I have struggled with see saw wt gain and loss for over 24 yrs. I am still 20 lbs away from my goal weight but have lost 50 lbs over the past 2 yrs. I refuse to stop until I reach my goal. Your system is sound, science-based and I need to find a life-long solution. Yours is the one!
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
Joel & Craig
NOTE: This contest is now closed.
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I have been trying to lose weight for over a year and I keep getting to a plateau and it just stops. I get so frustrated that I start back on my bad habits and have to lose to get down to the plateau again. I want something that will break the barrier and help me look good at my daughters wedding.
Hi Joel and Craig,
Thanks so much for putting together this awesome system! Honestly, I am studying to become a personal trainer, and I have been wanting to find a complete system like this for my clients. A system that is both focused on how to efficiently workout for great results ( I have already put much of what I’ve learned from you into practice for myself), and an awesome nutritional plan that gets you results fast! I am doing that too, but need all the info. from your system to really be solid with this. I would truly love to use all this wonderful information with my clients in the future, and of course for myself. So, PICK ME! LOL!
Keep Rockin’
I’m 18, and it seams that I never get too burn off my belly fat in-spite of working out daily 2-3 hours a day. When I read your article I had a revelation, I hadn’t been doing the right exercises for my goals or eating well enough.
Hope you choose me
I have been looking for a program to throw myself into, heart and soul. With the holidays coming up and built in cheat days, this would be the perfect fit. If you decide to give me a free copy, I will take before pictures and measurements, and I do solemnly vow that I will follow the program EXACTLY as it is written. If I achieve the results I believe I will, I will take after pictures and measurements and I will be a walking, breathing billboard for your program! FREE MARKETING for you — I will tell everyone I know to buy your program because it works — and I’ll have the body to prove it
I have had some pretty big life changes over the past few years. Most of them were negative (family deaths, losing my job, etc.), which led to depression, weight gain, and “losing myself.” Since May, I vowed to turn all of that around. I’ve lost 30 pounds, made a dramatic shift in my body fat/muscle ratio (I finally have more muscle than fat!), and have slowly been regaining my confidence. My most recent change, though, was a big one: I broke up with my significant other of 10 years. It turned out to be a good thing, and a mutual agreement, so I’m actually not upset by it.
However, I am worried about being “on the market” again. I expected to be married and with kids by now. But going back into the dating game?! I want to look my best! On top of that, both of my parents were relatively young when they died, so I want to get as healthy as I can so I can hopefully make the best of more years than they had.
I still have ~40 pounds that I want to shed, and while I am determined that they will be gone by this time next year, everything about your program seems to be the boost I’m looking for.
My life is going through some radical changes right now, and I would love this opportunity to keep those changes positive!
Joel & Craig,
Thank you so much for getting together and coming up with a science proven
system for keeping off the fat! It is a revolutionary, complete package; backed by research, testing and common sense application. This is cutting edge, nutrition and workout information. Years of study and training, I have never seen it all pulled together in one place like this! I am a 51 year old hard trainer that desires to be fit, lean and muscular. 24/7 Fat Loss offers nutrition, workout, support and documentation – the only thing to loose is pounds of flab!
My husband left after many, many years for a younger, thinner woman, Hoping to make him eat his heart out!!!!
I hope I will b able to try this program so I can lose weight to benifit myself and my family!!!!!
From what I have read so far, this program is based on scientific knowledge. Your list of reviewed literature is sound and it makes sense.
At this point of my life, I think would greatly benefit from it before my weight and health become unmanageable. I look forward to putting in practice what your research and practice recommends. Hopefully I can serve as a living example of what to do and how to eat for those I love.
thank you for the opportunity.
I am 68 yr old woman who has so far had gastric bypass surgery which showed me that I had NASH a liver disease also had total knee replacement. I have been unable to lose any weight since the doctors discovered I had NASH but have only put about 10 lbs on. I weigh about 215 lbs which is what I put back on after going down to 165 lbs., I am willing to try anything if it will help. I know that I do have to watch the combinations of my foods but I would like to get the weight back down to at least 150 lbs so I can continue to take care of my 2 grandchildren and my alzheimer’s husband. Thank you for the opportunity in winning this prize. Who ever get it I wish them the best of luck.
I Really want this becuse i have tried to lose weight several times but i never Works. I want to be Healthy.
Stuck in a building for about 15 hours a day (work), at a desk. I need to make use of every minute, even if I can’t be working out! Especially as I have to pass physical fitness tests every 6 months (also work) (yes I see the irony, not sure my bosses do)!
