-10 lbs I need to loose to get the more ripped look. That and hopefully pack on some muscle.
I had used some advice in prior articles and workouts from Craig to help loose 20 lbs, then got busy with work and notebook crashed that had the workouts so I lost them.
This looks like what I need as it includes nutrition and could help me dial in.
If it works on me, it would be a good promotion for you guys as it would prove it can help with last few lbs even on middle weigh busy people.
This is the future of good weight control and management. Thank you for selflessly sharing this good information. I love the foods you recommend, and I love being able to eat and not gain weight.
So many deserving people – good luck picking
I have read all your Tips and articles you have on fat-burning. At first, I was skeptical, but the more I read, the more I was inspired by you to believe that I could do your program. There is so much out there about losing weight and becoming a healthy person, that it is almost impossible to decide which might work. With your program, there was no question that it will be effective. You have put together a program that includes everything a person needs to be successful, to take off the fat that plagues too many adults, by becoming a fat burning machine. I have thought about your program for days, and looked forward to each new Tip as you published it. I plan to use all the materials to track what I eat, how much and when, to keep fat loss going for 24/7. I like the idea of short spurts of activity, they are easier to fit into my busy lifestyle.
So, please choose my essay. I am ready to follow the program as it is layed out to maximize fat loss and see lean muscle in its place. Your program will transform me, through dedication and making the right choices, into the woman I want to be. I am ready!
I need help. I see what you have put together it is awesome. I don’t really like to get out. With this program I can bendfit and feel I can accomplish my goals. Which is to get rid of this last fat & flab at 51. Be fabulously fit. Say look, you can do it too. I would be great advertisement. I started at 192 lbs. 8 years ago yo-yo. I decided this year was it. I am 125lbs. and still have some fat & flab. It must go. I want to look like the figure/fitness girls at the competitions. I may never get on stage but I want to look like I belong on stage!!! I have went from May 2010,30% body fat to this year in May 2011, 18% bodyfat. Good, 105lbs and 7-10%is my goal for a picture. My own before and after. I am also going to make a little fat to fit of the 8 year struggle!!!AND SMILE!!!!
I’ve spent the last 8 years working my butt off with every program imaginable only to have minimal results because of being diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian disease and low thyroid. I know I have the motivation, I just need a SMART program that maximizes results by working with my metabolism. Carb syncing is so great to discover because blood sugar is a huge part of the pcos battle- I also believe the excess oxygen from these workouts will change my health by burning fat and reducing inflammation (which is another factor in PCOS).
This would be a great system for me, I’m 45 and my fat around my waist is starting to be a problem. I have a 5 yr old son who is very active so i would like to give him a example on being fit. I go to the gym and try differant diets but i still look the same. I don’t have the money for a private trainer to help me with a program. This would really benifit me! I know if i keep getting bigger I won’t be able to keep up with my son in the future. Thank you very much for reading this.
I would love to have the secrets to reducing weight especially in the abdomen area. I work out 2-3 times a week and eat very healthy but still need to lose more weight and continue to firm and tone and strengthen my muscles. I would also love to pass along your web site if this program works for me. I am diligent about taking the necessary steps toward enhancing my overall health. I look forward to receiving a free copy. Thanks! P.S. Love all of the helpful tips thus far, have already incorporated some into my day.
I am almost 60, have had 3 back surgeries, docs want to do another.My wife, and my motherboth passed away in the last 18 mo. Live by myself, all my kids live far away, and I need a map, desperately, to help me and inspire me! Also had quad bypass in ’07 and rotator cuff surgery 3 mo ago. I worked out religiously for 11 yr, then wife, got sick. I want, HAVE to get back in shape to turn my life around. I want to volunteer and help other people, as I can. Right now I have no energy or drive! I would also love to find love again, but I do not even leave the house! Please help if u can. Best regards, Carroll
I need a schedule to go by. I find it extremely difficult right now to maintain a healthy lifestyle due to teaching school, raising a family, and working on a graduate degree all at the same time. I need a plan that is already written out step by step. Thanks.
I recently qualified in NCEF and want to pursue a career in personal training.I know from experience how important proper nutrition is and how to be able to decide which foods are essential for a healthy living. 80% of it is nutrition and if you get that right you are well on your way!! I know that this program would be a brilliant help to me starting off and the knowledge i would absorb from this would be invaluable for me. This would set me off on the right path and provide me with a confidence in this area with which will be passed on to clients knowing that my source is sound and reputable.
Im interested in this simply to gain more information in regards to weight loss. I always enjoy reading new information about exercising and living healthier and think this book would be a good addition to my knowledge and personal development.
I am 50 years old. I need to lose 57 pounds. No matter what I try, Atkins, Kimkins, P90x, Tracy Anderson, nothing seems to work or click. I am willing to put in the hard word and committ to a program.
Thank you so much for this opportunity.
I am 43 and have been over weight most of my life. I have been at a STAND STILL since losing 60 lbs I think this will help me finish the rest of my weight loss. My children have lost some and want to lose more so does my wife. So hope this will help us all. Thanks Luke
I am 39 and 295 lbs…I have spent the last 15 years spinning my wheels using programs that really have no rhyme or reason (will very little fat loss). After reading about this program and all of the updates that you have provided, I think that this is the program for me! No more routines that only have me burning fat for a couple of hours a day!! I feel that I will be one of your success stories with 24/7 Fat Loss!!