Hello, I would really like to get my hands on this product. I feel like I’ve tried everything but I am lacking something that’s keeping me away from looking like I am not overweight. I work hard and I eat healthy but something is wrong and I am hoping “24/7 Fat Loss system” might be the solution.
Kind regards,
Halldor M
I have tried so many ‘diets’ in my teen & adult life, some with success but none of them are sustainable. My brother struggles to keep weight on while I would gladly share!! I am sick of ‘diets’ & I want to change my lifestyle but don’t really know where to start. I have been looking for some guidance & I can tell from your updates that this is the system I need to be able to change my life.
I am 51 year old female and continuously battling with my weight for years now. I’ve tried dieting pills but nothing really works for me. I have a problem with metabolism due to my age and medical condition. I want to be healthy with the help of your program as it looks effective and hoping that this time, it will really work…Thank you in advance….
Hi Joel and Craig. I read the “24/7 Fat Loss Report” and have been following you guys ever since. I’ve learned so much this past week from you guys that you’ve made a believer out of me. I sincerely feel that the “24/7 Fat Loss System” is the key to help me reach my goal. From what I’ve gathered so far, it appears to be very thorough and covers all the bases and beyond.
To give a brief background, I’m 35 years old, 5’7 and weight about 190lbs. I was born with congenital hip dysplasia and was actually told as a child that I would not walk pass puberty. I’m grateful that decades later, I’m still walking. Needless to say, maintaining an ideal weight is important in order for me to not place too much pressure on my lower back and hip. However, this has been a real challenge for me, especially in the past few years. I’ve invested in and attempted to follow quite a few programs and they all seem to come short. Some were too advanced in the exercise dept., to the point where I feel that they didn’t take into consideration people who have physical issues and can’t do intensive workouts, while others didn’t offer enough variety (ex. beginner workouts vs. advanced versions). And then there were those that simply fell short when it came to nutritional information.
From what I can see from your articles, free report, etc, you both seem to have taken everything into consideration. I would love the opportunity to be one of your success stories. I’m even willing to track my results online in order to show the effectiveness of your program. So with all that said– please pick me!! Thanks for taking the time to read this. :)
One thing I have discovered in my 77 years is that dieting simply does not work, (for most of us) in fact it is self defeating. I am so impressed by what I have learned and applied on your site, I am sure that if the FAT LOSS 24/7 SYSTEM is as good as what has gone before, it must be good indeed.
My reason is pretty simple, I’m reaching out for help, and support with being healthy, fit and happy. I spend most of my time taking care of others and have let myself suffer the consequences of not planning my meals, workouts and fun time. I know I need a good program that makes sense and is easy to follow and that i don’t have to do alone so I can still nurture those around me and get in the best possible level of fitness for my 50th birthday that I can! At one point it has to be about me right! If I’m inspired, the people around me will be as well, the results from your program are what I want in my life. Feel good be happy everyone out there wanting similar results.
This is valuable information that I will find absolutely necessary towards my training goals and also to help my family achieve their goals as well….thank yo so much for this opportunity…..x
I am a busy mother of 3 (ages 10 to 16) who are all involved in just about everything they can. I have been about 50 pounds overweight since i gave birth to my youngest. I have tried a variety of different programs with minimal results and am so very tired of carrying around half of another person!!! I am looking forward to the day when I will have more energy, feel better, look better, and be a better me for my children and myself. We deserve that!!! Thank you for your help!!!
I am 24 years old looking for a job to begin my career. I am 5′ tall and weigh 130 pounds. I have lost weight before and have been as high as 150 but I seem to put it on no matter what I do especially around my belly, hips and thighs. I go to the gym and I don’t eat junk. I really want to make a good impression on a hiring manager and feel I would look much better and be better received if I lost weight and fit into my clothes better.
While I would love to win this program for myself, i would especially like for my daughter to have it. I try walk 3 miles several days a week (amazing what dogs can do to get you outside for exercise) and do TT as well (not as often as I should). I am still a bit overweight, but not obese. My daughter is working two jobs and is very heavy. She will work out with me on occasion, but not often enough. I am concerned about her health and happiness as any mother would be. Even with working two jobs, there is no way she could afford to purchase this program. I know she will not do anything that does not give results right away. Even if the weight loss is slow, she will stay with something that is effective. I know that TT works and it shows on my waistline. I want something that will work for her as well.
Count me in for a chance to win.
Definitely have fat to lose and keep off.
Hey guys I’m from new Zealand I have been working out for about two years now I’m big but not ripped and I dont really have abs I find it really hard to lose loss fat i have been reading your updates everyday and think wow this is perfect iv learnt a lot from you already and think I can learn alot more I would love to be givin a free 24/7 pack I need your help to further my fitness and body thank you Joel and Craig I hope you give me a free one